Qiana: "Anyway, in the final analysis, the most prominent forcing is Blue Dan, the old man Yamamoto, and Harbach. Like that outline

Mi Dai Time? Clown!


Just to highlight the absolute evil.

The scum in the scum.

Like Dongxian's best friend- [Ge Kuang], wasn't he married to a death, and then was killed by her death husband.

This is the beach of this Gangsa.

As the five major nobles, even if it is a child who is not valued, there will be asylum as a family.

Nothing is nothing.

Dongxian must be mad, and just shouts.

As a result, the forty -six room was hanged without hanging him.

You can't even get in.

At that time, a god of death said that he was a teammate who was Ge Kuang. Various comforts and warmth persuaded Dongxian. It was a very upright and kind person. Dongxian was greatly moved.

There are still good people in the world.

In the end, the death suddenly said, he was the husband of Ge Kuang.

Dongxian asked the brain to fall on the spot.

Blood pressure came up.

What is the big face?

Break directly.

At the time of the original Gangya Dai, the beach was proud of at that time, and ridiculed him with a smile, saying that he liked to see you.

Smooth expression.

Yes, how angry you are.

So funny.

It is a cheap comparison.

As a result, Dongxian had no way to take him.

Spider: "This is indeed outrageous. At first, Dongxian was not dead, and he couldn't beat it. When he became the captain, the beach also secretly developed to a certain extent when he became the captain, so he still couldn't beat it."

Dongxian is just terrible.

No depression is a miracle.

Aisdes: "Just kidding, the treasures of the town family inherited by Gangya's family, the cut knife [Yan Luo Mirror Code] can reproduce any solution of any one cut knife."

Even the mirror flowers and water are the moon.

Everyone may think in the past.

Lan Ran's ability to cut a knife, maybe replacing it with vegetables, it is not possible.

But it was used by this person.

Still strong.

Make those deaths very jealous.

And this slashing knife summoned a bunch of brave swords at the same time, fought together, and opened a multi -threaded automatic AI model.

The same is the same, Tsuna databased the beach with this cut knife.

One person fights with nearly 20 captains.

It's a mess.

Obviously, the knife is too bug.

Dongxian is going to fight a collection.

Not to mention that he has been dead for a long time, even if he is alive, he still has to be hammered by others in the soil.

It made Dao Yuken Aura, who was settled at Gangya Dai Dai.

You should know that this Dao Yu root A Ula, the performance was not bad before.

It is the strongest completion.

The foundation is already scary, and there is the lock of the spirit king in the body. It is called by Urahara as the use of death.

The degree of White Dag is similar to that of blue dye.

Blue Dye is a comprehensive talent.

Very strong in all aspects.

Not to mention there are multiple stages.

However, it is very okay to reach the level of blue dye in one or two aspects. Later, Urahara helps to fight her. The official novels use the means of dealing with Lan Ran, which is enough to see Pu Yuan Xixi pay attention to her.

As a result, Shiwu Kiwu was seal by her and was caught directly.

Buried in the soil: "Speaking of which, Aiyahabach has a man's manner. Is it true that it is not arranged by the King of Ling?

The son, eventually became a new human stick, replaced the Lingwang support of the Three Realms ~~

Youhabach's goods are very special in life.

Can collect usury loans.

If he does not absorb power, he will degenerate to the original state of invisible and uninvited.

to this end.

He must constantly absorb soul.

So after the unified destroyer, the power he established was called [Empire of Light], and he decided to invade the corpse soul world and set off a new war.

It was the first fire of Youhabach.

Don't suck it.

In the end, fate is like that.

When he was placed in the Palace of Lingwang, the King of Ling was equivalent to liberation, and his limbs and other parts came down, although there was no

That powerful power, I hope to paint.

Ghost knows if it will be resurrected.

It always feels related to hell.

Misaka Misaka: "I understand this, conspiracy theory is the idea of Ling King in hell, and becomes the last big BOSS.

In terms of support, King Ling was stabilized to stabilize the Three Realms, but he still couldn't rest assured to hell.

"I want to solve the hidden dangers of hell by myself.


After all, hell problem is very big.

When people die, they can go to the corpse soul world, and they can go to the virtual circle.

Lying down is a fortune.

The accumulation of swallowing the Three Realms.

It is indeed a hell that is known as the abyss.

Ziyuan: "It is also possible not to be resurrected at all.

Wash and sleep.


Yayan Maru Lisa: "I see Luo Zi in the group, is she also Su Bai? Why don't you say? If you can,

I want to try to kill a few gods.


Matsumoto chaos: "Damn, you really think, I want to go too! '

Getting the power of the God.


Turn stronger.

Yaoshumaru Lisa:

Just your team's strength, stare at the crown (with a skeptical mouth.


Seeing this, the chrysanthemum was red.

Wow, wow.


Skaha: "Sigh, and the new Su Bai will easily notice the world of the gods. After all, this is indeed a gain

The effective way to take strength, but it is a pity that the version has changed."

The two newcomers had a stealing question mark.

What do you mean?

As a result, they twitched for a while.

It turned out that Luo Yi, a female lunatic, was overwhelming, affecting countless worlds, which led to an out of control. What was the original?

The plot is all right.

Liyue Su Bai (group owner): "And Luo Yi is very busy now, and it is normal to say."

Like Su Bai on the Lighting Iron, she is on Misaka Misaka.

Then the goddess went back again.

The so -called God -killer is a battle between the anti -destiny warrior and the fate.

After writing new myths, all the stories have changed, and fate has also been created.

Liyue Su Bai (group owner): "If you have a deep understanding of the goddess, you should be able to know that the goddess is multiple Yu

There are at least 3,000 universe in total.

"Among them, the universe No. 3092 is called [Hero -Xu Berburia].


"That is the oldest world, the primitive home of the gods. The myths of the Indo -European language department are derived from this. Once there is

The change will affect all the world outside. Using this method, the Luo team has made Wanglian in the past."

But in the diverse universe, there is the power of fate correction.

It's not just a world.

Destiny wants to erase Luo Yi, and let many worlds began to integrate and collide, and the chaotic sea that appears can instantly melt a blockbuster

Human beings and all traces of existence will be merged into Haichen.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

It takes a long time to be completely destroyed in a world, which takes a long time, which is forcing everyone to remove Luo.

to this end.

The proud people and destiny, order, and laws of Luo Yan started the war zone.

The reincarnation sword power can establish a site and confront those forces.

Continuous collisions and squeeze.

She is also protecting those who have not happened yet, to the world one after another.

This is destined to be an unprecedented war, either the fate and law of the diverse universe, or the new owner

Luo Yi can only exist on both sides.

Yayan Maru Lisa: "2"

Matsumoto chaos: "?"

Are we going the wrong group? What we saw?

Luo Yi is so outrageous?

Is this still the goddess in the impression?


Liyue Su Bai (group owner): "Of course, she is a very stubborn and strong woman, so she did not find us to help.

The soldiers of the transportation have carried out the fate of many world creatures and changed the earth. This is the battle of new order."

Blowing snow:

"" This is the sea of chaos, and the living spirit is integrated into the sea. How many sea appears?


What Youhabach wants to do is to disappear the boundaries of the Three Realms and return to one.

Back everything back to the time of the original sea.

Feng Dan's side will be integrated into the primitive tire sea.

Qiana: "Don't appear in the next wave of new group members in the future. In their world, there are also enemies who use sea power."

Spider: "The prophet is it? I put you a knife first."

After all, the positioning of the ocean is too special.

That is where you bred everything.

It is the mother sea, the fetal sea.

It was the original origin.

Isn't this like this? Or or other planets, many of them.

At this time, the new group members came out again.

Yaosumaru Lisa: "In other words, I have sorted out the laboratory. Are anyone free now? Can you come and get together?

For newcomers, there is no problem with feelings near the emotion, right?


"You can all come, after all, what I think is, maybe you are as smart as I am as smart as me.

My experiment proposed more useful ideas and inspiration, and even advanced the progress of the experiment.


"This guy like chaos is a typical () no brain, which is far worse than me. I really don’t have any expectations (deeply sigh



Someone broke the defense on the spot.

Matsumoto chaos: "Hey, what do you mean, you! I seem to be stupid, you guy, jealous of me is bigger than you?


You airport.

Buried in the soil: "Friendly reminder, Lisa's words, (good king) remember that I have seen the side map, there are still some, plus

A small waist is still very good."

Matsumoto chaos:

I'm crying.

You can't control her?

This goods bully me.

I wanted to clean up me from the beginning.

What a terrible woman.

Soon, many female Su Bai came to the research base of Yaman Maru Lisa. There is a lot of space in it, and there are no chairs.

Few, advanced equipment and instruments everywhere.

Various screens show dense data.

In some jars, there are also a series of monsters, arms, feet, legs, hair, or something in the jar.


The first point you noticed is that this place is very bright.

Very dazzling.

Little burial hehe smiled.

"Is this to prevent the invisible empire? They actually hid in the dark place of Jingling Ting and opened up space in the shadow.


There are all strange techniques.

You Dou also looked around.

Seeing an interesting scene in her eyes.

"A lot of enchantment has the effect of covering up spiritual pressure and spiritual power, and there are attacks and defense. Wait, this place is actually

The space is opened, independent of Jingling Ting, wow, are you too cautious?

Livilia even saw a lot of data wearing the glasses worn by Yakan Maru, and then burst out instantly.

Because she is watching everyone.

This made him laugh.

"Do you investigate the combat effectiveness glasses, your invention is good.

reminds you: Three things for reading -collection, recommendation, sharing_! (BIR


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