However, Su Bai's attention was not in this aspect, he just looked at it, and then shook his head.

"Long-range is good, that is, the wreckage of the enemy is wasted."

"Those ancient beasts and other units are good materials, too far away, the enemy will recycle them, and then throw them back into the [War Furnace] to create other troops."

"But let them try more, after all, the gun itself is still good."

The past final machine has been updated many times, and a large number of new styles of machine guns have been derived.

And this one today.

It can be called on top of those, for powerful heavy artillery units, continue to develop, very interesting.

In a series of observation and operation rooms, a series of technologies and researchers under the two immortals are constantly watching and collecting information.

"Qianyuan Golden Light Cannon No. 057, can be adjusted in a small range, according to data feedback, the energy transmission area is partially uncoordinated, and it should be repaired later."

"It's been a message."

"The power of No. 063 is much greater than other models, it is a kind of xenomorphic energy captured from the civilization of heavenly people last time, I didn't expect the effect to be so good."

"If only we could promote "503"..."

But another person next to him refuted him.

"No, the consumption of the Immortal Family Heavy Cannon is huge, those xenomorph energies are not much, it is better to use them for other experiments."

A series of debates are raging.

Many are still discussing the structure of heavy artillery, replacing other immortal gold, so that its power and efficiency can increase, and if it is embedded in the immortal formation, it can also be selected and changed in various aspects.

There are many ways to do this.

And this kind of combat is the most capable of promoting and conducting experiments.

Especially when faced with different types of enemy units, the various effects presented are also different.

In terms of dealing with the giant beasts, there were already relevant technicians who went to modify the Qianyuan Golden Light Cannon to make the damage caused to these creatures more efficient.

This side of the command room.

In Bronia's eyes, it was the huge building in the picture that made a volley, and countless rays of light rose into the sky, rushed forward, and then disappeared.

The picture that reappears is the evaporation of countless enemies in the distant starry sky.

She couldn't have been more shocked.

This is much more fierce than Beloberg's firepower, it is impossible to compare, and the wave of diffusion blows alone has swept away countless enemies at once, which is if it hits the ground of Arilo VI.

Thinking about that destruction and lethality, the silver-maned iron guard was all violently killed in an instant.

It's unimaginable that the terrain will be destroyed.

No wonder Su Bai said that the battle would not start on the planet, it was like this at the beginning, where can Yalilo Six carry it.

It's so perverted.

Is this Liyue's artillery strength?

The majestic and huge outer heavenly defense line, sweeping all protective barriers, group heavy artillery like a meteor outbreak, although not very clear, the immortal culture on Liyue's side.

They seem to mention that in a lot of words.


As Su Bai's woman, a woman, she should have a better understanding of Liyue and their culture, otherwise it will be a shame to spread out, she has been in a state of shock since she came here.

From other screens, it can be seen that a series of exaggerated numbers of Liyue flying ship groups are docked on various platforms and have not yet been dispatched.

Some are flying back and forth.

At the same time, there are also many star ports under construction.

The space port of Arilo VI is also under construction, and you can see that there are some spaceports, not quite like Liyue's, the style is completely different, it is completely two painting styles and tastes.

Black and red and bizarre.

As a result, many spaceships and transport spirit ships are dismantling and melting them, and quickly building a spaceport in Liyue next to them.

This is the right taste.

And you can also guess where this came from.

Well, the spoils that defeated the heavenly people were just used by Liyue's side to process and manufacture.

Many of the resources involved in this place were captured in the battle with them.

A series of internal construction is underway, improving and enriching the functions here, and Bronia has also seen that the enemy has suffered heavy losses, and Liyue has not sent any troops here.

It's just a defensive way.

Behind the scenes in a distant region: ...

But not long after, his voice sounded again.

"Hmph, really the strength is quite strong, is it simply not enough to mobilize these at the beginning, it's good, let the more powerful legion structure over, not afraid of you being strong, I am afraid that you are too weak."

"This kind of battle is interesting."

"The more tenacious the spirit and will, the better the final effect of destroying, and it will be a wonderful thing to watch your series of fears and withdrawals."

"Other civilizations in the past were also very tough at the beginning, but they didn't work later. Hehe. "

As a chess player, he has a lot of pieces.

And the chess player will not personally play the game.

So under the will of this Destroying Order, more new classes and units appeared, and a series of Legions of Destruction were assembled, reinforcing the battlefield on the side of Arilo VI.

Battles are destined to be upgraded.

Unleash a more intense confrontation.

And after seeing that the long-range artillery fire did not continue, he also pondered, could it be that the energy consumption was too large, so he planned to fight a quick victory at the beginning?

Forcibly cleared most of the virtual pawns.

However, the other party may not understand, he can call more at any time.

After all, it is just a remote civilization and short-sighted. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But this is also a good thing, like those so-called developed galactic civilizations, they find that they are not right and run fast, but the kind of stubbornness and refusal to leave are the most in line with their appetite.

What is wanted is this kind of civilization, which is strong, but refuses to retreat and flee with its tail between its legs.

And now that the other side has used heavy weapons, the next thing to start is the confrontation between the two armies, yes, the real war is about to begin.

There are quite a few civilizational curiosity in this battle.

After all, it has received a series of attention, not to mention that if you can get first-hand intelligence and release it, how much influence it can attract, and you will also get a lot of benefits.

A series of Galaxy reporters, itching.

It's just that they themselves don't dare to go, they don't have this ability, there is a saying in the galaxy, where the Legion of Destruction passes, there is no grass, everything is nothing, everything in the past is gone!

Because the antimatter corps is too thorough, it can't leave any useful traces, and naturally it can't collect too much intelligence...........

I only know that the legion came, and another world was destroyed.

That's all.

Only some powerful civilizations have fought against these legions and have obtained a lot of useful data.

So ordinary flying machines used to only be destroyed.

Not to mention that there are probably all false pawns raging there, the planet of Arilo VI has fallen into all kinds of wars, which is equivalent to the enemy's territory, and it is difficult to go over and check it.

So everyone is guessing when the planet Arilo VI will become a death star.

For the specific situation, it is completely black eyes.

I don't know how it went.

After all, as mentioned earlier, too many forces are not optimistic about this outcome.

Even many Beloborgians who left with the company were glad for a while, isn't this better than staying there?

Especially after seeing those images of the world destroyed by the [Antimatter Legion], it is completely black and scorched after being burned by the fire, and it is only lifeless in the past!

All kinds of fragmented worlds, all kinds of miserable situations!

It's chilling.


According to the information, it was originally a series of prosperous civilizations, but they were all strangled by the antimatter army, which were ruthless destruction machines, and there were many vicious races thrown into the arms of the destruction side.

Converted, forged.

Let them grow in size more and more.

This kind of information has to have nightmares when you see too much, especially the civilization that has touched the antimatter legion, it is easy to wake up in a dream.

So these Belobers shook their heads when they saw it, and at this time they were on an ordinary ship in the Interstellar Peace Company, and there were many people living in a room, some of them were playing with communication equipment, and some were drinking drinks.


A man also ate [synthetic meat] on a plate with a knife and fork, and after a moment he shook his head.


"Although this meat is good, it is far from as good as what I ate in the silver-maned iron guard, those meat from Liyue's aid is really fragrant, what is it called, magic meat?" Spirit flesh? "

"And because of the good quality, how to make it delicious, absolutely amazing, the brothers almost bit their tongues at that time."

"Before everyone gathered a bonfire in the snow and drank a sip of Liyue's warm elixir, that good guy, suddenly warm to death, even if the cold wind blows, don't be afraid."

Then at the campfire, the meat is grilled on fire, and then some seasonings are added.

All of a sudden, the smell was incredible.

And the picture of the oil dripping down, it is really drooling coming out.

Then everyone laughed and ate and talked freely about what happened and changed.

That kind of stationing and traveling mission is also full of warmth and beauty.

It's just that.

Obviously this has only been a while, why did you start to miss it?

Another friend in the back smiled.

"It was you who insisted on leaving the Arilo Six in the first place, and after leaving the Silver-Maned Iron Guard, don't pick and choose, some will be good to eat."

"Synthetic meat is not meat? I heard that the cost of these meats is very low, and the company can produce a very terrifying amount at once, and at this point, the taste alone is indeed not comparable to Liyue. "

"Eat quickly, I'll go to work later."

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