Can't you always say, I Ray movie special?

Are you Su Bai also special?

According to common sense, the combat power of the new god of the grass god can be regarded as normal.

It's just not very strong.

Not to mention the comparison with her, a row of small grass gods.

It's as simple as cutting fruit.

Very relaxed, effortless kind.

Nassida: ???

Are you polite.

So Yinghe General couldn't understand at all why Liyue's second-generation rock god was such a perverted character.


The earth-shaking changes brought by the other party to Liyue are also obvious to her.

It's terrible.

New resources, countless novelties, ores, meat, food, trees, dangerous species, alchemical items with all kinds of wonderful functions.

A series of imaginative creations and so on.

Each time it was passed down to Inazuma, and it was carried down from the cargo ship to Inazuma's port after circulation.

There will always be a huge sensation.

People rushed to buy and shouted loud prices.

In the eyes of many.

The ancient country of rock, again and again, set off huge waves, impacting the other seven kingdoms on earth.

It brings great change to every kingdom, affecting every part of life from top to bottom.

Liyue, it is so mysterious.

As the center of the world!

Absolutely unique.

As one of the Seven Kingdoms, it is vaguely so detached that it is tacitly not to be side by side with other countries.

For the top of the pyramid!

So as to lead the change in the world!

It is the most dazzling and dazzling behemoth 27 things standing on this continent of Tivat!

Such an incredible country, she thundered the movie and became friends with the ruler of this country.

And because of the fate of the dust king and the thunder and lightning truth, the shadow rushed to Liyue.

Just to verify the hope and the light that exists.

As a result, Su Bai's joke instantly made her stuck.

It probably means - saying that she hasn't come for so long, it won't be because of something to go to the Three Treasures Hall, which means that she doesn't regard Su Bai as a friend at all, and she ignores and forgets it on weekdays.

Not paying attention and caring at all.

Hearing this, he was instantly panicked and ashamed.


Later, at his invitation, he visited the famous Tivat heavenly city cluster, the wonder [Liyue Sky Port]!

Many, many things happen.

also endured a lot of Su Bai's kindness and favors, which made Lei Movie more and more panicked, and gradually, she couldn't afford to pay it back.


She really has nothing to pay back.

Su Bai, please, don't be so nice to me.

Her feelings for Su Bai are complicated.

And vaguely guessed what he meant.

At that moment, Shadow panicked.

Encounters with him, get along with him, many human feelings, mood moved, and often laughed with Su Bai for a while, paraded the streets to enjoy flowers, and constantly left traces in Ying's heart.


Shadow bit his lip and trembled.

"Su, Su Bai, come on."

She made this decision, and turned to look at him, watching Su Bai slowly approaching, Lei Ying's eyes were also full of shame, more and more shy, and they were about to go crazy.

The heart beats so fast.

What it feels like.

Himself, did he also like Su Bai?

Such a big reaction?

But the more she looked at Su Bai coming over, the more she blushed and panicked, wait, wait, and then let me slow.

I think I'll need a while.


At the moment when Su Bai was about to kiss, the shy shadow subconsciously fled.

Let the general, who was originally unable to look at in the pure land, originally closed his eyes, and suddenly she was shocked.

Find out how did you come out?

What a situation!


Wait a minute!

What appeared in front of him was Su Bai's face.

She was actually outside, holding this body!

The general reacted immediately, and the seven tips of anger and the urge to kill were there.


"Ray Movie!! I...... Whining! "

At this moment, her eyes widened.

I couldn't speak anymore.

It is difficult to describe what the general's thoughts and emotions are at this time.

Never expected.

What should have been Ray's movie was that her own gluttony led to a change in her lips. It turned into such a big sausage.

Unable to participate in the appearance of the ceremony on Inazuma's side.

How does this deal with Inazuma's people?

Thereby. She needs to be kissed by Su Bai.

Otherwise, it will not be possible to restore the original state in a short period of time.

And the general has always been in a pure land, this is none of her business.

Although she was also speechless, what else could she do.

All decisions are naturally made by the shadows themselves.

At all costs.

Choose respect yourself.

That's what she thought.

It is also her choice.

But what is the situation now!!

Ray Movie! You bastard!

I'm going to hack you to death with a beak knife!

Ten thousand times is not enough!

At that last moment, the guy actually ran away and pulled himself out as a replacement.

As a doll and shadow.

Both of them have the ability to interfere and influence each other, mainly because the power of the shadow is larger, and they can modify and turn off some functions.

So at this time, it turned out to be her Raiden General to face Su Bai?

This time, the general was completely caught off guard by the shadow.

And in addition to being furious, what she needed to care about and bear the brunt of was Su Bai who kissed her.

The general hurriedly tried to pull away.

"Wait... Wait a minute, I, I'm not... I'm the general."

She explained with the help of the short gap, trying to get rid of the kiss that made her brain blank.

"You're wrong: Whining. "

As a result, Su Bai pressed her lips tightly again, the general was going crazy, and she instantly burst out of her own power.

With this power, it is enough to easily destroy this place.

As a result, it was pressed down by Su Bai in the next moment, and the terrifying power flashed, and all the general's power was reversed and directly sealed.

This made her eyes show a strong look of shock.

What, what?

What a terrifying force is that?

As if he was so small and insignificant, it was not worth mentioning at all.

It's like a mayfly facing a vast world.

I feel that as long as Su Bai is willing, he will be turned into dust in an instant.

She was scared silly.

This is a terrifying force that has never been seen before.

Su Bai was so terrifying, when he faced it, was it far from the tip of the iceberg of his strength?

How so?

The general was .jpg shocked like never before


Until after a while, I felt the feeling coming from my mouth, and my hands were grabbed by Su Bai, and I couldn't struggle at all.

It was only then that she once again reacted and understood her current situation.


A series of emotions such as grievances, discomfort, and incomprehensibility appeared in the general's eyes.

Why, why me?

Shouldn't it be a shadow.

That guy always uses himself to block the knife at every turn.

Although I also know that I do this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But this time it was really excessive!

Even this kind of thing, let her come?

The general really wanted to pinch Lei Movie by the neck and make her roll her eyes angrily.

And Su Bai!

Didn't you just say that I'm also your friend?

Why would you do this to me?

Listen to me!

Why don't you let General Ben finish speaking, I'm not a shadow!

The general wanted to run back.

As a result, Ying hid in the Pure Land of One Heart, stuck in this position, and couldn't go back at all!

Gradually, the general's beautiful eyes were extremely aggrieved.

She is a haughty personality, an iceberg beauty.

This doomed her not to show more emotions.

But this kind of grievance has been haunting her, and at this time she also heard Su Bai's voice.

"I know you're a general, but these ten minutes must pass."

"Or can you get her out?"

The general's eyes became helpless and stopped moving.

After the long time finally passed, after Su Bai left and his lips really returned to their original appearance, Ying was overjoyed, and as a result, he was caught by the general at this time.

The roars and roars that resounded through the Pure Land roared here.

"Ray Movie! You get me out! "

The next moment, the shadow was kicked out.

This made her also panic, knowing that the general was really angry at this time, she quickly explained and comforted.

But the general has not said a word since he returned to Yixinjing 360 soil.

Completely autistic.

No more responding to shadows.

Shadow also got sad, I, I really didn't mean to.

It's too shy to subconsciously.

As a result, at this time, Su Bai also patted her shoulder and sighed seriously.

"Shadow, it's all your fault this time."

Ray Films: ???

She suddenly became stupid.

What the heck.

Obviously you kissed the general for so long, let her be like this.

Why do you make Su Bai seem to have no mistake at all.

The generals are all autistic.

"Confused? But if you think about it, the release of this sausage mouth must be ten minutes, so I have to touch it. "

"And the appearance of the general, I also found out later, but I didn't stop, why do you think?"


Ray Movie was puzzled.


As a result, she got this evaluation from Su Bai, and Ling Ying also whimpered.

I'm not.

"Because if you realize that it is a general and ask for a replacement, isn't it disgusting her, they have already kissed her."

"I don't want the general to think that she is inferior to you, and she is inferior to you."

In fact, both of them are equal.

In Su Bai's eyes, it was all the same.

Generals need not feel lonely about this.

And what Su Bai said to the general just now was, I know it's you, but can you change people, if you can change, I can stop.

The general was well aware of the situation at that time.

Chose closed his eyes helplessly.

Because the shadow is hiding in a pure land, everything in the outside world is carried by her Raiden General at this time.

She will carry, she will bear!

"So, the general is actually a very great goddess, and I admire her and give her respect."

"So kiss her very tenderly, and you replaced her."

"So. Shadow, you are naturally responsible for coaxing her back. "

"Because this is the situation caused by your withdrawal."



I can't even refute this crooked reasoning of yours!.

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