Taking advantage of the moment when the dead man was stagnant, the soles of his feet were immediately greased, and he manipulated the wind pressure to open the way.

The dead man came back to his senses, and just wanted to pursue, but turned into an ice sculpture.

Ayaka turned into an ice mist and followed closely with Paimon.

Only fools go to fight with the enemy.

So many strange, how can it be cut?

The explosion is so loud, who knows what cows, ghosts, snakes and gods will be attracted.

At this moment, Ayaka finally noticed a trace of grotesque and absurdity.

If she is allowed to challenge this secret realm alone, I am afraid that she can only barely pass the first level, and the second level will be taken away by an arrow as soon as she appears.

There is also this bad weather, the ubiquitous crisis, close to the actual combat at the same time with a sense of tension and despair.

This is not in line with the propaganda of the Steam Bird newspaper.

This is false propaganda!

Doesn’t it say “very simple”? It’s not simple, and it’s even a bit of a netherworld.

Except for the ‘exotic’ and the same as the newspapers, everything else is completely out of the way.

Of course, everything is not absolute.

At least as the interview put it, the residents here are indeed “hospitable” and good at “mingling” with people.

This is exactly what I am experiencing.

That is, in the secret realm, knowing that the challenger will not be killed, in reality, Ayaka doubts that she will be too scared to swing the knife.

Five hundred years ago, Lord Ogosho saw a similar sight…

Let’s talk about Paimon.

She was flying low at the moment, not daring to show her head too much.

I thought that the attacker had been knocked down by the air at first, but Paimon found that he was thinking too simply.

That dead man with a high ponytail actually stood up like a nobody, and her blood turned out to be purple!

She bent her bow again and continued to shoot as if she were fine.

The target of the shot is the flying Paimon in the air!

Just show your head, right?

Of course, there is only one Ranger Death, and Paimon will not be scared like this.

Now, there are more than a dozen Ranger Dead Warriors lurking nearby!

This is only a rough estimate.

Sora and Ayaka’s movements were fast enough, coupled with enough dead soldiers nearby, forming a wall of people to block the line of sight, so that they would not be shot too many arrows.

But even so, Empty Arm was hit by an arrow, which forced him to switch the elemental force to rock, causing the two of the squad to create crystalline shields.

At this moment, cooperation is even more important.

With heavy firepower and strong control, Ayaka is responsible for using that weird weapon against the Knight-class Honkai Beast, while also assisting in the opening of the air.

Void constantly switched various elemental forces, unscrupulously leading the two towards the end.

Use crystalline shields to reduce arrow damage, conductive to slow down the attacks of special deadmen, hurricanes to disperse ordinary dead, and vines to contain small broken beasts.

As for Paimon.

Its only role is to interfere with the targeting of the Ranger Dead.

Other words.

Every now and then you still have to show your head.

At the moment, Paimon felt like a machine.

There seemed to be a mechanical sound of rattling echoing in my head.

Quack, mechanical, quack.

With the help of the void, Ayaka once again shot the oncoming Knight Avalanche Beast.

This is already the fourth.

The recoil of the bazooka is extremely large, and if it were not for the improvement of her physical fitness by the Eye of God, her shoulder would have been dislocated long ago.

Of course, these are definitely worth it.

Sora and Ayaka have a consensus that they can’t try to fight the Knight Collapse Beast.

That purple halo on its body is a big problem.

Facing that halo, Sora vaguely felt the filthy power of purifying Twalin.

Similar to the power of the abyss, but with a little less depraved breath and a little more danger.

Something absolutely wrong with it.

At this moment, Kong felt Ye Zhuo’s unfathomable depth.

Architectural style, enemy abilities, format weapons.

He knows a lot of things that he wouldn’t have been able to design otherwise.

You can see it from yesterday’s Otto.

The various weapons in Otto’s hands are essentially forces higher than elemental forces.

This power is also manifested in today’s secret realm.

Ordinary dead men leave aside for the time being, there are some special dead soldiers here, and a random arrow can penetrate the building, and the body is so hard that even the humus sword cannot cut scratches.

What they have in them is a similar power.

A force beyond the world.

The power of Honkai.

Strong, who uses the four elements, and Ayaka, who can freeze enemies, are so difficult.

And what about ordinary adventurers, how far can they do with 64 rifles and RPGs alone?

Although compared to yesterday’s Otto, this secret realm still has the possibility of being conquered, but today’s secret realm tests a person’s psychological endurance.

Ye Zhuo, he is definitely not as low-key as he appears on the surface.

This kid has a lot to offer….

Dodging the pursuit of the knights behind him, he calculated the optimal route in the air.

Finally, guided by the mechanical sound in his head, he knew that he had reached his destination.

It was the living room of a building.

Once, it was also the place where a certain paramecium was trimmed.

Enduring the pain of having his arm penetrated, Sora decisively shot at the electronic lock, physically destroying it and pulling open the electric door.

Paimon was the first to enter, and Ayaka quickly cooperated, loading the last shell inside and shooting it at the Knight Broken Beast behind him.


Before the explosion could sound, the electronic door was closed and physically locked.

A dull explosion sounded outside, and the only Knight Avatar Beast that could pose a threat to the safe zone was blown to pieces.

“Empty, your arm is okay!”

Ayaka dropped the bazooka on the ground casually and immediately helped check the empty arm.

In the chaos, the dead man in charge of opening the way was killed in the air.

He was also the only one of the three to be shot.

“It’s okay, it doesn’t affect the action.” Kong said indifferently, the wound was slightly white, and purple lines crawled out of the flesh and blood.

Of course, these lines quickly dissipate.

Sora has the ability to purify similar pollution, once purifying a drop of Twalin’s blood and tears.

“Really?” Ayaka was a little unconvinced, “Don’t force it, if you can’t eat it, we’ll give up the next level for the time being.” ”

“Uh… The designer of Uncharted should save our progress. ”

“Really, it’s all minor injuries.” Sora responded, “This secret realm has a near-real touch system, and although the damage received will not be fed back to reality, it is absolutely real in the secret realm. ”

“Of course, there are no deaths here. When you really can’t act, Ye Zhuo, uh, that secret realm designer, will help you exit. ”

Through his own encounter with Dadalia, Sora came to this conclusion with great difficulty.

“Ye Zhuo… I think I’ve heard that name…” Ayaka whispered to herself.

Sora checked the firmness of the lower door, glanced at Ayaka, and shook her head with a half-smile and half-sigh.

He felt as if he had reacquainted himself with this young lady.

A year ago, she danced solo under the moon, and her polite and easygoing performance on weekdays did not affect her reliability and strong strength in the slightest.

The important thing is that she is also very mentally strong, otherwise, they would not be able to get here.

“Ayaka… Today’s you are not the same as usual. Paimon sighed while shaking the rain on his body.

“Hmm… It’s really amazing…”

“Eh… Have it? ”

Ayaka was slightly stunned, remembering what Fang Cai had done, and immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

Oh my God, is this me?

I actually came over and fought against those knight beasts!

It’s incredible….

Ayaka suddenly recalled Fang Cai’s state, just like when he had defeated his brother with a sword.

Tenacious, persistent, undistracted.

After that, she obtained an Ice Attribute God Eye.

Fang Cai’s state is a similar situation.

In the sea of the dead, in the fear and tension that seem to be physical.

In order to protect Sora and Paimon, and to protect herself, she simply did not have time to think about etiquette and elegance.

Living is the only thing to do.


Ayaka suddenly felt a little nervous.

Does the Sora think that I am a person with different appearances, does it think that I have hidden violent tendencies???

Not… That’s not elegant.

I’ll just go to Heavenly Domain….

Seeing this, Sora and Paimon looked at each other and smiled.

They tacitly stopped the topic.

At this time, Ye Zhuo’s voice sounded again.

There was a hint of appreciation in his tone.

[Congratulations, so far, your group is the second to come here. 】

[The first one was a bard from Mond, yes, the one who stole the Sky Lyre.] 】

[Most people can’t pass the first level, your strength and cooperation are commendable. 】

Ayaka was surprised that she had come here with Sora and Paimon, why could the bard come here alone.

But Paimon and Kong were stunned at first, and then smiled slightly, as if they knew what the situation was.

They were not surprised by the arrival of this one.

That guy probably flew directly by speed.

With the skills of that group of ranger deaths, it is impossible to shoot the wind god with a bow and arrow.

[Next is the third and final level.] 】

[After passing this level, you will pass my test today. 】

[I would like to express my apologies in advance.] Sorry, the design of the first two levels is too simple, which may have made you lose your enthusiasm for the challenge. 】

[Stay tuned for the next third level, and I wish you all the best.] 】

[PS: There are medical facilities and ammunition boxes in the room. 】

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