However, compared to Luofu Xianzhou, Beloberg did not have an envoy, and speaking of the destruction of the envoy, Xi'er also recalled, perhaps many people think that [Phantom] has the worst performance.

It took 600 years to destroy more than 120 worlds.

It is far worse than the previous ones.

But in fact, there is a guy who has tossed a civilization for more than one hundred and fifty years, and according to the efficiency of the other party, the other party has only destroyed the six hundred years of [Phantom Shadow].


It's only one-thirtieth of [Phantom Shadows].

This is the real bottom, okay!

Compared with this, the phantom is very good!

Of course.

That is said, but the 4 worlds targeted by that destruction order are really miserable, and each of them has to be constantly tortured and endure a long war with no hope in sight.

Or deliberately let that civilization see hope.

The stronger you are, the more interesting it is for each other to be ravaged.

It's all about how long this civilization can last.

So it is possible to fight a war for hundreds of years.

It's really idle!

Xi'er hopes that the other party will not come, according to the original war of Arilo Six, the other party did this, but the big guardian lifted the table and froze the antimatter legion on the chessboard.

It looks like it's all over.

So the fun of the other party is gone, a frozen death planet, no fun, find the next target.

Everyone thinks that the Arilo VI civilization is gone.

In fact, it is still there, and it still stands here.

28, so Xi'er also rubbed his eyebrows.

You shouldn't worry about this for the time being, the galaxy is so big, it's better to consider accepting the information from the green sparrow in the afternoon, in a sense, Belloberg is also quite lucky.

If you have a green sparrow, you can also get some basic technology from Luofu.

Interstellar Peace Inc.

For them all over the galaxy, the company's information and observation range is the most extensive and timely, and various observation data are constantly recorded in the database of the intelligence network.

Recently, an inspectorate noticed the unusual actions of a certain group of antimatter corps.

Originally, there was an intelligent civilization in that location, which was very prosperous, but after the arrival of these Ember Extinguishing Legions, everything changed, and the flames of war burned all over the stars, bringing death to countless lives.

According to the company's calculations, that civilization should be completely destroyed within the next five years.

Can't hold on any longer.

However, the antimatter legion, which had been slowly advancing, suddenly accelerated the process, and suddenly captured that civilization, and in an instant there was no life there, only destruction, and then this group of legions rose into the air again.

Flying towards the sky, he embarked on his journey again.

As a result, this group of antimatter legions passed by several civilizations in succession, and did not choose to stop, as if they had a new goal and continued to move towards it.

This surprised the regulators.

Order his staff to constantly observe the situation and calculate the final destination based on their flight trajectory.


After this.

An observer constantly enters a large amount of data, slides the surrounding star map, performs a series of coordinate calculations, and then immediately looks up to the other side after seeing a certain result displayed.

"Supervisor! The results of the speculation came out. "

A middle-aged man was shocked and stepped forward.

"Which way?"

"It is expected that the target of the antimatter corps is 33.5% probability of Tianzhengheng Planet One, 11.2% probability of Yabo leaving the planet, and 55.3% probability of Planet Arilo VI."

"Arilo VI? How is this possible? Actually more than half the probability? "

The supervisor's face changed drastically.

The civilization planet that finally solved the crisis and developed again from the ice and snow was used by the company to carry out all kinds of publicity, as long as it is an employee of Interstellar Peace Company, it will never feel strange.

These days, the frequency of information mentioned is also high.


Why is the enemy suspected of heading there?

A strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that it attacked Arilo Six in the first place?"

So he hurriedly spoke up.

"Why are you so sure that Arilo Six has the highest probability? Before this, there were quite a few civilizations. "

The observer also mobilized other data.

"Supervisor, according to the flight speed of the antimatter legion, there has been no sign of stopping slowing down, and these civilizations in front of them are most likely not their targets, and they will be quickly skipped by them as before."

"And the further back, the area to which Arilo Six belongs, there are very few civilizations, and in the end, there are only them."


As long as the other party does not go to the Tianzhengheng planet next, then there is a 90% chance that he will go to the planet Arilo Six!

Hearing these words, the supervisor's face was a little ugly.

"Damn it! There are many personnel sent by the company, and a series of investment projects are in full swing there, which has brought a lot of benefits to the company. "


The company's top management held a meeting in a secret room.

Around the circular platform in the middle, people appeared here one after another through remote projection, and then many of these sitting here were department leaders responsible for the support and cooperation of the six planets of Arilillo.

Plus some big shots.

One of them stood up first, then bowed his head to everyone before he began to speak out.

"After discovering the actions of that group of antimatter legions, we went through a detailed series of investigations and can determine that behind that group of legions, there is an extinction lord lurking."

"And the behavior of the other party, the preliminary analysis is the one seven hundred years ago."

Hearing this, the atmosphere present suddenly fell silent.

After a while, everyone spoke up one after another.

"This hateful guy actually came again, this is not clear and our company can't get by, even if Arilo Six is a city builder force, but our company has been publicizing it now."

"As a result, if the Antimatter Legion comes again, won't it hit us hard in the face?"


It has always been a praise for the greatness and miracle of the Star Protector God.

The other was also upset.

"This will shake our prestige and affect our reputation in the galaxy, how can it be reasonable, there is no way to deal with it."

"Just let them do whatever they want?"

As a result, a mocking female voice sounded.

"Why, you still want to fight people? That is the Ling, one of the leaders of the legion under the constellation of Nanuk, the god of destruction, and we Starpeace Corporation are just a force for business and trade. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Not participating in this kind of combat behavior, occasionally assisting, is already doing your best."

Others said the same.

"Well, it seems that now we can only evacuate the office staff on the planet Arilo Six before the arrival of that group of legions, but this time we must also take care of our face and give that civilization maximum help,"

"As long as people are willing to leave that planet, the company will help transport it away by spaceship."

"This is not too weak for the company, after all, we often broadcast and notify the antimatter army, the people of abundance, the swarm, and a series of haunted information, so everyone should be careful."

"That's what companies can do."


"No problem."

For this measure, everyone nodded in agreement.

Even if there is a protective order in the company, there is no reason to fight to the death, the company is particular about doing business, there is no need to force a shot, after all, this time is different from the last time, since the company publicizes so hard.


Let the Arilo Six civilization evacuate, leave their hometown, and become a force under the company, serving them.

This is a great goodwill of the company.

It is their civilized honor to be taken over by the company.

And so it goes.

Interstellar Peace is also very good and has experienced full humanity.

"However, on Beloberg's side, 987 is originally a city builder force, they are all relatively inflexible and stubborn types, and they may not necessarily listen to us."


One of the high-ranking officials coughed a few times.

"That is also the will to protect, we should pay respect for it, even if it is completely destroyed, it is worth remembering, after all, it is their choice no matter what."

"Nothing to do with us."

But another person suddenly mentioned another point.

"So, in addition to Arilo Six, there is that mysterious civilization Liyue? The company's side has always wanted to invite them to join, but those commissioners can't find anyone. "

"It stands to reason that it's been so long, it is impossible for the other party not to know us."

It's clear.

This civilization, called Liyue, has no intention of actively contacting the company.

Still go your own way.

Another top was a little dismissive.

"I don't know how to lift."

"There were many who rejected our company's good intentions before, but what happened? Inexplicably, their economic system collapsed, alas, this may be retribution. "

"Join our cooperation system early, how can there be so many things?"

"You don't say two words, maybe that civilization is still far apart, maybe it will join when in the future, as for this crisis, I'm afraid even they Liyue can't help."

"There is no order, after all, it is just dust."

As long as you know that among the other party's forces this time, there is an envoy to take the lead.


Even Liyue didn't dare to interfere this time.

They also don't want to look for death.

It doesn't matter if you fight the remnants, but fight against the fully formed Legion of Destruction?


Think too much.

Regardless of Liyue being a powerful civilization, in the face of this disaster, he can only stand by and watch the development of this matter.

Companies can't.

Not to mention them.

It is estimated that you may be so frightened that you dare not come.

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