In the Black Tower space station.

At this time, the black tower is remotely controlling his puppet, chatting with Himeko and Hoshi in front of him.

"Did you defeat the visitors of the Star Sea of Doomsday Beasts, this is nothing, I'm not interested in them, it's just a black hole, but such an interesting example in front of me, the star core is so stable?"

"I really want to use it for research."

"It's a really amazing thing, but maybe I won't be interested in it for long, okay, do you want to be my research subject?"

Their conversation continued.

However, the attitude of the black tower is also normal, she has always liked to study new things, like black holes, not in the eyes, she can easily do it, after all, she is a member of the genius club.

And this kind of celestial body that has long existed in the universe, will she not have studied it?

Her Black Tower is not young again.

Not to mention.

She is the [Intellectual Envoy] who has revealed her identity on the surface.

As for expressing gratitude or something, that's a matter for the webmaster Esda.

She doesn't need to worry about it.

After all, the members of the Genius Club are more proud than the other, and to what extent is they proud?

They don't have much contact with each other.

Often immersed in the personal world.

Black Tower, screw grum and this kind of thing, is already considered to have a good personality.

Compared to the rest of the club, that's more than a heavyweight.

Among the Star Dome trains.

Tiantong Mu is more here, but just finished chatting with Esda remote projection, the other party expressed his gratitude, and the money came over generously, Mu looked at Su 28 Bai's account, that string of astronomical figures.

Shake your head directly.

What a rich woman.

After all, she didn't open an account yet, so she used Su Bai's.

However, Esther is indeed a talent, although she does not like the various power struggles in her family, she is also a very smart person, the city government is good, and she is comfortable in handling and managing these people.

Emotional intelligence is high.

Much stronger than the careful sea.

Well, although it sounds a bit rude.

It's okay, Xinhai doesn't know.

But how interesting the task of group rumors was, and later the group leader was actually her Esda, and she specially sent an emoji.

Die laughing.

It felt like she was feeling a little more refreshed in her heart when she was chatting with Alan.

Crazy teasing.

And Su Bai was strolling around the train, constantly commenting on the design of the train, so that March Seven and Pam thought that he had great taste and knew how to appreciate!

Well, it's all routine.

In fact, he's figuring out how to build your train.

But he and Su Bai did help the train, cough, anyway, it was friendly.

After this.

Himeko is also back.

And she looked happy.

"I took some special coffee beans from other star fields from the space station, there are many people today, everyone must come to taste my hand-blended coffee."

"Have a coffee tasting session."

March 7 did not hold back.

Frightened, he fell directly to the ground.

Ling Himeko's cheeks twitched.

"Little March, this hasn't started yet."

A few meanings ah you this! There are also guests!

It's too much.

So when Himeko came out with a row of coffee satisfied, she could feel that it exuded a terrifying atmosphere, and there was a sense of similarity to dark cuisine.


March Seven looked at the cup of coffee in front of him, and his whole body trembled.

She hurriedly went to find Pam.

"Pam, any more sugar, bring me some."

"Milk is also needed."

"Otherwise, I don't know what courage I have to use to face such a difficult challenge!"

Himeko: .....

You are so shocking, you know?

As a result, Su Bai and Tiantong Mu both drank all at once, and their expressions did not change much, which made Ji Zi's eyes shine, and he was immediately very happy.

It's quite satisfying.

As a matter of fact.

They all used their strength to extinguish it after they entered the entrance.

This action misled Xing, she felt that March Seven was a little too exaggerated, it should not be, so she also drank a large mouthful, and the next moment, her expression instantly stiffened.

A hand was placed on his neck.

The face is green.

That painful expression is mainly a torture.

March Seven after returning shook his head, another victim, hey.

I'm sure you'll remember it unforgettable.

Why don't they feel anything about Mr. Su Bai? Weird.

Can this also be adapted?

Worthy of being a strong one!

When it was evening, Ji Zi also reserved a room for Su Bai and them, the carriage was very large and there were many of them.

In fact, the scale of the train is not small, and when you see it docked at the space station, you can also notice a few points.

The Star Dome train at its peak should be quite lively.

A large piece of men, women and children.

Unfortunately, this is only the stage of re-sailing.

Shuttling through the sea of stars again.

They also sat on the couch and talked about something.

At this time, music came from the side, and then a female voice sounded.

"This is the Interstellar Peace Company, friends all over the galaxy, good evening, everyone."

March 7 abruptly.

"Is it news time for today again?"

"The [Armed Archaeology School] of the Erudite Society has recently made a lot of gains in the excavation of a planet in the Tayleus system, and some local historical documents and antiquities have been removed from ancient ruins."

Or the lively March 7 is spitting.

"What, I heard that those people were rudely blown up all the way with explosives everywhere, more mercenaries than mercenaries, and after getting good things, they triumphantly moved to the spaceship, and some good ruins were destroyed."

Danheng was much calmer.

"It's not easy to say this kind of thing, sometimes their behavior really makes something come to light." Occasionally, some technologies will be developed and popularized. "

But sometimes.

Maybe it's like locusts.

Digging around.

However, this school of the Erudite Society is backed by the Interstellar Peace Company, and it is simply justified to have the backing of the company.

"On the Camille II planet in the Doyland Star Domain, the phenomenon of [Memnesia] appeared, and all the good memories of the people on that planet were stolen."

"Led civilization into misery."

"The Sea Ranger has intervened in this matter, and I hope that the civilization in that area will be careful to avoid the same thing happening again."

Xingdu couldn't help but be surprised.

Have all the good memories been taken away?

It's terrible.

Himeko also introduced.

"Those related to memory are basically factions that extend from the fate of memory, such as the [Streamer Memory Court] under the [Memory Star God] Fu Li, of course, in addition, there are also memory whispers, burning chemical industry."

March 7 was a shudder.

"Whatever memory he has, the reminiscer, just don't come to us, I don't want to lose my good memories, that's too scary."

"The meaning of life has disappeared for the most part."

Don't show up!

They are not welcome on the Star Dome train!

Especially a beautiful girl like her who likes to take pictures, those pictures along the way are really interesting things.

Bit by bit accumulation.

Once the memory is gone, then even if there is a photo, she does not have the slightest feeling, it is very strange. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Think about that scene.


Even if she heard that what [Streamer Memory Garden] is to save, copy the memory, seize the memory is the other side, even if it is a few, she still thinks, all go away!

Neither will copying!

Is there a mistake, who would want their memories to be copied?

Su Bai was thoughtful.


There is a galaxy called [Holstein] that was robbed of their language ability by [Incineration], causing an entire galaxy to fall silent.

All became dumb.

What a crime.

There are quite a few things involving galaxies at every turn, such as artificial miniature galaxies, or cheese stuffing an entire galaxy, or the Extinction Maharaja destroying the Tianoa galaxy.

The broadcast continues.

"In the frozen world, the planet Arilo VI was once considered extinct civilization, but the company's personnel have reconnected with them, and they have maintained their will to survive for more than seven hundred years."

"During this period, a mysterious civilization [Liyue] appeared, sealed the star core, and lifted this crisis."

980 "Here, the company calls on the people of the galaxy to pay attention to the importance of conservation, and now there are a series of disasters in the galaxy, and the more such times, the more critical it is. "

Then the next series of people are all city builders and protectors, all kinds of praise for the star gods.

Let everyone shake their heads for a while.

Why is it that when it comes to this aspect, you say so much?

It's too eccentric.

March 7 said.

"Isn't it clear that there is an unknown civilization called [Liyue], but to elaborate, really, the company always stops abruptly where it should be said, can't they also not know much about that civilization?"

"The other party also sealed the star core!"

After all.

They had also dealt with Star Core more than once before the train.

Himeko, on the other hand, mused.

"Arilo VI? In fact, that's our next destination, didn't I expect it to become a frozen world in the past, I knew that I should check the information. "

"The information database of the train is a long time ago, and it is time to update and synchronize with the Interstellar Peace Company."

Danheng nodded.

After all, he is responsible for this kind of thing.

In this case, he will find a way later.

Instead, Star and March Seven were surprised.



It should be a fun place.

Although how does it sound, it seems that the most exciting stage was missed by them?

The previous star nucleus should have been very incredible.

Rift monsters, local civilizations, wars, mysterious civilizations haunted and so on.

Ah, what a pity!!

It would be nice to see two civilizations at the same time.

It's all the fault of the Black Tower!

I just cared about finding her something strange.

"According to reliable intelligence, the Black Tower space station was invaded by a small number of antimatter corps, but fortunately the losses were not large. The company wants everyone to be extra careful, and the Legion of Doom has caused all kinds of destruction in the galaxy. "


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