"After all, just like me, I was also a Mond in the past, and now I am a Liyue person, living with Su Bai. "

As she spoke, Rosalyn smiled sweetly.


Hearing Rosalind's words, Eura exclaimed in surprise.

Didn't expect that.

I would have heard such a suggestion.

Not in Mond, but on Liyue.


There, she will not be treated as a series of things, but can live and act like a normal person.

And because of the relationship between Rosalyn and Su Bai.

I'm afraid her life will be very comfortable.

Let's be honest.

The prospect of this suggestion is that if you think about it, you know how good it is.

Even Eura was very impressed.

After all.

It was Liyue, the most powerful country among the Seven Kingdoms, the center of the world, the place where all the economic and trade flowed in and out, attracting countless people to go.

The benefits of being able to live there are obvious.

But she shook her head after a moment.

"No, it won't. "

"I still have everyone here, Amber is so good to me, and so are the others, and I definitely can't abandon them." "

In her hardest times, it was Amber who helped her.

Jean is also very nice.

"So I'm sorry, Rosalind, I can only refuse your kindness. Very sorry. "

This made Su Bai also laugh.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being so kind and strong in your heart, if you abandon them at will, then it is not you Yura. "

"If it really worked, I would have invited you a long time ago, after all, you are also a good friend of mine no matter what." "

Eura nodded.

Some touches flashed in my heart.

Rosalyn could only shake her head helplessly.

She knew what kind of person Eura was.

But still after hearing about her situation, he will try to say this invitation.

Because Rosalind is such a gentle person.

But 737 The next moment, Su Bai launched an inquiry.

"So, what kind of path are you going to take now, I explain in advance, you can't change people's prejudice against the Lawrence family, and there is no need to do such a thing." "

Because this is the feud between facts and the past.

It was the fault of the Lawrence family as a whole.

She couldn't possibly try to carry it on her own.

Eura really didn't think about any idea of regaining dominance, she was trying to survive in her own identity and position.

"But even if it's you personally, even if you change your name, that prejudice will still exist." "

"People will still know where you come from, your family of the past. "

Eura Lawrence.

That's her full name.

Even with the previous name, people will still think of the last three words.

The Monds are not wrong.

Nor was she wrong.

It was Lawrence who was wrong.

This made Yura startled, and her face gradually became complicated.

"I, I did find my way, my family, myself, others, how I should face those family histories, how I should deal with those words and eyes. "

"Then I approached Amber's grandfather and learned what I should do, which is to leave that behind and just be myself. "

"Down to earth, from the most fundamental point of view. "

Exercise her life, her persistence, her will!

Starting from the essence of her Youra, she strides forward and perseveres, so as to move towards the future.

"Well, well said. "

Su Bai gave a very pompous clapp.

"It's so hot-blooded, I'm going to be moved. "

Yura: ...

I feel the urge to hit someone.

"Su Bai, don't make trouble. "(chad)

"No, I really praise you too, this is nothing. You should be able to see it. "

This silenced Yura.


Su Bai was praising her.

It's just that this guy is cynical, which makes her a little black lines on her forehead.

But in fact, Youra actually admired Su Bai.

Because in the past, Su Bai was much worse than her, directly an orphan + wave, and did not have enough to eat.

But I still face life very calmly, with this kind of transparent and free attitude.

That was it before his rise.

As for what I've achieved today, that's terrible.

And Su Bai's eyes flashed with an intriguing deep meaning.

"But in any case, these are thoughts that you have been firm in your heart, and there are some external things that have always existed. "

It's like how a person encourages himself.

That also only involves his own personal spiritual world.

External factors, how should it be or how.

Other words.

Most of Mondstadt should be indifferent, still so indifferent.

This remains the same.

The outside is there, and it's not something you can change just by thinking about it.

No matter how you change yourself, a series of ideas, a pot of cacti in the distance, the past will still be pricked.

In the past, she could often be outside and perform tasks.

You can slowly change how some people think about her through performance.

You don't have to run into walls all the time in town.

But now it's changed.

No need to be stationed in the wild all the time.

With the development of the Zephyr Knights, it became larger and more powerful, and it also docked with Liyue.

All kinds of road construction or something.

There is also the construction of the [Kunlun Mirror Portal].

The two countries work together.

Therefore, Youra's side can complete the original work and inspection very early.

Alternates more often.

There are also knights in Hermes flying boots in the sky, flying everywhere.

A vigorous volume.

So more commission in town.

If you want to contribute and be active, you have to constantly deal with the Monds in the city.

After all, it is the Knights of the Zephyr.

At this time, take the initiative to touch the thorn.

Even if Youra's mentality is good, after a long time, she has to be depressed and stressed.

So come here often to relax.

"That's your problem now, right, and the more you get along with the Monds, the more prejudices you naturally gain." "

"Even if you are innocent, you have not done anything bad and wrong. "

"Hey poor Yura, it seems that my alchemy equipment is too attractive, let you work so hard, so there is so much pressure. "

"But this wave should have nothing to do with me. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"What do you say!!?"

Eura glared at him angrily.

On the one hand, he lamented this guy's vicious eyes.

On the one hand, isn't it because of your alchemy equipment that there is such a development?

You guy, still trying to get rid of it?

I haven't calculated it with you yet!

Let the Knights cry the source of all evil!

"Hmm. "

Su Bai thought for a moment.

"Then let me help you, my friend, it seems that I have to take responsibility for you, you are different from other knights, and it is more difficult." "

A black line appeared on Yura's forehead.

How you feel about this, weird.

What does it mean to be responsible for me.

Did I think too much?

Spoiled by Lisa's series of meat jokes?

"So be it, your alchemy equipment and exchange, separate from the Knights, and pick up my line. "

"I'll give you a series of tasks, rest assured, you can roll as many volumes as you want. "

"Su Bai !!"

From here came the voice of Yura's fury.

You still want me to die, don't you?

Then came the sound of Su Bai laughing.


After all, knowing that Eura is a person with great self-respect and pride, then she will definitely not be too relaxed and take responsibility for related things seriously.

And too tired is impossible, how can you be so bad?

He, Su Bai, is a very good man.

Thank you.

So in this way, Eura will be much more comfortable in Mond, and she can do whatever she wants the rest of the time.

Connecting with other tasks of the Knights is also possible.

And he can discuss with Qin, the cooperation of the two countries, the affairs of Mond and Liyue, Eura can do it, the scope is larger, and the degree of freedom is higher.

And when the two chatted happily, Rosalyn inserted a few words from time to time.

Su Bai mentioned a mouthful.

"Oh yes, although you are not willing to abandon them, in the years to come, regarding your personal life, you can actually choose to marry Liyue. "

"In this way, it does not conflict with the previous ones. "

Hearing this, Yura was embarrassed and angry, and her angry body trembled.

"You're a fellow, haven't you dismissed that idea?"

"Bastard! Don't mention this!"

"This revenge, no, I will take revenge now!!"

Rosalyn on the side had to smile bitterly.

Su Bai, my good man.

This abacus of yours can be heard even in the Winter Kingdom.

Make Eura gas like this.

It's also nobody.

However, seeing the back, although Yura shouted that you don't even think about it, she was very angry, but she was not opposed at all to the matter of alchemy equipment and tasks.

Just let Su Bai say that he was not allowed to say those again.

Obviously we're friends, aren't we?

If I do this, I will take revenge fiercely!

It's funny.

Rosalind smiled.

Su Bai's home.

"Xuanyuan Jian, little cutie can always make very interesting things. "

"Oh yes, Rosalind, your trip to the sea of flowers with Su Bai was very good. "

"Hey, it's really wonderful, obviously I don't use a sword, but since it was sent by the little cutie, then my sister naturally practiced swordsmanship a little." "

"Or in other words, during the day, the little cutie accompanies me to practice the sword, and in the evening, I accompany the little cutie to practice the sword." "

The Great Cishu King was originally still reading, but suddenly his face turned red.

Quickly stuffed his head into the book.

Two elven ears were revealed.

In this home it is like this.

And the Great Compassion Tree King was speechless, it seems that I can't browse more knowledge recently.

Why did I understand at once.

At this time, the sexy and lazy Lisa flicked her slender fingers over Xuanyuan Jian's body.

Her one is a little more twilight than the Big Dipper's.

But Lisa is also studying how to deform.

Become, does it fit your look?


Obviously, this thing is a sword.

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