“Your Honor General…”

Ayaka’s expression became stunned, and then turned to doubt.

Although the one who walked towards him had long purple hair and a face similar to the general, his eyes were essentially different.

Lord General is the kind of plain and indifferent who overlooks all living beings and gazes at fate.

And this woman in a short skirt was full of lightning sharpness and arrogance.

Who is this, is it the Raiden General designed by Ye Zhuo.

Does this mean that Ye Zhuo has met Lord General, or has seen similar abilities…

All kinds of doubts rose from Ayaka’s heart, and she felt her body trembling.

This god-like girl who looks like a general brings a sense of oppression that is even a hundred times that of the collapsed beast in the outside world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god….

Similar feelings are also reflected in the bodies of emptiness and Paimon.

Paimon left it alone, and Sora immediately knew that the other party was not the house girl.

This is the intuition of a warrior, and he will not admit it when he has fought with Shadow.

In addition, he felt a small electric current crawling up and down his body, as if it was a needle prick.

The power that is higher than Tivat has the ultimate embodiment in the other party. In comparison, the Honkai beast outside is no different from an ant…

Of course, what he felt in the other party, in addition to oppression, there was something more essential:


Looking directly at this girl, as if looking directly at a cold true god, unconsciously wanted to lower her head.

Sora felt a strong sense of despair.

Isn’t this the end point? How could such a creature appear….

I’m afraid that even Otto yesterday would not be able to defeat the girl in front of him….

Run? How to run?

Sora will not be arrogant and think that his current state can outperform her.

In an instant, he lost all his plans….

It was at this time that Ye Zhuo’s voice sounded again.

[In the second half of the third level, a new boss is added: The Law of Thunder. ] 】

[Ability: The authority to conquer, can manipulate electromagnetic fields, control dark clouds and lightning. 】

[Try to escape from her, the challenge officially begins!] 】

The sound dispersed, and the thunder burst out.

Paimon’s expression was dull, but he began to complain loudly in his heart.

She had secretly given Ye Zhuo several nicknames, and denounced Ye Zhuo in her heart.

Good guys, I know why you said the third level is difficult.

The Dead Man Collapse Beast in front is a training level, this is the main play, right!

Worked hard to pass the first two levels just to face this one!

Who can escape under this great god.

Escape, how to escape?

Don’t say escape, this thing, you can’t look at it for too long.

One more look and it will explode!

Get a little closer, and you’ll melt it soon!

“This is… Honkai energy…”

Sora had a strange expression and clenched the humus sword in his hand.

“The concentration is so high…”

“What to do, Null?” Ayaka whispered, “Still keep running?” ”

“I don’t know…” Sora pursed her lips, her expression becoming confused.

At this time, the purple-haired girl slowly spoke.

Her voice is sharp and indifferent, and every syllable seems to contain a trace of electric snake…

“Here you are, are you the poet’s companion?”


Ayaka thought of the challenger who reached the third level first, and just wanted to answer, but Sora spoke first:

“What did you do to him?”

“Yes, did he succeed in the challenge!” Paimon answered.

“He flies fast… I failed to keep him. The Thunder Lawyer replied patiently.

“So, you don’t want to escape from me.”

“Ahhh… Broken! Ayaka, frightened by this remark, turned her head and saw that Sora and Paimon’s expressions became rather strange.

Especially Sora turned pale suddenly.

No, how could it be scared like this….

Ayaka just wanted to comfort him, but found that Sora and Paimon opened their mouths and shouted almost at the same time:


“The one who touched the fish actually passed the level!”

Sora and Paimon looked at each other, and an idea suddenly occurred in their hearts.

He immediately opened his elemental vision, looking for the remnants of abnormal elements around him.

Wendy, this guy, although not very reliable, may be able to provide some key help.

Sure enough, in the empty field of vision, this area was emitting a faint green light.

This is the wind element residue!

“Well, traveler, we can’t be left behind! We’re going to pass too! ”

Paimon waved his fists, his tone firm, and the consternation on his empty face disappeared and turned to rock-like determination.

“Hehe, my fighting spirit is on fire, but I can’t be ridiculed by that poet who doesn’t do business.”

“Eh, is your focus here!?” Ayaka didn’t know what she was saying for a while.

Who is that poet, and why does it make travelers so eager to win or lose?

Go back and pay attention….

Seeing the fighting spirit of the two, Ayaka had to be ready.

Void broke away from her support, and pure wind elemental power appeared around him, and his potential seemed to be stimulated.

In an instant, a huge wind pressure gathered from under the feet of the three people, lifting them up.

Ayaka’s expression changed slightly, and then a smile appeared.

“Oh? The poet also left a back hand…”

“It’s so despising to do this on my territory.”

The Thunder Lawyer’s expression became serious, but he didn’t feel angry at all.

Today, she somehow seems to be very patient.

The void immediately triggered the elemental force and rushed towards the end with the two at an indescribable speed.

The Thunder Lawyer saw all this in his eyes and shook his head slightly.

This is the trick that the poet used.

She wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.


Thunder roared, and lightning the size of a barracks descended from the clouds, instantly slamming into the three people in the air.

Borrowed power, faster than lightning?

However, the air had anticipated this situation.

In preparation for an impending attack, he had already secretly changed the direction of the hurricane’s winds.

The blazing heat of lightning was about to come, and with a slight smile, he immediately turned the wind direction and easily avoided this attack.

In an instant, an electromagnetic explosion appeared in the neighborhood, extinguishing all the surrounding lights.

There was no time to pay attention to the upright blonde hair, and he let out a breath of black smoke, quickly turned the wind around, and rushed towards the finish line again.

However, he found himself in an obstacle.

In front of the end point, a “wall” made of purple electric light appeared.

Electromagnetic barrier!

Today’s Thunder Law is very patient, and she suddenly feels that her previous self fought without brains, and she seemed very unpressed.

Instead of playing with big bricks and flying, occasionally like today, take one step and look at three steps, and play the opponent between the palms.

This is called life.

As for the poet, he left it alone.

The Thunder Law felt that the poet was not human and seemed to possess extraordinary powers.

Not only running fast, but also fighting is probably not ambiguous.

Speaking of the void, seeing that his route was blocked by the barrier, he immediately gathered the wind elemental force and slapped the surface of the barrier.

May the wind god protect and spread this thunder and lightning elsewhere.

Ayaka also followed to help, turning the ice element force into three vortices, crashing into the electromagnetic barrier.

It was the only thing she could do.

As for Paimon.

She is a ruthless refueling machine.

“A swarm of ants, dying struggle.”

The Thunder Lawyer shook her head slightly, and the thunder and lightning behind her instantly formed a single wing, and her strength suddenly climbed to the top.

Raising his right hand, the thick rain cloud seemed to sense something, spreading rapidly, revealing the thunder and lightning inside.

Then, Zidian fell towards the three challengers in front.

Kong suddenly felt that something was wrong, and the wind element under his feet was gradually weakening.

He hurriedly checked, but found that the wind cave under his feet was slowly disappearing.

Gan, fooled by the wind god!

Seeing that the falling thunder was coming, he immediately tried to dodge, but heard the thunder lawyer whisper:

“Fierce wind, surrender to me.”

As if in response to her speech, the eye of the wind suddenly dissipated.

Sora and Ayaka fell in the air, hurriedly spreading the wings of the wind.

Subsequently, they felt extreme heat and pain.

It felt as if every cell had been torn apart and disintegrated into atoms….

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