But if you don't run around, it's actually nothing.

And Yura's ears sounded Su Bai's voice.

"Don't panic, you will often complete my dispatch in the future, and you will naturally come into contact with some of Liyue's secrets. "

"Ah, this, let me know that this is really good?"

Eura was worried and her face became complicated.


I'm just trying to earn contributions and get magical alchemy items.

The result is all at once.

Just the beginning.

Here comes such a shocking thing.

Myself, came to another world!

A world of development very different from Tivat!

It scared her out.

Where have you seen this situation?

To put it bluntly, she is just a young girl who has left her family, wandered outside, and occasionally returned to Mond.

To this.

What she heard was Su Bai's funny and reassuring words.

"You are my friend, although you often fight and quarrel with me, but I believe that you will keep it a secret." "

"You won't say what you see and hear. "

"Hmph. "

This made Eura Tsundere not overdo it.

"I'm not the kind of person who talks nonsense everywhere, so you can rest assured. "

"But in that case, I'm coming back, wait for me to come back and hand over the task." "

"Well, okay, by the way, there are a few more tasks today, or else, overtime, right?

"Su Bai!! you bastard!

Soon, there was a roar from Yura.

When she thought of the work efficiency and time of Liyue people, her scalp felt numb, okay?

You call this a buddy?

Obviously you still want to roll me!

Abominable black-hearted leader, I really want to slap you with a sword!

You're even more outrageous than Jean.


The piano is your bad belt at all!

This hatred, 970 I wrote down!

And here in Taihu Mountain.

Zhibao shook his head wordlessly.

"Su Bai, that guy, how come there are all this kind of beauty around him. "

"Forget it, for the sake of the materials he gave me, I, the great lady of the lawyer, just ignore this, hum. "

"Come, line up!"

Under her command, a row of chickens immediately stood together quickly.

Neat, yet categorically organized.

"Look to the left!"

In an instant, these chickens all turned their heads to the left!

"Look to the right. "

Soon they turned to the right again.

Zhibao laughed with satisfaction.

"Not bad, I'm in a good mood today, teach you how to do it!"

"Of course, whether you learn or not is another matter. "

"Like Liyue, give me a fierce roll, look at you, it's too weak now!"

"The best performer, you can eat dragon's blood rice and strengthen your physique!"

In the distance, [Whisk Cloud View] there was the Book of Cangxuan, observing the picture here with a telescope, she opened her mouth wide and fell into stunned.

After a while, she struggled to speak up.

"Xiaozhi, what a genius. "

"Those savage and brutal breeds can be domesticated by her into this, and new individuals appear. "

"It's just another immortal. "

In this way, it feels like these chickens can act as the guardian of Tai Wu Mountain.

It's no problem to catch some beasts.

And there are also those that can use elemental forces and collapse energy.

Fu Hua on the side came over with the dishes and said softly.

"After all, Xiaozhi is the law of knowledge, so it is not surprising that she is indeed very easy to influence the consciousness of those creatures, so that they evolve, (chei) more and more intelligent. "

"And also specially selected the monsters and dangerous species on the Liyue side, and the bottom is not mortal. In the future, even if there is a chicken beating the broken beast, it is not impossible. "

"Come, Xiaoxuan, eat the buns. "


Cang Xuan Zhishu nibbled on the big meat beautifully.


The familiar meat of fairy shrimp is so delicious.

The delicious ones are going to tears.

That Su Bai also specially sent someone to send raw materials over, and as a result, the immortals also made some dishes with the materials as a gift in return.

Letting that Miss Youra bring it back really made Cang Xuanzhishu's face strange.


Don't you think that this behavior has a bit of a virtuous woman's feeling?

And at the time of the competition.

Fu Hua felt that he had affected Su Bai's working hours, and Su Bai said that it was nothing, if you are embarrassed, help me make some food.

So there will be Fu Hua next to Su Bai, using a series of grills, pots, and other tools.

Then make dishes for Su Bai to eat.

Ling Cangxuanzhishu didn't know what to say, it felt like this for a long time.

It will become a wonderful companionship.

So she spoke out happily.

"Immortal, let's go shopping in Liyue. "

"This time I want to taste the food of another street. "

"Oh yes, do you want to go to Su Bai's house. "

"No, no need, even if you go to Liyue Sky Port, don't go to his house." "

"Immortal, what did you see in the first place, or what happened, why did you react so much. It's not going to be you being housed."

"Xiao Xuan shut up!

"Woo hoo. "

Damn it.

The immortal actually murdered her!

Xiao Xuan was aggrieved, and he was also very curious.

Since it's not.

Then you say ah. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Quantum Sea.

At this time, the two immortal boats were flying side by side.

One is the original [Jinpeng Immortal Boat], from the Immortal Yasha of Liyue, the Great Sage of Devil - Wei.

After all.

His past reputation was known as the King of Golden Winged Peng and the General of Golden Peng.

And this immortal boat once explored a lot of world bubbles, and broken space debris, bringing back a huge amount of resources for Liyue, which can be described as an amazing battle feat!

A lot of merit!

It is the benchmark among the Liyue Thousand Rock Army, the idol and worship of countless soldiers!

They are also veterans of life and exploration in the quantum sea.

Everyone on the Xianzhou is already very used to it.

With various Honkai beasts and monsters of the Quantum Sea, he has fought many battles one after another, and he has constantly fought fiercely and killed.

I have even encountered monsters that belong to the bubbles of various worlds and are their own.

Experienced countless thrilling battles.

The other fairy boat, which is obviously a thunder element fairy boat from the shape point of view, is more inclined to be mighty and domineering, and Jinpeng Xianzhou is more inclined to the streamlined and handsome wind.

And this Thunder Element Immortal Boat has four huge alchemy arms on it.

If you don't use it now, it's folded together, and it looks very distinctive.

At this time, the two immortal boats were very lively, and the Jinpeng immortal boat was also led by Wei to the second immortal boat, and he was excited.

"Big Brother Fushe!"

"Good brother, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The strong man laughed heartily and greeted him directly, he is also Yasha, and he was born burly, walking tiger-like, quite heroic and imposing!

And those four arms are also particularly eye-catching.

Four-armed Thunderyasha.

No doubt.

He is the Marshal of the Tengyu Snake in the past Immortal Yasha, Fushe, the head of many Yasha!

In the past, it was even more a marshal who commanded the army!

It's a big notch higher than a fish.

The same is true of the other Yasha, what screw roll general, fire rat general, heart ape general.

You can know his gold content.


In the past, Wei and the sergeants continued to work hard and accumulated a lot of merits, so they asked Su Bai to help, resurrected many members of the Yasha army, and one by one the immortal Yasha began to reappear in Liyue.

This greatly increased the combat power of Jinpeng Xianzhou.

So that you have more confidence and strength, and carry out a larger dynamic expedition.

And there is a way that good things come in pairs!

Their exploration was very lucky, and they found several resource-rich world bubbles one after another, there were no enemies in them, and they only needed to constantly carry resources.

Before those world bubbles were destroyed, it could be said that there was a great harvest.

The immortals of Liyue Sky Port are rapidly creating holes one after another, constantly sorting out and sealing the resources in it, and taking them out when they are needed later.

They are almost tired of spitting out these immortals.


In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the cave sky created has not been more than this time.


It's nowhere near it!

A large number of caves are created and used as resource libraries.

Fortunately, some rare immortal ores needed to make Dongtian began to be abundant again with the implementation of Su Bai's [Stratum Giant Abyss Immortal Dao Deposit] plan.

The giant spirit immortals also worked overtime day and night, mining all the time.

A steady stream of supplies to the airport port.

Giant Spirit Immortals: 6

Why we're getting better at mining.

Is it possible that we are battle sequence immortals?

Therefore, to create a hole, there is no need to worry about no ore and resources, and there is no end to use!

Let the immortals sigh at Su Bai's great talent, such a stratum abyss has played a big role.

It is worthy of being the foundation of the immortal path!

And the upper layer of ore will be quickly and continuously infected by the rich elemental force, and the formation and transformation will be very fast.

The immortal family ore is endless.

At most, it is the personnel responsible for this area.

Wait, the giant spirit immortal is an immortal and tired.

That's okay.

So like those immortals feel ridiculous, outrageous, our Liyue will arrive one day, the resources are not exhausted, there are already so many that they need to be sealed.

Lived for thousands of years.

Never fought such a rich battle!

That's pretty cool too!

It is worthy of being the second emperor, leading Liyue, advancing and growing madly at an unimaginable speed.

So after Jinpeng Xianzhou accumulated for a while.

At the request of many Yasha, I hope that this time, let the fish go to the emperor to resurrect the marshal first.

Now their combat power is sufficient.

Then add a general or marshal who can command the new immortal boat.

is the optimal solution.

After having him, he will resurrect other immortal Yasha one after another, so as to make up for his combat power.

That's it.

When it's almost over, let's think about the next general.

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