However, the Cang Rose team and Liyue's team embarked on a joint adventure.

It can be regarded as a very good friendship.

However, one day later, the Rose team was just about to take up the task, but the Liyue female adventurer seemed to be waiting for them here, and she was much more serious than usual.

And then muffled.

"There are two adults looking for you, go quickly."

"It's in the room on the right side of the third floor with the [Lumenstone] sign, don't worry about anything, one of them, you also know."

The five people had puzzled expressions.

It's a pity that after this good friend of Liyue said this, he pushed them to leave quickly, looking like he didn't say much.


The big guys here?

Who will it be?

President of the Adventurers Guild.

Soon, the [Rose] team came to the third floor.

In fact, in this large building that only steel-level adventurers can come to, the names of rooms and corridors are a series of names that are completely different from the culture of the kingdom.

At first they were also strange.

What [Bafang Flying Pavilion], is actually a place to recycle and pawn Warcraft materials.

Or what [Neon Clothes Room], [Yanxia Yunke], [Huangliang Yimeng Training Room], [Zhanshan Navigation], etc., are the names of many rooms and have different functions.

But now, I'm getting used to it.

【Lumenite】This kind of room is named after the ore, and there are quite a few here.

And when you find it, and step into that room.

The members of [Cangwei]'s squad also met the two big people in the mouth of their friends.

It was a man and a woman.

After noticing who this woman was, they were all shocked, their faces were full of shock, and they hurriedly bowed their heads in respect.

"F: Hello female emperor! "

"Is it actually you looking for us for something?"

In front of them is a black long-haired beauty who exudes amazing charm, and has a very amazing majesty, nobility, and domineering, as if she is a queen who is proud of the world.

Those ten fingers were covered with ornate rings, and on their heads there were a pair of non-human horns, like sheep's horns erected.

This is exactly the proof of the devil.

For the king to land in the [Kingdom of Ri-Yestij], the Demon Guide Kingdom created the alliance, incorporated the kingdom into its subordinates, and subdued many tribes, thus expanding the territory of the Demon Guiding Kingdom

Demon Emperor!

It's just that compared to the usual state of wearing majestic armor, now she shows people in daily clothes.

Gentle attitude.

Looks more like a big sister next door.

As the steel-level team of the kingdom and befriending the Golden Princess, they had already met this Demon Emperor before.

A lot happened then.

So it's really not unfamiliar.

As for the other man, he has the temperament and calm posture that is no less than the female emperor, as if the person sitting next to him is not the female emperor, just a friend.

But they don't know each other.

At this time, the night dancer was soft.

"Sit down, in fact, this time I am mainly looking for [Yverne] something, you are incidental ~.."


Taken aback, Yverne pointed his finger at himself.

Even the rest of the team members are the same.

They thought that they should logically find the captain, and they planned to find their own team to issue commissions or tasks.

Although after seeing many terrifying adventurer squads here.

Everyone doesn't think that there is anything that needs them to do specifically, after all, there are too many monsters here, one is stronger than one, it's simply not too outrageous!

Or maybe it's because of the captain's magic sword, Ziliniram?

It is a terrorist weapon that, once unleashed, can destroy a country.

Although after talking to the adventure team in Liyue last time, those people were very surprised, but after looking at the sword, their eyes were a little strange, but the captain's face was red.

I want to get into the cracks in the ground.

However, the Rose team did not notice this, and they still thought that the captain's magic sword was very strong.

Only Captain Lajus has bitter words.

Can't it be said that when she committed the second year, she casually recited a few words and was listened to by her teammates, right?

It's a shame, I want to die.

But now, the female emperor is looking for Yverne, is it because of her strength?

And Night Maiko directly stated the purpose.

"I invited you because, Ivel, I want to copy your innate powers, and I hope you agree."

"Born with supernatural abilities?!! Copy? "

At this moment, the entire Cangrose squad was taken aback.

What a situation.

It is unbelievable that the female emperor can do it, copying other people's innate abilities, I have never heard of such a thing.

And speaking of it.

What Evel's innate powers came from, they didn't know very well.

It's people's privacy.

But according to the tone of the female emperor, it seems that she knows the specific ability and sees this talent, then this is really amazing.

After all, before.

This female emperor made a move, and it shocked countless people at that time.

Known as a monster standing tall at the top!

Let those elites and masters lose their will to fight.

Even such a strength and a talent that can be interested means that Yverne's innate ability must be very perverted!

Yver was silent.

After all, she will not tell others her innate supernatural information, even if Princess Lilana wants to ask tentatively in the original book, she yelled at her.

Ask a hammer and ask!

And Night Maiko continued to speak up.

"I'm very sincere, I promise that it will not affect your own innate abilities, and how about helping you become stronger when the time comes, you should now be the cumulative state of a series of professions such as vampire Ji, magician, and elemental mage."

"In fact, you can continue to rise on the basis of vampires, and when the time comes, that, what's called."

Su Bai next to him added. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"True Ancestor and Inferior Vampire Ancestral God, as well as a more advanced complete Vampire Ancestral God."

After all, the race can be advanced and can rise all the way.

That is, there are several.

Race plus class to reach the final rank.

And what they mentioned was that the flying squirrel in the gaiden legend seized a series of research materials of the [Abyss Body], resulting in a higher level of power, and because it was too high, that destroyer country was too weak, and only got a deteriorated version.

That was the result of that peculiar situation.

The destruction of the other world line has better potential than this side, but the strength is not as good as this side.

She is only 34.

But the true Demon Evel is already level 51 or above.

This is mainly because the former is due to the care of flying squirrels, and there has always been an umbrella, resulting in slow growth in strength, and more time to concentrate on research.

The latter, on the other hand, wanders alone and keeps getting stronger.

Thus spent more than two hundred and fifty years.

It has such strength as it is today.

So stronger, rightfully so.

It's just that the upper limit is also stuck, and it is difficult to get a boost.

So Yvernee muttered in surprise.

"Boost my potential and make me stronger?"

"Why, why do you know me so well?"

"Whether it's my innate ability or my enhancement method, it's something I can't do."

Night Maiko smiled mysteriously.

"That's naturally because I have a lot of people here and a wide range of information, and I naturally have to investigate the high-end combat power of various countries."

"For example, the Steel-level Adventurer Squad."

The rose of the kingdom, vermilion dewdrops.

The silver silk bird of the empire with Yae Ripple.

and Crystal Tears of the Dragon Kingdom.

This made the others also nodded, after all, when they first came here before, the Liyue friend said that there was information and evaluation about them here, indicating that these personnel had collected a series of masters' information.

"So, Yverne, I naturally know some of your stories."

"How much do you know?"

Her pupils shrank and asked in amazement, after all, it is impossible, how long has the Demon Guide Country Alliance emerged, how can it collect things so far from the past?

So she didn't really believe that this female emperor could say very detailed things.

So when Night Maiko said that I said, Yvernee said, "Please say."

"Even if there are teammates next to you, does it still not matter?"

"It doesn't matter."

As a result, as soon as Maiko opened her mouth that night, she regretted it.

People are stupid.

Because she actually started talking from the beginning.

"Your original name should be [Kinofaslith Inbeilun], living in the country of Inbeyria, and is the existence of (Zhao Qianzhao) as a princess, living happily with your father, emperor, and queen."

The teammates were shocked.

"Yverne, you are actually a royal family!"

"I already knew that you were not simple. I didn't expect the status to be so high, princess. "

"Ah, wait, Lord Female Emperor!"

Seeing her panicking to stop Night Maiko from talking, her teammates all spoke out faintly.

"Oh, don't want to tell us anything."

"It's obviously like this, do you still have to hide it, it's not honest and cute at all."

"Who wants this cute!"

She roared, then lowered her head.

Damn it.

How was this kind of thing from a long time ago exposed!

"It's a pity that your country was destroyed, but you survived, and the legend was wrong, and you became the vampire who destroyed a country in that story, that is, destroyed the country."

The subsequent legend became the famous vampire prince Hou who destroyed the kingdom and connected with the story of the thirteen heroes.

This destroyer was destroyed by the thirteen heroes.

And then disappeared.

In fact, she has now joined [Cangwei] and has become a very mysterious magic chanter, the enigmatic magician!

But that country was not destroyed by her, she was also a victim.

It's just that legend has it that this thing has been passed off the paper.

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