In a hidden area far away from the fleet, some [Incinerators] are hiding here.

They knew the route of Liyue's fleet and had been waiting here early.

And these incinerators were still making noises in displeasure during this period.

"The attitudes of those guys in Yi Ting are really bad. It’s obvious that we are also acting for Master Fu Li. There are endless memories in the universe, and life is being born every moment. What an unpredictable and terrifying volume this is."

"Too many memories have been crammed into the Pure Land, but in such a noble and sacred place, the thought of having so many useless memories drives me crazy and I have to delete them."

Other incinerators strongly agree.

"Yes, there are too many worthless memories, which makes the memory bank a mess and crowds out those precious memories."

Of course, because of the issue of faith.

So they didn't say it, worried that the endless memories would fill up the Pure Land.

After all, this was doubting Master Fuli's ability.

But often deleting some memories is actually true. One of the reasons for this is to reduce the burden on the Pure Land.

To prevent the Remembrancers from throwing all their memories into it indiscriminately.

It’s so brainless and stupid!

But some time ago, their behavior was discovered by the Remembrancers..

And was expelled from the Pure Land.

This made the incinerators very angry.

"Damn it, those guys are still mocking us. Even precious memories are what they keep searching for and accumulating. Those of us who represent the incineration industry have not brought many memories with us at all."

"He only sneaks into the Pure Land to cause trouble"

"Don't be too arrogant! Wait, we will find precious memories now."

After all, it's full of ridicule.

Who makes the Incinerators, as a collective, despise inferior memories and pursue valuable memories. That's why Liyue is so famous, and now it still sends fleets to various places in the galaxy, and it has been active. Naturally, the incinerators plan to start in other star fields, far away from your Yaliluo 6 planet anyway.

The envoy must be stationed there.

They will not encounter other places.

In this way, you will be scattered outside. Fleet, everyone will take away some of the memories of these people without mercy.

Anyway, the reputation of [Incinerator] is not good.

Or rather, it is notorious.

They are all called [lawless elements] on the radio. , and also stole the memories of many civilizations, leading to being chased by the Rangers and other organizations in an attempt to regain the memories.

One of the incinerators also smiled proudly

"Anyway, what we are affecting this time is some areas of this galaxy, not only Liyue, we also want the memories of other civilizations."

This kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice.

I have become very skilled at it a long time ago.

So when the Liyue fleet appeared in their field of vision, these incinerators disappeared one after another and headed over there.

"Set off!"

This side of the fleet.

Not only the one who has practiced Dharma Eyes noticed it, but in fact, alarm sounds were heard immediately from a series of airships, which shocked the spaceship crews and began to quickly Analyze and explore

"This is? Who unleashed the meme virus on us? This familiar meme sense"

"No! There are memetic creatures approaching us"

"And there's more than one."

As a fleet equipped with memetic weapons for a long time, this kind of power is no stranger to Liyue.

It is even familiar.

Because it has been used more than once or twice when fighting hostile civilizations. It is really easy to use. Spread.

Fast, the effect is immediate.

And as time goes by, memetic equipment and technology have also been updated, which makes some flying warriors plan to use the anti-memetic stance to launch an attack immediately, but at this time, the supreme commander Destro Shah's order was given

"Let them in. Don't scare the fish away"

"Confuse these guys so that the mastermind behind can reveal themselves."


For a time, many spaceships began to act in unison.

And through the Tiandao terminal, coordination and information transmission were maintained efficiently.

"Connect with other ships, mobilize the [Immortal Fantasy] alchemy unit, select memetic mode, and start. Startup completed."

At this moment, a strange wave emitted from the fleet and spread.

The incinerators who came did not notice it.

They were men and women. They arrived on the spacecraft smoothly and browsed a series of Memory made a sound of surprise

"Hey, I see, the Liyue civilization originated from a planet called [Cybertron], where there are a lot of metal ores, which is also the source of materials for their spaceships."

"Is it an ore star? It’s the same as what we guessed in the Milky Way."

"After all, Liyue is indeed very obvious about ores and metals. And in the past, Liyue once had a fierce battle with an evil race, the ruler of the planet Quintasha, the Quintessence."

"The war raged for hundreds of years"

"It's amazing, so many fleets and wars have swept through so many starry skies and reached far away areas."

While passing these memories back, he continued to watch

"Are there more terrifying enemies behind? The world-destroying demonic servants and their master, the Emperor of the Universe, have such amazing names. At first glance, they look like very terrifying enemies. Hahaha, you came to the right place."

"Such precious memories should be put into the pure land of memory!"

What these incinerators who are intoxicated with memory don't know is that they fell into stagnation just after entering the Liyue fleet.

In fact, these are all fairyland illusions.

Needless to say who the designer is.

After all, it is Su Bai A gadget I made before.

Then Destrosha's figure flashed past these incinerators, and she saw a strange picture in her eyes. These people were all connected, one after another.

As The meme is actually very unique.

It has the ability to travel to the distant starry sky through memory, which also means that this is actually a passage.

You can in turn find the location of other incinerators.

Especially when they are in contact When transmitting memories, you can even find the other party's base camp and garrison, because at this time, the passage is not closed, but has been opened.

So she spoke out

"Okay, the rest is up to you."

Then he disappeared here. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So many Qianyan troops began to take action and began to eliminate these incinerators. After all, there were many of them and they were everywhere. , the main theme is to steal memories everywhere.

Some people use spaceships, and some appear directly in the starry sky. They activate spells and weapons.

And in order to obtain further information to facilitate subsequent actions. Some immortals released formation flags and arranged A formation space was created to swallow many incinerators, and the illusion was lifted.

Then the corresponding number of Qianyan Army also entered and started fighting.

As the pain and illusion disappeared, an incinerator screamed, Then I looked at the flying sword and felt chilled instantly.

"What happened? What was that just now? Also, how did this attack me?"

"Obviously we have abandoned the body."

As a result, the immortal opposite was speechless.

"Ignorance, doesn't it mean that it has become a creature similar to a spiritual life form? There are many invisible things in the universe, and there are many enemies who are good at attacking the soul, and they can penetrate everything."

"How could we not have a way to deal with it."

Then he used his sword light to kill this person.

On the other side, an incinerator wanted to get into the immortal's body, but was directly bounced far away by a ray of light, as if he was melted. Making him wail.

The immortal moved his seal and struck out with a sudden blow.[]

Inside his body, there is a black pagoda guarding his soul.

After all, someone just said that when it comes to attacking the soul, there will naturally be corresponding alchemy equipment and immortal things for the protection of consciousness and soul.

Some are jade pendants, and some are orbs.

It's all in the body.

So after the immortal destroyed the incinerator, he shook his head

"After all, I have both an attacking fairy sword and a magical power to protect myself. In addition, I have elemental fairy clothes to protect my body, and a black soul fairy light tower to guard my soul. You can't even get close to me."

Coupled with other alchemy equipment, he is very luxuriously armed. After all, after all the immortals, treasures, and spells are complete, it is a complete hexagonal system.

It can fight and defend.

There are also people who are even better at hand A ball of black magic fire appeared on the top. This is actually a demon. After exchanging the skills of spiritual practice, he combined magic with magic to create his own exclusive magic fire power. It is a very restrained memetic body.

It makes him unhappy. The Shao Fen Chemical Engineers all tried to escape with fearful expressions on their faces.

Their eyes were horrified.

But they were trapped here in the formation space.

As a result, they all screamed in disbelief.

"impossible���Obviously we are not restricted by the material world and can travel freely through the galaxy, why can't we get out?"

"Stop it, you crazy people!"

"I won’t steal Liyue’s memories from you. Just let me go. I won’t dare to do it next time! Ahhhhh!"

As a result, what followed was just constant wailing.

The immortals in Liyue had cold eyes, and they were all trying to remember their own memories. What a way to seek death!

According to the immortal way, you have to extract your soul and refine your soul.

You cannot be gentle to the enemy. , let’s try it out.

On the other side.

Destrosa came to a distant area, where there are many bubbles the size of planets, like a more advanced version of memory bubbles, she can feel There are many people inside.


To be more precise, it is a bubble that surrounds the planet.

As the location of the incinerators, this reflects their bandit side. They use the power of memory to snatch the planet and transform it into themselves. The foothold.

Because of the meme aspect, most people can't see these planets at all.

They are all covered by the surface layer.

But Destrosa is different, she can see it.

So she directly activated her ability, a The big hand of energy filled with a terrifying aura struck downwards in an instant.


All of a sudden, the planet exploded.

After being taught by Su Bai, she improved the magic. There is a saying that Milim's Dragon Star Explosive Flame Tyrant, the ultimate magic that controls star particles, is these demons. The complete type of nuclear strike magic.

But the star particles are very special, and few of them can be used by Ziyuan.

But Su Bai knew it and passed it on to her.

So after that, the new nuclear strike magic, or in other words The ultimate primitive magic was newly released.

It was named [Star Particle Magic - Star Picker].

The previous transport of those planets was actually captured by Destrossa.

Now, she is the main killer. Means.

For a time, the movement here set off a thousand waves, and the breath of the envoys burst out, accompanied by their frightened and angry voices.

"What a courage!"

"How dare you attack us?".

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