So soon everyone also saw the war machine mentioned before. It was an extremely huge and terrifying creation, towering into the clouds, full of mechanical style and cold steel feel.

In a moment of action, human cities can be easily destroyed.

That's exactly what they did in the past.

There are quite a few.

And through the memory bubble, you can feel as if you have witnessed that era with your own eyes. Under the crazy spread of anti-organic equations, the [self-perception] of many lives has been affected and changed one after another.

Some people covered their heads and fell to their knees.

His voice has become increasingly crazy

"Am I an organic life or an inorganic life? Am I a machine? No, I am not, machine and human, what am I?!! Ahhhhh!"

At this moment, the boundaries between organic and inorganic were confused and chaotic.

Countless worlds fell into war.

And Xing also saw that even if some organic lifeforms had their cognition changed, they would still be ruthlessly killed by those mechanical bodies.

It's terrible.

This will also make them unable to resist and organize.

Then they will be crushed and slaughtered by the mechanical empire.

They even think that they are mechanical life forms and will immediately initiate civil strife and kill everyone around them before the enemy comes. , the human kingdom itself is at war, with wars and the collapse of order everywhere.

Battleships and spaceships in the sky are also colliding and attacking each other in various ways.

Then they are on fire and continue to fall.

Let the ground continue to fall. Shock.

Many of the fleets in space were turned into wreckage and dust in the universe in such a war.

The lives inside disappeared quickly.

In such a grand event, they are small and not worth mentioning.

Such a disaster would spread crazily, sweeping through one star field after another.

She was frightened to see it.

However, the various shouts and screams on March 7 reduced this emotion.

But this kind of immersive experience was still very exciting. Shocked. After all, they are the rememberers of Liuguang Yiting. The memories salvaged in the past can be viewed in all aspects. They are not only detailed, but also real and cruel. I didn’t expect to see such things in a human country like Liyue. The picture of the inorganic world.

It was really unexpected.

After browsing many memory bubbles, everyone finally came back to their senses. Under the leadership of Cangxuan Book, they went to the restaurant to eat. Looking at the normal food, they were all relieved. Fortunately, it

's not about screws and engine oil.

And the Book of Cangxuan is already chewing with meat buns in hand.

During this period, everyone also looked at other city introductions and information, but they still couldn't understand it. There are so many, it’s really admirable. Walking down these cities, each one is great.

It’s no wonder so many people come to such a planet. It’s no wonder that it’s not popular!

That Yuhengxing is really a great person. A powerful person who dares to innovate and is open-minded and enterprising. You can see some of the other party's style and ideas from the spirit, freshness and vitality shown in the city. Even the title of the Book of Cangxuan can be seen. It’s Lord Yu Hengxing at every turn.

March 7th is a bit strange.

"Well, along the way, I don’t seem to know the name of this Yuhengxing. Are you all so respectful?"

This made Cang Xuanzhi laugh.

"It can also be said that this is mainly because some high-level officials have reached a very magical realm of immortality. As long as they are mentioned, they will be sensed. Just like the emperor, so out of respect, everyone usually talks about the emperor."

"Of course, if you have permission and are the people around you, you can also call me by your original name."

Kiana on the side laughed secretly in her heart.

What does this mean? She can still call Ke Maomao directly.

And the train crew heard that the Yuheng star is not on this planet now, and she has gone to another star field. , discussing construction and people's livelihood issues with them. Moreover, the other party is very busy and has many things to do.

Among all the senior officials, they are all very busy people.

But Kiana patted her chest proudly

"In fact, aren't there Liyue high-level officials right in front of you, hehe."

Ji Zi also agreed.

"Are you talking about Mr. Su Bai?"

"No, I'm talking about me!"

Kiana's face immediately fell. How could she ignore me? How could she ignore me?

As a result, Jizi looked at her faintly.

"To be honest, I can't tell. You are too willful and naughty. You don't have the temperament and temperament of a big shot like I imagined...."

Before she could finish her words, Kiana raised her middle finger in disdain.

"Stupid Aunt Himeko."

Let Jizi's blood pressure rise.

Her face turned dark.

"Kiana! Come here!"

"No, no!"

Book of Cangxuan:...

All I can say is that Kiana is still like this, she is more fun than a young girl.

However, in essence, he is also a very terrifying strong man.

The two are not in conflict.

Due to time constraints, Jizi and the others could only choose some major cities to visit. Otherwise, they would definitely not be able to visit them all unless they stayed there, but the train also had its original route and plan.

Some are resource subsidies agreed with the space station, and there are also items to help find, which need to be delivered to partners. and many other things.

Now I have only seen the surface of Liyue and haven't moved on much yet.

So when they returned to the train from other cities, March 7 held a bunch of things and looked back reluctantly.

"Alas, farewell, there are still many places I haven’t gone to yet. I was eliminated from the Magic Broom Flying Competition at the very beginning. Wow, I wasn’t used to this kind of flying machine, so I fell straight away. The speed is too fast!"

"The Galaxy Racing Competition is very interesting, and there is also the super giant city made entirely of ice. It not only hangs in the sky, but also has a huge sea inside, from which you can fish and obtain rare fish and other creatures."

And drove various alchemy ships to capture.

I heard that this city was created by Liyue's [Tianfu Star].

It was the head of the stars in the South Dou.

Then Liyue filled the sea, and from other A series of sea creatures were transported from the place to build it into such a place.

March Qi was surprised, is he also a master of using ice?

This city is the size of a continent. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What if it’s true?

"And in the city with the sea of trees, the sea of flowers is so beautiful, and there are cups of floral water, all filled with flowers, so delicious, as well as many fairies and cute green fairies, which are awesome"

"By cultivating special grass fairy magic trees, they can do many magical things. They can produce fruits that are just childish, as well as various kinds of meat, as well as create a series of daily alchemy supplies and create forest guards. Transform the ecological environment, regulate the climate, and become a home tree. It can also be made smaller and can be carried anywhere"

"It makes me want one, but it's a pity that it was created by the grass fairies combining their own talents."

It's so amazing.

I feel helpless when I think of more magical cities.

As a result, a familiar voice came from the train

"Just come back next time."

When they walked into the carriage, Su Bai was smiling lightly.

They were also delighted.

"Wow, Mr. Su Bai, are you done? Now we can go on the road together again."

"Well, and it’s not just me."

In confusion, everyone saw someone suddenly appear behind Su Bai, and she greeted everyone calmly and gracefully.

"Hi, long time no see, everyone"[]


"Sister Kisara!"

"It’s been a long time indeed, Miss Kisara, I have to treat you to a new type of coffee this time"

"Alas, Ji Zien will take revenge."

"Little March!"

"Me, I didn't say anything. Wow, don't make me drink too! Help! Star, come quickly!"

Everyone suddenly became happy.

This is Tendo Kisara, who was on the train in the past, and Mr. Subai's partner.

The train also continued to move along the star track under Pam's activation.

The roads here extend in all directions.

It was so easy to get confused.

Fortunately, Su Bai could tell it the direction and how to go.

All kinds of strange celestial bodies were moving here. After traveling for a while, the sharp-eyed March 7 suddenly shouted

"Wow! Look at the planet in the front right, what's going on?"

"Why is it burning? Became a planet in a sea of fire"

"And there are quite a few spaceships, right?"

I saw spaceships one after another, surrounding this red and hot planet, constantly flying in and out, and emitting strange light, making the fire above more fierce, making even March 7th confused.

What are you doing?

Burning planet?

Is there any terrible enemy on it that leads to the use of such a method?

Could it be that he passed by the battlefield?

As a result, Tendogi couldn't help but laugh.

"No, this is a cultivation operation. Come on, you will know by looking at the surface of the planet."

Kiana on the side also snapped her fingers.

She continuously enlarged a projection, showing a synchronized picture.

I saw poisonous gas everywhere on the planet, miasma permeated the air, blurred vision, many intricate vines and spikes. The thorns grow wildly here, penetrating everywhere, and there is no open space or place to stay.

It looks messy

"After the planet was discovered, after investigation, it was found that the plants on it were of little value and were instead filled with many harmful substances. It can be said that it caused all harm but no benefit, and its development value was very low."

"Instead, the spaceships tried to burn it with flames. After clearing the place, they found that after the fire burned out, on these fertile ashes, another special plant hidden underground would quickly grow out, sprout, bloom and bear fruit, and the time was very short.."

However, after research, it has been found that this fruit contains abundant fire energy. It has great benefits and can be used in various aspects.

Practicing ingestion, alchemy, elixirs, fire-attribute elemental martial arts and various immortal sciences, etc., so this kind of fruit is It was named Fire Fairy Fruit, and the planet was called [Fire Fairy Star], which was responsible for cultivating this resource and transporting it to various places.

So Liyue continued to research and improve, and now has a stable harvest cycle.

As a result, the quality of the fairy fruit has become better and better. The better.

After the fire, some elixir suitable for the growth of the plant will be put in to make it grow better and be more nutritious.

This planet is specially used to grow this.

The fleet will do the construction.

And Su Bai Ye adjusted the picture and faced the flames

"In the past, Liyue fought against the anti-matter army. As you all know, they were good at using calamity fire to burn the planet. Then Liyue made reference and absorbed it, because the effect of burning to embers was very good, and those original plants were meant to be burned."

"At the same time, it is not as violent as [Tribulation Fire]. Breeding new life amidst destruction is the cycle of life and"

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