Because she found herself directly becoming the Fu Hua in this memory.

He wears a costume of Danmo and Yunqing, with a green tie around his waist and black and white in the rest.

There is also a jade hairpin inserted on the head.

There is a jade ring on the left ear.

In many decorations and other places on the body, there are patterns of auspicious clouds and yin and yang taiji, or jade and the like.

It seems to be an antique fairy beauty.

It has the flavor of ancient Shenzhou.

That's right.

The memory of her is gone, and now she is the subject, where the story continues.

Before she could ask Xiang Su Bai.

The small Book of Cangxuan floated on a sphere.

She is a cute little girl, very similar to Cang Xuan, who has always taken care of Fu Hua.

What does this look like?


He is also a flying creature.

It's just that here is the Book of Cangxuan who broke his heart to prepare Fu Hua for all kinds of life and daily life.

Paimon, on the other hand, is completely raising her.

Key Paimon is also particularly edible.

The situation is reversed.

At this time, Cang Xuanzhishu was still looking at Fu Hua.

"Elm... Ahem, immortals, is there anything else to eat in our temple, starvation, is there not much food purchased by "663" last time? "

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment.

You just wanted to call me Elm Head, right?

However, this memory was recalled by her, and Fu Hua's eyes were only soft and nostalgic, how could she account for this kind of thing.

"Xiaoxuan, see you for a long time."

"More than a thousand years have passed."

Time is really cruel and long, sometimes seeing Liyue like thousands of years, you will feel that a thousand years is very short.

But look at history.

It is enough for the Tang Dynasty to this period.

It's just that as Fu Hua said this, Cangxuanzhishu did not reply to her, but stopped, which made Fu Hua stunned.

Su Bai also just whispered.

"This is what I want to remind you, after all, this is just a memory, an aftersound of your memory, not the real them."

"So you can't talk to them freely, you just have to follow history."

"For example, if you say something in this time period, just say it again, the meaning is similar, and the development of the story can continue again."

Fu Hua understood.

And this memory, she also remembered a lot.

Therefore, she could only look at the Book of Cangxuan again, silently put back the emotions in her heart, and after a thousand years of narration and encounter, she could not say it after all.

Fu Hua can only try to answer based on memory.

"No, that's just some hungry food, yes, and some dry food?"

This is not at all like the original answer, but it is indeed the same subject.

Indicates no.

So under Fu Hua's surprised gaze, the Book of Cangxuan magically moved again, and she sighed faintly.

"Dry food, dry food again. Immortal, immortal, how can I say hello. "

"I miss my big meat buns, horseshoe cakes, sugar gourds, woo-woo, what else is coming?"

She began to count the various delicacies in one meal.

It made Fu Hua feel very wonderful.

It's like not following the original answer, but it turns out to be another conversation.

And these words are indeed what Xiao Xuan will say.

Yes, because of Su Bai?

So she tried again.

"Now the time seems to be almost Chinese New Year's Eve, if we go down the mountain now, we will have time to rush to the town and go together, right?"

"Remember your favorite meat buns there."

"And maybe there are still beasts in trouble, they are going to go, and it is not impossible to go early in advance."

Fu Hua began to make her personal changes and well-informed.

Her growth also continues.

This also made Cang Xuanzhishu's eyes widen.

"Wow, aren't you taken away by the demon, it's not like the words that Elm's head will say, where is this a little ahead, obviously there is still a long time, right?"

"Well, could it be that you changed your mouth so that I could eat meat buns?"

"Immortal, you really make me look at each other! Hee-hee. "

Fu Hua also smiled, but there was bitterness in her eyes.

That's not what she said in the past.

Next developments.

It should be that she continues to meditate here, leaving Cangxuan Zhishu alone in the house, wandering everywhere outside, lonely.

After that, I went down the mountain.

This time.

She wanted to accompany Cangxuanzhishu more.

Su Bai said okay, do you want to follow history?

As if understanding her doubts, Su Bai smiled slightly.

"As the so-called Heavenly Dao operates, big things are irreversible, but small things can still be adjusted."

"It's just that I think you also understand that the memories you record and save are the original memories, not this one, after all, this is just wishful thinking and dream bubbles, which will be shattered when touched."

"It's just that to you unilaterally, the Book of Cangxuan in history, will not experience this."

"I understand."

Fu Hua looked at the Book of Cangxuan, and then gently hugged her.

Xiao Xuan was surprised for a while.

"Immortal, what are you doing today?"

"Fever? No, you're a fusion warrior. "

Fu Hua didn't care about this, but still felt the existence of the Book of Cangxuan.

Even if it's a dream.

Recall it, right.

The two of them were a puppet and chose to go down the mountain.

It's just that Fu Hua gradually understood more and more what Su Bai meant before, going to the town is the main history, is the main line, once you try to talk about something that is not there, or go somewhere else. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Book of Cangxuan will stop.

History will also be stuck here.

To talk about some things within the scope of the subject, such as discussing which food in the town is delicious, she will react and answer.

But when it comes to modern fast food and new products, Xiaoxuan can't respond.


Just a shadow of the past.

But Fu Hua was still in a much better mood and began to gradually have color.

After all, this can also touch yourself to recall the past, anyway, you have to experience, so isn't it better to do this?

Bustling town.

It's bustling everywhere, full of people and traffic.

Pedestrians come and go talk to vendors, buy goods, add New Year goods, and prepare for the Chinese New Year to come.

Transportation in ancient times was underdeveloped.

So people prepared earlier, plus this time it was a rally, and it became more noisy.

In the restaurant in the distance, there are also poets and guests, where they toast and drink, and bursts of laughter sound, it seems that Guotai and Minan, a scene of prosperity and development...

"Shangxian, come, please eat meat buns."

The happy dead Cang Xuan Zhishu revealed a cute little face, and she came over with a bunch of meat buns in her hand, shaking, feeling that it was going to fall out in the next second.

Fu Hua was worried.

"Be careful."

After picking it up for her, Fu Hua also took out a few and handed them to Su Bai.

Then the Book of Cangxuan ran to buy horseshoe cakes again.

Ling Fu Hua was dumbfounded.

This little guy.

Look makes her happy.

Fu Hua also ate a bite of the meat bun, looked at Su Bai, who had bitten the sugar gourd, and smiled lightly.

"It's nice to still have this feeling in my conscious memory, to be able to taste food. Su Bai, the food of this era should be okay, how is it. "

"Although, it's far inferior to your Liyue side."

After all, Liyue's cuisine has been developed for too long.

Far more than Shenzhou here.

At this time, it is only the past, but Liyue is a country facing the future.

It is a pity that he cannot inform the Book of Cangxuan about a series of sightings in Liyue.

If Xiao Xuan could see Liyue's food, she would be even happier, right?

Cheers and excitement.

Looking at all kinds of new things, and then exclaiming and shouting.

Just thinking of that scene, Fu Hua himself was very happy.

Can't help but laugh.

What an exclamation.

It is clear that her past self is very indifferent, and Xiaozhi is getting along with herself, which makes her sigh and call Elm head.

It's the current Fuhua.

I crave more, and I change a lot.

It's starting to be sleek.

Su Bai took a bite of the crushed sugar gourd, and then the meat bun in his other hand was also handed to his mouth, and Fu Hua's face twitched when he saw it.

Is your way of eating really good?

Then he nodded.

"The taste is very good, the main thing is a liveliness, and the taste of the era itself."

"Being able to travel through mountains and rivers, taste different snacks from various places, and witness a series of life 3.3."

"How to say, it looks like tasting your memories, it's delicious."

Fu Hua: !!

Me, my memory? Taste?

She was suddenly shocked, did she feel that there was something wrong with this statement.

Especially with that sentence is delicious.

It made her feel strange for a while.

And this time the assembly and descent made the Book of Cangxuan have a lot of fun.

Later, Fu Hua repelled the Nian Beast, and the civilization here ushered in the New Year, and firecrackers sounded everywhere.

Festive red lanterns are hung under the eaves.

Especially this era is Sheng Tang.

There are lanterns of various postures everywhere, illuminating this place into a city that never sleeps, and many lights fly up in the sky, converging into a beautiful and grand scene.

Here, the main thing Fu Hua can talk about is Cangxuanzhishu and Su Bai.

She asked curiously.

"Su Bai, in your Liyue, there should be such a festival, right?"

"After all, you are very similar to Shenzhou."

"Well, on the first full moon night of every year, it is our [Sea Lantern Festival] in Liyue, and as the name suggests, people will also throw out Xiaoxiao lanterns and bright lanterns."

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