A young girl is complaining about what is unfolding in front of her.

She has pupils as pure as gemstones and lake water, and her eyes are strangely heterochromatic, like water drops, which seem to remind people of the legend of the first generation of water gods.

The kind and great Lord of Water [Egolia] came to Fontaine and shed her first tear here.

What exactly caused this previous water god to cry?

Because it was too long ago.

No one knows.

The girl is wearing a noble and elegant sea blue dress, with a white shirt inside, a decent tie on her chest, and two gemstones of different shapes on the sides.

The sleeves are also decorated with gold ornaments like flowers, and the gloves themselves are also black and white, which are very distinctive. There is a bow ribbon decoration on the waist, which is inlaid with a beautiful blue gem.

The lower body is shorts, plus a pair of cute high heels.

But the hem of her skirt behind her swings like a fish tail, very agile, and it looks like a big tail when she runs.

But when she dances.

It will be like an orchid in the water, graceful and light.

Countless audiences in Fontaine were excited and applauded, immersed in this dream and endless waltz.

Of course.

On her fluffy-looking silver hair, there is a particularly noticeable curled hair.

This lovely girl is the water god [Fukalos] of Fontaine, one of the seven rulers of the world in the past, and also an unpredictable and unexpected big star in the Opikle Opera House. She is highly praised by countless people.

In the past, people from other countries had doubts and questions, asking why the eyes of the water god are different colors?

As a result, the people of Fontaine said that it was because they were different colors.

They were speechless. Why are you standing here?

It is Fontaine, and the contemporary language art is still so surprising.

And in front of her.

The summoned Lady Heweima, Miss Bereda, and Lord Uther were fighting against the stinging insect subspecies, but she got scared when she saw the insects splitting again.

"Hey, don't split so many times. Luckily, Fontaine doesn't have this thing."

"Otherwise, I will be eaten up by you!"

And this bug used to kill summoned creatures instantly, causing her to break defense many times.

Fortunately, she has leveled up many times. Her strength has increased.

Funina felt the power condensed in her palms. The rich and powerful water element fluctuations were constantly released, which made her a little dazed. She used to feel insecure.

Because in everyone's eyes, she was a god.

In fact, she was just like an ordinary person.

But through virtual games, she could really experience the power of water elements, which was much more useful than the fake water elements she always talked about verbally!

Is this the power of the Eye of God?

Although there is a saying that you in the virtual game are fake no matter how powerful you are.

But for her who is lonely, constantly hiding secrets, carrying the long years of physical and mental exhaustion, and is so tired every night, virtual games are a completely new world.

There is no need to hide herself.

There is no need to worry about her secrets being exposed.

There are not so many concerns and restraints.

A kind of In a sense, the virtual world and games from Liyue have greatly eased her tense spirit, and also redeemed her a little.

This is her own world.

So Funina plays stand-alone works.

Lady Heweima or something like that is an unpopular work she has read in the past. The story in it deeply attracted her, and thus it was born in her imagination to accompany her here.

Although it looks like a heavy-armored crab, a bubble seahorse, and a ball octopus.

That is, the members of the salon and the singer of all waters.

This time, with her efforts, she can finally advance the plot a little. The difficulty is too abnormal and too liver-consuming, but she can still be energetic when she wakes up the next day. It's amazing.

No wonder so many people in Fontaine are addicted to this thing.

It can directly replace sleep.

Next, she met an NPC named Pure Beauty Knight. They continued to temper their bodies, practice, and wear armor and parade around, which made Funina's eyes widen immediately.

She reacted.

"Huh? Isn't this the Pure Water Knight?¨~¨?"

"The designer of this game must have borrowed from it again!"

Just changed one word!

Big lazy guy!

After all, for her, it is indeed no problem.

The legend of the Pure Water Knight is well-known in Fontaine, and there is also a festival called [Thousand Spirit Festival]. According to the legend, the Pure Water Knights are looking for the Pure Water Elves and welcomed back the first generation of water god [Egolia].

In commemoration, there is the [Thousand Spirit Festival].

That is to ask for water from door to door.

And it has to be the purest kind.

But Funina herself thinks this festival is boring, so she changed it to asking for dessert.

Isn't this more interesting?

What can bring people more happiness than sweet little cakes!

So Funina thinks that the prototype of the Pure Beauty Knight must be the Pure Water Knight, and they are also looking for goddesses. Isn't this too coincidental?!! How can there be so many repetitions and coincidences in the world!

The pure and beautiful goddess Idrila.

No need to look, this must be the prototype of the goddess of all waters Egolia.

In fact.

This can only be said to be a coincidence.

And this Pure Beauty Knight directly opened a trash can and shouted into it

"Idrila, are you there? Are you there? Are you there?"


It's over.

This kid is crazy.

How could the Pure Water Knight in Fontaine's past be so crazy?!

What's wrong with the author of this game? The adaptation is not a random creation!

But then the Pure Beauty Knight talked to himself in front of a potted plant, which made Funina frown. The mental state of the Pure Beauty Knight is worrying.

And this guy even said that he is not good at speaking.

Funina was silent again.

Redefining【��Good at speaking].

You know how to speak.

What a strange person.

After completing this task, the other party disappeared in the distance, and Furninna finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she met another NPC, who held a flag and issued a task to her as soon as he came.

"Hello, brave warriors who fight against the evil dragon, my name is Jeanne d'Arc. In the past, I heard the Lord's divine revelation. For this reason, I will lead everyone to fight against the dragon's legions."

"So we must first find the legendary Holy Grail, which is the stolen treasure. However, the other party will not use it. As long as we find the Holy Grail, we can increase our strength."

"Thus, the dragon was defeated."

Funina was a little confused.

Joan of Arc?

Are you sure it's not that singer?

Why does it feel like the history of Fontaine again?

This time it involves the past of the Remus period and the Golden Power. It is rumored that the Golden Power has been conquering all places, ruling all the barbarians and incorporating them into its territory.

Afterwards, a woman said that she was inspired by the Lord of Ten Thousand Waters and began to lead many tribes to fight against the Golden Power!

The war started from then on!

It also laid a strong foundation for the future demise of the Remus Dynasty.

She is the original Pure Water Knight!

And Later, the woman heard the legend of the Pure Water Cup from the Pure Water Fairy. It was a golden cup filled with primordial water, also known as the Primordial Cup, which could fulfill all wishes.

It could be said that it would answer any request.

It was a holy device.

It was also a wishing machine!

But later, she was so frustrated by the search for this that she fell into despair and disappeared after talking to the goddess Egolia.

In fact

, you can see many familiar things in the history of Fontaine.

And this singer, her prototype has the shadow of Joan of Arc and King Arthur.

Even in Fontaine Dan, there really is a person named [Arthur]!

It is the steam bird at the door of the Steambird Newspaper. This is the origin of the name of the newspaper and it is also an iconic symbol. It broadcasts news to everyone at the door every day.

You can hear it as long as you pass by.

In fact.

This game was created by Su Bai.

It’s just that from Fu Fu’s point of view, she will go against the Tian Gang and put the history of Fontaine that she is familiar with into it. After all, in order to deal with the crisis of fate and prophecy, in the past few hundred years.

In fact, she has been secretly sending people to collect information.

At this time, Funina also fell into deep thought. The Holy Grail? There is a fairy kingdom in Liyue’s alliance. The fairy queen mentioned in the background story of this game is obviously referring to Queen Morgan.

But I am also the queen of water.


As for the Holy Grail, it is indeed very popular among those fairies. There are many legends and stories. Funina has also read some, but basically they all say that the Holy Grail will bring bad consequences.

What In order to find the Holy Grail, a thunder fairy embarked on a journey.

Using the Dragon Balls, he learned the location of the Holy Grail.

And unfolded a colorful story (Li's)

(Morgan mixed a lot of it in.


There are many points to complain about. But Funina was enjoying it.

The Fairy Kingdom of Britain, as well as those holy swords, magic and so on, are also very famous.

To some extent.

I always feel that it is somewhat related to Fontaine.

And what is going on with this game? There are so many Fontaine elements, but I have never heard anyone discuss this game. It is very strange. It seems that only she has it, and she didn't know how she clicked it in the first place.

Just download it, and it will be there.

And then, the conspiracy of the evil dragon Narcissus was finally revealed. It wanted to submerge the entire world and melt all these lives in the sea water. This made Funina suddenly sound another voice.

"¨「¨「Very interesting, this game compares Fontaine's past and prophecy."

Fo Fu was frightened.

"Who are you, Huhuhu?"

This is clearly a virtual game, and I am the only one here. All the people I meet are pre-designed programs in the game, whether they are characters or enemies.

And suddenly I heard such a sentence.

Too scary! Too creepy!

"Wait, this voice sounds familiar."

She was confused, then she remembered

"Oh, it's me in the mirror, how did you appear?"

Fukalos was silent for a while. What should I say..

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