In fact, it was true.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, the beast ship of Bu Li people immediately opened the hatch-like beast mouth, and densely packed medium and small warships rushed out, and there were also various war beast corps that were good at fighting in space.

This kind of beast ship is like a mothership in the fleet.

Carrying a large number of troops.

Such a scene.

Yunqi is like a ship floating in a rough sea, which may be swallowed up at any time. Even the merchant ships behind saw this scene and fell into fear and trembling.

"We are surrounded, there are enemies everywhere"

"In terms of numbers and armies, they are far inferior to the other side."

Facing the equally pessimistic and desperate Yunqi, the captain of the Qianyan Army pointed to the other corner of the screen.

"Don't worry, there is another way. We no longer have any advantage in space, and forcing a fight will only lead to our death. In order to preserve our strength and better maneuver, I suggest that we land on the planet immediately."

"On the ground, they were evading and responding maneuverably, while waiting for support."

After all, nowadays, there are only so many warships and star ships, which are just enough to fill the gaps in the enemy's teeth.

As for the Qianyan Army, they are just curious at best. They went to Luofu to play, and are now on vacation. They just changed into elemental armor.

Naturally, there are no flying ships.

Otherwise, they would not fly directly into space. If there were flying ships, the effect would be much stronger.

As long as the Yunqi can solve the problem, the Qianyan Army will not come out.

They are the main force to protect.

The captain of the Yunqi also looked at the caravan in embarrassment.

"However, if they did so, it would be hard not to notice such a scale, and there would inevitably be heavy casualties."

"We will find a way, let's go. If we don't leave now, it will be over."


Looking at the Cloud Riders who were in danger, driving their battleships and star rafts towards the planet below, the Bu Li people in the beast ship laughed triumphantly.

"What? Do they think this will work? Won’t we just block them on the planet?"

"What did the Xianzhou people say? Catch the turtle in the jar!"


And they communicated with the Wing Makers.

The scene on the other side popped up on the screen.

However, the Bu Li people directly mocked the other side with disdain.

"What? Your so-called new warships are damaged against such a small force? You are such a waste! I think you should just go back. We are enough."

"You just need to watch us show our might."

They really didn't let the Wing Makers get close, as if the Buli people had taken over the war in this star field.

This made the remaining Wing Makers look cold and resentful.

The arrogant and arrogant Buli really deserved to die.

However, the leader did a good job on the surface. The Wing Maker laughed twice.

"Oh? Now that we are seriously outnumbered, we won't play the game of giant beasts catching bugs with you. Oh, and don't let us know that you have been destroyed later."

"If that happens, you guys will become a laughing stock."

"After all, judging from the battle record, we Buli people have the upper hand now. Let's wait until you catch up!"

After saying that, it cut off the communication with a snap.

The Wing Makers' Flying Nest Ship began to leave here.

After all, those enemies who suddenly broke in just now caused a lot of losses to the Nest Ship in a short time, which made it quite nervous when it recalled it now.

It would be great if it could cause some trouble to the Buli people.

I hope they don't die too early.

Kill more of them to dampen their spirit.

Facing the attitude of the Wing Makers, the Buli people also roared angrily a few times. Little bird people, they really take themselves too seriously. If they dared to talk like this in the past, the beast ship would have taught them to be fertile people! However, some Buli people also called up the previous screen.

"Sir, it seems that among this group of Cloud Riders, there are also traces of Liyue people. They fought with the Wing Makers, but they ran away as soon as we arrived."

"Compared to the Cloud Riders, the Liyue people are more famous."


After hearing this, the other Buli people immediately became interested.

"Okay, okay, it’s a rare opportunity to meet someone from Liyue. It’s time to add new reserves to my weapon beast’s diet. What immortal? I’ll bite one to death with one bite when the time comes!"

"Order the army to push forward and capture them alive!"

"It doesn't matter if they die, just keep the body relatively intact, but don't use large-scale energy weapons at will, if it blows up all the pieces of meat, you won't be able to find them, then it's a waste of effort!"

Some researchers are fanatical and greedy

"Please leave some for us so that we can study carefully what is the difference between the bodies of the Liyue people and the Xianzhou people."

"Where exactly is the gift of the Lord of Longevity manifested?"

"Can it provide wonderful inspiration?"

After all, Bu Liren had dissected dead Cloud Riders and taken out their Danfu to drive the Thousand-foot Boat.

It looks like a martial arts novel.

In fact, in the fourth character story of Jingliu, she really killed the Thousand-foot Boat and killed Bu Li Zhan Shou.

And that martial arts novel has been discontinued for a long time. Maybe the author is the Cloud Rider who participated in the war.

But he died later.

So no one wrote it.

So the beast ship also headed towards the planet. The Bu Liren on it were very excited. After all, the Cloud Riders were like the dogs that had lost their homes, and they were the wolves that were chasing fiercely!

Fear! Tremble! Despair!

The reaction of the prey is also the carnival of the hunters!

And on the side of the Cloud Riders' warships.

The Cloud Riders noticed that Bu Liren's beast ship slowed down and began to block the sky.

They immediately understood (ahag)

"Are they deliberately letting us relax and take a breath, and then bringing us deeper despair? This is something that only a group of wild beasts would do. It is worthy of a civilization that still retains the primitive tribal system."

It is obvious that the other party regards this place as a hunting planet. The Buli people have done this kind of thing in the past. They defeated the space army of the civilization on the planet, and then surrounded the planet, and let the young Buli people carry weapons to hunt the remaining creatures and complete the tribal rituals.

The more prey you catch, the better!

It is a complete bloody feast. It is also a desperate moment for the local civilization. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Qianyan Army also looked up.

"This is a good thing. In this way, we can cover up the traces of the commercial spacecraft first. Next, we will set up a large barrier to hide the caravan, and we will attract the other party's attention."

After all, most of the caravans are ordinary people and businessmen.

They can't be considered as combat power.

It will be very troublesome to force them together.

The other Qianyan troops also started to act immediately. They all conjured up golden flags and inserted them into the ground. For a moment, all the spacecrafts here sank into the ground and disappeared.

Including these people.

They exclaimed

"This is, go down."

In fact, it is true.

The flags connected to form a barrier, which enveloped the caravan. The Qianyan Army on it cast spells one after another, making it continue to go down, reaching a depth where it can be bombarded by energy weapons without any harm.

Not to mention that even if it can shoot deep underground, the barrier itself can protect them.


Whether the Bu Li people can find it is also a problem.

After doing this step[]

The Qianyan Army had wanted to send the Yunqi down, but they all refused with a firm attitude.

"How can we let you fight on the ground while we are still hiding below? How can we be called Cloud Cavalry!"

"Brothers of the Thousand Rocks Army, let us fight together!"

"We can't let these Buli people underestimate us. Even if I die this time, I will take a few more people with me. The previous Star Raft formation defeated the Wing Makers that were more than ten times our size."

"Well, we know"

""Let's drive away the battleship and the star raft."

They all left here immediately, letting the enemy focus on themselves, and after choosing a place, the cloud riders thought that since the sky and the periphery of the planet were surrounded by the enemy, there was no possibility of breaking out.

In this case, let the battleship play its final role!

Set the timed detonation program directly.

When the Bu Li people arrive and enter, they can destroy a wave of evil creatures!

The star raft is here, it can fly and wander at low altitude, and after coming out of the battleship, the Ren Yan army suddenly stopped them from flying away.

"Wait, follow us. If you fly directly, you will be exposed too easily."

A few Qianyan soldiers stood up. They spread their hands and suddenly a small white flag appeared. Then it floated in front of them, and white space gates appeared directly.

"Quick, teleport through the space gate, so that when the enemy finds the battleship, they will lose our trace."

Many cloud riders heard this and immediately marched into it, disappearing one by one.

They were all very surprised.

Does the Qianyan Army still carry this kind of space transfer device with them?

Just now, when setting up the barrier, they also used a device with a flag-like appearance!

Soon, even the pilots driving the Star Raft went directly through the space gate, which was about the same size and could accommodate it. Not long after, this large number of troops disappeared from here.

The space gate was gone.

In fact, before in space, the Qianyan Army suddenly disappeared and ran to the battleship of the Wing Maker, using this.

Does it look familiar?

The operation of the Antimatter Corps to open a hole and kill into the space station.

In addition, with the expansion of the star gate technology in the past, as well as the space technology and teleportation, this space alchemy item [One Soap Flag] used by the Qianyan Army today was born.

And it is also widely popularized in the army.

It is almost equipped with elemental armor.

It has greatly improved the life-saving ability of the Qianyan Army..

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