Elegant, powerful, beautiful, soar the sky!

As a messenger who cruised the Liyue Sky Port and guided a series of immortal boats into the port, the Pure Thunder Spirit was deeply impressed by those who had been to the Sky Port.

Unexpectedly, even the pure thunder elves participated this time.

It's really peculiar.

But it is true that there are all kinds of things in the ring, dazzling, it can be said that a hundred flowers bloom and compete for beauty.

One life after another appeared, causing everyone's exclamation one after another.

It's too dazzling.

It's too exciting to watch!

Even the audience seat in a certain place, on the stage in front of them, several white fluffy little foxes kept looking at this picture, and then turned their heads to look at that aspect, and it didn't take long to faint.

It made Yaoyao laugh.

"You guys, really, don't be too excited, watch it slowly, and then you can watch it replay through the Liyue card." "

"However, this is quite an exaggerated and large-scale activity for us Liyue people, so it is normal for you little foxes who usually live in the forest to be shocked. "

A bunch of little foxes nodded frantically.

That's right.

"So Yaoyao help you refine some spiritual elixirs, you have been watching for too long and are tired." "

She took out the verdant grass and wood gourd around her waist.

Then Yaoyao sighed.

"It is worthy of being a treasure sent by Brother Su Bai, and the gourd is really easy to use. "

This thing is called Medicine Immortal Gourd, but Yaoyao prefers to call it [Pounding Medicine Immortal Gourd].

After all, she is not an immortal yet, far away 27.

And pounding medicine is more in line with this characteristic.

Soon, Yaoyao cast a spell to make some drops of elixir water float out from the mouth of the gourd and fly to the mouth of each little fox, and after they swallowed it, they were shocked and cheerfully spoke.

"Thank you, Master Yaoyao. "

"Hey, just call me Yaoyao. Let's keep watching, Liyue is interesting, right?"

"Yes, it's too prosperous, it's too unbelievable, if it weren't for Lord Yaoyao, I'm afraid we would have run away in fear." "

Contrast to the forest of the past with the Dandelion Sea.

It's full of people.

It's a whole new world!

But without the guidance of Yaoyao, an immortal disciple, they must be at a loss, how dare they take the initiative to face these.

Now on the contrary.

You can sit here and watch a game like this.

These are all beautiful conditions given to them by Lord Su Bai, and for this reason, everyone must cultivate hard in the future to respond to the kindness of the adults!

As for now, they were all brought over by Yaoyao.

It means that studying and resting, when a relaxation and a ride, it is not good to practice hard all the time, you have to integrate into Liyue.

"Hehe, Yaoyao will take you to my senior sister later, her dishes are delicious, I believe you will be shocked!"

"Well, the premise is not her raw eating clouds to big octopuses, Qingxin flower fried lizards. and all kinds of quirky ingredients. "

"For example, what slime, ice mist flower, wooden stick of the hilly people, it seems that I have to contact Senior Sister first." "

Several little foxes broke out in a cold sweat when they heard this.

How it feels, weird.

Master Yaoyao's senior sister won't be the kind of strange chef, right?

Although it sounds like a Qingxinhua fried lizard feels pretty good?

After all, they are foxes.

But Yaoyao shook her head resolutely, no, you have eaten Liyue's food, you have departed from the original taste, and then eat those strange dishes of Senior Sister Xiangling, you will not be able to stand it.

Last time, Xiangling's slime slippery wild mushroom made Yaoyao dumbfounded.

It's outrageous.

Oh, and by the way, there are some blue butterfly wings on it.

And with the end of the first round of auditions, after a break for a while, the second wave of brawl began, with 30 people in a ring, and three winners were selected for the next round of promotion.

The number of such rings is still a lot.

It is enough to prove how popular and popular this large-scale ring competition in Liyue is, and there are too many people.

Among them, various strong people showed their methods, which opened everyone's eyes.

The exclamation never stopped.

In particular, one of the young ladies of Qian Yanjun, holding a cyan glazed umbrella, swung it and flew up with this umbrella, and one terrible shock wave after another shook all the contestants there from her.

Knocked everyone out at once!

It's a sensational result!

Make the audience boil!

Some people wondered.

"How does this look like a rare thing [Glass Floating Umbrella], which has a delicate and beautiful shape and a flash of treasure, but there is no such power at all, right?"

"It's so strong?"

There are several of them inside, all of them are masters who performed well before.

Can't stop it?

So fierce!

The person next to him was thoughtful.

"Perhaps, it's an upgraded version, just like the [Earth Shield], rock attribute defense alchemy equipment that the Thousand Rock Army liked to use in the past. Later, the upper immortal equipment [Blazing Immortal Amber] was launched!"

"That is much stronger than the earth shield, and the defense is very strong!"

Immortal equipment is strong!

"Therefore, this may also be an immortal equipment, so that many of the Thousand Rock Army that also have alchemy equipment can be blasted away. "

At this time, a Thousand Rock Army audience not far away spoke up.

"What Brother Tai said is that it is indeed a thing of the immortal family [Glazed Floating Light Immortal Umbrella]. It can release a powerful shock wave, ready for both attack and defense!"


Many people were taken aback.

Even the immortal equipment has appeared, and this competition is becoming more and more intense.


So this excellent fairy umbrella soon gained a very high popularity.

People are constantly shouting.

"Glass Shockwave is mighty! Glass Shockwave is mighty!"

Yaoyao: ... (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Now it was Yaoyao's turn to sweat, of course she recognized it, it was a magic weapon made by her own master.

That is, it is from the hands of the true monarch of Song Dust Wave City.

She could only rejoice, fortunately, the name of this fairy umbrella was called the Liuli Floating Light Immortal Umbrella, not Grandma Ping's kind.

Or won't it become a Grandma Ping shockwave?

Then a bunch of people shouted Grandma Ping's shockwave mighty or something, and Yaoyao felt that the picture was too outrageous.

When the other immortals saw it, they also had to spray the tea in their mouths, and their faces twitched or something.

This reminded Yaoyao of the words of her sister at the end, let her stop calling her grandmother, wouldn't it be good to call Master Aping.

Otherwise, it all feels very old.

But Yaoyao felt that a grandmother was a grandmother.

But now that I look at it, it is still necessary to consider it safely in terms of the name of the magic weapon alone.

It seems that this one.

The glazed shockwave is going to be popular in Liyue.

It is too effective, the fairy umbrella has a high appearance, and the power it shows is strong, or it attacks on a large scale.

It is also normal to attract the attention of countless people at once.

As for whether this equipment is not suitable for Yaoyao, she already has two, which is enough, and Yaoyao remembers Master's exclamation, saying that it is better to have Lord Su Bai's alchemy equipment.

There are many functions, look at your medicine pounding fairy gourd, are all a string of abilities.

How nice.

Anyway, Ah Ping herself can't get this kind of immortal gourd, she can build a hole in it at most.

So can the immortals be unconvinced and sigh?

That [Medicine Immortal Dew] ability alone is a lore!

Being able to put in immortal grass and generate a few drops of immortal dew for cultivation for a period of time, after Ah Ping listened to it, they were all impressed, and then everyone took a bunch of immortal grass to Yaoyao.

Not only these two.

The same is true of other immortals, what Lishui Stacking Mountain True Monarch, Cutting Moon Zhuyang True Monarch, Devil Descent Great Sage, all immortal Yasha, floating them, all sent a lot of immortal grass to her.


Even the floating house they liked Yaoyao very much.

After all, as soon as the immortals gather, they will naturally see it.

The group pet is like this.

Therefore, this krypton gold cultivation immortal method is most suitable for Yaoyao.

Looking at the medicine fairy gourd that was re-tied around her waist, Yaoyao seemed to see the immortal grass fields planted in the cave sky inside, as well as those stuffed into refining, and she also sincerely thanked everyone.

The immortals are so good!

In fact, her 620 immortal grasses alone were worth a lot of scary people.

And other rings.

The students from various branches of [Liyue College], many performances, also opened everyone's eyes.

There is a tube of elixir released to assist in the battle.

Fabricating vines and various spiritual plants, strange, and catalyzing a large red-billed flower that bites off enemies in one bite.

Although it is disposable, it is also really fun.

There are also those who are associated with Immortal Plants and have good combat power, and the ordinary God Eye holders are not opponents at all.

Spiritual medicine and pharmacists can be described as the characteristics of Liyue!

It's just that a certain contestant of the Fu Qiu Branch made everyone's faces twitch, and there were a bunch of talismans flying around the goods, and it initially seemed that there were hundreds, no, hundreds.

Plus the ones he used to fight the enemy.

Thousands of copies are certain.

The devil knows how many more.

Although the power is not too exaggerated, this kind of trench gas that rushes to the face really makes the other contestants green.

Simply put, a bombardment.

Use money to smash opponents!


It's great to be rich!

Sure enough, Fu Ji is a place where only rich people can go to study!

The materials and production are too expensive!

Look at this goods, the rich are very, a nouveau riche look.

This reminded many people of a classic joke of the Liyue Academy Fu Ji Ke, and asked everyone what their respective tricks and killer skills were.

The elixir department may be a powerful potion that they have developed on their own, or a special spiritual plant.

The refining students will say that it is the weapons they have refined.

Immortal martial arts, of course, are the martial arts and spells that are cultivated.

But what about Fujiaceae?

Just two words.


Money is their trump card.

It's outrageous.

Make everyone look at the face of that kid's smelly fart, what feel the posture of the master seeking defeat, just go crazy, the young man is arrogant, who is coming, give him a second!

Eliminate it!.

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