A bunch of elemental dragons?

Which world's dragon's nest did you dig?

and so on.

Shadow suddenly fell into a full head of question marks.

Since it is a dragon that uses elemental power, it should have more to do with Tivat, right?

It can't be said that other worlds are also seven-element forces.

And this kind of dragon, shouldn't there be only one per element, and then command a series of dependents below, dragon lizards or something.

Just like the rock dragon, wind dragon and grass dragon.


Gotta kick the wind dragon.

It has nothing under it. It's completely a bare light pole commander.

But other dragons are fine.

Under the command of the rock dragon is the rock dragon lizard family, which is a huge number.

Sometimes when you are on the land of Liyue, you can often see young rock dragon lizards rolling there.

The words of the grass dragon, I have heard it before, there are also a lot of elemental life?

That is, more or less there will be dependents.

Even on Inazuma's side, although there is no water dragon and thunder dragon, there is a deep sea dragon lizard.

She still knows this.

As for [Deep Sea Dragon Lizard Ice] and [Deep Sea Dragon Lizard Devouring Thunder].

Strange, right.

It is obviously a dragon system of the water element, and it stands to reason that they are aquatic beasts entrenched in the deep sea.

Apparently a water dragon lizard.

How come there are more categories for [Ice] elements and [Thunder] elements?

In fact, this is exactly the new posture that their abyssal dragon lizard evolved for the sake of social division of labor, and a variety of varieties that master other elements has appeared, and dragon lizards can evolve.

Here is an example.

But this evolution, how to say, has been crooked, deviated from the track and run to other elemental categories.

As a result, the [Deep Sea Dragon Lizard] family is no longer pure.


Therefore, the [Water Dragon] will no longer be born in the [Deep Sea Dragon Lizard] group.

And there is a legend that prophesies something, that is, it represents the new water dragon.

It will definitely be a humanoid gesture that will come to birth.

Like the rock dragon lizard on Liyue's side, it has also grown 220 times in the stratum abyss.

However, they continue to move forward on the road of rock, and they are more and more pure.

It's not the same as a water dragon lizard.

Look at the ancient rock dragon lizard, it is only after reaching that strength and posture that people can absorb the power of various elements, water, fire, ice, and thunder.

But it's mainly rock.

Even the name is still [Guyan], which is already very telling.

Unlike the deep-sea dragon lizard, it directly shakes the foundation at the beginning.

The trunk is crooked.

But whatever one may say.

So if there is a [Water Dragon], then it also has a group of [Deep Sea Dragon Lizard] under its command.

This is characteristic of dragons.

But not a bunch of [Fire Dragons]!

But how to listen to Su Bai's meaning, there will be many fire dragons in the future?

Isn't that right?

Where is there a bunch of heads?

Which one are you doing?

Ying, who already knew little, felt that his brain was messed up at this time, and he couldn't figure it out, so he could only admire Su Bai's mystery and unfathomability.

It's like a mystery.

Let yourself be confused.

But in fact, why do other dragons have a series of dependents, and the wind dragon Twalin does not even have a wind dragon lizard.

In fact, the answer is still Inazuma on the shadow side.

That book "Sun and Moon Ago".

However, this kind of chronicle is taboo, and the shadow has not been seen.

Some things are not allowed to know and know, and the snake (chfh) demon god of the past just knew a little more, so he could only seek death.

And as said above, after the end of the war.

The sea and the endless ocean accepted those who resisted, referring to the dragon lizards.

Especially the deep-sea dragon lizard.

Be able to keep a lot of it.

There are also rock dragon lizards that can also hide underground.

Sky Island didn't care, because the dragon kings of these two races were destroyed.

Ruoda is the Rock Dragon King of the New Age.

As for the rest?

Especially wind dragons and wind dragon lizards.

It's clear.

Rock dragon lizards can burrow and live underground, water dragon lizards can swim and survive in the sea, and wind dragon lizards obviously fly in the sky.

But don't forget that the First Throne came from outside the sky.


In the initial battle, it must be the wind dragon and the dependent wind dragon lizards who bore the brunt of the battle, and they fought first!

And very intense.

They were certainly the first to fight.

After all, it is the realm of the sky.

As a result, later, there was nothing in the sky, only Sky Island kept floating there.

So the wind dragon and its dependents, what happened is probably very straightforward.

They are different from rocks and water dragon lizards.

There is no room to hide.

Overlapping with Sky Island.

In the sky, only one force can exist!

As a result, the wind dragon lizard was completely killed, and I am afraid that they were all extinct early.

This is why in this place of Mond, you can't see a single end.

Even Twalin.

The wind dragon of the high heavens, which was suddenly born very late, was noticed by the wind god Barbatos and guided, so that he lived here as a dependent of the wind god.

At that time, Twalin was ignorant and did not know what he should do.

This is the one that Su Bai said with Zhibao before in the stratum rock abyss.

The truth that elemental creatures are born in places where elemental power is strong.

On the surface of the Strata Abyss, many elemental creatures appeared, some fierce and dangerous, and would be erased by the Thousand Rock Army.

Some will be stayed.

And Tivat's worldview is like this, in the world, nature will give birth to life.

Elemental creatures.

This is true even for dragons.

After the ancient seven kings were attacked by Sky Island in the past, then with the flow of elemental power, a new batch of seven-element dragon kings will be born one after another.

But now.

With Su Bai's actions, he will make the future dragon clans more colorful.

Su Bai's home.

"Come on, come on, come the soup."

At this time, Lisa carried a bowl of soup and placed it on the table with a smile.

Most of the people in the house, except for some who are dealing with affairs and busy outside, are there.

They all sat down one after another.

Ray Movie also looked at Lisa in surprise.

What a strong strength. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It turned out to be a demon god, the demon god of thunder?

This mature and plump woman who looks to be wearing daily home casual clothes and has chestnut hair and green eyes, has exquisite beauty and face, intellectual and beautiful.

As it came, the thin waist swayed like a water snake, with the slender and straight black silk beautiful legs.

It can be said that it is sexy, and it reflects a bit of enchantment.

And after she brought the soup over, she deliberately placed it next to Su Bai, and made a sexy lip-licking motion towards him.

"Little cutie, I've already tasted it, this time it tastes good, woo!"

Under Lei Ying's dumbfounded gaze, Su Bai directly grabbed Lisa and kissed her.


What are you guys doing too, right?

Instead, Rosalyn blushed and reminded softly.

"Well, Sister Lisa don't seduce, there are guests."

Only then did the two let go, and Su Bai patted Lisa funny.

Pick up this witch again in the evening.

After all, she is deliberately provocative when she sees everyone there, Lisa, who has a dark belly and likes to tease people, is sometimes like this.

And Nha Yi also came out of the kitchen with the dishes, and Kiana accompanied her.

This picture just now is the shadow seen here.

The two of them just came over.

After all, the enthusiastic bud Yi also helped Lisa cook, and both of them are big beauties with thunder attributes.

Of course.

Lisa wants to be ripe and flavorful too.

Instead, Ray Movie paid attention to Rosalyn, and then spoke out in confusion.

"Are you? The lady from the fools before? "

Rosalyn smiled awkwardly, pulled the long blonde hair behind her ear, and then responded respectfully.

"Yes, it's me. Lord Raiden General, it has been a long time since the last encounter. "

For Rosalind, it was really embarrassing.

Because before.

In Inazuma is Raiden General dealing with a series of affairs and finding the Evil Eye Factory.

Rosalyn was almost slashed to death by the general.

It was Su Bai who saved her.

So Rosalyn has been living in Su Bai's house, until now, she has seen this god of thunder and lightning again.

Ray Movie is also embarrassing.

"Last time, I apologize for the general, I know all the information, you yourself were transferred from behind, and the site of the Evil Eye Factory was also found by that puppet."

"Even the evil eye was researched by that doctor and is improving."

"You have been dissuading and making your subordinates converge."

Seeing that this Inazuma's Narugami actually apologized, Rosalind's eyes widened and she quickly waved her hand.

A little frightened.

"It's okay, at least I'm fine now, if you misunderstand, just let it pass."

After all, Rosalind here has always been a very gentle big sister.

Very soft.

And Yingdu almost didn't recognize it, and his temperament and dress changed a lot.

So quickly.

The two of them also laughed.

It seems that this is also a harmonious relationship, and there is no bad atmosphere and contradiction because of past events.

After all, the evil eye was invented by the Doctor.

Rosalind didn't study this thing, her research was either five hundred years ago or here in Su Bai.

Anyway, when the fools are crowded.

Just as a cold and ruthless executive.

At that time, the skirmishers planned to run, but she stayed behind to take over the command position, and she also panicked.

It is true that Su Bai has influenced her a lot.

And when Rosalyn was a lady, she didn't interfere in Inazuma's affairs, so she was also angry with the skirmishers.

But then the guy died.

Rosalyn also said that this idiot colleague is finally gone and deserves it.

What every day this betrayal that betrayal, almost gained.

Of course, you can't call a colleague anymore.

After all, she is no longer among the fools now, so when she mentioned what was the relationship between her and Su Bai, Rosalyn was embarrassed again.

Who would have thought.

The lady in the past is now Su Bai's girlfriend.

This twist is really a big change.

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