"And she's in Taifu Mountain."

"I'll help you recharge then, as long as you bring her over."

Fu Hua's eyes lit up instantly.

That's right!

It's really been too long, and the brain is solidified.

He had indeed forgotten so many people before, even the Book of Cangxuan.

Even if the ball was placed in front of her, it was estimated that she would not react herself.

But now the memory is back.

So she was also sure that the Book of Cangxuan was indeed there.

Didn't lose it.

And there is also Su Bai, an incredible existence, proficient in so many technologies, leading the development of so many projects and projects in Liyue.

Like a monster.

Perhaps, maybe he can charge the Book of Cangxuan and make it reactivated.

Even if the technology is different.

Su Bai did not master this series of knowledge and keys, it should be no problem!


This is going to talk about the [Book of the Gods Weapon Cangxuan].


There are actually two kinds of books of Cangxuan.

Xiao Xuan, she is special.

It is the product of Cang Xuan and Danzhu, who wrote many programs with the core of soul steel mimicry, and then combined with weapons.

And what about weapons.

It's another, and this one is fundamental and popular.

The weapon of the gods, the Book of Cangxuan, this thing actually looks like a ball, but it is actually a pre-century computer made of liquid soul steel.

The former civilization specially stuffed a lot of scientific and technological knowledge into it.

It's just that at that time, the environment in Shenzhou, like primitive people, could not use this technology at all.

So Cang Xuan buried it in various places.

People waiting for the future era to discover this, analyze and use it.

As a matter of fact.

Destiny dug up just that.

As a result, they obtained a large number of pre-civilization technologies and technologies, which led to the rapid advancement of their Destiny technology, in various aspects such as stigmata, Valkyrie mecha, training, combat, and so on.

All greatly promote the development and promotion!

So even if Su Bai doesn't understand the technique of arming the puppet, give him this ball and let him study the knowledge inside.

Presumably no problem!

Oh my God.

Why didn't I think of it before.

That's great.

Finally, the time has come to meet Xiaoxuan again!

This day has arrived!

Fu Hua, who was excited, hurriedly spoke up.

"After completing this memory, let's hurry out, I'm going to Taifu Mountain."


Su Bai chuckled.


"Anyway, looking back at your memory, there is also time, after all, I will guide you to avoid you falling into consciousness."

"So think about time, I probably have to accompany you for thousands of years."

"Accompany, accompany ?!! Thousands of years! "

Hearing this, Fu Hua was like stammering, and her speech was intermittent, and she exclaimed.

The body trembled.

How can I have so many lost memories?!

And then that's what comes to mind.


If you need to convert it into a book from the ground, you really have to change all the original memories, and what I said to him is to let him see the memories.

With his own personality, just show him a little, and he will indeed feel very uneasy.

The kindness is too great.

So Su Bai wants to see it for thousands of years, and there is no problem.

Like, that's true.

How it feels, it's getting weirder and weirder.

She was startled and didn't dare to look at Su Bai more.

Just before after all.

The Book of Cangxuan is still saying that if only someone could accompany her all the time.

The result is now.

It seems to have been.

Although, although it refers to accompanying himself to browse memories, it does make Fu Hua panic, too, too suddenly.

After this.

Fu Hua and Su Bai finished this memory, and they all returned to reality.

In fact, it is a moment in the past.

The two woke up.

Then Fu Hua nodded.

"I'll contact Kiana and go back first. See you after ~~. "

Then she ran.

It's a little scary to stay longer.

When she was in Su Bai's house, she was also stunned.

Especially once I saw Su Bai and Estes go to the bathroom, the two took a bath together, and then heard strange sounds.

Ling Fuhua's face was almost red and scalded.

At that time, she was still sitting cross-legged practicing in the evening, and came out to get a glass of water.

Didn't want to hear it!

Not really!

The main thing is that Su Bai's family has a lot of exquisite alchemy instruments, some juice and drink machines, all of which are great.

She loves one of them.

That's why it came out.

The result gave Fu Hua such a big shock.

Obviously it was early in the morning.

Coupled with Su Bai's saying that he would accompany her for thousands of years, a series of things were connected together, which made her a little complicated and overwhelmed.

So let's go back first.

That's what she thought.

Taihu Mountain.

When Fu Hua arrived, she was surprised.

Because she noticed a strange and familiar figure, pulling out the herbs here and taking them away, and she seemed to be still raising something here.

That person looked a lot like her.

It's a very different dress and style.

And has her kind of vitality and youthfulness that is absolutely absent.

Fu Hua walked over and was surprised.

"Little knowledge?"

That's right, this man is the one who knows the law.

Zhibao was still busy, but when he heard such a title, he suddenly became impatient and annoyed.

"Who! Why all cats and dogs call me Xiaozhi these years, not someone I recognize, Hugh wants to call me that! "

"Even Kiana will call me Zhibao, huh, old antique?"

"Old antique?"

This title also petrified Fuhua. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's so rude!

You guy!

How can you call me that.

Even if when they quarreled before, the person who knew the law said that she was like an old antique, and Fu Hua didn't care too much at that time.

As a result, this meeting, you directly said this about me?

It really made her strained.

And in the original plot, she gave an example, which actually said that she still cares about the name of old antiques.

I really want to let Zhibao stop calling.

But he didn't say it.

So Fu Hua was speechless for a moment, and then continued to be puzzled.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhibao glanced at her vigilantly, and received the medicinal herb in his hand into the space ring.

"How? Can't I come back? "

"Anyway, this mountain has been abandoned for a long time, and it is a beautiful thing for me to return to its role now."

"You're not going to chase me away, are you?"

"You can't be so old-fashioned, it's already to this point, obviously I don't have any disputes with you."

Fu Hua: ...

Fu Hua, who was crying and laughing, shook his head.

"Why should I drive you away, for you who have my memory, in fact, this is also a place of great significance to you, you can stay here as long as you want."


"You need to say that I am a great lawyer lady, and my wisdom will expand in this earth."

She proudly took out a medicinal herb.

Showing off his research.

"This is a medicinal herb that grew up in the elemental power environment, I took some of the Avalanche Energy here and mixed it to see if it can mutate into a new variety."

"Unexpectedly, there are still results."

"Old antique, I'm awesome!"

She couldn't say how many times she had failed before.

And after introducing it here.

Zhibao showed a fenced land behind her, in which there were a lot of chickens.

This made Fu Hua puzzled.


Why raise this.

She seems to have touched a little about the character of this person who knows the law.

As if she likes to behave and show off herself.

The desire to perform is particularly strong!

As a result, under gradual listening, Fu Hua understood some, it seemed that the herbs she had cultivated combined with the corrosive and destructive nature of Avalanche Energy for alchemy.

Not quite.

It is easy to destroy the overall structure of a series of other herbs and elixirs.

Makes Zhibao worry.

I thought I had found some new way.


As a result, a rabbit who suddenly ran ate a medicinal herb and seemed to change, but it died not long after.

Surprised, she moved.

Start experimenting with animals.

A series of dos, among countless species, it seems that chickens have the best character, and after dying a bunch of them, only one of them survived, and their bodies exuded strange weak fluctuations.


Can this herb mutate its bloodline?

But the effect is too weak, and Zhibao plans to continue to study to see if it can gain anything.

Anyway, alchemy words.

She vomited.

Let's play with individual ones, and don't care about alchemy first.

Frying oven every day.

Messed up!

Make no mistake.

She is such a beautiful girl, an invincible lady who knows the lawyer, what a system she becomes every day!

So Zhibao is experimenting with various herbs and immortal medicines in Liyue, maybe what interesting varieties can be raised in the future?

After all, she had also seen Liyue about dangerous species, monsters, and various creatures combined.

A new generation of new varieties is produced.


It seems that you can also take some of Liyue's chicken-shaped dangerous species and Warcraft to experiment?

What a genius himself!

This can be imagined!

At that time, go back to Liyue to learn from the scriptures and see how they cultivate and mutate the monsters.

Learn a little.

It feels like this is much more interesting than alchemy!

Cultivate organisms and then study evolution.

Zhibao smiled.

See yourself raise an amazing chicken later!

What story Su Bai told her before, the mythical Taodu Tianji, the big tree that lives on the Taodu Mountain, is the leader of the chicken.

As well as the Pleiades official chicken!

There is also the Fuso jade chicken, the sacred chicken that perches on Mount Fuso.

Know the language of the sun.

A chirp can make both the golden rooster and the stone chicken respond, and then the chickens in the world also echo it.

The fighting chicken among the chickens.

Hearing Zhibao's stunned, hmph, now look at it like this, maybe she will also make a very hanging chicken out in the future.

What's your name?



Too vain chicken?

Well, very nice.

Or a more exaggerated one.

Colorful and childish?

Hahaha, she is simply a genius, just kidding, 50,000 years of memory, this is a veritable old monster precipitation!

Of course.

All of the above belong to the dream, now just ordinary chickens, heavy and far away.

Maybe it will fail.

Never mind.

In that case, try to get a medicine chicken first.

Specially eat the refinement of the waste of Zadanzhan.

Supplied to Dandingsi.

See if it works.

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