And the streamer remembers these existences.

They are all creatures that abandoned their physical bodies in the past and wandered the galaxy in the form of memes.

So they can do a bunch of things that ordinary people can't.

Just about.

Su Bai studied a little about memes, and considering this matter, he prepared such a thing in advance.

After all.

If the train crew does not want to be copied by memory, then the behavior of erasing people's memories is a bit excessive.

"So you can hang it up, no matter which wall."

Hearing Su Bai say that they may not be there next time, March 7 ah.

"Mr. Su Bai, will you leave then? Well, I thought you would move on to the next place with us, which is a shame. "

"I still really want you to stay, after all, you are a big master at first sight! Hey. "

She was quite reluctant.

It can only be lost.

After all, the train has come and going, some people will get off the train halfway, and some will leave at the next stop, which is very normal.

It's just that after experiencing adventures and many things together, it will still be sad after all.

Su Bai smiled.

"It's nothing, we have an old saying there, there is no banquet in the world, but don't be too sad, after a banquet, you can hold the next one."

"As long as there is fate, there will be a second and third chance to meet."

"Maybe when you meet me, you will be surprised, and say why am I here."

Not to mention the Star Dome train, it has the ability to teleport, especially that anchor point.

This is something that other civilizations that use star orbits can't do, others just fly on this route, but the train set can be transmitted back to Arilo VI, or to those places in the past.

After all, if their course can only go all the way forward, there is no turning back.

163 Then why do trains often return to the Black Tower space station?

This is a long-term cooperation, and often helps the Black Tower find interesting things, and the two sides can exchange supplies and credits, which is also convenient for the train.

Who made this car, the jump is a space jump.

Very flexible.

Not to mention that Su Bai wanted to meet them, it was too simple.

"So the next time we meet, I hope not to be rusty, it's good that we still lived here for a while, maybe when will we continue to live here, after all, my wife likes it very much."

Tendo Mu more: ...

You like it a lot, you can study trains and enjoy me.


It's all for you to win.

But next time, let's tap.

Himeko is also very generous with a smile, elegant and charming.

"Well, or that room has always been reserved for you, welcome to come back next time, Mr. Su Bai and Miss Mu Geng have helped us a lot, so we are very grateful."

"If you don't dislike it, there will always be a place for you here, and it will always be open for you."

After all, the doomsday beast, Beloberg and the underground ruins, the new power of the star, and the streamer memory court and the ancient mirror in the hand just now, it is obviously a short time, but it has already experienced a lot.

It's really memorable.

The two of them, really wonderful people, not only do not hate drinking coffee, but also talk very well, although Miss Mugen sometimes doesn't seem to know much about Milky Way?

Mr. Su Bai is much more powerful.

She knew a lot about what was happening in the galaxy, even she didn't know.

"Also, I want to meet your Himeko over there, if you have the opportunity, you can't miss it."

So under everyone's gaze, Su Bai waved goodbye to Tiantong Mugen (ciah).

And then disappeared here.

This made March Seven sigh inexplicably after half a ring.

"I feel that without Mr. Su Bai and them, the liveliness of the train has suddenly decreased a lot, Mr. Su Bai can tell many interesting anecdotes and rich small stories, and Sister Mu Geng is also very lively and active."

Xing also silently watched the direction in which they disappeared.


I hope to see you again next time.

Seeing such a depressed atmosphere, Himeko was also helpless, no way, two very attractive people left.

So she thought of a way.

"Or, to boost morale, come and drink my coffee!"

Xing He March Seven instantly revealed a terrified gaze.


And the journey of the train set continues, and sometimes they will go back to the Black Tower space station to replenish supplies or something, after all, you can know if you ask Pam.

And Star also participated in the Black Tower's experiment that simulated the universe.

During this time, Dark Tower also noticed the thing around her waist.

That is, [Eye of the Imaginary Rock God].

"What's the thing, shiny, is this a treasure found somewhere, it looks very good."

Then the Black Tower listened to a series of stories and thoughtfully.

"Did the person who came to the space station before give it to you, so that you have a powerful force, strangely, this power of yours is already much stronger than many people who take the road of survival and protection."

"As a result, such a good thing, the other party casually gave it to you?"

"It's really interesting, can you let me study it, it will benefit you a lot."

Xing originally subconsciously wanted to refuse, after all, this was something sent by Mr. Su Bai.

I shouldn't give it to her for other purposes.

But she suddenly remembered what Su Bai said, if the black tower is interested, you can refuse and agree, she can't crack it, after all, the power is already in your body, and the outside is just a good-looking shell.

At most, the Black Tower could see that this thing was not actually an instrument, but a force, and it was already an empty shell.

There is an energy surround outside, which cannot be cracked.

Forcibly will turn into a point of light and disappear, there is nothing in the first place, so it doesn't matter to study the Black Tower.

However, Star refused.

After all, even if it's okay, there is no reason to give the benefactor something to others to ponder.

Or keep it herself.

The black tower could only hold his hand and disdain.

"Stingy, but it doesn't matter, at most it's a rare strange thing, and I'm not interested in it in two seconds."

"Let's continue to simulate the universe."

On wonders. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She has a lot here.

An oasis area in Meru.

It was already nightfall, but in the rainforest, a man was walking towards a thicker area under the moonlight, and in front of him a beautiful woman dressed in little clothes was showing off and smiling charmingly.

Gave him a seductive look.

"Come on, let's have some excitement together."

"For example, first under the trees, and then into the lake."

However, this man seems to be very moved on the surface, but he is sweating behind his back, and he keeps meditating in his heart, hoping not to pit himself, this is a fatal job.

It must be timely.

In the far distance, in a large tree, Tinari and a group of rangers hid on it.

Draw the bow and aim from afar.

There are also those who use telescopic equipment to observe, but there are branches and vines everywhere, the effect is not very good, it is easy to be a big tree around a corner, directly blocking the perspective.


The man followed the beauty all the way to a large tree, and the woman hid her body behind the tree, showing only a head.

"Good brother come soon, my clothes have begun to fall to the floor."

He showed a lecherous look and wiped his saliva.

"It's coming."

As a result, after not walking a few steps, the perspective was finally visible, where there was a woman behind the tree, but a terrifying tiger's head was revealed, which turned out to be a tiger! It opened its hideous mouth, roared and rushed towards him!

This situation looks terrifying!

It seemed that he had expected this step for a long time, but his face still changed wildly.

The shoes on his feet lit up with the light of the wind element, providing a speed bonus that made him run away while the man was still shouting in fear.

"Help! The tiger eats people! "

"Come and help!"

There was banter and cruelty in the eyes of this tiger, stupidity.

In the middle of the night.

Still so far.

Where will someone come to help you.

It started running straight away.

As a result, the next moment, an arrow light accurately hit its waist, and then there were several more shots, causing it to let out a painful roar, and the grass elemental power on its body burst out.

Frightened the man, he used his strength to breastfeed, and quickly took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

And in the woods, one figure after another also rushed over quickly.

Surround every direction.

At the head is none other than Tinaly.

His face was solemn and angry.

"Evil Tiger! Every time you drive the figure of the bewitching woman, you seduce many of my Meru's people, causing many people to disappear, and you must be killed today! "

Other rangers also armed with weapons and attacked.

A battle is fought here.

Soon, the tiger's carcass fell to the ground, and the other rangers were also surprised.

"Such a difficult tiger, is this also a mutated tiger with long sideburns, unexpectedly mastered the power of the grass element, and will create that strange female figure, which suddenly hooked off many bachelor souls."

"There seems to have been a case before, and Liyue recorded it as a grass-sideded tiger, and this ability is called [Ghost]."

"I didn't expect this area to have it."

And this thing is very fast, it is difficult to track, and if you are not careful, you don't know where to run.

If you put it in those rainforest areas in front, there is Lannaro to help.

This is new.

So their team came, and they also brought some medicine bags to remove odors, and the beast's nose was too smart, even the one who lured the tiger had alchemy wind element powder sprinkled on his feet.

Point speed up can be accelerated.

As for this lure, it is a criminal.

He applied for meritorious service.

Tinari asked the team to escort him back, and the others walked with the tiger, and the matter was over.

"With the development, creatures and beasts are also constantly mutating, and Liyue has made a lot of strange beast lists and demon and monster lists, and we need to popularize this knowledge on our side."

"Some desert dwellers' learning should be further expanded."


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