The grading is clear.

There are many large and small devices, the number and variety are very large.

Even the costumes worn by these diggers are specially made protective versions.

And to their surprise.

Not only are there those who mine with alchemy equipment, but there are several squads on the other side, and there are even those who command Warcraft.

At their feet, there were several large crabs with pale golden rock, which looked quite energetic.

Walking on several legs, across the road.

And with a wave of the large pincers in his hand, he smashed open the rock layer in front of him.

Constantly digging inside.

The efficiency is also unexpectedly not bad.

Along the way, rubble fell, huge stones were gouged out one after another, and the road continued to stretch.

It is clear that it is a species that lives exclusively underground and is particularly capable of digging holes.

The people behind are picking up ore, carefully distinguishing and sorting it, and loading it into the alchemy cart, with a clear division of labor.

"This is?"

Su Bai answered the general's doubts.

"The mutant variety [Yanju crab], the original variety is not so large, it is all normal size, and it is in the range of several pounds. "

"Well, the meat is quite delicious. "

"As for this, it is a special breed, and it has also given birth to a lot of wisdom. I find it interesting to have them sign a contract with Liyue. Assist and cooperate with the mining work here. "

Thus living here.

Listening to this name, you can know that it is a rock element monster.

This is because the circulation of elemental force accidentally activates the bloodlines of some [Yanju Crab] here, causing them to grow rapidly, and the dangerous bloodlines in the body combine with elemental forces.

It became this large rock crab.

New varieties.

Very rare.

On the contrary, it is the rock element that makes 27 them have very good wisdom, can understand the Liyue people, and can quickly understand the meaning.

Watching this group of people and [Rock Crab] leave here and move deeper into the depths.

The general thought it was amazing.

Liyue is wonderful, all kinds of creatures.

On the streets before, there was a Warcraft car type pulled by Warcraft [Ice Lion].

Even mining here has a corresponding rock element Warcraft.

It's a variety of species.

And after walking inside the main road on the other side.

Raiden found it more expansive, and built a large supply base to rest and dock.

Not long after, she and Su Bai were sitting at the dining table in one of the rooms.

There are all kinds of dishes in front of you.

It is the normal rock crab that Su Bai just said.

【Stir-fried rock crab meat with Jieyun pepper】【Salt baked rock crab】【Steamed rock crab】There are also a series of other dishes.

"Nuo, General, you can taste it, this rock crab meat is delicious, with our various chefs and condiments in Liyue, it can be described as a must, it is estimated that it is only a matter of time before it is popular in Liyue." "

"Anyway, the official personnel are preparing to establish a breeding base for normal species [rock crab]. "

These dishes are full of aroma.

Especially the crabs that are placed one by one, the fragrance that comes to the face is even more amazing.

It's just that the general was silent.

It was only after half a ring that she spoke up.

"I don't eat these foods much, and I usually can't control my mouth, it's the shadow guy, especially when it comes to desserts." "

"Don't eat it? That's a shame. "

Su Bai's eyes flashed with interest.

"Or, give Shadow food. "

As soon as he heard this, the shadow eyes in the Pure Land instantly lit up, and he rubbed his hands in anticipation.


Liyue's shot must be a boutique!

It's delicious to look at.

Woo hoo, Su Bai, or you understand me!

I can't wait!


If you come to Liyue to travel and sightsee, it is really fun and interesting.

As a result, the general's face twitched, and she suddenly spoke out seriously.

"Please, don't give Shadow food, just leave her alone. "

"After all, this time, it's me with you as a good friend, right? "

"So General Ben thought for a moment, or let me taste it."

The shadow cracked instantly.

It's like being struck by lightning.

Her body is shaking, General, you!!

How can this be?

This shadow's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Unexpectedly, the general was so vengeful, saying that it was okay as if the previous thing had not happened.

I heard the breath of the shadow of the Pure Land.

The general couldn't help but laugh.

This is a rare expression she sees as a doll.

This guy Shadow, last time I pitted her like this, this time you will watch obediently.

So the general broke the convention.

Unexpectedly, he picked up a crab, broke the tongs, gently handed a large piece of delicious crab meat into his mouth, and slowly tasted it.

In terms of eating, the general is also quite elegant and chic.

Quite a cold beauty style.

In a sense, it's fascinating.

After all, she just doesn't eat much, but she can still eat normally.

Ling Su Bai smiled and said nothing.

Shadow is stupid now.

And when they came out, they continued to tour the other side.

I saw a lot of wonderful underground scenery.

As a result, the sudden explosion caused the general's surprise, such a strange fire elemental force, and soon, a particularly energetic figure appeared here.

Her face was dusty, and she spoke out embarrassed.

"Sorry, it didn't affect you, did it? "

"Wow, Master Su Bai!"

This person wanted to run with his backhand, but was carried back by Su Bai with one hand.

"Zhiqiong, it's you testing explosives here again, go take a break." "

"That, that, after all, explosions are art." "

The girl scratched her head in embarrassment.

"In order to be able to explode new passages here and travel to new areas more quickly, I have been working the development of my recent alchemical explosives. "

"After all, by the way, it's to make this place more beautiful." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Let me tell you, in another unexplored area, there seems to be a geocentric world with new forests and vegetation, and lakes. It's a pity that no one believes me!"

I also told her a bunch of theories, what is based on geological stratification and generation, what is impossible.


"If you can expand there, the underground city cluster [Nonlong ], it will be more dazzling, like a shining jewel in Liyue. "

"By then, I should also be able to write down a strong mark in the history books." Hey. "

Su Bai shook his head funny.

You're paying homage to Adventures in the Heart of the Earth, aren't you?

Zhiqiong, an alchemist and explorer here in the underground city of Renlong today.

She was originally born in Mingyun Town.

It used to be a town with veins and mining.

Just like Su Bai once brought many changes to Liyue, it actually changed the fate of many people, and Zhiqiong was one of them, and she turned to study alchemy.

I want to use it for adventure.

And the strata abyss was transformed by Su Bai there.

So she came here, carried out her life and struggle, and planned to show her strength.

And specialized in alchemical explosives, once helped a lot.

Now in a certain area of this underground city, there is a lake, which she blew up.

She prospected for water sources in that place.

As a result, the urgent needs of the city at that time were alleviated, and the province was transferred from above, forming a water resource and supply point here.

Later, the official center was based on this area.

Underground pipelines for the transport of water were built and spread to various places.

This city has become more and more special.

Zhiqiong was also praised and rewarded.

The girl has experienced countless failures, but still has not thought of giving up, and her changed life has also made her shine brightly.

In fact, many people's souls in Liyue are shining.

Of course, this is part of Su Bai's influence, and it is also their continuous efforts.

So when Zhiqiong blew up the lake, bringing life to the place, falling into joy and wildness, a fire element god's eye appeared on her waist.

That was Su Bai's praise for her.

The fate of many people in Liyue is changing.

Towards a brighter future.

In this city cluster, there are countless Liyue people working hard here, instilling their hard work and making it more and more prosperous and beautiful.

So after Su Bai told her to be careful, he let her go.

He and the general continued to move forward.

Such a visit made the general also find it interesting, dungeon [Non Dragon]?

A 197 Liyue city with great characteristics.

Only the shadow fell into a state of speechlessness, my rock crab.

Abominable general.

Now you're eating cool!

I don't have to eat.

And next, the general, led by Su Bai, went outside and went to a place that she was very interested in.

It should be said.

When I was in Inazuma, I often heard about the fame of this place, and countless people were curious and wanted to study there.

Unfortunately, the requirements are very high.

Gradually, without a certain level, it is difficult to get in.

There is also described as an academy of geniuses.

That's right.

It is the Liyue Academy in the original city, and the city can also return to the city, which was originally the [return to the original] area of Liyue.

Many herbs are grown there, and glazed lilies bloom everywhere.

In the end, sometimes I will live there happily for a while.

Relax and unwind.

Glass lilies or something, it's amazing!

Grass and Wood City, Immortal Grass City, there are many rumors about it.

Among them, Liyue Academy is the brightest orb.

Now there are a lot of students there, which has led to more and more rolls, and various other colleges in Liyue have begun to sprung up, even in many countries.

Finally able to catch my breath.

After all, Su Bai also told Naxida that this academy was teaching some knowledge of Liyue natives.

What to be afraid of.

It won't roll you up to death.

Just develop your own characteristics and unswervingly go ahead.

That's fine.

And when the general and Su Bai walked from a special passage.

In the sky over there at the School of Astronomy and Astrology, a familiar woman in a witch's robe and wearing a magic hat sat on a magic carpet with a starry sky pattern and flew over.

It aroused the envy of many people.

Dean of Astronomy and Astrology - Astrology Master, a stable contributor to the Steam Bird newspaper in the past, with a large number of fans, as today's outstanding excellent astrological master, [Mona].

What she was sitting on was the Immortal Level Alchemy Equipment [Star Magic Flying Carpet].

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