"See Supreme Supreme! I and other class guardians have been waiting here for a long time. "

At this time.

All the guardians with a peculiar style knelt down and saluted solemnly and solemnly.

The first is the head of the guardians, Yalbed.

Wearing a pure white dress and a pair of small black wings on her sides, she is a charming and enchanting beauty.

Then there are the guardians of the first to third levels, Shatia Brad Frenn.

As the true ancestor of the vampire, she is also a petite girl.

The guardian of the fifth layer [Cosetes], like an insect metal warrior, he has a burly and amazingly defensive armor-like appearance, although this is not real armor, but an exoskeleton.

This advantage is also ~ there, and it can also be strengthened.

It can be fixed even if it is broken.

It eliminates the need to worry about crafting a series of armor parts and equipment, and while it's a bit inferior to the really top-notch armor, it does have its own advantages.

And this warrior, - has four arms.

It looks like it has a samurai style.

Because its creator is that warrior Jian Yulei.

Then there is the previously appeared Yaura Bella Fiora, the guardian of the sixth layer.

And the last one [Dimiurgos] who looks smart and neat in an English suit, with a pair of small eyes, looks like a resourceful character.

There is also a sense of gentlemanhood, but that eerie feeling also comes from time to time.

After all, he is a demon.

Not only has pointy ears, but also has a tail.

As Dimiugos, who manages the seventh-level Red Heat Temple, his subordinates have a group of demon generals and demons, as well as the undead, guarding the area.

Then came Sebas and Sixteen Nights Saki Night.

The maids were wrapped around the sides.

Basically everything that can come is coming.

Ma Rei was working outside, the one on the fourth floor was a rock giant, and the one on the eighth floor was not there, and Sebas, who was originally running errands outside, was also called back.

In Maiko's vision, Sixteen Nights Sakiya serves as the head maid she created.

It is the Great Tomb that is responsible for the positioning of the interior.

Sebas is external.

One inside and one outside, so it's perfect.

To the surprise of these guardians, as the people who arrived here early, the Supreme Supreme Night Maiko Lord also appeared in an instant, located on a high place.

As a result, beside her, there was an additional male figure.

Some of the guardians have already seen it, such as the dark elf [Yaura], and know that this is a friend of the adults, and there are several before.

Now the situation outside, they also learned a little about it at first under the leadership of Night Maiko.

The entire Nazalik underground tomb appeared out of thin air in a new world, completely different from before.

A new and strange world.

This also means that the terrain environment, the outside country, the ethnic forces, and the enemy's strength are all a fog now, so in order to prevent the appearance of powerful enemies.

They are reinforcing and mobilizing the layers.

As a result, it was not long before Lord Night Maiko immediately brought a lot of friends, which really made everyone awe and deeply worship.

It is worthy of being the great supreme!

It stands to reason that they all came to a strange place, and adults can immediately make several friends, which fully shows that her unfathomable wisdom and means far surpass everyone present.

It's amazing.

Even Dimiurgos' body trembled with excitement, and sure enough, although the other Supremes had left.

But as long as there is still this adult who has unified all the supremes.

The Great Tomb of Nazalik is bright!

Because this is a great existence like the heavenly sun, if you compare with it, it is just dust on the earth.

Small and not worth mentioning!

Unfathomable, she didn't even know how she did it.

And when did it go out.

So everyone's worship can be said to be constantly rising.

Although I don't understand why there is only one left, where the others go, and what is this doing, why is it summoning everyone.

There are no answers.

But they all bowed their heads and listened patiently.

Lord Night Maiko's actions must have a deep meaning.

How could they be so ignorant that they could easily guess.

This will only reflect everyone's low wisdom, which can only be swirled on the surface, thus inflicting humiliation on itself.

So after looking at this place, it immediately became quiet.

Night Maiko also nodded in satisfaction.

Then she slowly spoke in a low voice.

"Let me introduce you, this is the supreme leader from the Liyue Kingdom, just call him Lord Su Bai. "

"I know that you think that I have known him and the previous ones for a short time, so you will worry and hope that I will be cautious, but with my honorary guarantee, it is a trustworthy existence. "

"My relationship with them is deeper than you think. "

Hearing this, everyone immediately lowered their heads in panic.

"I believe in the supreme wisdom!"

"How dare you doubt the judgment of adults. "

"Hmm. "

For everyone's performance, she nodded gently.

As a supreme supreme deterrent, even if it shows a hint, it is very incredible, after all, Night Maiko not only wears armor, but also manages the guild itself.

Naturally, it is easy to show such demeanor.

The temperament of the superior has long been cultivated.

Be calm and calm, domineering and domineering.

"Then it's time to say the key things, Mare's words, the layout of the perimeter is equally important, so Yaura you just tell him later, his work, also put my high hopes." "

"When it's done, I'll be rewarded. "

"Yes! I understand!"

The Dark Elf Maiden solemnly took on this task.

Then everyone could feel a majestic gaze falling.

"And the reason why I summoned you is because I want to announce that starting today, our [Nazalik Underground Great Tomb] will form an alliance with [Liyue]. "

"Be an ally that helps each other. "

"Moreover, most of the people in this country are human, and I know your personality, so I don't want to make any jokes, despise humans, treat each other as bugs or something." "

This made everyone speak in unison very respectfully.

"I'll wait to follow the arrangements of Lord Night Maiko. "

Although actually they are also strange inside, human?


Isn't that a very vulnerable race.

After all, even in the past, the three major categories of humans, subhumans, and aliens, humans are still the lowest in value, and aliens are the highest.

Not to mention the guild of [Ainz your.gong], the players are all alien classes.

This is true of the great Supremes.

Naturally, in their minds, they decided that the alien class was the strongest!

Far above humans!


There is no need to compare them.

Because it's just a fact. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

If they let them meet the human beings outside, they will hate and despise it, feeling that such a life is completely the weak of the weak.

Such a low strength is too ridiculous.

What spicy chicken.

But tonight Maiko wants to correct their point of view, at least to live in peace, and according to her memory, there is a divine eye on Tivat's side, and it is still a strengthened Liyue.

Then the Qianyan Army must be very incredible.

Have a variety of weapons.

The fleet has both.

This is far from being comparable to one's own side.

Then, your own subordinates must not be proud and proud.

They have to face up to and recognize their own shortcomings.

Among humanity, there is also a strong side.

And Ye Wuzi also made eye contact with Su Bai, and suddenly, a terrifying coercion instantly shrouded here, making both the guardians and the maids change their faces greatly.

All of a sudden, they were overwhelmed and unable to move, and they all quickly supported the ground with their hands.

The ground is shattered!

They were sweating profusely, and their pupils shrank in the face of such a situation.

"This, is this the power of the Supreme Supreme?"

"No, it's completely different, it's a brand new breath, so scary. "

"Could it be this Lord Su Bai? "

"I can feel that with all my strength, I still can't move up a point, how is this possible?"

"With such power, what is the ability?"

All of a sudden, they all spoke out with difficulty.

The eyes were horrified.

Those who are here are the top combat power of the Great Tomb under Nazalik.


It is worthy of being Lord Night Maiko, and the friend she met turned out to be such an incredible powerhouse.

Mo Fei.

Is this the strong man of this world?

Then they really have to be cautious, which is also very bad.

Therefore, the people here were violently shocked and shaken, and then this momentum suddenly disappeared, making them all breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that under such a force, crushing everyone was easy.

Night Maiko looked at this scene with a smile in her eyes.

Of course it was her idea.

After all, on the side of their own big tomb, there are demons, undead, and other alien species at every turn, they are more direct than humans, that is, witness strength!

Sometimes this barbarism is good.

Knowing the power of the strong, you immediately know how many pounds and taels you have.

Look, it's obvious that the subordinates below have changed their gazes.

I was a little curious.

How many layers of coercion Su Bai used, and he didn't know how strong his words as a demon god were.

After all, look at the words in the group.

It should be Luo Hao first, right?

Skaja second.

Wait, there is a Kiana, then if she is over the plot, won't she be able to fight.

Plus Riveria, and the spider is also a god.

So Su Bai is still in the same grade as them, right?

Third echelon?

If you work hard yourself, I don't know if I can catch up as soon as possible.

It's too late to add a group.

No way.

And at this time, Su Bai withdrew his strength, and he didn't need to use anything at all, but in this way, communication could be much more convenient.

He smiled and clapped his hands.

"Since it is an alliance between the two parties, it is natural to have some understanding, and I have already walked here with your Supreme Supreme. "

"And you still don't know anything about Liyue, so are you interested in coming over to see the dead." "。

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