never mind.

Although the shape of the treasure chest is unique and outstanding, it is just a wooden box after all, so you should move on.

So now it is.

He looked up to the higher ground, which was covered by dense bamboo leaves.

If you can fly up, you can have a clear view of the terrain and environment here from the air, right?

This reminded him of the flying swords of the Qianyan Army in Liyue, oh, how envious they were.

He can still fly like this.

And that kind of weapon is not on the exchange list. It is for military use. The Adventurers Association contains some adventure and normal civilian items, so even if he is eager and wants it, he can only sigh.

Who is to say that he is not Qianyanjun, nor is he from Liyue.

And when I came here, I didn’t bring any flying technology equipment.

But it’s not hard for him!

The Yunqi smiled proudly and reached into the ordinary bag on his waist. He exchanged it for an alchemical flying powder in the association. As long as it was sprinkled on his body, he could fly for three minutes. enough.

He had also heard about Liyue's alchemy when he was in Luofu.

Very novel.

Instead of flying and jetpacking, let’s try this one!

Soon, he flew over the bamboo forest.

Then we will see how to walk and in which direction.

But at this moment, Luo Fuyunqi suddenly remembered the instructions given by an official member of the Liyue Association. What did the good-looking young lady say?

The other party was so good-looking that I didn't listen carefully.


Anyway, when it comes to bamboo forests, there seems to be a saying that it's best not to get close to them? don't know. 13

Because he couldn't remember it, he didn't take it to heart. Instead, he was still thinking about it. Liyue and the Xianzhou Alliance were so similar. There were bamboo forests on both sides. Since there was such an area on the second floor.

So for Liyue, bamboo forest culture must also exist.

Look at Luofu, they are planted in many yards.

As a result, at this moment, a chill suddenly appeared on his body.

And there was a strange smell.

Making him frown, he quickly looked forward.

The closer you get to the top, the clearer you can see the dense top bamboo leaves, and they begin to move. Wait, move?

At this moment, the shadow there suddenly launched an attack.

A large mouth suddenly pounced on him.

The frightened Yunqi looked horrified, screamed, and subconsciously waved his spear in front of him. He only felt a huge force coming from him, and he flew backwards and fell towards the ground.


A lot of dust was thrown out on the ground. A figure looked very embarrassed, and because of his height, he couldn't help but groan. It hurt.

I don't know where the spear fell.

But compared to this, He first looked up at the sky there, and then swallowed his saliva. It turned out that the spider that attacked him just now was an extremely large spider. It was covered with green bamboo leaves and seemed to be very well camouflaged. Just now, this was it The thing opened its mouth and wanted to bite him.

And as the spider raised its legs, he was shocked to find that some bamboos began to rise up from the ground. No, no!

Those turned out to be spider legs!

As a result, there were a lot of bamboos on the ground. The clods of soil were flying, and what made the cloud rider's scalp tingle was that there was not only one spider, as if it had caused some changes.

Many large spiders also stopped pretending.

They began to lower their bodies a little.

Then they headed towards He rushed towards him.

It made his hair stand on end.

Now he really had no fighting spirit at all. The cloud rider ran away frantically in the direction he came in, and kept screaming to avoid the bamboo legs that were inserted into him.

"Stop chasing! Stop chasing me! I don't like it!"

"Why is this happening? Who would have thought that there are monsters in this bamboo forest, or spiders that look like bamboo? Now I can’t find my weapon."

"Help! I was wrong! If I had known earlier I wouldn't have flown up."

He was very panicked.

Why should he be alone?

This is too exciting.

He didn't want to become a spider's meat skewer.

And this picture also appeared on the screen of a room in a certain area deep in the maze. On the top, many official personnel of the General Affairs Department fell into silence.

This is the area managed by the General Affairs Department and Ruotuo Dragon King. Many official personnel are observing the various layers of the maze here, and some of them have shrunk. A gigantic rock dragon lizard sat on the seat.

Or it could be said that it was an earth dragon that transformed into a human.

After a while, someone started to make a sound.

"By the way, this Luo Fuyunqi is too good. Unfortunately, I still want to see his true skills. I feel dizzy. Unexpectedly, he couldn't even detect the magical beast [Bamboo Claw Spider], but he still plunged into it."

For those who don't know, I thought he wanted to destroy those spiders.

Brave and bold!

Everyone thought he was on the third level. He chose to fight head-on!

In fact, this Yunqi was really only on the first level.

Now. He was running without looking back.

Others were also dumbfounded.

"I thought I could see the power of Yunqi. They have been practicing martial arts for hundreds of years. Logically speaking, they should be very strong. There seems to be some level of martial arts and strength."

"It's also possible that the strong man didn't come, and this was just an ordinary cloud rider, or maybe he didn't carry a special weapon, and he wasn't used to it?"

"It was a bit surprising. It seemed that the information passed into the terminal database by the comrades who had assisted Luofu before was indeed true. I was a little unconvinced at first, but now it seems that the strength of the Yunqi Army is indeed not very high."

And some hold different opinions.

"Or maybe we are too strong?"

As a result, most people immediately refuted harshly.

"impossible! Don't be arrogant. We are obviously still weak."

"That is, I have not yet mastered my new martial arts magical powers, and I still have a lot to contribute to the weapons I want, and I plan to get a new set of formation disks. Alas, I can only take my time, I can’t rush it."

"Fortunately for you, like me, the strategy of annihilating wide-area magic that I have recently practiced is stuck. Originally, I planned to make a batch of these elemental magic scrolls after mastering them, and earn a lot of contribution points."

This man scratched his head in annoyance.

He was so depressed.

After all, he also had a profession of [Elemental Scroll Master].

And his colleagues also laughed.

"Okay, just be content. At least things like elemental scroll master, talisman master, spiritual planter, alchemist, weapon refiner, etc. are all very versatile professions. I am practicing alchemy by the way."

"I originally planned to get a magic beast fist, but this thing is quick and easy. Still has good combat power."

I don't have time now.

There are no powerful beast souls.

Let's talk about it later.

Some people also took pictures of their own blue gourds.

"I just got the [East China Sea Sword-Raising Gourd], and I feel like I'm still missing a few good Shui Xushu Immortal Swords. The original ones are a bit out of sight, so I have to work hard to update my weapons."

This made everyone laugh

"This guy is really diligent in changing his equipment. With this contribution, wouldn't it be a good idea to change to a better immortal spell? He obviously just changed two Water Cloud Immortal Swords not long ago. What a waste."

"Indeed, if you contribute this to me, you can exchange it for a [South China Sea Avalokitesvara Water Lily] lotus seed. This is a top-quality treasure. After eating it, you can improve and optimize your body, which is of great help in practicing water-attribute immortality." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Speaking of this, I also plan to redeem a portion of [Polygonum multiflorum], one of the Nine Immortals. Come use this to break through the bottleneck and become an immortal."

Compared to what was sold to Luofu last time, what Liyue uses here is really good.

There is a big difference.

"So according to the intelligence, the powerful Yunqi should have gone to reinforce Yao Qing. Maybe we haven’t seen those masters so far. We still have to work hard to practice. We can’t be looked down upon."

"We can’t embarrass Liyue either. low profile."

In this regard, they came to the conclusion that Luofu may be one of the weakest immortal boats today.

The strong ones in the past have been defeated.

The other immortal boat cloud riders are definitely not simple. Let's see if they can experience it, Soaring 710 The galaxy has been around for eight thousand years. It’s really scary to say that Liyue is still too young.

Yun Qi:...

This was something that Yun Qi was petrified by.

Can you please stop thinking about it and make a mistake?

How can we Yunqi compare with monsters like you?


On the contrary, in the high area here, Ruotuo was also sitting on his seat, looking at these pictures expectantly.

"Are you people from countless planets and galaxies? The following days will be very fun, and you will be able to see a series of civilizations, technologies, and cultures."

"Hahaha, I have another idea, and I will change this area by the way."

As for these visitors now, they have only set foot in the underground area on the first to third floors.

Everyone is very calm.

It's nothing.

This is not for you to get through quickly, take your time.

And there are many people coming one after another. After continuing, they were dumbfounded and realized a problem. It seemed that each floor was very big. Calculated with such specifications, was the underground space really enough?

However, there were also some who were lucky and capable, such as another Yun Riding, he passed the secret realm and obtained two fruits.

There was also information stating that its name was Zhu Guo, and its strength increased greatly after eating it. So he went back and asked the staff, took it after getting confirmation, and found that it was true.

His strength allowed him to overturn the Yunqi escort team with his spear.

Those Luofu caravans were dumbfounded.

So soon, this incident caused a huge sensation among the Yunqi. Good guy, can you still Like this?

Everyone was jealous when they saw it.

Why wasn’t they the ones who got the Zhu Guo?

And there was such a good body-forging treasure in Liyue? []

Obviously, I didn’t see any for sale in Liyue Alley before, but it happened to appear here..

This actually made several Luofu businessmen smile bitterly. This was obviously a routine. In this way, wouldn’t the reputation of the underground labyrinth in the early stage be gained?

And it might be difficult to obtain it later..

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