After a long time, Keqing blushed in Su Bai's arms, weakly hammering him.

Damn it.

You're here prepared!

And even now, Su Bai's hands are still not honest, saying that she massages very well, indicating that she has been running around for a long time and is very tired, so help you relax your legs.

This is a technique that Yelan praises a lot.

Keqing was speechless.


I am now a martial immortal, how can I be tired so easily.

On the contrary, it is easier and convenient to work overtime~.

You massage is not serious at all!

But Keqing still didn't say anything, just rubbed the bad guy in front of him with his cat's head, and showed a happy expression, and the beauty in his eyes reflected Su Bai's appearance.

It's just that his face is getting redder.

Su Bai smiled slightly.

"It's been a long time since our experience of the Strata Abyss, it's really nostalgic. "

Keqing Mime rolled her eyes.

"What do you miss, miss when I was always taken advantage of by you?"


And later the relationship got better and better, Keqing also took the initiative to reproduce that time, but was hugged by Su Bai, which made her shout in shame, unbelievable.

Woo hoo, didn't let you get an inch!

At this time, Su Bai was still soft.

"Keqing, do you know how I felt at the beginning?"

"You say. "

"I feel that the originally majestic and responsible Yuheng Keqing, hugged in her arms, more like a delicate girl, very soft, very fragrant, can't put it down. "

"I want to hold you all the time, like now. "

Keqing became shy again, you guy, woo-woo.

Was that what happened at that time?

And later Su Bai didn't want to give her a medicinal bath, but also to watch the effect up close, Keqing was directly embarrassed by the people cracked, is there a mistake, you let me be such a girl, by you?

Keqing refused.

As a result, she still did not become an immortal later, so Su Bai forcibly captured her back to soak.

And said that I will not look at you the whole time, wait until you go in.


Jiqing was inexplicably lost again, I, my that, you can't let me be a girl so direct, it's too shameful.

Grievances, uncomfortable.

Don't be so cold to me.

Come on.

I, I like you very much.

As a result, Kerqing was still naïve this time, Su Bai deliberately put more herbs, anyway, after she became an immortal, the energy overflowed and exploded the barrel, and her whole person went to Su Bai's arms.

Ling Keqing's eyes turned black with anger, and he gritted his teeth again.

You guy.

It's been calculated for a long time, right?

But that time Kerqing didn't leave, but hugged Su Bai hard and looked like he was about to cry, saying that I won't let go anymore, if you want to tease, just tease, anyway, I like you, love you.

From that moment on, the relationship between the two made the most progress.

Successfully become a lover.

Keqing finally did not continue to be arrogant, and came a wave of active confessions.

And now she is a thunder element martial immortal, and a series of alchemy equipment, powerful combat power, rich means, Su Bai also refined an exclusive armor for her.

Only now.

Su Bai intends to give her a bigger means.

"Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun?"

After listening to Su Bai's series of explanations, Keqing showed a shocked expression, and the cherry little mouth did not close for a long time.

"Yes, this is a Thunder God cultivation method. "

"It was specially prepared by me for you, you can also understand it as the advanced technique of [Thunder God Fury], after all, this move of yours has long been completed, so on this basis, continue to cultivate. "


Isn't Blowing Snow a new move developed on the basis of [Wind God Fury]?

[Fengshen Law God Lord].

Then Su Bai has made a new opening and extension in the aspect of Thunder God Fury, making it into something that is not just an elemental martial arts, but more like exercises.

Initially, a long, long time ago, Su Bai researched the Demon God-level elemental martial arts-Seven God Fury.

The particular thing is that if you have God in your heart, you are for yourself!

The divine shadow condensed behind it is also the user himself.

It's a very overbearing technique.

This time's [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun] cultivation method, as long as Keqing continues to cultivate, it can gradually cause the Thunder God Fury to produce qualitative transformation, and condense it as her divine posture and her power.

With Keqing as the center, the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun can be transformed into various abilities, which is convenient and free.

In the end, it can also turn into a huge divine shadow.

Take charge of the soldiers!

On weekdays, it can also be displayed as a normal size, or just an arm, or covered on Keqing's body and hands, anyway, it is infinitely useful and magical.

The ceiling is high and the potential is huge.

It's like the god-king who blows snow, and it is obvious that it can continue to be developed.

Enough Keqing to use it all the time.

After all, Keqing is one of the managers of Liyue, with a noble status, a lofty status, and a path of thunder elements, then this [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun] is indeed very suitable for her.

Who let her be Su Bai's lover.

Naturally, Su Bai will go and work more to help her.

Otherwise, Keqing, this fool, knows about construction and construction, and he drills into it vigorously, and even Chengxian is not active, which is really a strange thing among the Liyue people!

Su Bai had to supervise.

So after hearing Su Bai finish speaking, Ke Qing was moved and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Thank you, husband, for always caring about me so much. "

"Keqing is so impressed. "

"So, wait a minute to learn this exercise?" (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Well, but it's not urgent now, you should have recovered a lot of physical strength, right?"

"Ah? What do you mean? Woo hoo. "

I only knew that Keqing was pounced by Su Bai again.

Not long after, a fair slender leg was revealed.

The other one still has black silk.


【Large rainforest area No. 6】.

At this time, a battle is being fought here, and a bunch of gilded brigade members are fighting Warcraft, which is a group of creatures that look completely different from mushroom beasts, but come from the desert.

As the rainforest continues to expand, it is constantly turning the desert into a rainforest.

Then, it will naturally run into the monsters in the desert.

Especially the more brutal ones.

For example, the large bird monster that looks like a vulture seems to be the unique scavenger bird of prey in the desert, but it has a bone texture and that sense of flame.

Especially after spreading the wings, it looks even more small.

This thing is called [Holy Remains Red Vulture], and it is a fire beast that gnaws great life, causing it to transform and twist into this, so that it is affected by eating corpses and becomes cruel and bloodthirsty.

Very aggressive!

Because it is a creature thirsty for blood and corpses.

When rainforests and oases are established here, the smell comes.

Not only it, but also holy skeleton crocodiles, holy tooth beasts and other creatures, all of which are [xenomorph monsters].

And some other monsters.

The new Gilded Brigade and the students of the Ordinance are fighting them, and it seems that the Gilded Brigade has changed into a new group, all wearing standard rainforest equipment.

It was unified and codified.

After observation and research, Nasida decided to integrate these mercenaries into a fighting force to guard the New Rainforest region, with the Meru and the desert people joining forces.

These are desert people who are willing to live here.

Therefore, this army is called the [Holy Tree Army].

Corresponding to the Knights of Mond, the Seniwa Army of Ligetsu, and the Shogunate Army of Inazuma.

Meru built up his own armed forces.

The origin of the name is naturally Meru Castle, which was originally built around a huge sacred tree, bathed in the light of the sacred tree, and naturally called this name.

Some of the students of the Decree Academy also controlled their own mechanical structures and carried out battles.

And in one place, when the Holy Remains Poisonous Scorpion and the Holy Remains Red Vulture joined forces, the attack launched shocked people not far away.

"Be careful. "

At this time.

The Holy Remains Red Vulture flapped its wings, and a large number of flame feather blades followed it like a bomb.

As well as the Holy Skeleton Scorpion after turning, a large number of thunder element scorpion stingers filled the sky.

One after another, it fell.

The people here are about to die.

Suddenly, a Lannaro in the distance jumped over, an invisible grass and tree barrier covered those people, and these two monsters instantly flew out upside down, causing a shock!

It's as if hit by an invisible attack.

They were instantly exploded, and the corpses flew into several distances.

Invisible Iron Fist!

At this time, here, there is a white-gold figure invisible to the naked eye, which appeared instantly, swung out with one punch, turned over a xenomorph monster, and easily cleaned them up with two punches.

And kill other Warcraft!

For a while, it was as if these monsters had been sent flying.

This greatly reduced the pressure on the [Holy Tree Army] here.

They all looked back and cheered happily.

"It's Lord Grass King's dependent, that Lord Lanbailiga!"

"It's worthy of the mysterious Lannaro, it's strong, before we reacted, the enemy was killed in seconds, we didn't even understand, how to make a move!"

Under the arrival of Lambeliga.

The battle here was soon over, and it said that he would continue his penance and left here.

Everyone was amazed.

"They are all so strong, do you still have to go to penance, no wonder Lord Lan Bai Lijia is so strong. "

"I heard that last time near a certain ruin, a large number of ruins heavy machines appeared, and as a result, they were dismantled into a pile of broken copper and iron by this person in a few clicks. "

"It's too fierce. "

At that time, there were several Meru people in the distance, and they were all dumbfounded.


As the strengthening plan of the Great Mercy Tree King progressed, the Lannaro clan also began to be active, as Nasida's assistants, constantly carrying out the work and protection of the rainforest.

It made the people of Meru more and more familiar, and they were shocked by this.

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