So for a while, these divine messengers bowed their heads in unison.

In this direction, their master, the new [Sage of the Tower], exerts the highest respect.

It can be described as a dense patch.

And Ciel also heard the sound of prayer everywhere in this world.

There are men and women, old and young.

"Lord Sage, I pray to you, come and guide us."

"O great and omniscient sage, please let the old man go with peace of mind."

Or pray for help and fight monsters.

This allowed her to immediately perceive what was happening in those prayer places.

And began to command these messengers, commanded them.

"A few of you, go to the street in the upper east corner of town and kill those monsters."

"And you, go to the southwest to help the villagers build houses."

"Those who deal with the collapse accident also go to five."

Soon, the white envoys here disappeared one after another, and began to perform their duties, and Xi'er could also hear the voices of those people's surprises, such as what, great, the divine envoys appeared, and the sage lord appeared again.

Finally, I can return to a calm and peaceful state.

Everyone was grateful for a while, and they were much more reverent to be able to hear those voices.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

When Ci'er received this power, it also meant that she had to fulfill these responsibilities and help these people of faith, which was a rule, and from now on, she could not go out of the tower often.

Once you go out for a long time, far away, it will be very uncomfortable.

Power [High Tower Sage], guess why bring a high tower.

Legend has it that the mysterious sages who have lived in the tower for a long time guard this world, and this is the meaning of this power.

That is to say, as Su Bai said before, the power in the world bubble is different from the normal power.

In this way, it seems very unfree.

Tied down.

Or maybe other worlds bubble power, not this limitation, but there are other rules and conditions, which look like a crippled, flawed power.

However, this is only a small step in Su Bai's imagination, and it is not the real power.

That's a little head.

However, Xi'er is also dealing with a series of things, she naturally knows this, so let the situation calm down first, and after the white god messenger disappeared, her heart moved.

A group of completely different black envoys appeared here.

They're holding a black scythe.

In terms of accurate names, the previous one was [White Hanging Sword], and now this batch is [Black Death], which symbolizes life and death.

It can also be called [Divine Messenger] and [Sha Gong].

A living world bubble [Salt and Snow Holy City] action, a dead world bubble [Sand Iron Country] action, this series of characteristics, again scythe, life and death, plus a Xi'er.

The sense of déjà vu can be described as a strong mess.

Even Xi'er said that it was almost a perfect fit.

It's like a very blunt hint.

And these subordinates are the effect brought by the power of power.

And Xi'er began to pray, that is, "consolation".

With the help of her power, there were a series of silk threads everywhere in the World Bubble [Salt Snow Holy City], and she went to another World Bubble.

It was a world full of dark clouds and desolation as a look at the past.

The light is dim.

The ground is covered with some sand and dust, and occasionally you can see some stone pillars, which is a stark contrast to the very bright and white salt and snow holy city, which is the country of sand and iron, full of stone walls and ravines.

Under the moonlight, you can see that there are many blue ghost fires moving on the ground.

That's the people who live here.

Well, there is no human form.

Like a kind of ghost, these images flashed in Xi'er's eyes, the sages can freely travel between the world of life and death, and those black divine messengers are her servants, responsible for a series of management.

With the consolation, new ghost fires are increasing, and it seems as if the soul is really brought here.

In line with the legend, the sage guides the dead.

Only Xi'er was clear at this time.


[Salt Snow Holy City] The people on this side are really dead when they die, and as for the ghost fire in the other world, it can be understood that the projection over there is not a prototype, but a fake.

However, this kind of consolation can prevent the destruction of the two world bubbles and maintain them in a certain stable stage.

So that the whole body symbiosis.

After doing this, Xi'er also opened her eyes, and Su Bai was still waiting for her here.

This made her a little embarrassed.

"Long wait. It took a lot of time to deal with a series of things. "

"It's okay, we don't need to say this between us."

"But now, as you become more familiar with and master the power of the sage, after becoming more proficient in this world, you can start to think about the real plan."

Compared to the flawed power of the Sage of the High Tower, the next step is to let Xi'er try to obtain a true complete powerful power.

Much beyond the former.

That's the power of the lawyer!

Now here, there is a world bubble of life and death, and there are rules implanted by the evil god, and the other world bubble is also inseparable from the other party, but Xi'er did not come to seize this rule of [娑].

But on the basis of this series, use this as a springboard to get the echo of the sea.

Thus allowing Xi'er to strengthen a wave.

This kind of operation, ordinary people can't play, after all, there are not many people who can connect with the sea, and those who get strength and recognition from the sea are the ones who were at the beginning of Venus.

At that time, they were crushed by the collapse brought by the final Yan, and they simply did not do one thing or the other.

The forces that attract the sea hit there.

As a result, the Venus civilization was completely washed away, and the collapse was gone, after all, the collapse is something for civilization, and without the civilization, it will naturally not come again.

It can be said that he performed what is called killing eight thousand enemies and injuring himself ten thousand.

In that case, the Venusians were dead.

That's all that's left.

Although she is still a human appearance, she has acquired an unusual power, that is, from the Quantum Sea.

So many people, she is such a one.

Then on the side of the earth civilization, it is Xi'er.

Her connection to the Quantum Sea is also very deep, so it is possible to implement this.

Even if. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is Xi'er from the Star Dome Railway.

There is also great feasibility.

"And if it is as originally intended, you can use the power of Jiao."

After all, this evil god actually went to the depths of the sea since he stopped being a human and surpassed people, and he created a leaping device to go to the depths of the sea, in the thousands of worlds and ten thousand worlds of the star and the sea.

In the world of the Ganges.

Keep getting stronger.

So who is she referencing and imitating?

The cocoon of the end.

This is the most powerful force that the Venus civilization has ever encountered, bringing them endless despair, so the strongest object that the evil gods can learn from is naturally this thing.

Therefore, today's power of the evil gods, its internal structure and rules, and a series of logics are very similar to the cocoon of the end.

Then under a series of superposition and fit, with this imitation logic, and then get the power of the sea, there can be a legitimate lawyer, a lawyer on the side of the quantum sea.

And now you have several abilities of Shaka, and she is also the framework of the Law of Death, which can be directly referenced, so you can combine these two points more smoothly and get a wave of enhancement that belongs to you."

"Come on."


Xi'er nodded firmly, and there was gratitude in her eyes, but she didn't expect that she was still complaining that she hadn't strengthened before.

Didn't expect that.

Now, I can also sp Xi'er.

It depends on whether she, Xi'er, who is not Honkai Three, can be like the other party.

So at this moment, a large amount of collapse energy converged here, and began to continuously concentrate and produce a series of visions, not only that, but even the power implanted by the evil gods began to surge.

And after the replacement of sages in this world, it also attracted the attention of a certain person.

She was amazed.

The rules seem to have been affected slightly, and the operation has been slow.

As the rear world bubble of the evil god [娑], he is completely like engaging in many world bubble planting areas, regularly and continuously harvesting the energy in it, and paying attention to a series of sustainable developments.

Of course, it is not He who is responsible for managing and patrolling these worlds.

Instead, he engaged his subordinates, assistants, agents.

Let these guys do the work.

And here is a woman named [Vita].

She has a delicate black outfit, a cape on the back like the feathers of a peacock, and a golden semi-ring creation flying beside her, which also has a few feathers on it.

So after the bubble of this twin world appeared strange, she also went here to check it out, but when Vita was just about to step into it, her eyes suddenly widened.

It's like feeling the movement in the world bubble.

"What's the matter, the power of the bud of may it be triggered, who did it? Why is this power harnessed? "

"I'm still here!"


It's as if your own power has been used by outsiders who don't know.

What a situation.

Who can do such a thing.

She didn't do anything, and as a result, she couldn't sense the child anymore.


And the next moment, the sea flowers outside rioted, startling her, and in Vita's shocked gaze, the quantum sea in this area changed, ebb and flow, so that she quickly fled here.

"No, I have to leave quickly, or I will be swallowed by the power of this wave."

"Why did even the sea have such a mutation?"

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