Black holes are an extremely terrifying cosmic phenomenon, how can anyone use them?

But that scene.

It really made everyone creepy and scared them into a cold sweat.

The whole ship was in horror.

Why is it so sudden?

A black hole pops up all of a sudden?

This is not in line with the previous exploration experience, what is going on?!

Since coming here.

Strange things happen frequently.

They are all like frightened birds, easily frightened into panic.

Not to mention, this is a black hole!

At that time, as soon as it was contacted, the terrible gravity of the black hole began to sweep towards the battleship, causing many places to begin to distort and damage, red alarms and warnings everywhere, and countless combatants' eyes were frightened.

Sweating like crazy.

Desperately controlling the spaceship.

After a scream, the spacecraft successfully activated the space jump technology and forcibly landed on this position of the ground-globe.

Randomly selected.

At that time, I just wanted to escape.

Where else to take care of!

It would be nice to be able to escape.

Until this time, many combatants sat on the ground with their buttocks on their butts, and their backs were soaked with cold sweat.

The calves were still shaking.

They cursed.

What a shame!

Even such unfortunate and incredible things can be encountered.

Maybe adults and the most senior fighters will not die, after all, the strength of these big people is not what the following combatants can imagine.

Especially the adult!

But these little soldiers must be dead!

It will definitely follow the wreckage of the spaceship and be violently killed together.

It's also terrible!

Damn it!

This place is really terrifying, what kind of ghost place has come.

Some of the combatants kept cursing.

The aliens in charge of operating the spacecraft are ugly.

"Many areas of the spacecraft have been damaged, and I am afraid that we will have to start repairs immediately, and send some small spacecraft outside to carry out repairs, otherwise it will be too late." "

"The hatch must be opened immediately!"

Goliugan Sup, who was known as the number one in the universe, looked unconcerned.

"Look at you, a little bit of a thing? Isn't it just that some places are gone. "

"To be like the highest combatant like me, with a fearless and calm mentality, you are still far from it. "

"It's clear that they're out of danger. "

"And as long as the power ball is not harmed, our spacecraft will not fall and can always fly in the sky." "

One combatant turned pale.

"But, my lord, the power ball has also been affected, and I am afraid that in a few moments, our spaceship will fall." "


Goryugansup, who was like an octopus, was immediately shocked.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?! bastards, you useless guys, don't hurry up and repair !!"

"What are you doing here one by one?"

"What are you doing to eat!"

Other combatants:...

Adults, say that you are not afraid of danger?

And that self-assuredness?

As a result, you show more exaggeration than us.

They were speechless.

But you can't say it.

After all, people are bosses.

Not to mention that the situation is really urgent now, these combatants have begun to act, repairing the spacecraft inside and out, and sending many combatants to the ground outside.

Vigilance and probing are carried out.


There are quite a few squads that have already begun to set off.

I intend to find out the specifics of this planet.

It's just a gust of wind blowing.

A bunch of figures appeared in the distance of the battleship.

Looking at the space battleship that should be magnificent, it turned into a tattered appearance, and it was still docked on the ground for maintenance.


There was a problem with the flight.

The heroes present all looked at Tiantong Mugen with palpitating eyes.

It was just when he left the starry sky, this one said.

Surprise each other.

So the hand rubbed a black hole.

Lost in the middle of the route where the enemy came.

Su Bai was responsible for opening a small space teleportation hole, and Mu was responsible for throwing it away.

Everyone in the back doesn't know, but looking at the scene in front of them, they know that even this group of pirates, which is known as arrogant and domineering in the universe, did not end well.

On the contrary, it is miserable.

A burst of fire and smoke, those aliens, anxious like something.

And also the appearance of patrolling everywhere.


The spacecraft is noticeably missing some parts.

It was obviously made by that black hole.

But this spaceship instantly appeared above this area of the earth, and it also scared the hero association, this thing will jump in space?

No wonder!

And I'm afraid that it is precisely because the damage has become like this that it will be detected, right?

It stands to reason.

High-level civilized warships, it is easy to shield themselves or something.

Mu was even less impressed.

Just a smile in your eyes.

Didn't I just create a quasi-black hole?

What a big deal.

What cosmic dark matter pirate group, these combatants are also completely frightened birds.

To know.

On the Honkai 3 side, the number of appearances of quasi-black holes is quite large.

There was one when I hit Celine.

There are quite a few more times later.

Even when playing Kevin.

But between black holes, there are also various gaps and powers.

But Tendo Wood is even more now.

It's pretty strong.

And Blowing Snow came over with this group of people with a wind movement, and as she gradually became active here, she had a feeling of being a boss.

It is really like the shadow of the snowblowing group in the past.

But these are much stronger than those little brothers before.

It's like an enhanced version.

Seeing that the super huge battleship began to fly again, Chuixue snorted coldly with arrogance.

"Let me say hello first. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

She disappeared in an instant.

Instead, it appeared over the battleship.

An endless cyan wind began to condense and form in front of him.

Create! Ideal fluid!


It turned into two amazing attacks that looked like spears and pillars of light, very narrow and long, and then swung forward.



This looks like a thin attack, and it directly kills the past!

With the flight.

They start stretching and getting thinner and thinner!

It's like a flame of light!

Under that thin wing-like posture, it actually contains sharp and unparalleled power!

The cyan wind law can continue to flow!

Being able to cut everything open!

This is the [wind that splits heaven and earth].

The ideal fluid, well developed, has the ultimate attack side.

And in this spaceship.

The [Goliuganshup], who was responsible for giving orders and managing his subordinates, was in the command room, and he was very proud.

"Hmph, isn't the power ball repaired soon?"

"A small matter, it is all my Lord Goliugan Shupu who has good guidance. "

Others: ...

It is clear that those who are responsible for the maintenance are those combatants.

You've been here all the time.

The next moment the result.

The attack of blowing snow instantly passed through the spaceship and broke out, as if there was no obstacle, all of a sudden, like cutting tofu, highlighting a sharp and no resistance!

The spacecraft fell on the spot.

It began to fall to the ground, causing a huge shock and vibration.

The terrifying shock wave set off an overwhelming cloud of smoke and sand, covering the combatants below at once, and their mournful and terrified wails were heard.

This impact, three whole waves!

Because this spaceship has two prominent designs in front, it is like a matching appearance of a rear base and two long columns formed together, and the blowing snow directly cuts these two sides!

The reason why it does not cut the middle is just to avoid direct explosion.

There are heroes in the distance.

So as soon as the spacecraft took off, it was forcefully knocked down.

It also became rags.

Want to fly?


Don't even think about it.

Cut off your wings directly!

So there was all kinds of fear and shouts in the spaceship.

"No! No way! The freshly repaired power ball was cut?"

"What's the joke about this, the strength of our spacecraft is made of particularly tough metal in the universe, why is it neatly cut, and more than once?"

"Fortunately, most of the mass bombs loaded in the spacecraft are mass bombs, and if they are other energy bombs, I am afraid they will explode directly. Good !! good risk"

"It's a blessing in misfortune. "

"Quick, land on this planet, the enemy is coming!"

Fortunately, the spacecraft has just taken off, so if it falls, the people inside have both sides, and they are cut open at once, and there is blood and misery everywhere.

The combatants in the middle zone were fine.

As for the outside ones?

Or ignore it, basically smashed to death and shockwave hit to death.

In the smoke.

In the spaceship that was forcibly landed by physics, a large number of combatants came out, and since even the power ball for flying was destroyed, there was no advantage in fighting on the spaceship.

It is impossible to shell, it is impossible to occupy the sky.

Then land battle!

The heroes who watched this huge movement from a distance were stunned, worthy of blowing snow.

Her wind, lethality is fierce.

Seeing a large number of enemies appear, the heroes also began to plan to fight.

Fortunately, it is a bit far apart.

A little closer, I'm afraid it's going to be buried.

However, even after such a reduction, the number of combatants in the spacecraft is still very large, after all, there were originally more than 10,000 combatants.

So Emperor Tong summoned his trump card at the first time!

Fearless Giant Body!

Open Gundam directly!

He sat in the cockpit, watched the swarming enemies outside through the display instrument, and then operated and activated the function.

"Dreadneverless Giant Tracker!"

A large number of missiles poured out of the body of the fuselage, turning into many streamers, covering those enemies all over the world.

It caused a burst of amazing explosions.

Wash the floor and begin.

And he also summoned a group of small robots to come out by the way, and they fired ultra-high temperature shots in unison!


Emperor Tong planned to go remotely.

On the other side, King ran on the ground at a very fast speed, constantly piercing the enemy, like a cannonball, rampage, and suddenly shot a group of combatants.

There are no bald heads in this world.

So the original blowing snow was surprised, in that case, who would be King's summoning skill?

Later discovered.

This product is powerful.

It's just that it should be flown by a tornado and fly to the wall, and it will still be flown away.

On the ground, King still performed very well.

And the tornado cut impatiently.

"Is the strongest enemy, the overlord of the universe, still inside the spaceship?"

"Or do you want these trash fish to come out when they're done? "

"Let me see, can't you just watch the guy fighting with Blowing Snow, hmph, don't underestimate your sister and me!"

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