After all, she had to use most of her power to defend the soul, and at the same time try to attack the soul of the spider.

The dragon enchantment can't help it.

Spider Sneered.

That's it?

She didn't need to use that real killer weapon.

In the spider's chat group storage space, there is an ordinary stick-like object, or iron rod or crowbar, which is a weapon that will confuse people when they see it.

After all, so many pressing things came out.

This is all too commonplace.

And yet, actually.

This is the weapon that Su Bai gave her.

Spider Zi remembered that Su Bai said that this was a long time of research by him, using a series of Luo Hao's powers, all of which were related to the evil god, or the power to restrain the evil god.

Then accidentally hit a special weapon refined by mistake.

Spider: ???

Can this still be a mistake, a coincidence.

That's right, too.

You cast a kind, sometimes the light comes, more important than anything else.

So seeing the appearance of this thing, the spider wants to complain, what kind of physics holy sword is this, you really want me to be an evil god.

Am I still almost a dull?

After all, Wakaba Ji's appearance does not have this.

Anyway, this thing that looks like a crowbar is actually the ultimate weapon for evil gods, and it is no problem to break the enchantment, but the main ability is specifically aimed at evil gods.

Spiders can use them themselves.

Then as long as the spider gets along with the evil god D, it will play games and eat instant noodles like the original.


When the evil gods come to Earth, they will also eat instant noodles.

Then the spider gave her a stuffy stick, anyway, this is a mediocre crowbar, and it is likely to hit the evil god hard.

No matter what a terrifying god she was, Su Bai would come over and slash again when the time came.

That's pretty much it.

The spider was dumbfounded for a while, and quickly shook his head, which was also too dangerous.

No, don't do that.

She 320 is both for Su Bai's sake.

I also feel that it has not reached such a serious point.

After that, Su Bai also gave another method, and the spider did not adopt it.

But she was thankful.

After all, there will be a lot of involvement in the universe.

That's an exaggeration.

Instead, she took the crowbar.

There should be no problem with breaking this true dragon enchantment.

The enchantment is used to break!

But she spiders also have growth, how can there be no way to take this.

This is why she also deliberately postponed the harvest of becoming a god, and it stands to reason that she will actually become a god earlier than Riveria.

So seeing this situation, the female dragon god's face was ugly.

Roared low.

"What kind of monster are you?!!?"

The spider jumped up after choosing, stood tall, and laughed.

"Next, it's time to clean you up!"

"Well, considering that your physical body is still useful and needs to be studied, let's just grind your soul. "

"You brute force dragon god has already made many moves, and then it's my turn, draw cards!"

As her mind moved, large and small cards appeared in front of her, all of which were all kinds of attacks, and there were many powerful moves in them.

See this picture.

Evil God D's face twitched, but she still snorted very gracefully.

"Interesting, you pirate spider. "

As a matter of fact.

This is a trick that the spider has researched to kill, and the cards in it are basically skills in the system, some of which she synthesized and transformed, and randomly drew one according to luck.

Then with this card as the core, other card powers will come to strengthen it.

Cast the strongest blow!

Therefore, this trick can only be condensed once in a while.

And bad luck, if you draw a card with almost power, you will lose.

This trick.

It's all about the face.

Even the spider sighed, poisonous, why did I study this trick, I'm not a card guy.

Do you blame me for playing too many games?

But when used well, it is indeed a super terrible killing move!

Because spiders believe in their luck!

The pitch-black cards flew in the sky, and the spider made the one in front of him fly, and then grabbed it directly, and the pattern began to appear on the face of the card, which was a trump card (joker).

Spider smiled happily and confidently.

"Sure enough, no matter what, the trump card will always come to me." "

She began to chant.

"All things that I have created should have both a beginning and an end. "

"When the abyss comes, when Naraku appears. "

"In the sweep and overflow of death. "

"Life, all things, flow, end!"

The dazzling brilliance lit up here, and the other cards quickly came towards the trump card in the spider's hand, turning into streamers of light, making it more and more dazzling!

Blended in.

Just to strengthen one card!


The energy fluctuations emitted by the card drawn by the spider became more and more powerful and terrifying.

Dull, turbulent, vast, that sense of oppression has begun to pervade.

It made the female dragon god creepy.

Shuddering exclaimed in fear.


She also changed back to the posture of a dragon, and as the energy surged madly, the terrifying strongest killing moves also continued to condense in her dragon's mouth.

The fields here are shattered.

It's just that the spider shook his head and smiled.

"It's night!"

She threw out this card, and in an instant, a torrent of terrifying abyss that shrouded the entire field erupted!

It was darkness.

That's destruction.

Able to devour everything, rein everything.

It proclaims the beginning of hell and the underworld.

It was she who made a combination of abyss magic and outer path attacks, and surpassed the strongest killing move of the highest level!

The world, darkened.

Under such a force, the attack of the female dragon god did not persist for a moment, and it was directly covered by the torrent.

Engulfed by the abyss!

Her strength is vulnerable!

Although the defense of a dragon like her must have the power to destroy the stars to damage it.

But this is the strongest characteristic of the dragon clan.

Its own combat power and output, destructive power, in the eyes of the spider is also like this.

Just a normal god.

After all, there were originally a bunch of dragons on this planet, all of them were gods, and when they planned to destroy mankind, they were stopped by angels, so many dragons, (chea) fought and the destructive power was just like that.

It's far from destroying the stars.

Defense against dragons. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Output 5 stars, defense 12 stars.

Probably this is the feature.

So after the power released by the spider disappeared, the fields here were pierced, a silent dragon fell to the ground, and the soul had been devoured and worn out, and it ceased to exist.

God, dead.

Spider clap your hands, solve!

This is a soul-destroying thing, and it is useless to open the shield!

I didn't expect that the first god he killed was not a weak person.


At this time, the mobile phone appeared next to her again and emitted a voice.

"Sure enough, this stupid dragon couldn't help you, but you still defeated it. "

"Your growth and speed are more and more surprising to me, do you really not consider accepting my name?"

"I like it so much, I hope you can be my dependent." "

Spider gave the phone a blank look.

"Big sister, you fancy your favorite toys and want to get it, what is that?"

"I just want to be free to witness the scenery from all walks of life, but if we become sisters and friends, it's not bad, why do we have to be superior." "

In their world, every planet is a realm.

"Oh, you really dare to think about it. "

"Little spider. "

Evil God D smiled, it should be said that she does not know the height of the sky.

Or is the young god too arrogant?

Even a little spider wants to be her sister this year?

Pass it on.

Those old friends had to die laughing.

"If you don't want to, go ahead and please me, bring me joy and fun, new trials and surprises, I am already preparing." "

Watching the phone disappear directly, the spider's eyes widened.


"Hey, since you are testing me, then I defeated this dragon, so that I can give some rewards?"

"You are such a powerful evil god, you won't be so picky, don't pretend not to hear it!"

The next moment.

Mobile phones reappeared.

Miss Spider, I see you studying their enchantments. "

"It's not at all, I got it by skill. "

"Yes, the advanced knowledge of these gods is given to you, but don't be happy too early. I am an evil god and love to appreciate your struggles and struggles. "

"Miss Spider, if you are willing to agree to be my dependant before you die, then you can get rid of my series of games and tests, otherwise, even if you run to other planets, it will be useless." "

It can only usher in, stronger and stronger enemies.

In front of the spider, a mobile phone memory card appeared, which made her dumbfounded.

You are an evil god.

It's time to play the behavior of a high school student.

She chose to read, a large amount of information about the gods of this universe, which began to become familiar to her, thus quickly enriching her cognition and greatly helping her in the next growth.

The route has gradually become clearer.

Some aspects that she did not understand and did not think of began to refresh her.

In the field of God, he became more and more handy and gradually got rid of newbies and stabilized.

Spider was satisfied, nice.

That's what I want.

Don't look at the evil god D so crumbs, the reward is always given.

The same is true of the original.

As for the threat in her words, the flat and frightening tone, the spider didn't care.

Can't beat it.

I'll just moisten it.

Don't think of me as your dependant and maid.

On the contrary, this time, she is going to fix the enchantment of this dragon, hehe.

It's just a weak one in the system.

This is the original.

Can't kill the stars can't hurt her at all, this cool comparison.

Change to Tivat's side.

Standing and letting Tianli beat, she can only scrape.


In fact, this planet is originally in the name of the evil god D, so the spiders that grow up on her territory absorb and use a series of abilities related to her.

No matter how much you struggle, you will inevitably be taken under the command of the evil god D in the end.

As she said.

It's useless to escape to other planets,

Who dares not to sell her face?

And the evil god D can catch the spider back casually, so she is quite laissez-faire now, and the benefits have always been given, after all, this is cultivating her own direct subordinates.


So she's happy to see the spider resist.

The more you resist, the more interesting I am.

How, not convinced?


Spider: Laugh, sooner or later watch me backhand suppress you.

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