I'm afraid.

It has something to do with the sudden appearance of the Order of Abundance.

After all, many civilizations in the galaxy know that the Wing Makers have experienced a major technological setback, and they often purchase weapons from the Buli people. They are more than one level inferior to them.

As a result, this time, no Buli people's weapons were seen.

Instead, there were tree nests and various feather weapons that shot through many of the company's aircraft and warship shields.

The long-range attack methods are excellent.

And in the end, the Wing Makers saw that the situation was not right, and used a peculiar branch to make the warships jump, and some of them escaped from here on the spot.

This is the Wing Makers' jump technology in the data.

But it seems to have been optimized.

Chongyun was very cautious and did not let the fleet chase after them. Their mission was to guard here. If they fell into a trap and encountered a large-scale rear fleet of the Wing Makers, it would be troublesome.

But it was indeed a big victory.

So he continued to give orders

"We have contacted other fleets. If anything goes wrong, they will come to support us, so all we need to do is to increase the fleet's vigilance."

"Send out more reconnaissance alchemy instruments [Clairvoyance] and [Clairaudience] to keep an eye on the situation in space."

The Liyue fleet continued to deploy various instruments.

A large number of small creations flew out of the hatch and spread in all directions.

It was not until the [Qin Tiansi] sent a message that this place should not be attacked in the future that everyone relaxed a little.

However, there was also an adjutant who sighed

"Perhaps this is just the beginning, and most forces are destined to be unable to stay out of it."

Then he changed his tone.

"Of course, the company is big and powerful, so they will definitely suffer the most."


Others couldn't help laughing.

The scope is large.

Some also talked about other

"Lord Chongyun, you are an excellent immortal. Why don't you join the main battle fleet? If you lead a small fleet and just maintain order and trade, your advancement will be very slow."

"In the flames of war, it is a great opportunity to quickly gain honor and promote the growth of strength."

"Yes, after all, your aunt is the wife of the Emperor. I really envy you for having such a relationship with him. You know, ordinary people..."

Hearing this, Chongyun immediately became anxious.

"Ah, wait!"

"No, please don't say that. It is precisely because of this that I have to work harder and prove myself. Otherwise, everyone will think that I got in through connections, and I can't affect the reputation of the emperor."

He showed a wry smile.

"And it's not what you think. It's not that I don't want to go to the main battle fleet, but my wife at home is too worried and just wants me to be safe, so I prefer trade and the rear fleet."

"If I rush too far, she will scold me to death."

"I was hit by her with a spatula last time."


Everyone looked at Chongyun with pity and sympathy. It was said that this man's wife was introduced and met by his good friend Xingqiu.

But it seems that she has a bad temper.

Now, he is being killed by his wife.

Are you sure you haven't been cheated by your friend?

Chongyun also had a black line on his forehead.

"Hey, what are these expressions?"

"Forget it. Actually, my wife is very gentle, not what you think, especially when we first met. It was only later that she became in a bad mood because I didn’t take good care of her, right?"

"Mr. Chongyun, is there a possibility that your partner did that on purpose the first time, speaking softly and tenderly? After we get married, we won't have to act anymore."

"You shut up!"

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

And that's not called being afraid of your wife, that's called respect!

Do you understand respect?

You guys!

Then Chongyun also thought of something else and sighed.

"When various spirit bodies and immortal bodies were studied and analyzed, many people voluntarily provided their own body data, including my pure yang body. Now, there are also many people who have cultivated a pure yang body."

"Those guys are very active on the battlefield."

After all, the characteristic of his pure Yang body is that it is easy to get excited. For young people, they are hot-blooded teenagers.

Each of them is an enhanced version of the holder of the Eye of the God of Fire, the kind with social phobia. For example, he lived like this in the past. When he got excited, he shouted in the Wanmin Hall that he would pay for all the food today!

Then he laughed loudly, told everything he knew, and boasted about his family.

When he walked on the street, he would put his arm around others.

No matter if he knew them or not.

When everyone gathered together, he also performed a magic show, which won the cheers and applause of everyone, and then Chongyun was also very happy.

Of course.

The happier you were at that time, the more embarrassed you would be when you sobered up afterwards.

When Chongyun thought about it, he had the urge to die.

This is too outrageous.

He also ate other people's food at every turn.

He was not polite at all.

So in order to avoid himself being a social person, he Death, often makes himself calm down, and he also possesses the God's Eye of ice attribute, and now it is the upgraded imaginary version.

But those new generation boys and girls are all very extroverted.

Their personalities are carefree.

He wiped his sweat when he saw them.

Anyway, he can't do it, especially after he gets married, he has to pay attention to his manners and etiquette, and can't be rash at every turn.

So Chongyun blessed those people.


That is another possibility of his life.

And here in the company. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are indeed many departments and personnel who are headaches.

At the beginning, they were still very happy, because there was a war. In order to resist the threat of the rich people, wouldn't many civilizations have to purchase armed ships and military equipment? Isn't the company's business coming?

It can also be called.

Everything is for the Amber King's glory. For the stability and preservation of the universe, I will give everyone, uh, 10% off!

Don't think that the company is greedy and bad just because it makes a lot of money.


This is a manifestation of short-sightedness and narrow vision!

In fact, judging from the results, the company provided a large number of weapons to weak civilizations, which did increase the possibility of those civilizations surviving a lot. This is indeed their achievement and greatness.

The company people think so.

Just tell me if this is preservation!

So they are very proud and proud, and they promote it vigorously. Those company salesmen even make the advertisements like bombardment. As long as you are connected to the Internet, you can receive a lot of information.

A huge economic interest group will naturally make a lot of money at this time.

But when the people of abundance also attacked many places of the company, the company was unhappy.

Especially looking at the galaxy, who is the one who accumulates resources and trades the most? []

It must be the resource points of the Interstellar Peace Company.

The people of abundance also took a fancy to it.

Grabbing one point of the company can be comparable to robbing a dozen civilizations.

That's too rich!

So when similar things happened one after another, the company's top management was furious.

They began to summon fleets to escort various star systems.

Repel those hateful people of abundance.

And directly dispatched star destroyers to join the battle. As the core of the fleet, they led a large number of warships.

For example, in the current K52 star system, C8 planet.

A company star destroyer is quickly deploying a large number of troops to land on the planet below. It is nearly 1,800 meters long and has a large number of laser turrets all over its body, attacking and sinking many rich ships in the distance.

In the huge interior space of the star destroyer, many ships also flew out and joined the battlefield.

As well as the combat aircraft formation of the Bozhi Society, a series of heavy units appeared one after another.

Not to mention that there are also a large number of warships beside the star destroyer to provide assistance and escort.

Various lasers and laser cannons emerge in an endless stream. The battle was fierce. The commanding officers inside the Star Destroyer were all shouting.

"Hurry, take back the resource star occupied by the Fertility People. It is the most valuable star among several nearby galaxies. Suppress them with all your strength!"

"Damn it! What a scourge!"

"Huh? What's going on? This fertile beast hasn't occupied the planet for long, so how come some areas have shields? Order the fleet to destroy these shield generators. Don't let them create a shield to protect the surface of the planet."

"Forced landing, don't be afraid of losses and sacrifices! Those resources are much more valuable than a mere battleship!"

Soon, the Star Destroyer directly began orbital bombing.

As mentioned last time, the definition of a Star Destroyer is to suppress the living forces on a planet and annihilate the resisting civilization. The method adopted is bombing plus airdrops, and planetary landing wars.

So the idea is to quickly deploy troops to the planet.

Instead of bombing the planet at every turn.

You have a mine.

Of course, if you think that mining a complete planet is mining, and blowing the planet into meteorites is also mining, then just pretend you didn't say it.

But ordinary Star Destroyers don't really have this positioning.

Just like this one now, it is only used to suppress planetary civilizations. Facing a large number of rich people, it can be regarded as Encountering an opponent is very stressful. If it were a normal planetary civilization,

I don’t know how much easier it would be.

The ones that can really destroy stars and load anti-star weapons are more advanced star destroyers.

These are all circulated internally.

For example, the second generation of the company like Esta can buy it, after all, she is a member of the company, but if she wants the top-level one, it may be a bit difficult. These are capable of cruising a galaxy and flying everywhere.

They have a huge deterrent force.

Whoever dares to have a problem with the company will be driven over their planet!

Do you still dare to shout?


Other senior executives of the company may not be willing to spend money.

However, the captain looked at the message and his face lit up.

"Very good, the second Star Destroyer is coming, hum, the war here is stable"

"After all, they are not the main force of the people of abundance, but just a tribe. And the most disgusting thing is their ability to reproduce and expand. There are too many of them."

"Hey, the armed research ship of the Bozhi Society lost contact in the D42 system? Several space outposts built by the company there also encountered problems? According to the information received, it is another kind of rich people, so they want us to go to support them?"

"It's really endless!"

There are wars everywhere.

Even if the main force and the big head are blocked by the Immortal Boat Alliance, the people of Fengrao are originally a civilization that roams and plunders everywhere, which is enough to make many civilizations anxious.

The core star field of the Fengrao Alliance.

At this time, the Great Lord of Extinction Huanlong was looking at the Wing Maker fleets with a little interest, and the Fengrao Envoy in the distance was blessing them.

Compared with the previous intelligence that she was severely injured by General Yuque.

In fact, she is not hurt at all now.

It was just a deliberate strategist..

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