And the spider feels that his white hair state does not look good as black hair.

She changed her hair color by the way.

Thus, the original version of the earth Wakaba Hime appeared here.

Causing Evil God D to make a flat sound.

"You're imitating me like that, okay? Miss Spider. "

"Even if you do this, your essence is still that white deified spider, so your hair is made like this, well, in terms of the human world. "

"It's just the degree of hair dyeing. "

The spider smiled mischievously.

Brushing his black hair with his fingers.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, anyway, the black and white states are switched casually, isn't it very good for me to look like this now, and big sister, you are an evil god, you should be able to see that I didn't deliberately modify the appearance, right?"


"So imitating something is pure nonsense!"

She's just that cute.

This look is very good.

Although the spider does not know the development behind, it is only under the spoilers of the group of friends that he knows it.

But I still know it in the early stage.

The guy of the evil god D said that he was an evil god, not a person.

But he also pinched himself with such a good-looking Wakaba Ji look, it is really very honest that the body is still "seven nine zero".

Crumbs Evil God.

And what about Wakabahime's appearance, for those who see her.

will be flabbergasted.

Oh my God, there really is such a beauty in the world.

Let the good-looking previous life vampire be jealous and numb.

It is precisely because of this kind of overthrowing of the country and the city, as if breaking the appearance of the dimensional wall, that Wakaba Himeki (Evil God D) is a well-deserved No.1 in the school.

There are many suitors and crushes.

Of course.

They were basically frightened by Wakaba Jise's indifferent eyes that looked at everything as dust.

It was as if she had never put anyone in her eyes.

Both men and women are no different from the weeds and stones on the side of the road.

Lonely, indifferent, mysterious, alone.

This is everyone's impression of Wakabahime.

And for the spider, not bad, this appearance is better than the previous life, well, I am very satisfied okay.

It is worthy of the aesthetics of the evil god, and it must be a fine product.

Of course.

And this wave is her own.

I look like this by virtue of my ability, why do you say that I imitate?

The pleasant voice of Evil God D echoed here, saying that it was pleasant, in fact, it was the same as before, it was the same emotionless tone.

"It seems that you are happy, but you are also a god, isn't strength more important than your appearance?"

"Like me, named Evil God D, as the name suggests, the essence may actually be a terrifying cosmic monster that will scare you to death. "

"As long as you are strong enough, everything else is floating clouds, especially for evil gods. So Miss Spider, if you only care about this, I'm disappointed. "

Like in the universe, if other gods see the evil god D speak to them like this.

I am afraid that I have long been sincerely afraid and scared.

Fearful kneeling on the ground.

But the spider was still grinning and laughing.

"Oh, big sister, you reveal your ignorance and naivety. "

Evil God D:...

This guy, what gave her confidence, is getting more and more floating.

However, the evil god D still does not rejoice in things, does not use his own sad tone.

"Oh, you say. "

"Hmph, of course, appearance is king, even if it is an evil god, as long as it is cute, it is no problem, maybe some evil god will become a cute girl, come to the earth and fall in love with high school students or something." "

"Are you a spider and playing silly games too?"

"Hey, big sister, what kind of sharp spit are you, think about it, it's not impossible, such as the evil god Naiarathotep. "

An evil god in Cthulhu.

And then what a beautiful girl with long silver hair turned into and came to Earth.

Protect whoever or what to fight against the evil forces of the universe.

"Interesting, is this something you've seen in a previous life?"

"Of course not, I'm just an ordinary person, this is just a work I conceived in a past life, when I even had a name in mind, it was called, 'Sneak! "

"Oh yes?"

Evil God D deliberately lengthened his intriguing tone.

There are quite a few secrets in this spider.

The spider doesn't care about the tone of the evil god, anyway, you have the ability to find that universe.

After all, I just pulled it casually.

If you believe it casually, then you are a stupid evil god.

Not to mention the worldview like some, what Cthulhu, evil gods or something, once it looks ugly, it will be forcibly expelled by the heavenly army, do you know what it is to talk about appearance everywhere?

"That's why children care about one, and mature spiders like me certainly mean that they want it all!"

"You need both strength and good looks, this is the most resourceful and clever choice!"


"Yes, big sister? Oh? Big sister?!!

It seems that he can't stand the proud appearance of the spider, and the phone automatically disappears.

As if to say.

I'm too lazy to deal with you.

Or maybe she's starting a new plan.

To this.

Spiders spread their hands for it.


The big sister who doesn't know how to cooperate makes her happiness come to an abrupt end, or she deliberately doesn't want to let herself continue, after all, she can't be happy on this topic.


Let's continue your research.

Spider continued to simulate and reproduce various skills in the system.

Every now and then, study the planet's system itself. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

After all, the system is here, and the original book can be like this, and you can hack into it, but you have to be careful not to activate the automatic defense function.

There were threads between her fingers.

Then the spider pulls.

The mountain in the distance was slammed open, as if something had been neatly cut into several pieces, causing a violent collapse and collapse.

And a cyan wind appeared in her hand.

"Wind magic to storm magic, and then to Lantian magic's wide-area annihilation magic, dragon wind. "

"It seems that I simulated it well. "

There is a lot of magic in the system, and the origin is quite large.

It's a pity that the users are just a group of reincarnations and the lives of this world, and they can't play anything too powerful.

Instead, it went into the hands of the spider, who had become a god.

It's starting to blossom with amazing power.

The magnitude determines most of the power, and if you don't become a god, you can't.

It's like space magic, and when you get to the spider, it evolves into dimensional magic, which can run across the planet.

Yes, God still uses magic.

And the spiders are doing other tests.

Thunder magic is simulated to the top, for heavenly thunder magic, see if it can evolve into divine thunder magic.........

Earth magic to earth magic, then earth rift magic.

Well, this is so-so.

It's not difficult.

Fire magic is good, very powerful, and has been studied by her to hell magic.

This is not through a system, foolish operation, but developed and researched by herself.

Build a loop of magic from scratch.

After all, after becoming a god, it is easier for her to release attacks such as dark and corrosion, and it is difficult for earth, water, wind, fire and thunder and the like.


There is a system of this template here, you can learn from it fiercely!

The spider is in a good mood.

And just after the spider unleashed the magic of the sea, causing the overwhelming sea water to submerge the place, a mobile phone fell out next to her and made a crisp sound.

"Oh, you're so smart that you can develop those skills like that. Cute little spider, I like you more and more. "

"So, why don't you want me to name you, isn't it good to call it Shiraori?"

"That's right. "

The spider doesn't turn his head.

"I have my own name, you can call me Spider, you can also call me Su Bai, Xiaobai, anyway, Bai weaving or something, it's redundant." "

You think I don't know, you can't just let people give you a name!

Crumb D!

"Speaking of which, why do you always pay attention to me, don't look at the eldest sister, go play games." "

"Is the game not fun?"

The phone made a flat sound.

"I've already been tired of playing hundreds of times, and the ones that should have been cleared have long been cleared, and I have no fun playing the hidden ending. "

Spider: ...

How can you exaggerate more than me, a game addict?

Don't go back to the underworld to work.

I know that I play games on Earth every day.

How come many gods have been like this these years?

I remember that there was a man named Jia Baili, who fell from the chief graduate of the Angel School to playing computer games every day.

The game is not shallow, and it hurts.

So let me bear this pain, spider is sad and .jpg

"Oh yes. "

Suddenly, the voice of the evil god D2.7 became pleasant.

To the surprise of the spider.

This guy was expressionless every day, calling to harass himself, and his tone didn't fluctuate at all.

How to start evading taxes now.

"Miss Spider, you know, I am the type who generally does not interfere, after all, as long as I intervene, the result will become too obvious, so I don't affect much, but the state of a bystander." "

"Yes, if you remove the general, and change it to a certain, affirmative description, then we are still friends." "

As a result, Evil God D emitted the Evil God's giggles.

"It's a pity, but when I think it's fun to just meddle in, I don't hesitate to do it." "

"So, I got you a great challenge. "

She spoke her mind.

Who let the spider grow too fast.

The situation of being chased by the earth dragon like before is no longer possible.

She can directly seconds each other.

And the growth and strengthening speed of the spider all the way made the evil god D surprised and surprised, oh, I found the treasure, where did this interesting little spider come from.

In this way, the planet will be toyed with by her.


Evil God D is unhappy.

No, I have to find you something to do.

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