When I came in, I found that this was indeed the case.

The gate fell to the ground in the middle, surrounded by a series of instruments and mechanical devices that had long since stopped, many screens were all black, and many were broken.

There were many messy marks and messy debris on the ground.

When evacuated, the people here should have been in a hurry ~ hurry.

But even if you look at it this way, it is still much more advanced than today's Belloberg.

In the disaster of the ice storm and the antimatter legion, the Arilo Six civilization has really declined too much, but now it is constantly recovering, and if it can continue to develop, there is still hope.

March Seven stepped forward and blew a breath, all dust.

She quickly waved her hand.

These buttons did not respond at all, it seems that the energy operation is completely interrupted, so after searching here, I found nothing important, more of them are living items.

Hundreds of years have passed, and it is useless.

Of course.

If you let today's Belloberg come, you can still use it multiple times and use it for other things.

But their words are a little unattractive.

After picking up a long gun and pulling the trigger without reacting, Star also shook his head.

"Let's go to the second floor."


An unknown new adventure begins, and the train crew still finds it interesting, an ancient ruins that have long been inhabited, and now only they are here to explore.

It's all fun to think about!

Then they found a lot of ancient items, what ancient bombs, it looked like a yellow grenade, the power of throwing it was not bad, of course, some would not sound.

It's a dumb.

As a result, after March 7 passed, it exploded again.

Fortunately, she is the type who subconsciously makes ice, and at most it only shocks her.

What kind of luck is this that makes March Seven complain about himself?

Make everyone laugh.

There are also ancient weapons, red serrated automatic machine sickles; However, the blue ancient shield is good, if it is used now, it is still okay, it looks quite thick, and it can be used again after being stuffed into the ground pith as energy.

Activated the energy defense stance.

It's just that it seems that the shield should use more streamlined and processed ground pulp energy, and the direct ore is a bit wasteful.

Square ancient healing devices, but not used.

There are also energy storage masonry, after a long time has passed, there is no energy in it, but it can continue to charge, these are things that can be quickly remastered by Belloberg.

Sometimes the doors on each floor need to be opened with a key card, but unfortunately the people who have such things have long been removed long ago.

So it was all Tiantong Mu who twisted the door with gravity, and then was swallowed by the small black hole.

Completely gone.

It shows a very different precision technique than just now.

Elegant, casual and unhurried.

Let everyone sigh.

It is worthy of being wooden, gravity and black holes play a good six!

After that.

In a vast underground space, the road ahead is separated by a long gap in the middle, and below are bottomless black abysses, and the opposite side cannot see the edge, so March 7 tried to throw a stone down, but did not hear any sound.

It made her face twitch.

So deep!

Everyone who watched was speechless for a while.

Xingdu complained about it.

"How can this place have such a far fault, it's too exaggerated, it should be that we are on the wrong path, there are passages in other places."

"Well, March 7, you carry the pot."

"Huh? Why me? "

This really makes March Seven strained, blame her?

"Because you rushed headlong and brought everyone to this side, and also said that the intuition of beautiful girls tells you that there must be something good here."

March Seven suddenly became embarrassed.

Well, it seems to be so.

Himeko smiled too.

"When I was in other worlds before, Little March sometimes didn't have a plan, and I wanted to play one out at a time."

"I, woo, there is Mr. Su Bai, Sister Mu Geng is here, trouble to save me some face."

"Next time I promise I won't do it again, let's take a detour!"

This really made Su Bai laugh.

"No, in fact, I sensed it, you can pass from this side, but the road is a little closer, and the province will have to detour so far next."

"If you fly, you choose."

So everyone showed surprised eyes, because Su Bai waved his hand, and a lot of items were suspended here.

Talisman paper, small wings, small bottles of liquid, long swords, brooms, backpacks, etc.

Xingdu was stunned.

"Mr. Su Bai, are these?"

"Well, they are all things that can allow you to fly, you can use whichever you want, they are all plural, for example, the first one is [Flying Talisman], as long as it is attached to the body, it can take off."

"It's okay to let me take out four at once."

The second is [Organ Wing], an auxiliary mechanism device invented in the end.

The small bottle is an alchemy potion, and after drinking, it can form a pair of alchemy wind wings behind its back, which can last for a while.

As well as jet jetpacks, magic brooms, and the last flying sword needless to say.

"But the flying sword, you haven't used it, let's choose the front, there was originally a magic flying carpet, I didn't get it, after all, I can't use it, this is all the previous gadgets."

High emotional intelligence, the significance of collecting is greater than the actual meaning.

Low emotional intelligence, eat ashes.

Like what flying boots or something, Su Bai didn't take it out.

Can't you let them change their shoes here temporarily?

Everyone is also amazed at these things, and then look at Su Bai, is this the forging master, flying alone can come up with so many methods, it's great.

March 7 is all thinking.


It would be too cool to let Mr. Su Bai join the team, it seems that they really lack a teammate to forge and equip here.

Can help at critical times, and usually come up with useful props. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all.

It was obvious that Mr. Su Bai had space to store his belongings.

In the galaxy, many people use this technology.

So they began to select items, and Danheng's first reaction was that of the flying talisman, but he still put his hand back with a complicated face, and when he looked at the wing, he also reacted.

Thus chose the magic broom.

It was obvious that the first two meant different things to him, causing Danheng to remember something.

He was also very shocked inside.

Liyue, where Mr. Su Bai is located, also has these two technologies?

Spells and ingenuity?

However, he was still silent, no matter what, Xian Zhou had nothing to do with him.

Maybe it's a coincidence.

After all, there are other things, all of which are different technologies, which can only show that this Mr. Su Bai has a wide range of interests, and is indeed an incredible master who understands so much.

So Star took the flying charm, and after she held it in her hand and launched it, she levitated, and she could feel that she could fly at will, and it seemed that she could hold out for a long time.

Wings for March 7.

As soon as she put it on, it automatically became larger, and she was able to use it as she pleased, which made her face show all kinds of surprises.

"It's so convenient, it's like my hands and feet, and it's easy to use."

Ji Zi drank the bottle of potion, and a pair of brilliant wings of wind crystal suddenly bloomed behind him, making March Seven instantly feel that his wings were not fragrant.

That's pretty good, right?


Can I re-elect?

So after that, Himeko saw that March Seven also had alchemy wind wings behind her, and she was also crying and laughing.

"Little March, you."

So everyone smoothly flew through this long black abyss, during which Su Bai and Tiantong Mugeng directly stepped on the void step by step, completely in a leisurely posture.

They were all surprised.

This is a master.

Then after coming to the wall on this side, Su Bai waved his hand, and a big hole appeared here, just inside was the interior of the ruins base, and everyone flew in smoothly.

On the large field ahead, a huge furnace of the earth is placed here.

It seems that in the past it was this that provided the energy of an entire underground ruin.

Seeing that there are many paths and rooms around, everyone went to search separately to see if there was anything fun, which was also an adventure.

During this time, they discovered that even after all this time, there were still a series of traps on the ground, and ancient mechanical devices would block the ground and turn it off.

Not to mention, it's interesting.

Anyway, not long after, March Seven came out with a large number of rare ancient items, some of which were still good things and antiques brought by the outer civilization in the past, and traded with the people of Arilo Six, thus appearing here.

It's all worth a lot.

I can sell a lot of credits.

On the other hand, Danheng took some past technology products, which seemed to be collections, or research.

In the middle, Himeko took a lot of text materials and information and watched with relish.

Su Bai is also playing with the equipment of an extraterrestrial civilization, which is a little interesting, this is a small invention of a club genius, but unfortunately people in the past will not use it, just as a delicate collection.

Tian Tong Mu looked at a large pile of ore in a corner, and the others found that there was still a lack of people?

At this time, there was a violent vibration in a certain area.

Everyone was surprised.

First put down the things in his hand and rushed over.

Could it be that something happened to Star?

They went to an area in the direction of the north, and through the passage there, their eyes suddenly widened.

In that big square below.

Xing's figure also appeared in everyone's eyes, and I saw that there was a tall ancient robot chasing her.

Keep waving your iron fist!

It looks very similar to the [Ancient Creation Engine] once summoned by Kokolia, but it seems to be a scaled-down version, half the height less, but this is also amazing!

It's still a behemoth-like existence!

And there are no less of them, there are three!

Himeko immediately recognized it because she turned over some information.

"In the past, the city-builder forces on this planet once built a machine called [Creation Engine] to change the environment of the earth, and there were hundreds of them."

"But they were all damaged in the war."

"As for here, it should belong to the protection type of the trumpet, as the final line of defense used to guard the base!"

"It's just that the ground defense line is lost too quickly, and these are left here to beg."

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