One of the stone lux suddenly sank his body and made a jumping motion.

At this time.

The earth beneath its feet shattered and collapsed, rubble flew everywhere, and dense cobwebs spread!

The furious aura suddenly erupted!

Then it disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of the creature known as the [Mighty Light Lord Angel], and in the next second, the angel turned into a streamer and was suddenly thrown into the ground, causing the earth to crack!

Countless dirt flew around.

It's no backhand!

Even the seventh-order magic it was launching was directly interrupted.

Only the stone warrior who threw a punch remained in the air.

Then slowly landed.

One hit.

Just kill this angel in seconds.

Then Stone Lux set his sights on the commander of the sect, and his terrified body convulsed, and he was about to pee in fear.

He was still laughing proudly.

As a result, it was like a duck that had been choked by the neck, not only did the sound stop abruptly, but his face was ugly and white.

I almost fell to the ground again.

After all, he watched the invincible Lord Angel of Light be slammed into the ground by this tyrannical and terrifying stone man, and was directly blasted, making him suddenly lose his thoughts.

And was also swept out by this shock, and finally stood up.

He was stupid.


This is the "three or four zero" angels that even the demon gods can defeat, the highest-order angels, and it is not a waste of false names.

But why.

Easily wiped out by a stone man?

It can only be said that the demon god of each world is different, after all, the human beings here are so crotch-pulling, a cat and a dog can be called a demon god, just a bigger monster.

And Tivat's side, it's completely incomparable.

However, this Negan Gulidluin also suddenly thought of a little, and then quickly looked up, shocked.

Being able to kill a seventh-order angel so easily.

It's hard to do.

This stone man, is it the eighth order?

Why, why is there such a terrifying thing, and if so, what about the other stone people?


Those stone people in the distance, none of them have a weak breath.

Not only are the statements of the subordinates just now correct, but they even underestimated these stone summons?

Not the realm of heroes, but far above this?!!

Why do they appear in these weak cavalry ranks in the kingdom?

This is definitely not the power that the [Kingdom of Riestij] can have!

So he's all crazy.

Kneeling on the ground, constantly shaking his head frantically.

"No, hahaha, why can there be such a powerful thing, fake, all fake!"

"You're all fake!"

Then a wave of stone cones covered the place with a bang, rising from the ground.

At once he was sent to the angel.

And next.

When these stone men looked at the cavalry on this side of the kingdom, even their legs trembled with fear.

Strange, monster!

That's too fierce!

And if what that person said is true, doesn't it mean that this stone man is also the seventh rank?

Or even stronger?

It's creepy.

Who is that mysterious magic chanter?

Geff is a stressful sweat.

In such a remote and remote village, can you still meet such a terrifying strong person?

Mo Fei.

None of those three are human?

No, but since the other party is willing to help their side, it means that they should be the party of goodwill, and next, these stone people have disappeared here.

It's as if after blending into the earth, it's gone.

Let the cavalrymen, the pressure finally disappeared.

The exhausted ass sat on the ground.

Gasping for air.

After all, they also fought with a lot of angels, and it was Gejeff who eliminated a lot of them, which relieved everyone's pressure.

Otherwise, people would have died a long time ago.

Today is really the most incredible battle in my life.

And in the village of Kahn.

Su Bai and Ye Wuzi looked at this scene through a mirror.

Maiko Night was a little speechless.

Isn't this the Weiguang Lord Angel, why did that guy shout the highest order angel, did he have a little bit of relief?!

This thing is level 43-49.

Further up, there are the Doorman Wisdom Angels (level 80-89), and the more advanced Blazing Angels, this one has two kinds, a stellar Sky Blazing Angel and a Supreme Sky Blazing Angel.

They are all above level 90 at every turn.

That's the highest order.

Could it be that the original six gods, that is, those six players, did not leave a similar high-level demon sealing crystal?

But it's understandable.

[Demon Sealing Crystal] can inject high-level magic, so when players reach the later stage, it becomes a very commonly used prop, and often uses a lot.

So under normal circumstances, maybe the six gods themselves are almost used, right?

So there is nothing more advanced left for these guys.

That's good news!

All of a sudden, the pressure on her side has been reduced a lot, and she wishes that the other party was a dish ratio, what powerful props, it is best not to have.

After all, it is also a threat to his subordinates.

And after that.

Gegheff returned with the cavalry squad, and the men were full of awe and did not dare to approach.

Only he still walked over.

Bow your head and thank.

After all, this time it was not without this Lord Su Bai's shot, he would definitely die.

Seventh order!

How to fight?

Now he really met a nobleman, although he said that he could use such summoning magic, the identities of these three were very doubtful, but the result was that Su Bai seemed to know what he was thinking.


"I am a traveler who travels elsewhere, and her night dancer and her maids are ascetics who live in seclusion in a certain area. "

"So you don't have to be too weird. "

Obviously, he just had this idea, but the other party immediately mentioned this. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It really scared him.

I feel like I have been completely seen through by this adult, and I don't have any privacy at all.

What an unfathomable powerhouse!

He is definitely the strongest person he has ever met in his life.

Instead, Night Maiko asked curiously about magic.

These people used magic from previous games, and this was because of the player, she understood.

But now the development of magic, I don't know what happened.

See if there's any fun new magic.

As a result, the information obtained from the warrior of the kingdom is that there is a corresponding magic academy and related education on the side of the empire, and the teaching country is more complete and complete, and the popularity of magic is very high.

As for the kingdom.

Without this kind of institution, the average person has no way to learn, or if they meet some magic master, they are willing to accept you as an apprentice.

Then want to enter a union related to magic, want relationships.

Night Maiko understood.

The aristocracy monopolizes magic, right, and the upper class learns better.

It is difficult for lower classes of civilians to reach.

Her evaluation of the kingdom has dropped a lot again, and even this talent selection and training mechanism is so bad, sooner or later it will be corrupted by other countries.

It seems that he heard the tone of the night dancer and despised the kingdom.

Ge Jeff quickly explained.

"This, in fact, the kingdom also has a good side, at least in the scope of warriors, sometimes there will be competitions, civil people can participate, among which there are many outstanding poor talents." "

"All for the Kingdom. At the beginning, I also won the victory of the imperial competition from a commoner, and finally became the warrior leader of the kingdom. "

"As the elite under the king. "

Today, he is the strongest warrior in the kingdom!

As a result, Maiko Yoruko only asked a little...

"Have you been awarded any noble titles after achieving such achievements?"

"Or is it just the false name of the warrior chief?"

"Then if you have a meeting, you will definitely be suppressed by those nobles in your capacity." "

Ge Jeff was suddenly speechless.

Also make her shake her head, decaying kingdom, stupid nobles.

However, the night dancer who has always worn a helmet also made Ge Jeff wonder.

"So, can you take the liberty of asking?"

"Why do you keep wearing this, is there anything difficult to hide, and if you accidentally involve any privacy, please forgive me." "

As a result, Su Bai on the side smiled.

"That's because, ah, this friend of mine is too good-looking, completely a peerless beauty who is not born in the world, and once he often sees people with his true face. "

"I'm afraid I'm going to cause a lot of trouble and trouble." "

This made Night Maiko snort in amusement.

Then he took off his helmet, revealing the appearance of the black-haired beauty, which made Geff immediately bow his head.

A shocked expression.

"No wonder, if you look like this, it is indeed easy to cause chaos. "

"Especially for the nobility. "


Who messes with whom is not certain, Ge Jeff is very relieved of their strength.

And now the appearance of the night dancer is only revealed by covering the pointed ears and horns with illusion.

This illusion is very low-level.

When encountering advanced point magic users, it is easy to be recognized.

That's why you always wear a helmet.

After all, she didn't have that kind of top-level illusion, and she had chatted with other group members about this before, and they said that it was normal, and flying squirrels were often like this, anyway, they would disguise it for a while in the early stage.

In the later stage, they all met people directly.

So there are no top-level camouflage props.

The flying squirrel that came out in the form of a human has not been repeated at all, after all, there is no such smell if there are more, right?

Everyone came to see the skeleton, who made you look like a human all the time?

So it was forcibly cut by Maruyama.

Maiko Night: ...

You know the old thief of Maruyama.

Can she say that there are actually high-level camouflage props in the game, but she didn't collect them, and now she regrets it.


After all, it is a chicken rib thing that is not usually used.

After that, Gegheff also took his men to leave, after all, the matter here should be quickly transmitted back to the king's side, involving the words of the Slian Sect, and specifically needled 4.8 against him.

It is clear that there are inner ghosts in the kingdom!

Otherwise, I wouldn't have known in such detail.

So after galloping for a long time on the road, he returned to the royal capital and reported the incident.

As a result, the old king's horror came from the palace.

"What, Commander Warrior, you're not mistaken, are you?"

"Facing the seventh-order angel of the Sect Country, that mysterious magic chanter, summoned a stone man, directly defeated it?"

"The same stone man has a full twelve statues, isn't that suspected of 12 seventh-order or eighth-order combat powers, how is it possible!"

This is even more outrageous than a fantasy!

A remote village, you told me, there has been a lowest-order powerhouse beyond the heroic realm and belongs to the legend?

Even his two companions are equally unknown.

It's scary and terrifying to hear.

Even the old king was trembling.

How could such a terrifying existence suddenly appear?

Because how to say it.

In the legend, the seventh rank is mentioned, that is, the thirteen heroes who have conquered the demon god.

In the story, there is one of the heroes who uses magic at this level, or beyond!

It's just that everyone basically doesn't believe it.

Legends are just legends.

But now such a vigorous information suddenly made the palace fall into silence and sighs.

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