So what they see now is that there are markets and lively people everywhere.

On both sides of the street, boxes and platforms filled with crops abound.

Fruits, vegetables, herbs, fish, monster products, animal products, elixirs, ores, artisan artworks, sea beast delicacies, and all kinds of things.

It's like a harvest exhibition.

The noise continues to sound here, and many stall owners have put out their favorite crops, and tourists can come and buy them if they like it, and there are a lot of fruits and food.

All of them can be tasted for free.

Harvest, abundance, this festival in Japan is the process of sharing joy.

So some precious things, the price will also be very cheap.

Once a year, there is such a festival.

If you miss it, you will regret it.

So a large number of people gathered and came here.

This festival did not exist before, or Su Bai founded, the previous time was very popular, now it is opened again, it can be described as more lively and sensational, everywhere is full of joy.

You can see that there are stalls with a lot of fresh fruit.

There were some small children around.

The seller happily gave them the fruit to eat, and the children were happy.

There are also rows of elixirs.

Quite a few people buy there.

"Reply to the elixir, I want ten copies! Is there a courageous elixir that is not afraid of large monsters, bring me five bottles, let me punch and kick, fierce and abnormal. Unbeatable! "

"This is not courage at all, it's a reckless man, sorry guest, that one doesn't, but you don't want to slip the shovel elixir."

"A sliding shovel is guaranteed to feed the monster."

The man's face instantly turned green.

Don't mess around.

You Liyue people sometimes like to tease us so much.

Others also had glowing eyes and drooling.

"Good fellow, the Dream Elixir is so cheap this time, it's great, I want thirty copies, save more this time, you can use it for a long time."

"Guest, using elixirs is only a temporary pleasure, there is no need to be too escapist, right?"

"You don't know, my wife rolled up my life's wealth and ran away with wild men, I was also wasted in this life, I used to buy wine, until I found out that there was this kind of dream elixir."

It's a lot stronger than wine!

The stall owner was also speechless.

Some of the booths were covered with grass, which made some Inazuma hesitate.

"Brother, can you really eat this grass?"

"Of course, these grasses are rich in juice and have a variety of flavors, with barbecue flavors, strawberry flavors, apple flavors, suckling pig flavors, lobster flavors, etc., the key is much cheaper than those foods."

"The outstanding thing is a large amount of tube full, come, you can try. Grilled and eaten directly, with some ingredients, it's delicious. "

"If you feel very satisfied, you can find me to cooperate in the future, order these on a large scale, absolutely good quality and low price, and you are satisfied!"

This seller came out of Liyue Academy [Elixir Branch].

A grass refurbishment project is underway about him.

Some of them are filled with a variety of fine wines, and the bottles are beautiful and unique, and there are many varieties.

Those drinks shimmered in the container with a series of brilliance.

To the stunned of a bard.

Then his eyes lit up.

"Hey, I want it all!"

"This festival is also too good, but why is it only once a year, alas." If only every day was so good. "

A certain tea area.

There is a wide variety of tea masters who present a pleasing performance here and then give it to guests.

And they shouted happily.

"As long as you can say the mood and say it well, you can continue to taste new tea and get prizes."

"Come, this Mr. Zhongli, your next drink is ready, come and try it."

"Haha, you guys are also working hard, come and come."

And in some areas, there are also many water tanks.

Inside, there is a series of strange creatures swimming inside.

The stall owner also shouted enthusiastically.

And so on and so on.

It made both Xi'er and Bronia's eyes widen, wow, this is too lively.

At a glance, you can't see the edge.

A variety of products are placed everywhere, they are dazzled when they see it, the number of items produced in Liyue is too much, is this the festival of Liyue?

And Su Bai also took them to visit.

In front of it is the exhibition stand with ice blue coconuts, which looks huge and full, and exudes a thick chill, freezing the platform here.

Quite a bit of ice spreads here.

After seeing who the visitor was, the shopkeeper quickly spoke out excitedly.

"Lord Su Bai, come, these ice fairy coconut fruits are all the latest picked, and they were transported from the plantation as soon as possible, and they are the freshest!"

"You can take it as you like, but don't give it money."

This is exactly the kind of fairy coconut that Yae Miko purchased last time.

And because these coconut fruits are ice, they can actually be preserved for a long time.

So Su Bai took some to Xi'er, Bronia and them, so that they thanked them, Xi'er was also emotional, everyone is Su Bai, and as a result, he was mixed up.

Changed Liyue Demon to this.

Such a boom.

Compared with him, cough, he is a little far behind.

How to do it yourself is very confused.

It's just that he is a ground fire cadre in the lower district of Beloberg, forget it, it cannot be compared.

Being able to have such a huge force, as the lord of an immortal country, this Su Bai achievement of Liyue is definitely one of the best in the group, although everyone said before, on making trouble.

That Luo Hao has to be the first?

Strange, what did she do?

As a group of behind, I really missed a lot of things.

But there are more touchable ones like Xiaoburi.

Everyone in the group has all kinds of life. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I heard that Spider, as a strange woman who fights wits with evil gods, has run around on various planets in the universe, and that is also a talent!

It is worthy of Su Bai.

Of course, in terms of humility, Kiana ranked first.

No one can rob her.

All kinds of Su Bai in the group have different firsts.

In the food area, there are also chefs holding oil pots, using spoons to send a series of ingredients into it, and then starting a series of cooking demonstrations, which caused everyone to swallow.

Some are processed fairy shrimp, which soon turn golden brown.

There are also huge meat skewers hanging there, constantly spinning and roasting, and if someone wants to eat it, the chef will take a knife and plan, and easily a plate of fragrant food will come out.

Among them, you can see that Xiangling is also here.

The pot next to her wore a chef's hat, which looked particularly funny.

The pot is also helping with the other stovetop.

It's also very good and comfortable.

Xiangling's father was engaged in a series of bamboo shoots, and in front of him was a land platform full of bamboo, which was obvious according to the density and size of the platform.

This table should be the actual size and what spatial technique is used.

Thus expanding it.

In Liyue, this kind of thing is not unusual.

Space technology has gradually been integrated into all kinds of daily life, especially the second round of battle between the Xianzhou fleet and the people in the sky, and the people in the sky are quite detailed about space technology.

Naturally, it can also promote and stimulate the development of Liyue's side.

So Xiangling's father was constantly processing bamboo shoots, and amazingly, every time he finished getting it, he would drop a drop of spirit potion, and in an instant, another piece of bamboo shoot would be drilled in front of him.

A couple of guys are also helping.

The bamboo shoots can't be used up at all.

Xi'er's face twitched when she saw it, but if you think about it, the bamboo shoot seems to be like this, and it comes out too quickly, not to mention Liyue, a country with developed elixirs, so superimposed.

Such a picture appeared.

"Stir-fried devil pork with fairy bamboo shoots, serve."

Xiangling's casual hand shook, and the dishes in the pot flew out at once, landing neatly in a large pile of plates, without leaking a little.

And each serving is about the same.

Then the guys brought it over, and you can see that she is already very good now.

It's a god.

It is praised by everyone and is worthy of being the first immortal chef in Liyue.

Among them, one of her Hot Wheels was suspended there, constantly blowing a fresh breeze against a huge piece of ice, which made everyone very cool.

It's really pleasant!

There are all kinds of food areas, and some of them accidentally caught fire, but they were quickly extinguished by the Spirit Rain Technique, leaving a foreigner with the eyes of a water god speechless, you move so fast.

In some areas, there are huge pools where many fish are killed.

Then the shopkeeper above shouted.

"Come and see, the fight of betta, in which the winner will be a delicacy on the table, everyone come to bet ah."

"Whoever wins gets a dish."


There are also a lot of Warcraft products, and processed products are sold there (good of No's).

What good ice wolf skin, earth lion tooth, rock crystal butterfly powder, fairy beast cheese, silk fabric. Sea beast claws and so on.

Many seafood areas are in full swing.

Like what rare blood corals, colorful clams, sea strange things and other materials,

There are also some alchemists who are making purchases and using them for alchemy.

It's not even humans who set up stalls.

It can be seen that there are many ores in the Rock Dragon Lizard family, and in the Huges family, a row of huge lollipops is placed there, and then the box is filled with all kinds of colorful candies.

Luxurious very.

It has attracted the amazement of countless people, and there are many varieties that have never been seen.

You little guys, you really know how to develop candy.

There are also fire dragons that have turned into human shapes, and the pills that are sold there, and the pills made by ordinary fire dragons, are very good.

They have dragon fire.

Therefore, it is more suitable as an alchemist than ordinary people.

There are also those selling dragon fairy fruits.

As for the goblins of various elements, it is needless to say, a series of goblin crop areas have long been crowded and lively to death.

This festival lasts for a few days.

Su Bai had already taken others to play before.

And now.

Instead, he and Bronia and they went to a fairy fruit area.

Meru rainforest area.

"Abominable! I also want to participate in the harvest festival! "。

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