There really is!

And the person involved is Morgan.

With the holy gun she made.

The so-called holy gun has long been said that this thing is not a weapon, and the function as a weapon is only incidental.

Just like elixirs, you can also drink it as water to quench your thirst.

Or pour down some of the trees that are dying, so that they are not completely exhausted.

But the main effect of the elixir is to heal diseases and injuries!

And what about the Holy Gun?

Shotewaki's gun?

Ahem, that's definitely not anymore!

Its real role is to anchor the stars that hold the world in place.

It can also be said that the pillar of light nailed to the surface of the world.

The thing itself is a nail, a pillar, an anchor and something like that.

Morgan's use as a weapon is just one of those uses, and now it's really about its key abilities.

So just when everyone was surprised by the anchor information.

The immortals saw that a golden light gun suddenly appeared in Su Bai's hand, and set off a huge storm, causing everyone to quickly retreat and retreat, and in the light, the light gun was shot into the earth!

The dazzling brilliance spread out wildly in an instant!

It constantly turned into a circle of ripples and slammed into all directions, causing the Thousand Rock Army in the distance to be shocked.

"Zero Fifty-Three" was so frightened that he retreated one after another.

But to everyone's surprise, it seemed that the light wave that did not appear to harm them, but spread out into the distance and gradually dissipated.

It's at this moment.

Some signs of dissipation in the distance suddenly stopped and gradually disappeared.

The feeling of gradual destruction and disintegration also gradually became smaller and smaller at this moment, and began to stabilize and improve.

The floating house who paid attention to this phenomenon was taken aback.

"This? Is this the anchor? The world bubble stabilized? "

"It is so amazing, it is worthy of being the cornerstone of the world, and it has such an important and crucial role."

He was very moved.

Even the other immortals were shocked.

"Lord Emperor, it turns out that you have an anchor on your hand?!!"

"No, I just made it."

"I didn't have it before I came here."


Now everyone knows that the emperor is the tip of the iceberg, and it is so terrifying to show his hands casually?

And this one made by Su Bai.

It is the anchor point of the pure stable world bubble.

Does not have the performance of attack and weapons.

Just think of it as an [anchor of maintenance].

Then he whispered as well.

"In the research on the World Bubble, I have considered this aspect with Queen Morgan before, and I just recently came up with this, Floating House, and then I will give you another [Holy Gun World Bubble Anchor]."

"I will also give the other immortal boats separately, and when you encounter this situation, you don't have to worry too much."

You can take all the resources away.

Don't worry about getting it all in a hurry before the world bubble is destroyed.

And this holy gun anchor point is sustainable and recycling.

The world bubble is going extinct, Xian Zhou extracts the last value, and then takes back this anchor and continues the new journey.

Continue to the next world.

After all, the cycle and destruction of the world bubble is the rule of the quantum sea, and there is no point in throwing anchors everywhere.

Waste of power.

But this thing, Su Bai can indeed mass-produce a lot.

It's much easier than making a real holy gun.

The natural quantity can also be more.

And he pondered, what if he combined with Skahah, oh no, it was combined with her shadow ability, and became the anchor of the Holy Spear projection world bubble.

In the case of the anchor role is not reduced, so that it can be mass-produced to a larger extent?

That's even more interesting.

After all, it is technology that changes the world.

Like before, the holy gun was the one, and then Morgan gave you a mass-produced bundle.

And now with this research, the [Holy Gun Series] can bloom more brilliance and uses.

How interesting.

Times have changed.

However, for the floating house, Su Bai will still say verbally that this thing is very precious, let them cherish it well, and don't use it indiscriminately.

Want to redeem an extra later?


Trade your high contribution.

Hey, in order to promote everyone's roll, oh no, everyone's enthusiasm, he Su Bai is really well-intentioned.

And Su Bai looked at this desert.

"The resources here are indeed huge."

"Digging also takes a long time, since this is the case, let's take it back to Tivat, so that it surrounds our world and becomes a resource reserve point in Liyue."

"Maybe it can also be developed into a new place of residence and development point, the desert environment does not matter, just improve and repair, for us today, it is no problem to transform the world."

Like the Hughers who joined last time, they have transformed a small world bubble into a home.

Make it run around.

This time, you can also let Liyue's technicians join them, won't this play a role.

Liyue is also constantly evolving.

Technology in all aspects can climb up.

So this large world bubble, or should it be temporarily named [Kyushu]?

Or will there be nine such world bubbles in the future, and then unified integration and call them Liyue Kyushu?

Well, we'll see later.

Then connect with a star track, and when the time comes, bubble back to Tivat's side from other worlds, and build passages and gates, which are called the South Heavenly Gate.

It is the door to the world, the road connecting many worlds.

As for the immortals who want to carry out research on the world bubble, let them be.

Cave sky and world bubble.


It is possible to develop a new and magnificent path.

Honkai Three Worlds.

Kiana looked at the Liyue card in her hand, where there was a group channel of blind date and loving family.

However, looking at the series of emoji packages sent by Fu Hua inside, her face turned dark.

"Hey, squad leader, why are all the pictures that the old people like to use?"

"Can you be younger like me?"

She hated it.

Squad leader, you are also Bronia!

No way.

Gotta develop some memes, such as Fuhua Fuhua? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Plus bud coat bud coat bud?

And duck duck's.

Bronia on the side shook her head.

"I don't understand why Kiana, a fool, gave the group such a name, there are not only the Law of Knowledge, the Book of Cangxuan, but also Su Bai, Morgan, and Mugen."

"Hmph, you know what, this is a big family across the world!"

"How warm."

Forget it, duck duck doesn't care about this.

She continued to research and develop the game, or this is interesting.........

After all, she really is a master of the game.

Instead, Kiana said the good news.

"Let's go on vacation to the beach in Subai's house today! It's great to think about it when you can both relax and make a barbecue. "

"It's really fun when everyone plays together."

As a result, Nha Yi suddenly blushed, and Kiana was instantly alert.

"Bud, bud? What happened to you? "

"You won't carry me?"

"No, no! Kiana, what are you talking nonsense! "

Bud Yi suddenly cried out in shame.

But she does have a bit of a weak heart.

Because I often train and grow with Su Bai, receive teachings and competitions or something, and occasionally the God of Thunder of Inazuma will come over, which is interesting anyway.

Once, she was sweating profusely after practicing.

The clothes are soaked.

But she didn't notice her situation, and she was very excited and happy to thank Su Bai for her guidance, and the interval was very close, but Su Bai immediately turned around, causing Bud Yi to be confused.

She asked what was wrong.

Su Bai said that he didn't look good at that angle.


Bud Yi, you go back to take a shower, right?


Anyway, when the bud Yi referred to Su Bai's line of sight, it should be that she lowered her head down, only to find that with the broken coat, she now showed a little more, especially the big and white one...

Bud Yi had to scream and cover her body and squat down.

Embarrassed and ashamed, she was going crazy.

In this case, how much did Su Bai see?

If you already know it, you won't quit the lawyer posture.

Although she was really tired, she even withdrew her energy-saving form, and she was in an ordinary state.

During that time, she was embarrassed to face Su Bai.

And for this relationship and getting along, Bud Yi is really dizzy, because the other people are all looking like they want to possess her, all kinds of good sisters, come and paste it.

Tendo Mugen, Morgan, Blowing Snow, Estes and many more.

Except for the difference between him and Kiana, his personality and this situation are exactly the same!

Anyway, Nha Yi felt like she was having a nightmare for a while.

I am often awakened.

4.7 What is it called, I grow on your XP?

If I were with you, I wouldn't be able to escape your clutches?

Bud clothing: ???

She panicked, either running to Kiana's side or going to Su Bai's side to stop these guys' further behavior, but Bud Yi often thought about what Su Bai thought about her.

Wouldn't that be the case?

He wants me too?

Yes, probably not!

And Kiana, this guy, is pestering himself again, and he feels a little strange emotions to Su Bai.

Anyway, bud clothes.

is very favorable to Su Bai, it is really embarrassing to recall some things, and his face is red, but this is nothing, how does this guy Kiana feel like a scratchy cat?

Su Bai's home, beach space.

At this time, the girls are wearing cool swimsuits, and a series of food racks and barbecue stations are placed here, and all kinds of treatments are carried out.

Next to another stone, Su Bai looked at Rosalind, who was shy and dodgy.

In swimsuit, she is completely a hot and sexy big sister with slender and attractive blonde hair, and she trembles.

"Su Bai, what's wrong?"

"Shall we go over soon?"

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