"Well, do you want to stay here and watch the great changes in your hometown, or embark on a new journey with me?"

Aihara Enju asked the little girl.

"Of course I will follow my master. I don't have any family anymore."

"Well, the next stop is a planet that Liyue helped and built. It is not an area where technology and humans are involved, but an area where some plant life survives. We call it the Treeman Planet."

"Because they are good at growing crops, we have cooperated with Liyue. When the rare resources grown are mature, we will purchase them and send them to the Yalilo star field."

"I plan to take you to see them. They are also very good at creating conscious dreams, which is just right for your practice. And see the culture and appearance of our Liyue side."

"You know, in order to facilitate planting, we have transformed some of the veins there, creating some [Medicine Spiritual Veins] that can accelerate the growth of crops and make them of higher quality, and [Soil Cultivation Spiritual Veins] that can cultivate and optimize the soil.】"

The girl opened her eyes wide and listened very carefully.

The master also said that there are new spirit veins created according to the special terrain and environment of the planet.

For example, there is a cave area that often has very severe and terrifying hurricanes.

It is pitch black and takes away a large number of lives.

Later, it was modified by Liyue to"203" and now it has become a wind cave spirit vein. Those raging winds are actually violent energy. Under the guidance of the spirit veins, they gradually become gentle and can continuously condense jade-like energy crystals.

Contains rich imaginary energy of wind attributes.

It has become a good resource production site.

And with the gratitude of the tree people, Liyue took 90% of the harvest and they took 10%. Originally, this was not wanted by the tree people, but they were given 10%. After all, this is someone else's planet.

"And speaking of jade, it is also one of the mainstream cultures where we are. You will see more and more jades with different functions in the future. Hehe, this is very interesting."

They also boarded the flying ship and left here.

In addition to wasteland planets and primitive plant planets, there are also some Liyue immortals who travel to intelligent planets, technological planets, thieves' principalities, arena planets, etc.

Some immortals also went to star regions where civilizations had long disappeared.

There was dead silence everywhere, and many warship wreckage and aircraft fragments were floating in the space, as if telling the glory of the past civilization. There were originally countless cold ships that conquered the starry sky.

Constantly heading in all directions, spreading the prestige of the empire to one planet after another!

Now it has become a thing of the past.

And when the number of these wreckages increases, it is easy to form planetary rings.

Or areas similar to meteorites.

For spaceships, it is very troublesome to fly normally. They need to pass through these obstacles, which is very troublesome.

Several Liyue immortals in the spaceship also saw ships that were still working. They were search-type ships, constantly bringing back relatively intact aircraft and small warships.

Unfortunately, they have confirmed that the civilization has indeed perished long ago.

Only the mechanical intelligence in the ship can still operate

"I'll collect the products of this civilization and see if there's anything interesting. Maybe it can inspire my alchemy, or I can bring it back to the Destiny Fleet."

"It's not bad to let their scientists do the research."

After all, that's where the main technology is.

Another immortal was surprised. His Tiandao terminal received new information.

The other two companions were also surprised.

"Hey, are the Fengraomin and Xianzhou Alliance at war again? First, the Wing Makers directly attacked the Xianzhou's defense line stationed on the planet Tiege. If I remember correctly,"

"Scholars from this planet often go to Zhu Ming Xian Zhou to learn skills. Many figures have emerged from this planet in history, so the cooperation between the two sides has been deepened."

"Because several of them had made significant contributions, Zhu Ming Xianzhou sent a small fleet to protect their homeland. Ordinary interstellar thieves and looters could not do anything about it."

As a result, a large number of Wing Maker fleets planned to bloodbath the planet, which could not only give Xianzhou a slap in the face, but also seize the resources on it.

However, according to intelligence, Xianzhou seemed to have made preparations in advance.

It quietly deployed a secret fleet.

Together, it destroyed the Wing Makers.

The Xianzhou side suffered few casualties.

In terms of the record, it fought very well.

It should be the credit of the Taibusi of Yuque, who made divinations and deductions in advance.

However, in the following war, the number of Fengrao people was like locusts and the ocean, which suddenly plunged the Xianzhou combat fleet into a quagmire, and the situation began to stalemate.

Many places launched large and small battles.

In order to expand their war preparations and collect supplies, the Fengrao people simply stopped dodging and attacked innocent planets and civilizations everywhere. Suddenly, smoke and war were everywhere.

This immortal sighed

"This is a really large scale, it's like a war meat grinder. Why does the Wing Maker feel like a discarded pawn? At the beginning, shouldn't the weaker Abundant People be used to fight and consume the enemy?"

The Peacock Angel Legion of the Wing Maker is pretty good.

In the end, many were wiped out.

"Anyway, it's none of our business. The Xianzhou people are a race that has been fighting for many years. They are numerous and reproduce quickly. The number of people who sacrifice and die in battle is unacceptable in Liyue."

"I can only say that this is also a very exaggerated war civilization."

"But we should not be too careless. If the Fengrao people cause trouble for us, we should still eliminate them. As our footprints spread and spread, it also means that the frequency of disputes, battles, and troubles will increase."

And in this uninhabited territory, we must be more careful.

Nowadays, wars are raging.

It will be troublesome if we are blocked by the enemy.

Everyone looked at the continuous information and nodded slowly.

A planet that has established long-term trade with Luofu Xianzhou. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are constantly star ships falling in the sky with flames, accompanied by the flying vehicles of evil creatures, and there are also many evil beasts flying in the air, which disperse and tear apart some star ship formations.

This battle was very fierce.

At first glance at the Xianzhou side, it can sink many evil creatures at any time, which proves that the Xianzhou Alliance is indeed very strong. In the past, the Fengrao people had to unite to compete with it, but with the Fengrao people's iron hoof troops behind this side Plus.

The situation has changed.

The Xianzhou was engaged in many wars and had no time to send more troops here.

When the next batch of Luofu fleets come, the civilized surface cities here will definitely be destroyed in large numbers, with heavy casualties. Countless lives will become food and slaves of the rich people, or most of them will be slaughtered.

Even the local civilization sent out fleets, but they died even faster.

People fell into despair.

The flames of war also burned half the sky.

The cloud riders were constantly sacrificing, and fox pilots could be seen dying in battle at any time.

In a remote area on the surface, two people took this scene into their eyes. One was a blonde girl wearing a hat, and next to her was a mysterious woman wearing a black robe that completely covered herself in it, and she was also wearing a mask.........

Just as the latter transformed a long sword that looked like solid ice and moonlight into her hand, the former stopped her.

"Sister Jing, your sword is too easy to expose your identity, use this one instead." The blonde girl handed her a new sword, and then the black-robed woman disappeared instantly.


A large number of evil creatures’ spaceships fell like dumplings, and all the evil beasts had their heads chopped off. Even large ships were hit by explosions one after another and were pierced by various weapons. The

Hui-Yun Iron-Tied Army wailed and was quickly annihilated.

Many cloud riders were rescued and looked at this scene in shock, not knowing what was going on. It seemed that a fast figure flashed by and defeated the evil creatures one after another.

So strong!

Who is this strong man?

And the opponent waved his sword and produced a lot of energy beams, clearing a large number of ships.

It didn’t take long to turn the battlefield around.

Originally, the cloud riders and the fighting ship pilots were all determined to die and planned to hold back the army of evil creatures here until the last moment of their lives. It was all because of this sudden helper that they ushered in the dawn of victory.

It’s just that the other party had no intention of talking to them at all. After destroying the evil creatures, he disappeared here.

When the man in black robe came back again, the blonde girl gave a thumbs up.

"Awesome, you saved us with your outstanding and sharp skills.

However, the man in black robe was silent for a long time before speaking.

"This is just my atonement. No, I am guilty of sin and cannot even be atonement. I am not worthy."

"I am now just your guard, a prisoner."

By the way, she returned the sword with the moonlight shining on it to the blonde girl.

"This sword is also very powerful. I can feel that I have only exerted a small part of its power. Artoria, it is time to return it to its rightful owner."

"Well, as for this holy sword, Sister Jing, you should take it. Anyway, you will have to keep attacking and protect me, so it is better to have a suitable weapon. 4.2"

Altria also raised her cute face with a smile.

"By the way, in legends, it is usually fairies who bestow the [holy sword] on warriors, which creates one magnificent and dreamy story after another. And I am also a fairy."


After all , as a scholar studying Xianzhou economics and sociology, I am weak and fragile, hehe.......

If you say so, then so be it.

Facing the current situation, Jing Liu was in a trance. She now had a freshness and naturalness that she had never had before, as if all the darkness and heaviness that had entangled her body and soul had been swept away.

It was like the dust had been gently brushed off.

It was as if she was reborn.

Yes, her demonic body was gone.

All this was caused by that man.

With the disappearance of the demonic body, her madness and insanity also disappeared as quickly as the tide.

This restored her to her normal state.

And she remained silent for a long time.

She felt regret and pain for herself who had been possessed by the devil.

All the meaning of her past had disappeared, and she could only hold on to the obsession with revenge, otherwise she would be completely swallowed up by the empty body, no longer maintaining the edge of the demonic body, but completely falling into it.

There is no recovery.

But now...

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