In her eyes, after all.

This female Qianyan Army who will release a bunch of paper dogs is really annoying!

If it weren't for this guy.

How could she and these Liyue people who were confused by their minds be exposed?

It really pulls hatred full.

It upset Ah Jiu!

So he directly rolled her up and ran, so that Xiao Zhan, a girl from the Thousand Rock Army who was good at [Paper Immortal Art], had no way to defend and fainted directly.

Looking at such a sudden situation, the giant spirit immortal was the first to change his face.

"It's not good, Xiao Zhan has been caught, what is this ability?

Bai Shu and their group also hurried to follow.

The Thousand Rock Army in the back divided a group of people to take care of those who had been taken captive, so that they tried to regain their senses.

As for the others.

He followed his captain and chased after him.

It's just that what confuses them is.

Not long after advancing, the road was blocked, with only a wall with a hole in the middle.

Kun Jun's face was surprised.

"Could it be that the black gas came out of this, so this is going back?"

"There's a question with that little girl, what the hell is she? miasma, demon, monster?"

Bai Shu's brows furrowed even more.

"Here, it seems to be going to something bad, and I feel very bad. "

Changsheng also shook his head.

"I don't remember this, it should be that I have never been here in the past. "

But the Thousand Rock Army was eager to save people, with the giant spirit immortal taking the lead, and the hammer opened the wall here, as an immortal who was good at great power, he picked up the weapon and it was a violent collision.

Not to mention a strong punch, you can bang here violently.

Rubble is flying!


It's just got through here.

It's much faster than a few ordinary people digging here.

And everyone's eyes also looked at the deepest part of this cave, where there was a golden seal, which looked very strange and mysterious.

At this time.

A voice of shock suddenly sounded in Kunjun's mind.

"I remembered, this, this is, wait, don't go in!"

However, the giant spirit immortal was the first to rush in, and in a hurry, he also caused the suction force that triggered the seal, sucking all the people in front of him into it.

Everyone flew and completely involuntarily.

Seeing that the group of Thousand Rock Army was also the same.

The rock goblin summoned rows and rows of golden shields, erected them, and turned into a wall firmly blocking here.

Protect them so that these soldiers are not sucked in.

His anxious voice sounded here.

"No, you can still have a pick up if you stay outside!"

"It's not good here, leave it to us first!"

Before he finished speaking, he also disappeared here.

These Qianyan Army were dumbfounded, and they were all anxious.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Why is there a mysterious seal, I have never heard of such a thing. "

"Don't panic, the captain is an immortal, he will definitely be able to save Xiao Zhan, not to mention the white art mentor them, there are rumors that the white snake on his body is also an immortal~!"

"I remember there is a stone tablet outside, let's hurry up and take a look, maybe something is written on it!"

"Also, contact other people and call for support. "


Space under the Frontree.

At this time, several people stood up from the ground, and they were surprised.

"Here it is?"

What appeared in their eyes was a huge cave sky.

Characterized by thick mountain rocks and rock formations, there are golden jade stones growing on the veins on the stones in many places in the distance, which looks like a golden patch.

Huge golden ores in the shape of diamonds and square columns, like gemstones, are rooted here one after another.

It exudes a very strong rock element.

Not only that, but there is also the breath of life, and some green shrubs and vegetation dot here.

The rock goblin was shocked at the first sight.

"Here, it seems to be a bit similar to the mine cave under the stratum abyss, but is the ore a little too much, dense, as if it has been affected by something." "

"That is?"

The gazes of Bai Shu, Immortal, Kunjun, Rock Goblin, and Giant Spirit Immortals all immediately noticed the most central place.

They are standing on a big platform.

And as the line of sight passed, one by one, the rock element creation [rock ridge] stood there, and there were more than seven at a casual glance, and they complemented each other to form a golden closed field.

In the field, there is a behemoth trapped in it.

What kind of creature it was, like a four-legged crocodile dragon, it looked majestic and ancient, its body was like that mountain, and its body was like a rock, as if it had gathered a lot of ore, thus forming a thick layer of armor.

Made of Gengaku!

In many places, there are crystallization of rock elements.

On the head that cannot be ignored, there is a thousand years of steel jade that has condensed into the horn of the dragon king, such a gold-colored long horn, symbolizing its authority and crown in this land.

There is a continuous flow of gold color.

The tail is fused with the dragon tree, as if the crystallized branches have a cold feeling like bone, and they begin to gradually stretch.

At this time, Ah Jiu reappeared.

On the other side of her, the female Qianyan Army was unconscious on the ground.

Ah Jiu smiled proudly.

"Hehe, I know that as long as you bring this person in, you will help dig up there." "

"Got fooled here, right?"

"Then next, witness the awakening of the Dragon King!"

She turned into a force and returned to the body of the behemoth in the rear, and at this moment, the dragon roared, and it flapped the rock ridge that was guarding, shattering it one by one!

The strong impact of the rock spread.

Kick up the dust!

Everyone hurriedly resisted, and the giant spirit immortal also hurriedly brought the female Qianyan army back, and he was surprised to find that Xiao Zhan seemed to be fine?

Soon. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

She also woke up.

Strange, didn't that little girl hurt her?

In fact, Ah Jiucai would not say that just when she wanted to start, those powers disappeared strangely, and a trace of gold flashed, making her scratch her head.

Just leave it alone.

Try to get out of trouble first!

At this time, the dragon let out a roar that resounded throughout the heavens and the earth.

"I am the dragon who shakes the mountains, the king of the rock dragon of the past, the vile Liyue man, come forward now to receive my anger and resentment. "

"That backlog of hatred for thousands of years!"

I don't believe he is dead, wait, wait until I go out, the power of the earth vein will continue to return!"

"King of the Rock Dragon?

Kun Jun was shocked.

However, the mysterious consciousness in his mind was also silent.

"It's the Ruoda Dragon King, the rock dragon who was sealed here by the Rock King Emperor in the past, I remember everything, I am also the Ruoda Dragon King. "

"You are ?!! too"

"Don't worry, I represent the will of the contract, the good idea of peace with people, but now it has completely forgotten this, and I don't remember it at first because I was too weak. "

This one's voice was also urgent.

Originally, it was supposed to go looking for Morax, how did it come back?!

This is troublesome.

If there is no rock god, how can you stop yourself from getting out of trouble?

It's also silly.

And in the face of the impact of the Ruoda Dragon King, the female Thousand Rock Army Xiaozhan released the paper fairy ice lion, but as soon as these ice lions rushed out, all of them were instantly shattered and torn to pieces.

Then came the contempt of the Dragon King.

"~ Hahaha, stupid, small tricks, dare to make it!"

Bai Shu and Changsheng looked at each other.

"Immortal, please, let's fight together. "

"Hmm. "

"Immortal Fivefold Snake Birth Gate!"

One man and one snake began to join forces.

With the casting of the white art, the power of the rich grass element continued to emerge, and then the huge turquoise gate appeared one after another, quickly rising from the ground, and the dust and stones flew around.

On that door, there is a carving of a white snake.

Resist the rock impact of the Dragon King, no matter what, there are everyone behind, and they must not be harmed.

He is a mentor now.

Not to mention.

Hakujutsu is the most good person.

But the Ruoda Dragon King still did not pay attention to it.

"It's useless, a human who is not even an immortal, and a crippled immortal, even if you are connected, how much immortal power can you reproduce?"

"And even if it's an immortal, what about it?"

"Even if I haven't fully recovered yet, I'm still in the seal, and it's not something you can provoke!"

With the help of the contract of the Immortal Medicine Monarch [Immortal Life], Baishu shares its power with it and uses the power of immortals to perform immortal arts.

But soon.

These five grass gates were all smashed.

Bai Shu also sweated on his forehead, gritted his teeth and took out a reagent, and drank it directly, and in an instant, the aura on his body increased again, and Changsheng was also taken aback.

"Enhance your elixir in a short period of time?"

Then he slapped his hand on the ground.

The surging power turned into a large snake of grass, all of which looked huge, like a giant snake, and it roared and tore towards the Dragon King of Ruoda, dividing into seven directions.

"Immortal Seven Serpent Luo Array!"

Immortals also burst out with strength and support.

Now they have made great progress, and they have been able to reproduce the appearance of immortals in this way!

Such a scene stunned Kunjun.

"It turns out that the White Art Teacher is so powerful, just like a snake immortal. "

"The rumors in the academy turned out to be true. It is worthy of hearing that he was specially invited by Lord Su Bai to serve as a tutor in the academy. "

And watching the giant snake and the dragon wrestling, from time to time setting off huge dust and vibration, occasionally the giant snake will be caught by this terrible dragon, thus rudely shredded, but the white art will create another one.

Resonates with other giant snakes.

It seems that the number of seven is critical.

A formation was formed.

The power of the seven snakes reached a kind of cycle, allowing the power to rise, and although it did not seem to be the opponent of the terrible dragon at all, it was easily crushed, but it did stop it.

Achieved such a role!

Kunjun also seemed to hear the voice of consciousness in his head.

"I will use these remaining powers of mine to help you, no matter what, it must not cause a catastrophe!"

At this moment, the fairy snake was blessed.

It seems to have become a lot tougher.

With that property of rock.

Bai Shu was also taken aback, who is this helping himself?.

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