Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt

Chapter 202: Master Fang Ye, The Name Of The Heart Arsonist Belongs To You

Received by the store manager Fang Ye personally, the metaphysical statement that the probability of the best product is higher is higher, and the noise is on the dust.

No way, the metaphysical argument is.

Even if the splendor of the age of elves spread to the Daozuma area, tens of thousands of new passengers would be added.

But regardless of Liyue's main store, Mengde's and Inazuma's branches, no one can open a mythical beast again!

Not even a quasi-god saw one...

The odds are ridiculously low!

However, when the store manager Fang Ye received the reception, there were too many famous scenes of quasi-gods and beasts.

"Sister Zhen, go and watch it on the elf network."

Lei Movie felt that it was useless to explain with his mouth, so he taught Lei Dianzhen how to use the illustration book to surf the Internet.

Lei Dianzhen sat down in the rest area of ​​the store, stayed there, and soon had a lot of fun surfing the Internet.

"Hey, there are so many sand sculpture videos on this "Toast to Tivat" video site? These UP masters are too talented..."

"Live broadcast of the event? So there is such a thing as the Liyue Trainer Competition. Hey, there must be tens of thousands of spectators in this stadium...What, A Ying, you said that there is a more intense super competition that is over? The champion is a traveler... Then I have to watch the video carefully!"

"This "Tivat Music" is interesting and interesting, and this song "The Goal is a Pokémon Master!" sings a sense of youth with dreams...Ah! Is it actually the lead singer of Barbatos?"

"Aying, this "Elf Auto Chess" looks very interesting, teach my sister how to play chess! (ow`o)~"

When Inazuma Raijin of the previous generation was immersed in the infinite fun of the online world.

It is still the rice wife from 500 years ago.


This world line is slightly different from the world line of the death of Huzhai Palace.

If you insist on dividing the front and back.

Facing the "Dark Tide".

In the case that the rice wife and twin demon gods are not at home.

In order to resist the Kuroshio, Huzhai Palace was the first high-ranking guardian who gave his life.


Lei Movie went to Kanria, saw his dying sister, sent Raiden away, got the "Dream One Heart" naginata, and returned to Inazuma.

At this time, Inazuma was still submerged by the endless black tide.

Fortunately, Huzhai Palace sacrificed his life in a desperate fight, killing many high-level monsters, and the momentum of the Kuroshio eased, so that the protective barrier of Narugami Island could not be conquered all at once.

When Lei Movie returned to Daozuma, the enchantment was already crumbling, and there were already infiltrated monsters and beastland hounds all over Naruto Island, wreaking havoc.

Killing, gore...  

Screaming, blazing...  

Lei Movie's return is very strong, with her extremely high force value, she repelled these stragglers by herself [and found Tiger Chiyo, Wubaizang, Yingxiang Masterzhong and other high-level officials.

Lead the army to fight back!

Beat the Kuroshio into a mess and retreat into the abyss...

Not only that.

With grief in his heart, Lei Ying almost entered the chaotic ancient country of Kanria by himself.

At this time, the only one who can follow Lei Yingying is Hu Chiyo, a general of the ghost clan with superb martial arts.


The long knife chopped off the head of a high-ranking monster.

Yuyu Chiyo Kisaragi's face was full of murderous aura, and the black and dirty blood of monsters dripped from the sword.

At this moment.

The Kuroshio in front suddenly expanded rapidly, and a snake-tailed veil of the world emerged.

Its personality is even close to that of a demon god.

Its body seemed to be able to cover the sky and block out the sun, and its devilish energy overflowed, and it swallowed Miko Chiyo into its mouth in one gulp.


Miyu Chiyo resisted desperately, and the sword pierced deeply into the upper jaw of the monster's abyss.

The tiger-bodied and snake-tailed beast struggled in pain.

Its tongue is like a snake letter.

Wrapped around Miko Chiyo's waist, I'm going to drag the ghost girl into my abdomen!

According to the established fate line...  

Her name "Tora Chiyo" is precisely because after being swallowed by a beast outside the world, she tore open the chest of the monster. After surviving, she was talked about and spread by the people of Inazuma.

But the higher the level of the deep beast.

The pollution of the abyss is getting thicker!

How about being swallowed?

Because of this, Yuyu Chiyo was tainted with the dark color of deep sin, and a violently beating samurai heart gradually became dark...

Until her heart was completely blackened and she lost her sanity.

The follow-up is the ghost-man Tora Chiyo depicted in "Summer Mountain Moon Tiger's Gnaw", biting the general's naginata with sharp teeth

Narugami showed his fangs to the Great Palace, and fled after being cut off the arm holding the knife and a sharp horn of the ghost clan.

Fang Ye understands too well.


He holds Miyohyo Chiyo's close-fitting sword, which serves as the anchor point for the backtracking of space-time coordinates, and directly comes to Miyohyo Chiyo's world line polluted by the abyss.

From the source of Miko Chiyo becoming a lunatic, distort the fate line of this ghost girl with a face like the moon!

What a coincidence.

When he arrived, he met Yuyu Chiyo, fighting with a tiger-body and snake-tailed beast, and was caught in the mouth of the giant beast and was about to be swallowed.

"Di Yaluka—" Fang Ye was about to give an order.

Palkia, who has gone back and forth several times and felt bored and didn't play much, has already taken a step ahead.

A "Sky Slash" precisely hit the beast outside the world.

Huge monster of the abyss.

The body is directly cut into equal pieces, piece by piece, as if dismembered by a chef with top-notch knife skills on a chopping board, there is a beautiful artistic sense of killing.

Lost the ultimate move.

Complacent, Palkia said to Dialga: "Hey~"

(You don't understand the art of violence, dude.)


(Your technique is too rough, learn from me!)

Dialga was immediately unhappy:


(better than art? more gorgeous than skills?)

"Ho ho ho!)

(You can do it! Next time the cliff will make you doubt your life!)

When the two Shinhwa brothers were arguing again.

Fang Ye has already used teleportation to catch Miyu Chiyo who fell from the sky with a confused face.


Miyu Chiyo is a ghost girl with black hair and red eyes.

Her complexion is far fairer than that of humans, her face is like a moon, and her appearance and figure are gorgeous.

"Go back."

"There are so many things going on, I can't explain it in one or two sentences, I will talk to you slowly later..."

Fang Ye turned back with Yuyu Chiyo in his arms, and walked into the time wormhole.

Waiting inside the Huzhai Palace.

With Yuyu Chiyo who just came in, stare with big eyes.

"Fox House?"

Yu and Chiyo have the warrior character of a straightforward female man.

Seeing this dead friend of Huzhai Palace, his face was full of disbelief.

The relationship between her and Hu Zhai Palace can be called best friend level.

The two of them once performed magic and Kagura together in front of the imperial court.

When Yu and Qiandai sword dance.

Hu Zhai Palace will drink tea and applaud without stopping.

I had already decided to bid farewell to relatives and friends, as well as Dao's wife, Huzhai Palace. Seeing a close friend here, I was also a little excited:


"They're all back!"

On the way home, I listened to Fang Ye and Hu Zhai Gong's explanation.

Yu and Chiyo were stunned:

"So, will I be polluted by the abyss?"

"In the end, (Zhao's) heart and soul were dyed black...even drew his sword at the general, baring his fangs..."

She murmured and took a deep breath, looking at Fang Ye with a look of gratitude as much as she could, and there was also an unexplainable subtle emotion in her eyes.

This touch of emotion, Hu Zhai Palace observed delicately.

Laughing jokingly at Fang Ye:

"Master Fang Ye."

"It seems that my title of "Inazuma's No. 1 Arsonist" will belong to you in the future.

Fang Ye responded sharply to the white fox's joke:

"how about you?"

"Fox House Palace."

"I'm your savior, how are you going to thank me?"

Hu Zhai Gong is also an elegant and interesting strange woman, not only is she not ashamed when she hears the words, but she admits it generously Seven:

"An outstanding and great man like you, Master Fang Ye, anyone will have a good impression of you.

"Our Narujin Taisha Shrine does not have a rule that witches cannot have a family."

If Master Fang Ye is willing, I am also very happy!"

As he said that, Hu Zhai Palace had the free and easy look of a talented woman, blinking golden pupils at Fang Ye, and smiling like a flower.

(PS: ask for monthly tickets, flowers and full booking!).

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