And what about the real monarch of Lishui Dieshan, who is in the posture of the crane?

What it wants to refine is an immortal floating dust magic weapon that matches itself, which is the gradient color of gold and red.

Rocky floating dust.

Ah Ping is refining the fairy qin, but in the end, she has been fiddling with her floating cannon.

They all have their own ideas.

It's fun.

Instead, watching the Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun go back, Ah Ping, who was playing the piano at a high place, was surprised for a moment, and didn't care anymore.

She ended strangely.

After losing himself several times before, he had an unwilling expression of death.

That little expression.

Laughed at himself.

Resentment, belly slander, jumping feet, shortness of breath.

After all, it is a girl in the end, and her expression after losing is very cute.

Especially the feeling that he is obviously very unconvinced, and on the surface, he can only pout and admit defeat.

Let Ah Ping feel like drinking three large bowls of tea in the summer to quench her thirst, and her heart is refreshed.

There was a smile in his eyes.


The life of fighting back and forth, competing music, talking and having fun, is still so happy.

This is much more interesting and joyful than the days of retirement in Liyue Port.

It's just that it ended up recently, and it was also very frank after losing.

Calmly got up.

A look that is indeed your Ping is powerful, I will continue to work hard.


Could it be that after such a few blows, he finally sank his heart and began to study hard, ignoring such victories and defeats at all?

Or did it go back to that way a few days later?

It's not impossible.

So Ah Ping was puzzled at most, and didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, in the end, the recent progress has indeed been very fast.

Her musical attainments actually caught up, and even Ah Ping began to feel very pressured.

Not good!

I have to work hard myself.

Otherwise, you may have to lose.

At the beginning, I did play and study music in the world, compose the piano art, and compose the piano score that combines the end and her, which was greatly improved, and made up that satisfactory tune.

Just, a song of Yaoqin who listens with.

After all, the soulmate is no more.

So after playing it once, I never played it much again.

Rarely play that again.

Because it is easy to touch the sadness and recall the past.

She didn't continue to play the piano much later, so if you look back, the level has not improved much.

On the contrary, I have been studying since I came back.

One trade-off.

It is also natural that they will be caught up.

So Ah Ping is also gratified, worthy of you, in the end, it seems that I have to continue, you must know that in the past time, my level has even regressed.

Wait for me to get it back!

It's just that what Ah Ping doesn't know is that she ended this day's practice in her own cave at this time.

Then a small golden kamikaze floated out of her mouth.

See this.

In the end, the corners of his mouth opened up, and he couldn't stop rising and couldn't help laughing.

"No, I have to endure, I can't be proud, I have to continue to endure'!"

"This Demon God-level elemental martial arts [Samadhi Divine Wind] is really suitable for me, I didn't expect me to practice, it is very smooth and convenient, and it fits perfectly."

"Hee-hee, Ping, you wait for me! When my divine wind is completed, the power can cover the sky! When the time comes, I will win. "

"I'm really looking forward to your expression at that time, hahahaha."

After all, I didn't hold back, but in the end, I still laughed cutely and maniacally.

As a result, this kamikaze almost overflowed, frightening her little face white, and quickly sent it back to her mouth to continue cultivating.

Feeling that the kamikaze in her body was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so risky, just practiced, it's still very fragile. I have to stabilize my mind and endure again! "

"Unexpectedly, in order to keep a low profile and confuse you, I recently gave up the development of the mechanical floating cannon, and originally planned to cultivate it very wisely."

Instead, she spends most of her time polishing her piano and her daily work.

Things need to be in order.

She knew it.

So after that, there was a smug laugh in the cave sky again.

"Hahaha, Ah Ping, I won you!"

"Wind bag + the power of kamikaze, what do you take to win me? This is a demon god-level martial art, and the immortal treasure is useless! "

In the end, it began to float again.

After this.

Another place.

At this time, Fu Hua sweated profusely, and Su Bai was standing here, looking dusty and unaffected.

He also praised it.

"Yes, Fu Hua, your Tai Void Sword Qi has improved again, it is worthy of you."

"In terms of martial arts, you are very talented, and the long time you have experienced is your wealth and precipitation."

Fu Hua was silent.

You boast.

Compared with a long time, isn't it obviously more obvious that you, a young strong man, are more perverted?

I can't beat you in 50,000 years of strength!"

Young is excessive, but the strength is also strong and excessive.

And speaking of the precipitation of this time, Fu Hua smiled bitterly.

"Actually, I have forgotten a lot, and many memories have been burned, and there are many people who are important to me who can no longer remember."

"Vacant precipitation, is this still a precipitation?"

"But you, Su Bai, heard Kiana say that your rock god has a good memory? This was the case with the previous one, and will it be the same in the future? "

"Of course." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Su Bai raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"The so-called memory is such an inconvenient thing, even if I live for a long time, I can recall the past, unless I deliberately did it."

"And I have also studied abilities such as memory storage and expansion before, and I can even artificially change the memory capacity and arrangement through acquired cultivation."

Humans can cultivate, and the brain can naturally keep up with it.

Even the divine brain.

And according to the inspiration of other worlds, it is okay to cultivate the brain into the library of the earth, all the information of the 4.5 billion years of ancient years, good and bad, messy, meaningless.

It can be accommodated anyway.

After that, it's like flipping through a book, you remember a little vaguely, just flip through the library in your head.

The memory is impressive again.

However, You Bean asked curiously before, but learned that it was possible that because she was on the way to cultivation, because there was too much foreign information, she washed into a fool, and she gave up with a pale face.


This exercise is more suitable for people who have lived for a long time.

They have already gone through a long time, it is their own life and experience, and if they are sorted and gathered into books, they can be directly placed in the brain library.

It doesn't take much capacity.

Also safe and very.

No side effects and dangers.

It is normal to become stronger, the brain evolved, and there is no need to use this exercise.

Unless it's today, forget tomorrow, seven seconds of memory or something.

Therefore, Su Bai had long thrown away that thing, and it was of little use, but it seemed quite suitable for Fu Hua.

She lost a little memory.

"Library of the Earth?"

Fu Hua lost his voice in shock.

That's too perverted, right?

Can this kind of thing really be done, and the human memory capacity can be expanded so perverted?

Because what Su Bai said is to write down all the memories of the earth, all, the key is to write them all down.

This means that if a god who lives a long life, subjectively uses herself as her subject, and has spent a long time in the universe, will not have so much memory.

One is the group, all.

One is a monomer.

Who eats is fine, remember so much.

And Su Bai just nodded casually.

"Of course you can do it, and in order to be safer, you can actually make external memory containers, super-large star weapons, I even thought of a name in the past."

"It's called the Well of the Earth."

"Or if the body is painful and the machinery is soaring, then it is natural to create a planetary fortress-level memory bank, and even expand more, right?"

"So it's nothing."

Fu Hua:.......

Your relaxed tone is terrible.

Once again.

She realized how powerful the man in front of her really was.

Su Bai didn't care about this, who still has such a poor memory.

Unnecessary stuff.

It is not the body of God, the brain, hardware and drivers of primitive people are seriously not compatible or anything.

Instead, think back to the Fu Hua in front of you.

She's quite suitable for this.

Because the past fusion factor experiment not only worked on Fu Hua's flesh, but also her brain.

Brain cells have the ability to continuously activate, and memories will swell and remain eternal.

A grass and a tree, the large amount of garbage useless information seen every day, will be like an inflated sponge.

(Nohao) squeeze Fu Hua's brain.

After a long time, it is very painful.

So she also got another God Key [Hado Dust], which can also be called the Key of Consciousness.

Useless spam, or unimportant, can be thrown into the feathers.

That is, cut.

This makes Fuhua a lot easier.

This complete memory ability made Su Bai smile dumbly, and he had the feeling of dreaming back to the catalog of magical forbidden books.

That [Intix] memorized 103,000 books of the Magic Dao.

Say what to remember this, has used up 85% of brain volume.

The brain is also oppressed and squeezed.

The remaining 15% of the area can only record the amount of memory for one year, and then every time the year is approaching, she has to erase her memory.

Pretty engaging.

15 areas, how can it be remembered only a year.

This theory is completely deceived by them.

And the brain is subregional, the magic path book is stored in the [meaning memory area], and the words of recall are in the [experience memory area].

It is impossible to be squeezed.

What sword of the previous dynasty, beheading the officials of the present dynasty?

Brains explode or something, pure nonsense.

But if Fu Hua is like this, she is more serious.

Because she lived longer and remembered more.

More than 50,000 years of memory, normal memory is okay, but she will swell this stalk.

Remember a bunch of spam.

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