The rock rain in the air continues, and the terrifying offensive has not stopped.

The earth under your feet has been buried by rocks, and countless rock spears have turned into pure rock elemental power, creating a piece of land out of thin air, pressing the enemy tightly below.

Zhongli looked down at the earth at his feet, and a wisp of red was constantly expanding.

What followed was an indescribable heat.

Unlike the blazing heat of the environment, Zhong Li only felt a chill in his back, as if he had been suppressed by natural enemies.

Instantly, he realized.

That thousand calamities, there is nothing at all.

Not only is it okay, but the means of counterattack are already ready.

“Am I wrong in my guess? Defenses are not his weakness? ”

“Being able to overcome petrification and impact and find a strategy to counterattack, does this mean that the defense of the Thousand Calamities is also top-notch?”

“Oops, if that’s the case, how to deal with it next…”


As if to retaliate for Zhong Li’s interruption, a pillar of fire that rushed into the sky instantly ignited from the boulder, almost hitting Zhong Li’s body.

The hot breath pervaded this world, and the sea of boulders gradually softened, turning into drops of lava…

At this moment, this is like another Lonely Cloud Pavilion.

The rock guns are still those rock guns, but the sea water has turned into lava.

Inside the pillar of fire, among the lava.

The terrifying flame wind set off a vortex of lava, and Thousand Calamities stood in the center of the whirlpool and laughed wantonly.

“Hahahahaha…. Hahahahaha! ”

“Boy, your trick is very interesting!”

“Three Zero Seven” “It’s just that these stones are like tissue paper to me!” ”


Another explosion sounded, and a thousand calamities instantly appeared in front of Zhong Li.

His speed is extremely fast, not walking or running, but close to direct teleportation.

The traces of petrification quickly disappeared in the flames, and he laughed maniacally and threw a punch.

At this moment, Zhong Liqing the other party’s appearance.

His skin was flowing with flames, his upper clothes were burned out, and his abdominal muscles were clearly visible.

The mask on the face also turned red, as if it was integrated with its own skin, outlining a devilish face.

At this moment, Zhong Li’s thoughts were almost stagnant.

Just like [Doctor’s] helplessness in the face of the Heavenly Fire Saint Judgment, Zhong Li also experienced a similar feeling at this moment.

This enemy in front of him has definitely entered a more difficult state.

Just like the tone says.

Artificial caving!

Thousand Calamities will arrange its own combat strategy according to the level of the enemy.

When he feels that an enemy is worth killing, he will open the collapse without hesitation and use most of his strength.

Suddenly, Zhong Li’s battle-hardened body reacted on its own.

The Yuzhang shield opened up instantly, carrying all the power that Zhong Li could mobilize, turning into an absolute barrier that was as solid as a rock.

His golden eyes were suddenly filled with surprise and fear, and this invincible demon god finally had a feeling of defeat at this moment.

Launching this attack has already consumed too much, and the next step must not be able to meet the enemy in full bloom…

God’s heart has been broken, and the opportunity to fight a battle has been exhausted.

Next, what to do…

This question turned out to be superfluous.

Because the moment Qianji’s fist touched the shield, the battle was already over.

Zhong Li couldn’t see it, but the audience in the live broadcast room clearly saw the whole process of the emperor’s defeat.

It was an extremely ferocious punch that instantly burst countless layers of shields, and the flame wind splashed out like a bullet with lava, and disappeared into the air with Zhongli and his shield.

Under the influence of this punch, the sea of lava splashed into monstrous waves…

Suddenly, the whole of the Lone Cloud Pavilion fell silent again.

Except for the newcomers, everyone was quite shocked, and the Liyue people were shocked and had a little more heartache.

The Martial God who fought in all directions, the invincible Rock King Emperor was defeated just like that…

There is no suspense in defeat, and the defeat is slightly embarrassing.

At this moment, the mood of the Liyue people has become similar to that of the Inazuma people, and I am afraid that it will take a while to get out of this psychological shadow.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage rolls.

[Hu Tao: Oh, this Thousand Tribulations really deserves to be today’s BOSS, it seems that the strength is even stronger than yesterday’s Void Lawyer, alas, it’s a pity for the emperor. ] 】

[Paimon: … It was like a sandbag…]

[Ying: Paimon… What are you laughing at…]

[Yan Qi: That is, don’t laugh, it’s illegal to laugh at the emperor! ] 】

[Ying: Smokey? You were fooled in? 】

[Dainsreb: One was smashed to death by a pillar, one was killed by a punch, hehe, the way the gods lost always surprised me. 】

[Dadalia: I should really let [madam] see what a real flame is. 】

[Wendy: Oh, it’s hard old man, it’s always me who was sent flying before. Hehe, thanks to someone’s words, otherwise this old man really would not necessarily have fallen to this point. 】

[Shadow: Bard, if I’m not mistaken, it’s your turn next.] 】

[Wendy: Eh, don’t say it, of course I know. 】

[Achigami: Boom, the good show is about to begin.] 】

Compared with the noise in the live broadcast room, the inside of the light gate is extremely quiet.

Zhongli struggled to get up, and the pain and strength in his body gradually disappeared.

The mask on the face quickly weathered into sand and scattered in a holy glow.

His eyes ceased to be panicked and replaced by depth.

Zhong Li was thinking, thinking about his own problems, thinking about the problems of a thousand calamities.

He sighed softly and whispered to himself:


“I didn’t expect that you, the clear-eyed one, would also lie, hehe, did I think too simple?”

“Nope… Since you can use unthinkable, it proves that your state of mind has not yet shifted… What is the situation here…”

Zhongli was puzzled, but he knew that he was pitted by the God of Thunder.

It was because the God of Thunder was not lying that Zhong Li made the erroneous judgment that the defense of the Thousand Tribulations was weak and that he should launch a range strike.

If not, how could he be so embarrassed.

Unable to think about these questions for a short time, Zhongli shook his head and prepared to go back and personally ask Ying why.

Then, he put his thoughts on Thousand Calamities.

This man’s strength is terrifying, and he has the strength to instantly kill a top demon god.

As far as Zhong Li’s observation and guess were concerned, the other party became serious, and that caving state was enough to compete with the seven gods.

At that time, even if the seven gods are in their prime, they have all been blessed by the secret realm, and they have all gambled on their god hearts.

If you meet the enemy together, I am afraid that you will still be taken away by this form of thousand calamities. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s just a matter of time.

After all, this man’s strength does not belong to Tivat at all.

It was a power that was far higher than the elemental force, and the creatures who used the elemental force to fight would be restrained by him without exception.

“Forces beyond the world… It’s a little similar to Canrea then…”

“But the power of the Thousand Tribulations is purer, and the erosion effect is less than the power that Canrea prayed for…”

“Like the conceptual deities mentioned by the parish master, are they all beings outside the world…”

“Ye Zhuo, really an unfathomable person…”

As Zhong Li said to himself, the dancing flames intertwined from the air, outlining a curtain of light.

Above are a few large words:

[Challenger, please rate the difficulty of this secret realm.] 】

Looking at the list of options below from “very simple” to “very difficult”, Zhongli suddenly knew where those “very simple” came from.

So it is, is it all influenced by this thing.

It seems that most people choose very simple…

As the god of rock, Zhongli was once known as the god of commerce.

In terms of understanding the human mentality, Zhongli is far more than Ying.

He immediately thought of the mentality of these people.

Seeing this kid making money is more uncomfortable than losing money myself.

My own sin, no one else wants to run!

So, mortals are mortals after all.

As one of the oldest demon gods in Tivat so far, Zhongli is second only to the high gods of Sky Island in terms of experience.

His mentality was as indestructible as a rock, without the slightest thought of gloating.

He knew the designer of the secret realm, and he also knew that Ye Zhuo was not a force on the side of Tianli.

Through the field investigation of the secret place, Zhongli finally figured out the facts.

Although the secret territory is terrifying, it is not dangerous in itself.

This Ye Zhuo is probably an advent with great power.

And the things in the secret realm are probably the creations of his original world.

So why did he collect our reviews?

There must be a purpose.

Zhong Li thought about it again and again, inspecting this light curtain like a contract, thoughtful in his heart.

He who likes me all, obviously I can’t choose them all.

His expression gradually changed, and then, solemnly stretched out his right hand and ticked an option.

That option is: “Very simple”.

That’s right, the secret realm is very simple.

Unlike Yingsi’s large number of divine secrets, Zhongli’s thoughts were not complicated.

I’m not the Rock King Emperor now, I’m Zhongli.

Everyone fills in “very simple”, just I fill in “very difficult” here, I think I am not conspicuous enough.

Who knows if Ye Zhuo will broadcast the corresponding video picture because he received a very difficult evaluation.

At that time, his identity may be made public.

Although this possibility is small, Zhongli is a cautious god and does not want to gamble on this possibility.

Again, Ye Zhuo’s creation of a secret realm must exist with a purpose.

The Steam Bird newspaper advertised “very simple” every day, the General Affairs Department and the VIPs of various countries were of the same caliber, and all the challengers shouted “very simple” after entering the secret realm.

This in itself speaks for itself, and both the General Services Division and public opinion are promoting this secret place as “very simple” in order to obtain corresponding benefits.

And Ye Zhuo did not stop it.

He would obviously not do useless work, and Ye Zhuo would definitely gain some benefits from this.

Zhong Li was in the mind of the god of business, and instantly had a guess about Ye Zhuo’s act of collecting evaluations.

He’s just collecting “very simple” reviews.

In this way, the General Affairs Department will receive higher revenues, and Ye Zhuo will also receive a large part.

For this reason, he only created this difficult secret realm for four consecutive days!

It is worthy of Ye Zhuo, who really accurately controls the rebellious psychology of human beings.

The current 4.4 Qi is directly crooked, and the entire Lonely Cloud Pavilion is crowded with happy people!

In the future, whether it is simple or difficult, everyone will definitely participate in it, and they will all give the same evaluation.

He doesn’t lose money!

As a “mortal”, Zhong Li’s relationship with Ye Zhuo is not bad.

In this kind of thing, you can help.

Isn’t it a “very simple”, take it without thanks.

Immediately, the golden glow dispersed, and the beach of the Solitary Cloud Pavilion appeared in front of Zhong Li again.

The air after the rain is awake, and the sunlight pierces through the clouds, shining water droplets suspended in the air.

The feeling of the aftermath of a disaster is significantly different from the heat in the secret territory.

Zhongli looked at the sky, took a deep breath, and quietly walked to his original seat.

He saw that Wendy seemed to want to run, but was held by the God of Thunder by the shoulder and could not move.

“Barbatos.” Zhong left the mouth and said, “It’s your turn, go inside.” ”

“That’s right, the three of us are left with you still not going in, Hugh wants to escape.” Shadow said flatly.

At this moment, the shadow also seemed to understand the mood of mortals when they filled out “very simple”.

It’s always interesting to look at other people’s masks of pain.

“Hahaha… Eh, hey. ”

Wendy, who was trying to get through the trick, looked at the expressions of the two colleagues and found that this trick did not seem to work.

“Okay, okay, can’t I go in… You’re really cranky…”

Seeing Zhongli and Shadow blocking their escape route, Wendy sighed and simply confessed…

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