After saying this, Li Suxiang walked away.

After all, by age.

I am still an immortal seed.

But if she was her age, she would have killed indiscriminately and became famous all over the world.

Then she came to Ping and smiled.

"I'm sorry, let you come and wait, and when they finish competing, we'll go shopping."

"And the little fish are also here?"

"Sister gave you a small gift, this is our talisman over there in Liyue."

And here in the venue.

The two of them became serious, and Yanqing made a salute first.

"Yun Riding Xiao Wei Yanqing, please enlighten."

Su Xiang also hurriedly returned the same military salute.

"Cloud Rider recruit Li Suxiang, ugly. I also hope that Lord Xiaowei will not be like this, and he is just a newcomer who has come to Luofuyun to ride for a short time. "

Yanqing said deeply.

"No, you were taught by that master, maybe it is already very terrifying, and you look similar to her, which is enough to show that you are not simple, come on."

Xianzhou Suxiang was speechless.

Don't talk about appearance anymore, I'm very simple, it's not as good as your brain supplement!


She is often teased by other cloud riding companions, saying that you will definitely be as powerful as her in the future, so please cover us when the time comes, please, we will go and buy you something delicious.

And what kind of title of big sister is coming.

All of a sudden, the status in the army is different.

She was stunned.

Can you stop this, obviously since 03 is still very weak, in the time of Luofu, how did the star turn suddenly become like this, and his previous fantasy, completely different.

But Yan Qing was thinking in his heart at this time that the big Li Suxiang was indeed unfathomable.


And this one, just a recruit, even if he has practiced for a while, it is definitely impossible to grow too fast.


Win a lot yourself?

After all, he is the first swordsman of Luofu Xianzhou, although he lost once, his strength is not weak in essence, but the other party is too strong.

That's right.

So in this way, as long as he defeats this Sushang.

That's a lot of confidence.

And from her sword skills, find a way to deal with that person, and when the time comes, become stronger and challenge again, there is no hope of winning.

A momentary failure does not prove anything.

I'm a genius!

In the future, he will win the position of the leader of the Naluofu Sword, and in the future competition launched by the alliance, defeat the other Xianzhou Sword Heads, so as to obtain the strongest title - Xianzhou Sword Leader!

This is exactly the leader of kendo!

The strongest at the top!

It is famous for the worship of the entire alliance and cloud riders, and its status is extremely high.

At that time, it will be the real peak of life.

So now this battle will be his first step, re-usher in victory, and then on the road to the future, step by step to create his own legend!

Thinking of this, Yanqing was excited and full of confidence in her heart.

It works!

Simply put, it is.

The wind stopped, the rain stopped, and Yanqing felt that she could do it again.

But thinking that this opponent is just a recruit, Yan Qing can't help but feel a little ashamed, she may be a little too much, it seems that at the beginning, she should be let go.

Soon, the two began this competition.

They all pulled out their swords, and quickly clashed, there was a constant sound of collision and gold and iron symphony, and a lot of sparks appeared, the two you come and go, one after another to perform their respective sword moves!

Relative to before.

Today's Xianzhou Suchang has been able to hold the Xuanyuan Sword in one hand, so he finally has a trace of the temperament of a strong man.

It's just that when I think of suffering from it, Su Xiang wants to cry.

It's terrible.

However, in the face of this general guard of the Divine Strategy Mansion, she did not dare to be careful and underestimate the enemy, and immediately threw out an amazing sword skill!

"Too illusory to contain the wind!"

The power of the howling wind circulated on her sword, and swung it directly with a rapid momentum, which caught Yanqing, who originally wanted to make herself, caught off guard, almost suffered a big loss, and hurriedly became serious.

He is also instantly alert!


This girl is also very strong!

It's stupid to be careless.

Under this move, his sword was shaken out, but this can be suspended and controlled, Yan Qing reacted extremely quickly and immediately flew the sword weapon to the side angle with the posture of the imperial sword, attacking Su Xiang from the side!

So that Su Xiang retreated and blocked that move!

The sword returned to Yanqing's hand again, making Su Xiang marvel.

"It's worthy of Lord Xiaowei, deliberately let the sword break away, and then want to hit me by surprise, so powerful!"

"It seems that I also have to be strict, otherwise I may lose the battle in an instant."

Yanqing: ...

Ping and Li Suxiang in the distance also had strange eyes, where would they not be able to see that it was this Yanqing who carelessly underestimated the enemy, if it wasn't for the quick reaction to change a move, it would be embarrassing.

Feeling such a gaze, Yanqing also felt that her face was hot.


Sword come!

Under the movement of his mind, the swords behind him flew out in unison, turning into streams of light and killing Su Xiang, which was exactly the display of his famous genius, the six flying swords of the imperial envoy!

Attackable and defensible!

It also shocked Su Xiang, and his heart was very flustered.

She naturally knows this prestige.


It's not that I'm going to lose. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No, fight with these flying swords!

"Too illusory to contain thunder!"

With the flickering of thunder light, there was also a flow of purple light on her Xuanyuan sword, which made its speed increase a lot, and brazenly continued to shoot away one flying sword after another, although Yan Qing would still control it and come back!

But the two did engage in a fierce sword fight!

Sword light and shadow, energy wave!

Su Xiang constantly rushed and approached, quickly closing the distance, and confronting the flying sword weapons one after another.

With such momentum, Ling Yanqing's face twitched.

It was as if he saw the shadow of that large Li Suxiang.

With the collision of weapons, various air vibrations continued to come, and Ling Suxiang delivered the next blow, and the fierce sword qi and the rolling momentum of the waves rushed towards him, as if he wanted to split this place into two sides!

"Too illusory to break the sea!"

Yan Qing's face changed drastically.

What the heck?

Why did it jerk so much at once?

Not good!

He quickly summoned his sword weapons, and three of them were blasted away by the opponent's move as soon as they flew up, and the other two also hurriedly passed, and he also took this one in his hand out!

Six swords together!

Directly surrounded together, forming a sword array.

Use it as a defensive force!

As a result, it was cut by the literacy sword in the next moment!

At the moment of crisis, a sword weapon appeared in Yanqing's hand again, and after fighting against this move, the whole person was shocked to withdraw a long way.

Su Xiang was a little puzzled in her heart, was Yanqing releasing water on herself?

How can I not feel that he is very strong.

I was still very frightened, afraid that I would have to undergo ten times the training, so I didn't want to lose early.

At least.

As long as he persists for a long time, then his efforts can also be seen by that Li Suxiang.

If you don't think about the credit, then there is still a hard work.

In this way, she should not discipline herself too hard, so she is already very serious and goes all out.

Anyway, it has to be a little longer.

However, how could the situation and scene in front of you be like this?

Or is Yanqing deliberately showing weakness and trying to trick himself?

One thought of this possibility.

Su Xiang was immediately alert, she looked around, the ground was full of Yan Qing's sword weapons, it stands to reason that these were all suspension sword tools manipulated by true qi, how could they easily fall to the ground.

As long as Yan Qing wanted to, he could immediately fly up and show his fierce and divine sword skills.

So she broke out in a cold sweat all of a sudden.

It's a trap!

As long as he ignores this and moves too far to the front, then once Yan Qing summons the flying sword again, striking back and forth, how can he block it, I am afraid that he will be defeated immediately!

As soon as this idea appeared, she was directly afraid.

Good risk! 727

Almost fell for him.

It is worthy of being a cloud rider who has been to the battlefield and defeated many enemies, and he is so cunning at a young age, ah no, it is an amazing tactic, and he has begun to use his strategy on sword moves.

Presumably there are some enemies who just don't care about this.

So by the flying sword in the rear, the head was cut off in one move.

However, this is a competition, but it is also troublesome to be attacked like that.

So Su Xiang gave up the pursuit and once again posed his sword move.

"Master Xiaowei, you really have a lot of schemes, but now that I am no longer an ordinary recruit, I will definitely not fall for your set, see if I use other moves to break the game!"

"I want you to use your true skills today!"

Yanqing: ???

He vomited blood a little depressed, was this deliberately mocking himself.

Obviously, the fire power was opened up just now, but I still didn't stop your move.

Even if you put all your attention on the sword in your hand, causing the other flying swords to lose control and fall directly to the ground, so preoccupied and cut your attack.

Still unblocked.

What do you call, let me use my real skills?

And Su Xiang's eyes also sharpened and whispered.

"Too illusory, the strongest move!"

A powerful force condensed on her Xuanyuan sword, filled with amazing fluctuations, and at her call, three wonderful creatures came into play here, which were creations that looked like great white chickens.

And dived towards Yanqing!

The appearance of this is actually exactly the same as the too virtual god chicken raised by Zhibao.

Or maybe it's the Phoenix of Rosalind's originally.

It's just that Rosalind's one is much larger than these, and the breath on her body is also very strong, which is a qualitative difference.

It's like the same trick.

Used by Fu Hua, and used by an ordinary swordsman, the natural power is also different.

However, Li Suxiang in the distance had strange eyes.

This trick is really strange.

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