And he would do such a thing.

Compared with the Immortal Boat Alliance, it is obvious that this emperor is more protective and pampers Liyue.

Both sides are amazing.

This is something that many forces in the galaxy are envious of.

Especially the Interstellar Peace Company.

Ji Zi also vaguely felt that if Luofu's experience could show that the Emperor Bow was floating outside the sky, and the Immortal Boats followed his traces, in such a state.

The emperor of Liyue is more like the ruler of Liyue itself.


When they were playing in Liyue, the emperor had already taken all of this into his eyes, right?

But for others.

This evening was a very happy and memorable day. The delicious bonfire barbecue, the moon and the falling stars not only satisfied the taste, but also saw the beautiful scenery. Everyone also chatted happily together.


The next day.

Hearing that a sword star was going to hold a sword competition, the curious train members went there.

It was an area composed of many spectator stands and a huge venue below.

Sword wielders gathered here one after another.

But March 7 was a little crazy.

"Oh my god! We are late, why didn't you tell us earlier, Kiana! We have already played many games, it's such a pity." Kiana just smiled and scratched her head. As a result, she got angry.

"Don't play innocent!"

"Oh, it's okay, you can watch the replay. Anyway, those ordinary matches are broadcast on the screen, and the next high-level matches are incomprehensible to ordinary people, and even the trajectory of the flying swords cannot be seen, so only masters can watch it."

Xing was calling up the previous matches and watching carefully.

They were like in a box, with all kinds of drinks and food, and they could order whatever they wanted, and then the big screen was broadcasting the match.

And Xing found that this was not a contest of sword skills and fighting.

It didn't look at strength.

It looked at the sword itself.

There were many flying swords, and they were of different types, and even obviously had different styles, which made her mutter to herself

"There are so many swords I have never seen before, and some of them don't seem to be of the Xiandao style."

Tendo Mu next to him nodded.

"That's right, most of the competitions are a comparison of the swords of legends. Everyone wants to prove their swords, as forging skills, the pride of craftsmen, years of hard work and dreams, so there are constant collisions and confrontations! And generate more inspiration and ideas"

"Seek yourself, seek breakthrough!"

"And most importantly, become famous all over the world!"

"So you can see that there are many alchemical flying swords, as well as demon swords, magic swords, spirit swords, knight swords, magic swords, etc. These are the development and crystallization of many civilizations under Liyue."

At this time, Su Bai added

"Originally, the fairies would also participate in the competition, but it coincided with a major competition. The fairies launched the annual Holy Sword War, which was a legendary competition in which the strongest holy sword was chosen after passing many trials."

"And the winner will be rewarded by the fairy leader and given a great treasure."

Everyone was moved by what they heard. Wow.

Are there so many kinds of swords?

Liyue's flying swords are known all over the starry sea. I didn't expect that this was just one kind. When they came here, they were dazzled. Are there fairy holy swords that haven't been found?

For sword lovers, this is simply a dreamland.

Come to think of it, if Yan Qing knew, his eyes would definitely light up and he would be crazy with excitement.


Only they were invited to Liyue.

And afterwards, for ordinary people, the competition was over.

It was true.

But for the masters, the real competition had just begun.

On the screen, the immortals began to play.

A beautiful woman in palace dress against a tall and thin man in white robe. They both exuded immortal aura and summoned their own immortal swords.

The former put his two fingers together, causing the fiery red immortal sword to float in front of him.

"My friend, this is the Dutian Fiery Sword. Once it is activated, it possesses a terrifying flame and power that can melt everything. Be careful. It is not my intention to damage your sword."

"Humph, don't underestimate me. It just so happens that this sword of mine is also a fire-attributed fairy sword, and it can also use the ancient earth fire poison smoke, which can also melt weapons. I once melted a team of alien spaceships."

In an instant, the two swords turned into sword lights and fought madly.

The last moment they were on the field, and the next moment they were in the sky.

They appeared everywhere directly like teleportation.

The storm and energy that were stirred up far exceeded the previous game.

Now March Seven suddenly realized

"No wonder the venue is so large and separated. If you want to use alchemical equipment to shoot and broadcast, how dare you get close to it? It will be shattered in an instant, right?"

"Are you stupid, you just realized that?"

""Woo woo, that's not right! I'm smart, March 7!"

She protested guiltily.

Then she continued to watch the screen, and saw that the latter's sword directly produced a large amount of poisonous smoke, which not only enveloped the surroundings, but also concealed itself. In this way, the former was very dangerous. It was completely invisible.

And the immortal said that this smoke had a corrosive effect. You can tell from the name that it is poisonous. It is really a terrible weapon. Even the alloy of the spacecraft can't stop it.

As a result, the next moment, an even more terrifying flame burned up, burning all the poisonous smoke, and it came with such force that it directly burned a corner of the poisonous smoke fairy sword, causing the other party to sweat and be dumbfounded.

"Wait, I, I give up!"

March Seven:..Your reaction is really fast.

Next, the immortal swords appeared one after another, and their introductions

"Look, this one of mine incorporates rare treasures from the Water Palace, and has been strengthened on the original basis, thus possessing a powerful water power. It can be used for both attack and defense, and has endless uses."

"Really? It just so happens that my Xiangyunxuncao Immortal Sword can restrain water. Just watch me suck you away and you'll be done."


"Hahaha, my Xiantian Yiqi Xinjin Sword is still the strongest. It is worthy of my contribution. This time I want to win the championship and prove that this is the strongest sword of this session!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don’t even think about it. Let’s see if my Thunder and Fire Sword agrees."

Two extremely masculine and extremely strong swords that are good at attacking appeared, and they are also very resistant to the effects of poison and curse.

Of course, some immortals sighed and did not participate in the competition.

Because his immortal sword is specifically used to attack the mind.

Since it is a sword fight, it is not very useful.

For a while, the battle was already white-hot. As Kiana said, the speed of the sword light could not be captured by the naked eye. In just a short moment, dozens or hundreds of strikes had been made. This was a competition between the sword master and the immortals!

However, everyone present could see clearly.

They also knew that many of the immortal swords were thrown into the arsenal by the emperor a long time ago.

For the immortals to exchange.

But the specific power and level were not clearly stated.

So the immortals felt that they had to compete anyway to prove that they had a good vision.

Some of them were made by themselves.

Because they used very precious treasures, they also had the confidence to try it, or they modified the original sword, such as the one above?

And there was also a particularly conspicuous one at this time.

It was a tall immortal woman, she laughed proudly

"I went to a special place to collect many resources and refined the Yuanci Divine Light to build this sword. It can restrain your swords. As long as the Yuanci Divine Light is released, it can suck all your swords over!"It was indeed the case in front.

The opponent's ice-attributed sword had originally created a large amount of ice, snow and storms, but the next moment it was out of control and was sucked over, causing the sword's owner to change his face.

"Can it be like this?"

The female immortal then passed five levels and killed six generals.

She defeated all the immortals.

Her arrogant attitude made many immortals angry.

But most of the immortal swords were made of ore, so they were at a disadvantage.

Until another immortal sacrificed his own sword, ignored the opponent's Yuanci Shenguang Immortal Sword, and defeated it neatly.

Her face turned black.

This one smiled slightly.

"You didn't expect that, mine is a herbal sword, it doesn't contain any minerals or iron, you can't use it on me"[]

"For this game, I made a sword that can counter the Fairy Sword. I guess your idea failed. In fact, there are many swords in the Fairy Sword that can deal with people like you."

"After all, the secret method of refining the Yuanci Divine Light is also on the Contribution List."

"You are not a perfect sword yet."

All kinds of strange and bizarre swords refreshed everyone's worldview.

Swords, can they be like this?

It's worthy of Liyue.

As a result, the immortal who ended the winning streak of Yuanci Shenguang Sword was defeated by a fire-attributed sword soon after, which made everyone look at each other in surprise. Ah, why do I feel that various attributes are fighting against each other?

It's really amazing.

After the journey to Jiandao Star, after some rest, Ji Zi also said goodbye.

"Mr. Su Bai, Ms. Mu Geng, Kiana, we have been here for a long time, spent a lot of time, witnessed many things we have never seen before, and gained a lot."

"But we have to continue along the star map, there are still many things to do next."

March Seven and the others were obviously disappointed.

Parting is always full of reluctance.

But Su Bai and the others looked at each other and then laughed.

"In fact, let's go together this time. We have been away from the train for so long, and it's time to go back."

I'm still here: I'm

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