
Pit yourself!

And Estes also smiled playfully.

"Oh, it turns out that Kiana is so bold and plays with the vacuum, isn't it a coat on the outside, and that's it?"

"It's so powerful, it's worthy of being a vacuum lawyer!"

"I easily thought of a game that we didn't dare to play."

"you! Roll on! "

Kiana was furious.

That's not what it means, don't twist it!


It's too much!

Looking at Kiana for a while, Bronia laughed happily.

You guy.


Who made you make fun of me.

Liyue Aerospace Port Martial Arts Training Ground.

"Li Suxiang, the great disciple of the Supreme Freedom Sect, also ask Master Tai to teach you!"

"Hey, why is there another Tai Master? Why, why are there two Red Kite Masters? "

Li Suxiang, who was mainly dressed in a Liyue golden costume, originally she had just given a fist salute, which is also the consistent martial arts salute of Shenzhou martial arts, but the appearance of Zhibao startled her.

Zhibao snorted smugly.

"Don't be surprised, you just treat me as another her."

Not far away, there were Su Bai and Kiana watching here.

"Well, it seems that Su Xiang has fully recovered, and it has spanned five hundred years to meet again, if I remember correctly, it was the squad leader who beat her half to death, so that she was frozen by the Mandate of Heaven technique until now."

"It's this Liyue costume, it feels more like the big Li pillow of the broken iron."

Li Suchang:.....

This kind of thing sounds awkward.

Beaten half to death, Kiana, can you guy not say that?

And Kiana was still staring at a certain part and sighed.

"Sure enough, the tradition of the Taifumen Gate, the smaller the bigger!"

Fu Hua: ???

This makes Zhibao also a little unkind, Kiana, you are really skinny, don't think that we have a good relationship, I won't hit you.

We understand!


As if sensing the murderous intent, Kiana quickly wiped her sweat.

As for why Li Suxiang and Fu Hua felt a little embarrassed at most, there was no deep hatred or hatred, but Kiana was very clear, because there was no hatred.

Li Suxiang's mother [Qin Suyi] was broken at the beginning and almost hung up.

It was also this person who quietly hid Fu Hua's body in the stone chamber.

Thus allowing Fu Hua to later be resurrected.

Later, this person married Li Shen, the "Prince of Chuan" of Yijian Villa, but unfortunately her vision was not good, and the other party deliberately deceived her only to seek "too false sword qi".

It's a pity that this product can't learn too much sword heart.

During this time, Li Suxiang was born.

Her mother didn't want this mountain villa to bind her daughter, after all, this place was really bad, so she sent Li Suxiang when she was a child to Cheng Lingshuang's door, this is the fifth brother of Chi Kite.

The only one who has comprehended the divine essence.

The true legend of the red kite, too void sword god!

She is the supreme and free door master, so Li Suxiang is her big disciple.

As for later, Fu Hua resurrected and went to Yijian Villa, and then there was news that Yijian Villa was destroyed by fire, everyone thought that Fu Hua did it, and Li Suxiang also got the information that his parents died.

So she made up her mind.

To avenge your parents, find the Red Iris Immortal!

But this kind of plot, her mother's kind of character, most likely not killed by Fu Hua, Kiana shook her head.

So wake up now.

They are equivalent to having two grudges.

Isn't the plot behind it also obvious, even Li Suxiang is blessed and happy for Fu Hua to live his life.

But Kiana was speechless, the golden retriever in the Star Dome Railway is really called Rakshasa?

There are too many slots.

On the side of Honkai San, why did Li Suxiang call Otto a Rakshasa man.

Because that's how history is.

On the Central Plains side, I like to call foreigners a series of names, there are Persians, Rakshasa!

Rakshasa sounds like the impression of the Central Plains martial arts on that kind of uncivilized region, the wilderness land, what kind of blond foreigner, and so on.

Wei Xiaobao also likes to call the Rakshasa people.

He liked to call the country in the north the Rakshasa Kingdom.

Guess which country it is?

Big goose.

As for the other Rakshasa, it was indeed the European side.

Nothing is wrong.

So the title of Rakshasa has a bit of a bad meaning, but it doesn't matter, after all, the other party has such a face.

For people like Otto, scum.

Why did Walter see Rakshasa react so much?

To put it bluntly, more than 90% of the pain and tragedy of his life came from Otto.

Otto killed his father, killed his friend, killed his teacher.

And also various quotes.

Among them is the classic line of Otto.

Probably -- I killed his (Walter) father, but he still has me.

What I just killed his father for a compelling reason, he still remembers hatred.

A mess that ruined Walter's life.

What reaction do you make Walter?

So after he saw Rakshasa, he probably had everything in his heart.

Walter: Do you look like this, or can you be a good person?

At the beginning, Kiana killed Otto more than once, and in the end, she sent Otto on the road and sent him to die, what to create a world where Karen could live, but this was almost the same.

This goods deserve to die, or die.

It was the smell of Rakshasa black and white flowers.

And after Li Suxiang woke up, she got Otto dead from Kiana, she was not very surprised, saying that the guy was for Kalien, is it really so, this is normal.

It seems that they don't have a deep relationship.

Kiana sighed, this is good, better vision in the future, girl.


As if you are smaller?

This is an ancient.

Forget it, whatever.

Anyway, Li Suxiang is actually quite humble, don't look at her like this, in fact, the essence is still that han.

But now. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Li Suxiang and Fu Hua got into a fight.

After waking up, it was a complete change in the world for her, hundreds of years have passed, and everything is strange, after all, the era when she is active is still martial arts and rivers and lakes, sword villages and inns.

All at once to the modern age.

It takes a while to get used to.

It's no different than crossing over.

So she stayed in the Mandate of Heaven for a while, and she was very unfamiliar with those technological items, but she was very interested in the elemental martial arts practiced by some Valkyries.


What is it?

A style that is very different from his own martial arts.


It is different from the martial arts where he was at the beginning.

A brand new martial arts?

That's so much fun!

Destiny is now also developing various technologies, and Liyue is gradually getting faster and you have me, I have you, a solid partner and ally, and even more than that.

Therefore, the technical exchanges between the two sides, there are also some elemental martial arts learned by the Valkyries.

After curiosity and desire to learn.

Li Suxiang also got an elemental martial art, although it was not a very high level, she was still very interested and very curious about how these martial arts of the Mandate of Heaven came about.

Later, after asking Kiana and getting Su Bai's permission.

She came over.

As soon as she arrived in Liyue, Li Suxiang's eyes widened, wow!

Compared with the strange world of science and technology, as soon as she came to Liyue, she felt more intimate, and this place was too feeling for her!

After all, she is the kind of character who travels the world.

In the future, I plan to be a traveler or something, and travel all over the world.

So Liyue is a country, she likes it very much!

Straight call is right.

Those soldiers who were protecting the sword also made her eyes shine, because Li Suxiang herself could also use the sword, and she was able to create a large number of flying swords to come out and attack.

There are all kinds of swords.

The ground is full of swords, which is normal.

Anyway, here in Liyue, she kept exclaiming, guided by Shen He, introducing various scenery.

Li Suxiang felt.

I'm afraid that I will stay in Liyue for a long time, and even settle down here in the end, after all, this place is too Shenzhou, more Shenzhou than the current Shenzhou, it is very outrageous.

Anyway, settle down and run around again.

When the rest of the place is almost done, I will come back here.

It's that, the final foothold, the return harbor or something, she has already identified it here, and then goes on all kinds of tours.

And she also saw Fu Hua.

I was surprised.

Want to come over.

This is Su Bai's permission, otherwise she would not be able to appear in this martial arts training ground, and looking at the competition between Su Bai and Fu Hua, Li Suxiang was very surprised, what is their relationship?

Master Zu actually fought with this lord of the kingdom, and he couldn't fight it.

It's incredible.

So she also has itchy hands.

And that's what it is.

She had a close confrontation with Fu Hua, and now Fu Hua is the pinnacle, so she was embarrassed all of a sudden, and quickly turned to using the moves she was good at.

Li Suxiang will be able to sword art at every turn. (Nord's)

When she was a child, "Thirteen Swords of the Weeping Yan", "Memory of the Heart Sword Technique", "Tai Void Sword Qi" and so on, all related to swords, so she used various sword techniques.

To this.

Fu Hua is still a fist.

The strong wind blew her pain.


Is Master Zu so fierce?

Isn't it a little too strong, it feels so scary.

It was easy to shatter her series of sword moves, and it didn't take long for the battle to be filled with mutilated, broken swords everywhere, and both of them hit the sky.

After opening the distance, Li Suxiang suddenly stretched out a hand.

Drink hard.

"Master, be careful. I'm going to use this trick.'" "

"After all, you are too strong."

"God, what a change! All things are wonderful, but you can't be judged! "

"Too Void Sword Qi, Shenyun!"

With the black thunder raging, a dark and terrifying aura came from the sky, and under the blue light, a huge blue light formation pattern appeared on her head, but it looked more like a soaring bird.

Zhibao raised his eyebrows and watched.

"Too Void Sword God, old antiques won't be afraid of this."

Instead, at this time, Li Suxiang suddenly froze and stopped to look at Su Bai on the ground.

"Then, that, Master Su Bai, can I put this?"

"If it doesn't work, forget it."

Kiana: ...

Look, this cute idiot.

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