It is enough to shock the whole galaxy!

Once the life span of an immortal race reaches a certain level, it will inevitably fall into the devil's body.

This is not just about the Xianzhou people.

Even the Chiming people and the fox people are the same.

It's just that the former can reincarnate continuously, and the latter has a shorter life span. They are both equivalent to avoiding it in another way.

It's not that they don't exist.

Not to mention the many rich people in the galaxy.

Being tortured by the devil's body, they have developed many strange and terrifying states.

The Buli people also often fall into the devil's body, so they will bite other rich people and treat them as blood food and slaves in an attempt to prolong their wakefulness.

To be honest, they don't want to believe this.

It's ridiculous!

"Aren't you also one of us, the people of abundance? You have been blessed by the Lord of Immortality, and have enjoyed such a long life. Now you are so ridiculous that you deny your demonic body?"

"There are things that many rich people cannot do, so don’t think too highly of yourself!"

""Damn you bastards!"

The Buli people were all roaring in anger.

Those who don't respect the Lord of Immortality should be killed!

And there are many ways to prolong life in the universe.

A series of scientific and technological means.

But such a large-scale race is all immortal.

It must be a miracle bestowed by the great God of Abundance!

This is common sense in the galaxy.

Immortality is gone.

Only abundance lasts forever!

Not to mention that this Liyue is so similar to the Xianzhou Alliance. Who would believe you if you said they were not the work of the God of Abundance?

Even many people think that since the Xianzhou Alliance has Jianmu, there is probably a tree in Liyue.

Only this pharmacist is disdainful.

He drives Using the magic weapon of the immortals, a round of seals grew wildly again, making the sky dark, and then smashed down, directly destroying a large war zone.

And facing the weapon beasts and Yue Kuang Bu Li Ren who were rushing in from all directions like a tide.

He directly displayed martial arts moves.

One punch, surge in all directions!

The terrifying energy bombardment instantly flattened a large area!

Turned the front into a bloody gully!

The traces of destruction, from the south of the battlefield, directly hit the source of the sea in the north.

Unparalleled power!

No matter how many troops you have, they are still not as good as the fists of immortals like us!

Looking at those Bu Li Ren with murderous eyes, he laughed heroically.

"What a stupid beast!"

"Who told you that you are the rich people? What a joke!"

"We have heard of the ancestor of longevity, plague and disaster. On the surface, he is a blessing and a good medicine to cure stubborn diseases, but in fact, he is the calamity of immortality that brings disaster to the people and the creator of many monsters!"

What kind of immortality is this?

The Liyue immortals will definitely look down on it.

Putting this on their heads, isn't this just pure insult?

"And the so-called demonic Yin body? All living things have it? That's even more ridiculous. Why don't those star gods have demonic Yin bodies? Are they all less than a thousand years old?"

"Or maybe some of the envoys have been active in the Milky Way for longer than these years, so why don't they have a demonic body?"

Bu Liren's words really made the pharmacist want to laugh.

Why does the demonic body not work when encountering great power?

And the so-called threshold.

There is even a kind of mortal beauty.

Are you not evolving?

Obviously, you are an immortal species, but you still have the troubles of ordinary life. What's the difference between this and the emperor holding a golden hoe?

Strengthen the body.

Not strengthen the mind?

The body is the boat to cross the sea of suffering.

But you still need to pursue the ferry of the mind to reach the other side.

The firm will and belief are like an unshakable rock.

Look at the first generation of emperors in the past, how could it take thousands of years? They are all fine, as well as Lord Ganyu, who is still the Emperor's secretary. He has been the same for thousands of years, nothing has happened to him.

It is still the same as it should be.

I know a lot more about the members of Tianming.

Those fusion warriors have lived for tens of thousands of years without saying anything.

You are dying after a thousand years?

It's funny.

And for immortals, a thousand years is really a very, very short period of time.

Because everyone's lifespan is so long.

Especially with the deepening of practice, it can continue to increase, so that in the end, who cares about lifespan.

You Instead of worrying about dying of old age, it is better to worry about dying in battle!

The latter has a higher probability.

Bu Liren was so angry that he almost exploded, and he wished he could blow him into pieces of blood and flesh!

How unreasonable.

What are you talking about Star Gods and Envoys?

Can they be compared?

Shameless Liyue people!

Prepare to die!

But the Liyue pharmacist fought harder and harder, and his every move became more and more powerful.

This mysterious white power can make the elemental martial arts, fairy arts, and magical powers learned before exert stronger power!

It's as if they should be...

It feels amazing. It's like a fish in water.

And as this state becomes more and more ethereal, he seizes the opportunity. The great supernatural power that he has been practicing hard but has not succeeded in finally comes into being at this moment!

It's done!

For a moment.

A terrifying aura emanates from his body, the wind and clouds change, the sky is dark.

The sky changes drastically.

Countless lightning explodes wildly from the dark clouds. Several swords that seem real and illusory suddenly fly out of his body and rush into the sky. He directly begins to set up a terrifying formation that sweeps across the world.

"Use your body as a formation! Use the formation to forge a sword! Even if the flow turns back a thousand times! The vast sea turns into mulberry fields, and the wasteland turns into prosperity, my determination remains unchanged, and I am willing to turn into a stray arrow to chase the enemy!"

"No regrets in striking the sword, protect the people!"

""Great Divine Power - Heavenly Forging Sword Formation, Rise!"

For a moment, the void flowed, and an invisible force enveloped the sky above.

The sound of swords continued to resound through the sky.

It seemed that it could be heard in every corner.

And there were unknown waves coming one after another.

Countless Bu Li people fell down in response. Those ships didn't know what happened. Soon, no matter how these warships scouted and shocked, they were suddenly cut into pieces.

It was like fish meat that was easily cut.

Obviously, the aircraft and beast ships that were alive were dismembered into a large number of pieces of meat that kept falling.

This can be Bu Liren was frightened.

He hadn't found the source of the attack, so how should he deal with it?

It was too weird!

Those damn Liyue people, what kind of weird technology did they use!

I couldn't even understand it!

Of course.

The invisible and colorless sword energy tore through the void, constantly shuttling and appearing everywhere. It would be a miracle if Bu Liren could notice it.

Even the Liyue pharmacist was using this power, and he admired and worshipped the emperor even more. He is worthy of being the emperor!

And he was also driving the sword formation.

While using other moves.

This made him a little regretful that he didn't learn more elemental martial arts and magical powers.

0 ·······Request flowers···· ··

It's obvious.

This force is very strong, but it needs to be carried by magical powers and various moves.

Both are indispensable!

If you just savagely bombard and burst out with power, it would be too wasteful. It

's just like a primitive man.


After things here are over, I have to go back.

And he suddenly thought.

Oh my goodness.

Will the physical magical power be able to do it?

I'm losing a lot!

Obviously, in such a high-intensity battle, those physical magical powers involving martial arts are the fastest to progress.

Why didn't I learn it at the beginning?

I really regret my naivety in the past....

In Luofu,

Kiana suddenly appeared beside Su Bai, and then her eyes also saw the distant star field. She was a little dumbfounded.

"What a perverted ability. Are you starting to become idealistic?"

"When did you make it?"

Even though Ji Zi and others were around, they acted as if they didn't hear what he said.

Su Bai smiled slightly.

"This project has actually been going on for so long."

"The source of that power is the soul and the mind. The key to it is the will and the awakening. After awakening, the immortal can obtain the power called [Mind Skill]."


It sounds familiar.

Su Bai referred to the unique skill system of Shion's slime worldview.

Heart, desire, soul skills!

Then he combined it with the Pure World White Lotus, creating a new power. And the specific effects of the mind skills may be different.

"It represents the heart, and can be used with the moves, elemental martial arts, spells, immortal arts, magical powers, alchemical weapons, and immortal treasures that I created. This is the skill."

"Then body training can also play a role"

"These three, combined together, are exactly [heart】,【Technique】,【body】"



This is the complete new era immortal.

What Su Bai said before was not that the Liyue pharmacist had recovered his full strength, but���This means

"And what's wrong with idealism? Hasn't this always been the characteristic of our Teyvat world, like carrying the wishes of all living beings and then going to fight."

"Or in the plot, Ying vs Yingbao." Then it is not surprising to point out the power of idealism. This made Kiana suddenly feel depressed, as if she had lost her motivation.


"I thought I was very proud of myself for creating the system of [Force] and passing it on to the Valkyries."

After all, on the train before,

Kiana was making a lightsaber.

But now, seeing Su Bai's, she was a little dumbfounded.

In the end, Su Bai comforted her.

"It's nothing. Your system has great potential. It's just a start-up now. It will be great if you continue to improve it."

"That's how you got the name."

In the past, it was Honkai energy, imaginary internal energy, and then it was the complete imaginary energy.

But Kiana was very naughty.

Anyway, it's all a whole. Just call it the original force! It's just right, isn't it? It made the other female Su Bai sweat like a soybean. Just be happy. Kiana sighed

"Let the immortals practice, that is, to train their minds, and more importantly, to let them master this power."Thousand.

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