and Liyue Port in my memory are completely two things.

The change was so great that her face twitched.

Time changes, time is like an arrow.

It's really a vicissitudes of the sea.


It seems that it will take me a lot of time to get used to.

Ignorance, capitalized ignorance.

How did Liyue undergo such a drastic change?

I shocked myself so much.

Then it continued, and there were all kinds of exclamations from her.

"Has the pitch-black open sea disappeared, what happened, and the sea beasts are frequent?

"Wow, this is also so delicious, the meat sold now, how is it so great, I almost bit my tongue off." "

"It must be expensive, I'm really sorry to let you spend money." "

"What? This grade of meat is everywhere?"

"What is the dangerous species, the Shenzhou Secret Realm, there are also many cities there, isn't it, how big is Liyue now?"

Looking at the originally mature and rational Radha Dragon King, he has become such a hundred thousand whys.

The Thousand Rock Army also smiled bitterly.

But my heart is full of pride.


Even the Dragon King who can gladiate many demon gods.

Facing the great changes brought about by Lord Su Bai now, he also ended up looking dumbfounded, unable to calm down, and shouting.

Can't calm down, right?

This is exactly the power of Lord Su Bai!

A few days later.

Zhong Li, who was in the tea house, was also lost in thought, and Su Bai had told him about Ruota before, and said that Ruota might come to him first.

Zhong Li also had joy in his heart.

Is this old friend okay?

It is worthy of Su Bai Xiao 24, he can't understand it at all now.

As a result, a few days passed.

What about Jota?

It really confused Zhong Li and was silent.

It can't find itself.


In fact, the Ruoda Dragon King is already happy, now Liyue is too fun, there are too many new things, and I accidentally indulge in it.

As for Morax.

Well, since thousands of years have come over like this.

Then it doesn't matter if that's it.

Could it be that he Morax can still run?

So it's not a big problem.

Then play, then eat, then travel!


That's great!

After a while.

Su Bai was thinking here in Liyue Aerospace Port, and only after a minute ended up slamming the door in a huff, this is their daily unfolding.

This is nothing, in the end, I will continue to study it carefully.

Her personality is that she does not admit defeat, loves to create new things, and is very happy to show off and show.

In the past, immortals were also proud types.

So in the end, it was another quarrel with Liuyun to borrow the wind Zhenjun, and another quarrel with Ah Ping.

It's just that now, I can't argue with myself.

She could only be angry and depressed.

Met the nemesis.

And sometimes Su Bai thoughtfully said, do you still want to think about the second half of the blueprint?

This finalist, presumably you don't want to see the [Wind Bag], that is, your [End-of-Life Bag] is only at the immortal level, right?

She immediately turned green.

Qi's body trembled, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.


Then if Ah Ping is there, she will immediately laugh out loud, and she doesn't mind adding fire and letting her shout angrily.

Abominable, very.

One day, she will finally use the magic technique to hang Su Bai's alchemy!


Before that, by the way, turn Ping over!

Let her dare to be proud?

Guapi Ping!

Thinking of these things, Su Bai also shook his head with a chuckle, which was really much more joyful.

Instead, he picked up the mechanism diagram that he had just left, on which he drew a lot of data and designs, as well as one or two organ creations and auxiliary devices.

"Mechanical birds?"

"In the past, she tried to play and play music automatically with mechanics, but now she has changed a lot, but this point, if used well, is also very good. "

"Using the organ bird to establish express delivery and goods delivery, fast and convenient, automatic flight and delivery of goods, data regulation by Tiandao Terminal and Nuwa, and then planning route management." "

"And in the end, it also takes into account that this small organ bird has limited energy, so in some fixed places, build charging base stations to facilitate resupply and recycling." "

"A very interesting trick, convenient for people's livelihood, well, let her test and put into use here in the Aerospace Port City first." "

After all.

This is the most developed urban agglomeration in Liyue.

New technologies and advanced ideas are constantly being born and proliferated here.

Then it spread to the Liyue Port on the ground.

People living here have the fastest receptivity, and Liyue is also the most suitable for this kind of organ bird, which is very safe.

No one will eat well, destroy and try to steal the belongings of the mechanical bird.


The virtual god Nuwa monitors the whole territory through the Heavenly Dao Terminal.

This is something that no other country can learn.

And the alchemy equipment [Earth Shield] is also considered to be old equipment among the Thousand Rock Army. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Su Bai also launched the upper immortal equipment [Blazing Amber], a shield based on fire and rock, with amazing defensive power, and can also protect comrades in an area.

Attract hate.

Very good equipment.

Well, in the future, you can also let the rock goblin herself build it.

After all, the source is her treasure.

As for the words of the Ruoda Dragon King, she came over some time ago, and liked Xian Zhou at a glance, and after hearing about the development of the Quantum Sea, Ruoda was shocked.

And this kind of thing?

It's too grand, it's so fun.

It's interesting to explode!

Outside the world, other worlds, different civilizations, creatures, ecology, cultures and so on.


Especially after seeing that after returning from their [Jinpeng Immortal Boat], bringing a large amount of ore and various unfamiliar vegetation, as well as a series of other various resources, the eyes of the Ruoda Dragon King lit up.

Looking at those ores, left touch and look.


The Dragon King actually particularly likes ores, which it considers to be earthly things, as crystallization of the earth, after a long period of precipitation, it will be especially comfortable and at ease to stay with these ores.

And it itself is also the creation of elemental crystals.

This is like the dragon loves treasure, in the mythical East Sea Dragon Palace, the dragon king will collect a bunch of treasures, and it is comfortable to watch.

Ruoto, on the other hand, likes to collect ore.

The rarer and more precious it is, the more interesting it is.

Therefore, Ruoda said excitedly at that time that she also wanted to open a fairy boat and go to other worlds to collect resources, especially ore, so she begged Su Bai, the boss, to allow it.

You can explore outside the world, drive a fairy boat, and collect your favorite things.

It's beautiful to think about.

After thinking about it, Su Bai agreed.

And he called one of the rock attribute fairy ships under construction to it, which should have been left to Iwayasha in the future, that is, the heart ape general - Mi Fury.


Let him be at the back of the line.

Therefore, the base gave priority to completing this immortal boat, so the second immortal boat after [Jinpeng Immortal Boat] was officially built, called [Ruotuo] Immortal Boat!

Initially, Ruoda wanted to come to a dragon king fairy boat.

Su Bai shook his head.

This smell is also too strong.

And Ruoda has always walked in the image of Ado, but he played with Lanyuan Yanzhu and them, got acquainted, and in the matter of Xianzhou, these cursed sons also curiously expressed their desire to participate.

One by one, they are ready to move.

Su Bai also agreed.

So this [Ruoda Immortal Boat] of the rock attribute is quite well configured, and it is itself the top demon god Ruoda Dragon King, plus the Thousand Rock Army and a series of cursed sons.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu took the lead as the deputy leader.

However, she was given the power of the third king, the Red King, by Su Bai, and led a group of cursed sons to form a sequence.

She has long been a powerful combat force among the immortals.

Under the superposition of a bunch of members, you can even fight against the Demon God for a while.

Therefore, the personnel composition of their immortal boat is much more luxurious than that of the Wei side.

Ling Su Bai also shook his head and smiled.

It's really 973, a bunch of children play together, so that [Ruoda Xianzhou] will be the most energetic and tossing Xianzhou, I hope they are a little more normal.

And the information that came recently.

They are all intelligence that they have been in several worlds, constantly defeating enemies and broken beasts, and winning all the way.

Dajie, Dajie, Dajie.

A bunch of fighters.

Well, about the contact unit of the fairy boat in the quantum sea, it is time to continue to improve it in the end, this technology is necessary, especially after the number of fairy boats increases in the future.

It is best to be able to do it, the various fairy boats communicate with each other.

And quickly transmit information back to Tivat World Base Camp.

As for Su Bai, he left here after combing through the things here.

【Heavenly Palace Que Immortal Mansion Group Jade Pavilion】

Today's Qunyu Pavilion has obtained Su Bai's new blueprint and construction under the gaze of the last condensation and resentment, and has begun to upgrade and expand, the overall size is several times, and it has the momentum of the Immortal Family Mansion and Liyue Heavenly Power.

And with the Qunyu Pavilion as the center, the other six immortal mansions are also being built.

At that time, a super giant floating palace group will be formed, each with its own private duties, dealing with various things.

After all, today, Ning Guang's subordinates have long been more than the original.

With the rapid development of Liyue, she also needs more manpower to mobilize and manage, and convey a series of orders.

The same goes for the other seven stars.

Tianshu Starry Night Lan is the same with her.

Naturally, the Jade Pavilion of the Immortal Mansion in the center belonged to Ning Guang herself and her cronies, and Ning Guang was continuing to work at this time, and her beautiful body became more and more graceful and alluring.

And her light red eyes looked at Su Bai beside her, a little helpless.

"Husband, I still have to work. "

"It's okay, you yours, I'll mine. If you share some affairs in order to condense light, how can you thank me, well, these things, you can handle them more and more efficiently now. "

"Nuwa and you cooperate very well. "。

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