And he did return to his original state, then let's use the title of sister.

Ping watched the little girl drink this elixir, which is specially used to treat the eyes, she looked with expectation, so that this child can see the light again in the future, right?

Don't be so bitter.

Only after a while, the little girl still spoke out in panic.

"Sister Ping, I, I still can't see, hasn't it taken effect yet."

Ah Ping's heart sank.

It's impossible, under normal circumstances, it's good to drink it, this elixir is very powerful.

It didn't work.


She suddenly thought that the body of the Xianzhou people and the Liyue people should be different, these are all other worlds, although Liyue has encountered so many world bubbles and other worlds now.

Elixir can also work.

And even the treatment of injuries just now is useful.

Could it be that the effect is poor.

She fell into deep thought.

As a result, at this time, a small figure who had been observing here in the distance jumped out, made an old-fashioned voice, and ran over and sniffed the medicine tube curiously.

"Well, the taste of some medicinal herbs is normal."

"It seems that you really have no other ideas to help her." But give up, it's useless, throughout the ages, I don't know how many Xianzhou people and other civilization medicine experts have tried. "

"Those who lack heaven cannot be recovered."

"Miss Ben won't lie to you."

And Ping was expected to look at the girl who suddenly came out, the other party was not old, with lilac hair, but the most striking thing was her pair of dragon horns.

And there is a tail behind her.

What surprised Ping was whether it was the customs or the culture here.

How come she has a strange stone object on this tail, fixed there?

If I'm not mistaken, that thing should have inhibited her power.

Regarding this girl, Ah Ping has long noticed.

She could only sigh again, well, a child again.

As for the tail of the dragon horned dragon, it is not too strange.

Lord Su Bai's water dragon dependents can also do this kind of thing.

Then Ping tried to speak up.

"You are?"

"Call me Bai Lu, although everyone prefers to call me what the medicine dragon girl is, but you just think of me as a healer of the Dandingsi."

"No big deal."

She scratched her head.

Hehe, this time he sneaked out again.


Those nasty dragon masters, and those healers who think so closely of themselves, they are not allowed to go out and run.

It made her feel like it.

What kind of dragon is this?

It's like a small fish that is fixed in a fish tank.

If you don't run and walk more, how can you grow taller?

Since she had the Dragon Horn.

The height is no longer long, she is angry to die, how can this be?!!

Why do others grow so tall, one by one.

It's not fair!

So she sneaked out again, noticed Ah Ping and the blind little girl, and found that she was trying to treat her eyes?

What a shake of the head.

So she jumped out.

Hearing her self-introduction, Ping didn't react.

Instead, the little girl exclaimed.

"Title, Lord Dragon Lady, I have heard of you, it is rumored that you have high medical skills, helped a lot of people, is a very famous healer in Dandingsi, and is deeply respected by everyone

。 "

"There are many people who are very grateful to you."

"So in other words, I really can't help it?"

Bai Lu also helplessly did not make a sound, after all, she is also the kind of character who can't see others suffer.


She really can't help it.

So seeing her silence, Ping raised her own questions.

"Heavenly Deficiency, what is it?"

This made Bai Lu tell her about the approximate situation of this situation, and Ping gradually understood that the meaning of this name is that people are born defective.

The range of meaning of this includes the beauty and ugliness of appearance, how tall you are in the future, and whether you are smart or not.

And because it is naturally fixed in the gene, it cannot be changed and cannot be shaken.

"You also heard about that Danshu, in fact, she also taught me, so I also know a lot about her, and she has made a lot of efforts to see the light of day again."

"Whether it is the way to make ingenuity, maybe for you foreigners, the prosthetic eye is better understood?"

But, it's useless.

From the moment the prosthetic eye is implanted, the body will constantly reject this thing, and the process is very painful, even wailing and despairing, causing someone to fall into the demon body for this.

Or bypass this and implant the picture directly into the head.

But this still requires the senses, otherwise you can't tell the difference, or not.

Even if you try to replace vision with other senses, it is still in vain, as the Dan Shi Commander of the Dan Ding Division, in fact, Dan Shu is very talented, and some of those healers call her the most outstanding person in the medicine of the Xianzhou Alliance.

Well, the methods she can use, as long as you can think of it, there are in the galaxy, have tried.

If it worked, it would have been successful long ago.

The problem is that this fixed feature of the immortal species, there are some methods that may be short-born species, but when encountering Xianzhou people, it will not work.

This is very helpless.

Every kind of body cell of the Xianzhou people maintains a certain balance and achieves a whole, and unauthorized intervention will cause a backlash.

Ping fell silent.

This really responds to the old saying, success is immortality, defeat is eternal.

Because of that blessing, the immortal species of the Xianzhou people appeared, but also because of this, they also lost some of the advantages of short-born species.

What can be easily done on others has become an unattainable luxury for Xianzhou people.

However, looking at the desperate appearance of this little girl, and Ping's expression that had nothing to say, Bai Lu sighed.

"If you have another way, you can try it."

"After all, there is no evidence, you still don't believe it, sometimes after seeing is believing, you can feel this more deeply, such as didn't you use any medicine just now?"

"Those herbs are fine, if you think there is a better way, you can also try it."

"Anyway, I am here, not to mention that the Xianzhou people are not so fragile."

Looking at this sad child, Ping also couldn't bear it.


Try again.

In a room, Ping brought them here, during which she glanced at Bai Lu in surprise.

"Someone is chasing you?"

Bai Lu smiled awkwardly.

On the road before, there were two various searches of Dan Dingsi, and she was so frightened that Ah Ping quickly took herself to hide, so she came to where Ah Ping lived.

"Ahem, don't care about them, Miss Ben is nothing to go out for a while."

"Only those guys, who can't make a fuss at every turn." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And about this little girl, she also listened to it, and said angrily at that time that if she was present, the mothers of those children who directly pumped their tails would not know!

Bear children or something, just as nasty as dragon masters!

At this time, Ah Ping suddenly conjured a cyan Dan Ding and landed on the ground, which surprised Bai Lu.

"You, you are?"

"Isn't this thing a Dan furnace, could it be that you want to refine medicine?"

"Like Dandingsi?"

Ah Ping then took out a series of medicinal herbs, handed them to Bai Lu to identify, and smiled lightly.

"Keep it secret for me, maybe it's not the same as your Dan Ding Technique."

"Then you can also look at these medicinal materials, if they are not suitable for the Xianzhou people, then forget it."

Bai Lu sniffed when she heard this, and observed all kinds of things.

The face is very confident.

"Rest assured, although they are all varieties that I have never seen, my fun is to familiarize myself with various medical books, and then find a series of herbs to facilitate medicine."

"Wow, you have a lot of very powerful herbs here, I feel that my inspiration exploded all of a sudden."

"For example, this can be used to treat mental states, this, can be used to create physical healing, it's great, what kind of civilization are you, how can you grow a series of medicinal herbs like us?"

After seeing these herbs, Bai Lu felt a little unbearable.

I feel that I can use it to study a lot of prescriptions and use it to give medicine.

Some of them seem to be rare and precious.

You can feel it when you smell it.

This big sister, there are so many medicinal (good Zhao) grasses on her body, what a mobile herb library, she is envious to death.

And after Bai Lu confirmed, Ah Ping also smiled.

"It's okay, although my alchemy skills are not as good as those guys, after all, I just learned some when I had time."

"But refining a pill specifically for treating the eyes is still no problem."


She cast a spell, and the lid of the dan ding flew up directly, and then the other herbs emitted a cyan light, which were sent into the dan ding separately, and Ping stretched out her other hand.

A flame erupted from within the Danding.

The refining began.

The blind little girl couldn't see anything, but Bai Lu's eyes were round, how can this be more and more wrong, is it like this alchemy, isn't it a big stove, throw things in.

The automatic assembly line is the same, and the drug is mass-produced.

Technology manufacturing, that's it.

However, Ah Ping's method made her feel that what kind of alchemy was this, and she was operating it all by herself?

And after that, after a series of refining and techniques by Ah Ping, a brilliant immortal elixir came out, and the medicinal fragrance suddenly lingered in this room, making Bai Lu stunned and muttering.

"How come? This smell is far more than that of Dandingsi. "

"It's of high quality."

"You ??? the master."

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