In the holy and clear golden halo, the shadow slowly stood up, and the pain and heat disappeared.

The broken grass of rice light and dream are quietly placed beside her at this moment, and the handle of the knife is still a little hot.

The martial arts arena disappeared, the divine building disappeared, and the thousand calamities wrapped in flames disappeared with it.

The shadow checked his body and found that he had not suffered any damage, and even the tooth marks on his tongue were missing.

The sense of despair and the happiness of the rest of her life welled up in her heart, making her like a deflated leather ball and let out a sigh.

“It seems that death in the secret realm will not be fed back to reality, no wonder there is no news of casualties…”

“After leaving the secret realm, will Fang Cai’s power gradually flow away…”

Ying sighed slightly, and the last scene he saw in the secret realm flashed in his mind.

Countless meteorites cut through the sky, easily piercing the gloomy rain clouds like paper.

The flame tornado was raging, and the blazing heat filled the area with powerful fire elements.

The earthquake trembled, making it unstable to stand, and pillars red by flames rose from the ground, held by men in their hands, dancing like the wind.

Just a man’s casual blow, his dream was shattered under the attack of the pillars, and even he was taken away in an instant.

All this happened in just six seconds.

The enemy didn’t even give himself a chance to leave a last word, and easily killed an all-out demon god in six seconds.

Shadow knew that these six seconds even included the four seconds for the other party to enter the collapse, the second for preparing the pillar, and the time it took to really kill himself might be less than a second.

Heaven can’t do this.

At this moment, Ying’s body trembled unconsciously.

“This is definitely not a human being, who is he divine…”

“Demon God? No… The Demon God didn’t even have the qualifications to fight him… Even if the high-ranking god of Sky Island personally made a move, I am afraid that it would be difficult to surpass a thousand calamities in terms of destructive power. ”

“Against this kind of enemy, maybe only Ishtaru, who is in charge of time, still has some effect…”

“How could such a thing appear in the secret realm… That designer, how much does he really know….”

The more Ying thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this designer was unfathomable.

Regardless of the thousand calamities in the middle of the secret realm today, let’s talk about the description of the secret realm by the Son of God:

The law of thunder and lightning, the law of reason that creates all things, the law of emptiness that tears space.

The huge demon dragon that covers the sky is comparable to the tide of broken beasts in the abyss, and the ethereal concept god.

These are things that Tite can’t see.

Hand rubbing black holes, modern legions, where to find these things on Tivat?

In that case, how did the designer fantasize about these things and integrate them into the secret realm?

Could it be that he has amazing creativity and imagination, and can guess the above abilities, and knows the level of every demon god in his heyday.

At the same time, he has countless knowledge and skills beyond Tivat, and knows the authority that each heart of God represents.

This is unrealistic.

Shadow asked himself, these things are not even clear to himself, not to mention that this designer seems to be a fairly young mortal.

Wait, mortals…

Shadow’s expression gradually became solemn.

Is there a possibility that he is not a mortal!

The other party is not a person from this world, either an Advent or some high-ranking god of Sky Island.

This also explains why the force that makes up the light gate is different from the existing elemental force of Tivat, but a special force.

Because, that secret realm designer is not a mortal at all, naturally there is no need to follow the rules of Tivat!

The shadow pinched his chin and nodded slightly, more and more in recognition of the second guess.

She ruled out the Advent option almost immediately, because Adventists were mostly no different from mortals in Tivat, and might have more knowledge, but would never know every demon god.

Under the watchful eye of Tianli, this is unrealistic.

Well, only the second case is possible.

That designer is a high-ranking existence of the forces of heaven.

In addition to the primordial and life and death time and space, the sixth hidden existence corresponds to the conceptual god in the secret realm!

The Son of God also said that the god had insight into the world and knew all truths.

Since this is the case, he must know the heyday of every demon god and mortal, know the authority of every god’s heart, and know the demonic existence and strength of the thousand calamities.

Because of this, he was able to design this incomparably real secret realm.

He can make every character in the secret realm seem to be alive, with their own character and destiny!


Shadow patted his head, confident in his conjecture.

At the same time, she became more and more weak-hearted.

How could Liyue have such a guy wandering around the city?

Once there was Morax wandering in the world, then there was Barbatos wandering temporarily, and now an unknown being from the forces of heaven is designing these secret places.

Your Liyue Port is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Why did this god design these secret realms, and what was his intention?

Is this Tenri waking up and noticing the small movements of the Seven Kingdoms of Tivat?

Or did they sense the actions of the Ice God and the Fools?

Will it affect Inazuma?

Thinking about it for a second or two, Ying said to himself lightly:

“Nope… It should be fine….. `.”

“The heart of God was sent by the Son of God, and it was a last resort for her and me, and it was difficult for the man to find our problems if he blamed him.”

“On the contrary, Morax, he has a contract with the ice god…”

“It seems that the birth of this secret realm is a warning from heaven. The reason why it appeared in Liyue was aimed at Morax. ”

“After all, Tianli will not really make a move against the rock god, because he himself is the cornerstone of Sky Island…”

After thinking about it, Shadow felt that he understood everything.

As a deity, she always knows some secrets and thinks much more than ordinary people.

Immediately, the pulsating flames formed a light curtain and appeared in front of the shadow.

This light curtain gradually expanded, revealing the text above:

[Challenger, please rate the difficulty of this secret realm.] 】


Looking at the series of evaluation options below that were very simple to very difficult, Shadow slowly frowned. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Well, I know where all this very simple comes from.

Just you mortals are making trouble, aren’t you?

She tried to understand the thoughts of these mortals, but found that she could not imagine the state of mind of these people at that time.

Like to be abused?

Coming to the castle tower to find the general, isn’t it more exciting than in the secret realm?

Or is there another reason behind this?

After thinking about it for a second time, Shadow made a decision.

I am a general of thunder and lightning, a ruling of the seven earthly worlds, and a very honorable person in the world.

My evaluation should come from the heart, should remove personal emotions, and should stand on the tide of the times.

Therefore, I want to give the most pertinent and appropriate choice.

So, Shadow’s expression was resolute, he slid his finger and pressed his own evaluation:

“Very simple”

“Well, so be it.” Shadow said indifferently.

As a god, Shadow’s realm of thought is much higher than that of mortals, especially after a hundred years of retreat, she has a clearer understanding of these things.

This must be a conspiracy of heaven!

Although it was not clear what Tianli was going to do, Shadow already had some guesses in his heart.

The god was gathering people’s comments, probably trying to get some information.

Perhaps, he is looking for someone or god who is different, or someone who fills in “very simple.”

Thinking about the grand plan of the fools, why do they have the confidence to rebel against heavenly reason, isn’t it precisely collecting the seven hearts of God?

With these things, coupled with some unknown means of the fools, it is very likely that the ice god will grasp the authority of the gods and obtain power beyond the world.

At that time, such a secret realm may be simply overcome.

Perhaps, the conqueror will be seduced by victory and fill in the “very simple” option.

Subsequently, among the many “very difficult”, this being will stand out and be directly marked by Sky Island.

A few nails of the cold sky will descend from the starry sky.

Just like Canrea back then, like countless once glorious civilizations.

But now, the situation is exceptional.

Everyone filled in “.very simple”, all public opinion was “very simple”, even people such as Miko and Ayaka, who understood the general situation, also gave “very simple” evaluation.

You say that no being is guiding from behind, and Shadow absolutely does not believe it.

Perhaps Morax secretly caused this god to be the oldest of the seven earthly rulers, an ancient being who had actually landed on Sky Island.

Like himself, even a heart inherits his sister.

Even what he can think of, old man Morax can’t think of?

Would he not know that Tenri was warning him?

He knew everything, knew more than himself, and even deliberately arranged countermeasures.

The God Heart of the Rock God was handed over through a contract, and it stands to reason that he is an accomplice of the Ice God and a party targeted by Tianli.

In order to ensure the validity of the contract, he will definitely give some help to the Ice God in some things.

For example, in the matter of this secret realm, he is disturbing the sight of Tianli through the evaluation of “very simple”.

By expanding the number of samples infinitely, directly disrupt the plot of that god!

Worthy of Morax, just smart!

Thinking of the extremely cruel Demon God War, thinking of his sister dying Canrea.

After thinking of Canria, the grass god was stunned, and the ice god had no tears.

What is the benefit of following the heavenly reason?

As a colleague, Shadow felt that he should help Morax.

Don’t come and disturb the chaos. (Lee Good)

Shadow nodded, happy for his deep righteousness, and the pain and fear of facing a thousand calamities completely disappeared.

The whole person’s temperament also became the same as always, and even some excitement against heaven was included.

The light gate dispersed, and the shadow returned to the beach of the Lonely Cloud Pavilion.

She saw Morax waiting in the doorway with a serious expression.

Back to Zhongli.

Although he didn’t know what Barbatos wanted to do, he didn’t push back in order to see the live broadcast.

Go in, go in, the God of Thunder has not entered the secret realm for a few minutes now, and it comes out so quickly, which also shows that the difficulty of the secret realm is not as high as imagined.

Of course, this requires the speech of the God of Thunder to make a specific judgment. If it is the concept god inside, I am afraid that a vicious battle will also break out.

So, with a serious expression, he waited for the door of light to open and for Thor’s return.

He waited for the mouth of the God of Thunder to get a specific answer to the difficulty of the secret realm.

Soon, the light gate rippled, and the God of Thunder dragged the beak knife out of it.

“Oh? You look in good shape. Zhong Li said indifferently, “Balzeb, how difficult do you think the secret realm is.” ”

Hearing Zhong Li’s inquiry, Ying gradually revealed a smile.

Well, it’s really strong.

Morax was asking for my answers, testing my attitude.

Too distrustful, of course I’m on your side.

Thinking like this, Ying slowly spoke:

“I think.”

“The secret realm is very simple.” ……。

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