The fatal injury was instantly recovered.

Even if it is shattered, it can be reproduced.

This is under a planet with harsh environments.

The potential that Fang has adapted and evolved, he Poros is even more among the clansmen, all of them are ranked ~ top!

So the way of fighting, he - does not need armor.

It can be put more bluntly.

Armor, it will only be a drag.

Influence him to play real strength!

Because it can be crazy regeneration, broken hands and feet, fatal injuries, and so on!

You can also exchange injuries with enemies.

The advantage is too great!

How do you spend with me?

It is even after entering the meteor burst form that such a body can perfectly display its strength.

But now.

Until encountering an opponent with this terrifying attack power.

I don't have any protection.

It's like a target.

It is easily split, burst, constantly consumes energy, and is embarrassed.

It doesn't matter to reason, it doesn't take much energy, you can keep going like this.

But he can't hurt this one called blowing snow!

As a strong person.

Naturally, at the very beginning of the war, names were exchanged for each other.

This is his habit.

And this strong man, after fighting with his meteor outbreak form, also entered a new posture, and has always had this kind of light clothing on his body, and the defense is outrageous.

Poros refers to the god of law who blows snow.

And after blowing snow into the wind law retreat posture, the divine costume became stronger again, and the power became more and more amazing.

Poros found himself unable to hurt the other side.


Injury for injury cannot be done.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to look like your own regeneration?

Himself, can't consume her.

And sometimes his attacks will be directly blocked by the strange fluid that suddenly appears next to the other party.


This strange ability gave Poros a headache and wonder.

Unexpectedly, it has both extreme attack power, sharp and terrifying lethality.

The defense is also so strong.

Attack and defense!

He is also good at extreme attack and extreme defense.

What outrageous stuff this is!

It's too much!

So after the battle, the strong feeling is very heavy, that is, the other party is completely different from themselves!

The superiority of this method seems to far exceed his.

Boros was stunned.

Is this the strong people produced by different planets, different civilizations and ideas?

No doubt.

They are two different paths to growth.

An attack and defense.

One attack and regeneration.

The latter abandoned the defense, because they have already regenerated such perversion and exaggeration, which will contradict the defense.

Regeneration and defense.

Surely you have to choose one or the other, specifically develop and extend, right?

But that's what we are today.

Himself was pressed and beaten.

Not only can she not help, but also very depressed, and constantly be beaten into blood mist, then their offensive is directly interrupted, they fall into passivity, and the battle situation is directly controlled by the other party.

In an instant.

He was cut off half of his body by the ideal fluid of Blowing Snow, and the energy cannon that burst out was also blocked by Blowing Snow with one hand.

Attack and defense.

Once again, it was vividly displayed.

This gave Poros an inexplicable illusion.

It's hard to do.

Is the way their race evolved wrong?

The attack power is up, but I can't help but carry it!

Or do you have to be a little defensive?

Anyway, Poros became more and more angry and angry, and gradually the snow was blowing his fists, fully embodying the power of the absolute law of the wind!

Especially the other party's recovery ability can make the blowing snow fight all the time.

You can also experiment with other tricks.

Poros was constantly hammered and flew out, and was burst at every turn.

He didn't even have a pair of armor, and it was obvious that he hadn't evolved and developed any defensive capabilities.

After all, his fighting style is really obvious.

What punches, instill energy, stomp on everything, wreak havoc on heaven and earth, energy cannon, energy liberation, regeneration ability, meteor burst form, increase speed and strength, improve agility.


It's a bunch of them, but there's no defense skills inside!

It's all about output for the sake of output.

The main thing is a simple, direct, and violent one.

Not yet brainless.

As a result, this wave directly encountered the nemesis.


So Poros really can't stand it, he came to this earth to find a rival, and he is killing with burning wills, which is definitely not this situation of being unilaterally beaten!

He has the self-esteem of a strong man!

So his mentality exploded and he roared.

"No, my race evolution method is right!"

"If you don't believe it, you can't break your defenses!"

"Next, I'm going to use the strongest trump card to destroy you guys along with the surface of the planet!"

"Even if it's you, it's impossible to catch it, this is the strongest power that I have ravaged the universe!"

He stopped fighting, but hurried higher in the sky.

It's going to come big.

Blowing snow: ???

What are you pulling?

What is right, wrong, I said that there is a problem with the way your family evolves.

Why mention this.

Fooled by me?

Blowing snow feels confused.


And Poros was extremely fast, and suddenly reached high altitude.

And the energy in his body began to explode wildly, mobilizing all his strength to show that earth-shattering blow.

And blowing snow, as the lawyer of the wind, can hear clearly.

"A strong man like you, only I can defeat it!"

Blowing Snow was speechless for a moment.

What feels good about yourself.

Therefore, after seeing that with Poros as the center, an amazing terrifying energy began to rage continuously, and the fluctuation even produced a large number of arcs of light, which was quite conspicuous in the sky.

This wave. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

But there are no spaceships that block the view.

And when Poros' blood was surging, he was instantly fanned by a monstrous force, and suddenly flew upside down towards the farther sky, not only embarrassed, but his whole body exploded again.

Even the big move in the release was forcibly interrupted.

This intense pain.

It all made him scream.


Right where Poros was, a giant hand wearing ancient arm armor appeared, directly slapped him, catching him off guard.

Then the snow blows softly below.

"Let you pretend, it's like a two-by-two. "

"Come back, Arm of the God-King!"

The giant hand suddenly turned into a cyan wind and dissipated, and then condensed around the blowing snow.

This time, not only the arms, but also the head, body, feet, and armor that seemed to have gone through the vicissitudes of the years appeared.

A monstrous and majestic super huge divine shadow kept appearing.

This time.

Is the complete state!

And both in strength and size, it is far more than Shen He, Beidou, and the Ice God Fury, Thunder God Fury, and the Wind God Fury of others.

The wind god is angry here, like a child.


This is the new terrifying move that Blowing Snow has developed and upgraded the Wind God Fury that Su Bai taught her at the beginning!

【Fengshen Law God King!】

Take charge of the power of the ideal fluid and look at the enemies of the world!

Vicissitudes, ancient, magnificent, great!

God-king, this world!

On the other hand, Poros was groggy for a while, which blinded him, and the trauma caused by the interruption made him first stunned, and then furious.


"This time, it must be successfully released!"

He also naturally saw the fearful divine shadow below, and was surprised, always feeling that in that huge body, there was a terrifying power, but he still gritted his teeth.

"My move is the strongest!"


"Crashing Star Roaring Cannon!"

At this moment, heaven and earth roared, and the atmosphere rioted!

The terrifying energy rapidly increased and converged in the sky, causing the S-class heroes of the Hero Association who had been paying attention to the battle to change color.

Using technological means, they observed where Poros was.

Everyone has been worried about the outcome of the battle.

After all, this is the overlord of the universe, and he has never found an opponent.

are able to run amok in the universe!

So can you keep them from worrying?

As a result, when Blowing Snow unilaterally suppressed the other party, everyone was ecstatic and unbelievable, and even the overlord of the universe could not beat Blowing Snow?

Oh my God!

This is also outrageously strong!

So they began to have thoughts of contempt in their minds.


What hegemon, what galaxy, probably blown out.

It can't be said that the universe is actually very weak, right?

How can it be!

The earth is placed in the universe, just small as dust, and it is far from enough to describe it as sand.

Such a vast outside.

Surely the strong go everywhere!


This group of dark matter pirates in the universe has only been arrogant in some star fields at most, so it is coming towards the earth.

It's not impossible.

As a result, when Poros began to cast the Crashing Star Roaring Cannon, the exaggerated energy index was displayed on Tong Di's computer, and he borrowed the resources of the Hero Guild to detect.

After all, in the original development, he also discovered through the computer that the spacecraft was condensing energy.

Ready for a new round of shelling.

This time, Emperor Tong, who had prepared in advance, naturally had more adequate means.

After all, it is a hero on the technology side.

As a result, he let out a terrified scream.

"How, how is it possible!"

"The magnitude of this energy is also too exaggerated, and it is still rising?"

The other heroes sensed something was wrong and hurriedly spoke up.


"How powerful is this move?"

"Indeed, with long-distance observation equipment, you can detect that this move is extraordinary, I'm afraid it's enough to vaporize all of us S-class heroes, right?"

Thinking of this, they were all creepy.

Even if it seems that the other party is a little misnomerous.

But to raise these guys, there is no problem at all.

As a result, Emperor Tong spoke out with difficulty and fear.

"No, not what you think!"

"It's all!"

"All ?!! of the Hero Guild"

I mean, this energy is enough to destroy everything on the surface of our planet and destroy the entire human civilization!!

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