The bottom of the Quantum Sea.

Kevin was already in a state of distraction and deep speechlessness at this time.



The indifferent state of mind, which had already been frozen like ice, could not help but appear chaotic and unable to calm down for a long time.

Even if it's been a while.

That guy, what the hell is that guy?

Is it also a human being that has emerged in this era?

How can it be?

Isn't he stuck here for fifteen hundred years?

Could it be that the new era has changed greatly, and the development of civilization has far exceeded one's imagination?

But this shouldn't be!

For the first tens of thousands of years, he accompanied and observed.

From time to time, he has to find a scholar or a wise man to embarrass him.

Oh no.

It is to ask him, birds, why do they fly?


Fifteen hundred years.

It's just that after leaving for such a short period of time, how can that kind of monster not appear?

What the hell is going on?

From the beginning of that lawyer, the other party is fighting for humanity.

As a result, the Law of Void, the Law of Thunder, and the Law of Wind appeared one after another.

This can be very different from the last civilization.

In the past, what they saw was that once they became lawyers, their temperament changed drastically, and they completely became the same thing as the [weapon of human civilization] that was destroyed.

It's as if the original personality is completely gone.

Erased, devoured.

No longer exists.

It is a walking shell, the embodiment and messenger of Crumbling!

There is only one exception.

But now there are lawyers, who are fighting for humanity.

And that's not what left him speechless.

Mainly at that time, a young man with a white-gold long sword, or a sword, appeared, and seemed to be a more powerful figure than the three lawyers.

Higher status, stronger strength.

That's how Kevin judged at first glance.

After all, just the way those people talked, that man was the posture of a 727 deputy master.

Then Kevin talked to him a few words.

It was lightly stabbed by the other party and directly chopped out.

No backhand.

It's like a piece of paper.

He was stupid.


From that attack and the white-gold knife, he felt a trembling sensation all over his body, and his intuition told him that if the other party was a little more serious, he would definitely die.

No doubt.

The other party let himself go.

In today's era, how can there be monsters of this level?!!

Is it an illusion?

Why do you feel that the man is even more terrifying than the end?

Even that feeling only appeared for a moment.

Kevin fell into a long silence.

If his Heavenly Fire Saint Judgment is still there, can he fight?

He was silent.

So Kevin was sunk at the bottom of this quantum sea again, and he was stunned with a world.

And just now.

There is also the spatial transmission of that Kiana Kaslana, the Void Lawyer, no, his descendants, about the ability of the Void Law, it is really good.

It should have been transmitted from the real world to the quantum sea, right?


In today's era, it's up to them to fight Honkai!

Since Kevin's will is very strong, if he can get out of reality at that time, the grown Kiana and them will start a second battle and truly defeat him.

Of course, if it is a little late, maybe it will not be his share.


Their side completely rejected the stigmata plan.

So during this time, let Kevin, the ancestor, stay here honestly, save the wind and rain in the real world, and make a lot of movements.

You don't want to have these worries.

Other than that.

In order to show that she Kiana is still a little filial, she will transmit a bowl of noodles every once in a while.

So at this moment, a bowl of noodles really appeared in front of Kevin.

He was silent.

What a slight spatial fluctuation.

The space power of this descendant is indeed very powerful.

It's just that its own strength is poor.

Once the energy catches up, it's amazing.

It is worthy of being the lawyer of space.

Like him Kevin, it is different, or violent output of happiness, especially the key of destruction made by the core of the Yan Law, the Heavenly Fire Holy Tailor, is the key of the most destructive God!

But Kevin was also speechless.

Am I the kind of person who will easily accept the face of your descendants?

Do you have any misunderstanding about me?

Watching the hot noodles cool rapidly, Kevin fell into deep thought.

It didn't take long.

In this world bubble, there was a sound of noodles.

The real world.

Above the rock god fairy boat in the sky, everyone was here, and Kiana and they first blew a wave of business, and then looked at Su Bai, who was sitting there drinking tea again.

Bud Yi's eyes were still surprised.

The strong enemy that the three of them faced with difficulty, and their sense of oppression once suffocated her.

It's scary.

That Kevin is worthy of being the strongest fusion warrior of the former civilization.

Not in its heyday, it was all so fierce.

What if it is restored?


Then she saw Su Bai slowly walking over, the white-gold divine knife lit up, and the figure that Kevin was directly chopped disappeared, and the space there shattered into a large area, and the visible front was destroyed shockingly.

Ling Nha Yi's mouth opened wide.

And she also heard Kiana's exclamation, you are also too exaggerated, how to take out the salvation knife.

Even Kevin, in his heyday.

It will also be destroyed by the shape and god who will be cut off in one fell swoop.

Not an order of magnitude at all, well.

And you don't need a magic knife, you can be Kevin in an instant, and as a result, you still play like this, and having strength is willful.

Bud Yi's face twitched and understood.

It means that Su Bai released the sea and put it very large.

It's scary.

It turns out that Su Bai is actually so fierce, usually looking at him without showing the mountains, a very friendly look, more often he is smiling and listening to everyone chat, nodding from time to time.

Or assist in positioning, open trials. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Now look at it this way.


No wonder Kiana was so confident, it turned out that Su Bai was here.

At this time, Kiana was still smiling.

"Thank you Su Bai for your shot, it is cool to have a big guy's thigh to hold." Fortunately, there is still a you, don't worry, when Kevin shows up next time, maybe we will kill him indiscriminately. "

"When I continue to develop, well, the recent collapse energy is not enough to suck it. "

"But blowing snow, your wind law has developed very well, obviously it hasn't been a wind law for a long time, and the result has already developed a new powerful move?"

Blowing snow also stretched out a hand, and there was a whirlwind of cyan (cecb) on the palm of his hand.

She muttered.

"Yes, harnessing endless storms and creating ideal fluids, that's exactly what I'm capable of now, so I'm studying fluids, wind is a kind of air flow, so there are wind blades, suspended flight, tornadoes, barometric bombs, storms, fluid perception and so on. "

Huge tornadoes and storms are undoubtedly the characteristics of wind law.

The Storm weapon created can easily wipe out an entire fleet of humanity.

The movement and pressure of air alone can easily affect the global weather system, change the atmospheric environment, and create extreme and natural disasters.

Like ocean currents or something, it's even more, casually join in one hand.

A series of derivative disasters, human civilization is enough disasters, affecting the entire planet.

If the wind law is used well, it is such a disaster.

Sweeping the world.

Set off the continent.

And water is also an approximate ideal fluid thing, wind law can also derive the ability to play with water, can also make magma and volcanic eruptions, the scope of the fluid is too large, set off tsunamis, trigger typhoons and so on.

"Of course, no one should ask, why don't I use my ability to fight Kevin?"

As a result, Kiana blinked her eyes directly curiously, and immediately spoke up.

"So, why don't you hit Kevin with water?"

"Very good, it is worthy of you Kiana, the position of the bar for the mentally handicapped, it is up to you to take it!"


Listening to Kiana's breathless voice, everyone laughed.

Blowing snow also gave her a blank look, Kevin this person is playing with ice, water and magma, there is no point.

His ice can freeze the zeroth-rated power Heavenly Fire out of the sheath in the state of Heavenly Fire Tribulation.

It's okay to eat, so I was deliberately restrained.

Just use the wind and the fluid.

This one is like playing with water to fight Esders.

Frozen into a Muggle yes.

Then Kiana proudly crossed her waist.

"Of course I know this, but seeing no, I have succeeded in making the atmosphere much more lively and joyful, and this is my wisdom." "

"Stupid Kiana, Bronia doesn't think. "

"Oh, that's why you're a stupid duck." "

Su Bai smiled.

Kiana's wise and foolish personality is very interesting, looking at other female Su Bai, her personality and temper belong to a fairly interesting type.

It's wonderful.

And Blowing Snow continues to tell about her abilities.

A lot of times.

There will be a feeling that just relying on the rocker can crack the sky of the weather roll.


It doesn't take much effort.

It can interfere with the overall weather of the earth, affect the flow and circulation, and create typhoons that ravage the plates of various continents.

However, if this were to be replaced by a different bad planet than Earth, it would be a bit uncomfortable.

For example, in the quantum sea.

But there is no environment like the earth, which can easily set off tornadoes and storms on the surface of the planet.

This requires continuing to develop the ability to create ideal fluids.

And there is a wind law, the attack range is particularly large, but for a single strong enemy, the power will be much less.

Like in the game, the group attack range is large, but the damage is relatively low.

So you have to study the bigger moves of Mighter.

Sooner or later, she can also gather great power in one, crisscrossing the stars, invincible, and coercing the world.

While the destruction range is large, it can also pull the attack power up.

Or develop a second posture of god costume and so on.

So the new ace move [Wind God Law God Monarch] that gathered a series of abilities was conceived, and in the idea of blowing snow, it can also condense weapons in the future, roaring the atmosphere, and setting off a lan wind that sweeps the sky and earth!

Release the breath of the stars, cut the wind of the stars, and a series of ideas.

Not too much.

The abilities of the lawyer are constantly being developed, and each of them is excellent.

And now, it is very important to absorb more points of collapse energy into their own energy, and the increase in magnitude itself is also very important, Kiana and they are all sucked up a lot by the blowing snow.


Perhaps for others, it is difficult to cross the end.

But in the eyes of the blowing snow, it is completely a large experience package, you should have more energy, see if we don't make you bald.


It's fun.

It is indeed a very excellent ability, to seize the authority of the lawyer of this world to strengthen itself!

Everyone gets the benefits and raises the ceiling.

What a wonderful world.

There are many lawyers, and it's a beautiful thing to think about.

I'm afraid you won't come out.

And [Wind God Law God Jun] also has a derivative move, that is, the Wind God Law God Army, summoning an entire wind energy humanoid army to fight group battles.


It is easy for the lawyer to gather an army, such as the Broken Beast or something.

Kiana also nodded smugly.

"That's right, my spatial power can also summon an army of energy, and I also beat Destiny before, but you have not absorbed too much Avalanche energy recently, I should also suck more." "。

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