The overall color scheme is mainly black, gold, plus some white.

The difference between this kind of doll and person is still obvious.

It looks quite weird.

They're talking about it right now.

"Damn, what is the situation, why did those Valkyries of Destiny discover our actions, obviously so secretive, completely seamless."

"Yes, and we also specially avoided the forces and personnel of the Mandate of Heaven, and specifically selected the areas and cities where people without them were haunted."

"What the hell, it didn't take long for Ming to start exercising the plan."

The puppeteers are depressed.

How was this discovered?


Are your eyes open?

Even the accidents that normally occur every day must be checked and carefully studied one by one?


What a huge amount of engineering and data this is, it can't be done at all.

Obviously, at the beginning they were very proud.

As a result, I was dumbfounded.

Why can we tell that they did it and realize the appearance of the lawyer?

Specifically looking for the door?

Obviously, they were low-key like this, and they didn't give out any broken dolls and performance tickets.

Crime Trailer?

Only fools do it.

It is perfectly integrated into society.

There is action.

Suddenly, the Valkyries got into action and came up with equipment specifically for them.

"Damn, and one of the companions was defeated in the first place, so they recycled it, it seems that through that, they researched an item that is convenient to find us?"

"What level of technology is this, even this kind of thing can be done?"

Obviously, in order to avoid Kiana, the Void Lawyer, and prevent her from discovering this alien space, they can be cautious.

As a result, on the side of the Mandate of Heaven, it is not so simple?

"It's a mirror! That thing seems to be able to detect a range of traces, such as our faint collapse energy. "

"Huh? But we use dolls to carry the core, which is difficult to find, can it still be like this? "

Like the thousand-person lawyers, they directly integrated the core into the human body and forcibly created pseudo-laws to cause all kinds of destruction.

That one is too obvious.

Their means are a little more clever.

During the previous period, no one found out.

This also proves that Honkai will change with the times, and thus also change.

"Don't panic, the Avalanche Energy Trace will disappear over time, as will the Spatial Trace, and then they won't find us."

"You mean let's hide here and don't move?"

Many of the lawyer puppets became dissatisfied.

Where is there such.

The plan has not yet been carried out to a large extent, and the middle road collapses directly?

And it's been here, suffocating to death.

If found.

Isn't that a turtle caught in an urn?

Just fell for the other party's scheme?

Served by a pot!

Some puppets said that they should carry out the placement of companions, fight guerrilla warfare with them, one will take them back, the other will release them, anyway, the other party has already detected their existence.

"That is, and those arrogant Valkyries should also teach them a lesson."

"Directly use the space gap, pull into our dominant theater, and destroy it!"

"You are crazy, what if you attract the Law of Voidness, won't you show the way?"

"Then what do you say, you know that you are so cowardly, anyway, it's a big deal to break the net and fight with them."

"What about that kind of technology, we can destroy at the same time, and finally we can cause great damage to society, and then they are destined to be bleak and accept the blame hahaha."

With the gradual pressure, the Thousand Men Law Maker is as Kiana expected.

I really thought of this method.

For Kiana.

I am not afraid that you will gather in this theater of domination.

I'm going to get you scattered and run out.

At that time, the core collection will take most of the day, or it will be taken away by others.

It also causes destruction around the world.

Moreover, they are chaotic at this time, talking about it, and each has seen it, like a group of rabble, and indeed a group of rabble.

"Silence! Quiet! "

The puppeteer in the center of the courtroom raised his hammer and smashed it a few times.

The chaotic place has once again returned to quiet.

"Listen to me, since this is the case, we should also strengthen our combat effectiveness, we are the lawyer of a thousand people, but at the same time we are the lawyer of domination."

"An attempt should be made to seize the power of other lawyers."

"Huh? Are you kidding, Kiana and that lightning bud are as strong as monsters, and they eliminate the Honkai beasts everywhere, and you don't know it. "

Seize the power of others?


100% counter-killed.

There is no second possibility.

And their way of seizure is actually seizing the right to use, which is equivalent to other lawyers, the essence of the power is still there, but they take it and use it.

And it's very comfortable.

The cost of using power is borne by the lawyer.

But once you encounter a lawyer who is stronger than them, it will be finished, this ability will be invalid, not only will it be difficult to use, but it will also be eaten back.

Isn't this purely a chance for the enemy?

Especially those two traitors, who have been absorbing Avalanche energy everywhere, and their strength is outrageous, and these thousand-person lawmakers can't help each other.

At best, disgusting and disgusting.

However, the vocal puppeteer laughed proudly.

"It's okay, our target, can be set to that Bronia, the first lawyer, the original traitor."

"She is different from other lawyers, and she needs to master it slowly."

"Rob her!"

"Poofhahaha." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Suddenly, an irrepressible laugh sounded here, and Kiana opened up the space here and descended here.

Majestic and proud.

It's just that she is covering her stomach now, and she really doesn't hold it.

"Laugh me to death. What is it called picking soft persimmons and pinching, duck duck. "

Next to her, there was also the Thunder Law Bud Yi, and Bronia, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

She heard all these words just now!!

"Bronia was angry and the consequences were serious."


She unleashed the power of the Law of Reason, created a floating cannon, and the laser fire was fully fired!


Amazing explosions and terrifying roars exploded here.

Fires are pouring out here.

It also caused the horror and disbelief of these people who were the law of a thousand people.

"Whatever, the enemy ran in."

"Not good, get out of here!"

Exclaiming, they immediately activated the power of space.

Except for those who were hit by Bronia, most of them appeared in other places through the power of dominating the theater, or ran directly outside.

The ability of this alien space is so easy to use.

They can change it over and over again.

Only this puppet lawyer on the middle high platform looked at the lawyer core in Kiana's hand.

"So that's the case, is it because of this, but since you can find us through this, why don't you act earlier."

"Kiana, are you sitting and watching the life and death of those people, directly ignoring it?"

At this time, the head of the puppet will rotate 360 degrees because of speech.

It looks weird.

Kiana's hands are one of the cores of the Law of a Thousand People.

Even these puppets in reality need a beacon to open the entrance to the theater of reality and domination, otherwise they can only stare at it.

That's right.

This beacon is the core of the lawyer.

As Kiana today, she has been studying space and smiled proudly.

"Please, that's of course, if you keep hiding in a different space, then I can't help it, but you keep coming in and out, isn't this an obvious opportunity?"

"I studied your core and tried to simulate coming to your domination theater in the same way."

"As for not acting before, I was just worried that your dog jumped off the wall and ran outside, which is more harmful."

"So there is no need to be yin and yang weird, the moment I notice you, I will start to think of a way."

"And now, aren't the Valkyries outside stopping and eliminating those guys who were originally active outside."

This thousand-man law is difficult to understand.

"But now, they can still run out, which will cause a series of damage immediately, isn't it all your Kiana's responsibility?"

But if she didn't call in so quickly.

It won't force everyone like this.

No one wants such a scene.

The initiator, it was she Kiana who caused this situation.

Just relying on those Valkyries outside, what about (Nuo Qian Zhao)?

Not to go elsewhere.

The puppeteer laughed sarcastically and sinisterly.

"Those casualties will all be because of you, remember this, talk about fighting for humanity, and in the end, don't you protect nothing?"

Bronia and Bud Yi have already hunted down the other Thousand Laws.

Instead, Kiana had a surprised expression on her face.

"What do you say, you are villains, the harm you have caused, I will remove it, everyone should thank me."

"That's the right logic."

"So, do you think this moral kidnapping works for me, and are you sure they can really get out?"


Looking at Kiana's appearance of not entering, it was very annoyed.

But for this remark, the puppeteer was amazed.

What do you mean?

The next moment, those Thousand Laws who ran out just now all came back at the same time!



It screamed incredulously, and its body trembled.

"Void Lawyer, what the hell have you done? Obviously, by dominating the alien space of the theater, they have traveled all over the world! "

"We won't be stupid enough to think that a group of us will beat you and the Thunder Lawyer."

"But you clearly didn't do anything, did you?"

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