Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt

Chapter 205: All The Executive Officers Of The Fools Appear, The PokéMon In Huasan!

"He...resurrected a demon god?"

The hustle and bustle and hot discussion even spread to the Winter Kingdom at the other end of the Tivat continent after several countries.

I don't know how long it has been since the last time all the executive officers of fools were summoned.

The commander of the Fools, Piero the Harlequin, is a tall and burly old man with a metal mask covering his right face.

He stood at the top of the meeting room of the Headquarters of Fools.

Except "clown".

The executive officers of the Fools present are:

"Girl" Columbia.

"Rooster" Puccinera.

"The Rich" Pantalone.

"Servant" Arechino.

"Captain" Capitano.

"Puppet" Sandogene.

"Doctor" Dottore.

Of course, these names are all their respective aliases within the executive officers of the Fools.

For example, the "stragglers" in the sixth seat, among the fools, are also called Scaramucci.


Except skirmishers, sons and ladies.

All the eleven executive officers of the Fools were present.

Each of them has their own exclusive trainer illustration book in their hands.

After all, the headquarters of the Adventurers Association is in the Kingdom of Winter, and there are many ways for foolish executives to obtain illustrations.


Every executive turned on Ying Champion's live broadcast room and watched the group chat interface on the live broadcast room.

"Doctor" Dottore stared at Fang Ye's highlighted red text in the group and spoke:

"The common sense in the world thinks that the gnosis of God is the "seven-five-zero" consciousness of the divine knowledge that cannot be understood by rationality.

"After conquering the eyes of God, he will take a new step."


"Doctor" paused for a moment before sighing and admiringly saying:

"However, the actions of the store manager Fang Ye cannot be explained by the sacred knowledge of the gods at all.

"Summon Liyue and Daozuma's ecological zone!"

"Countless lives from other lands, those Pokémon, have multiplied and inhabited on Tivat since then!"

"And now...

"He can transcend time and space, return to the world line of five hundred years, and save Lei Dian's true destiny?"

"It's unbelievable! A dead Raiden ruled, and he was resurrected!"

Among the 8 executive officers present, I am afraid that none of the "doctors" have the right to speak in terms of research and discussion of the technology in the field of gods.

The research of "Doctor" has already involved blasphemy, even killing a demon god..

As for the residue of the demon god, there are experimental bodies and related results early on.

for example.

Ke Lai from Sumi Kingdom is one of the few outstanding experimental subjects who did not have any adverse reactions immediately after being implanted with the demon god residue.

But "Doctor" itself is also a crazy existence.

His body has long been transformed into a demon, so he split into countless 'slices'

Each 'slice' is like Amon wearing a monocle, with an independent mind and independent behavioral logic.

"Captain" Capitano looked up from the picture book screen and glanced at "Doctor":


"Inaozuma's God's Heart, from the last live broadcast."

"It was obviously treated as an exchange by Thor, and now it is in the hands of the store manager Fang Ye.

The top "clown" Piero said in a deep voice:

"We will seize the power of the gods."

"This rice wife's heart of God must be obtained.

"Rich Man" Pantalone is smiling, this is a terrible squinting young male:

"Oh? If it's a deal, I can serve as a special envoy, go to Daozu, and have an interview with the store manager Fang Ye in person.

"Doctor" speaks:

"Take more demon god residues over there."

"The store manager Fang Ye should be interested in these 'resources', not Mora..."

"Rooster" Pucciniella, with a strange voice, glanced at the research fanatic "Doctor":

"You really haven't studied Pokémon slices?"

"Are you really not curious about the authority of those mythical Pokémon? Not interested?"

"Doctor" said with a smile:

"We are to fight against the law of heaven and overthrow the order of Sky Island, so we gather under the banner of the noble Ice Queen."

"Nowadays, there is no need to provoke an enemy who is comparable to Tianli, or even more magnificent than Tianli."

Piero, the "clown" at the top, agrees, too.


As a survivor of the Calamity in Kerriya five hundred years ago.

Meet the store manager Fang Ye, go to the world line of the disaster, and save the previous generation of rice wife who fell in the disaster.

"Harlequin" Piero's heart is far less peaceful than it appears on the surface.

In his heart, he was overwhelmed.

in a sense.

As a remnant of Kanria.

Injecting the lost technology and civilization of Kanria into the Kingdom of Winter, it is possible to have the terrifying military power of today's fools.

That "Pride of Mankind" that suddenly shattered, Kanria...

It is the obsession and regret in the hearts of too many Kanria survivors.

If there is direct intervention by Fang Ye's store manager. '

Will Kanria's fate change?

'Then how prosperous and prosperous will the underground world be in this world?

Store Manager Fang Ye doesn't even need to fight against the law of heaven, as long as he... makes His Majesty the king not trust sages and gold so much, and doesn't lift the sarong that aroused the anger of Sky Island...

"The Harlequin" Piero saw Fang Ye's incredible methods.

This moment.

Completely abandoned the idea of ​​fighting against the age of elves and coveting the authority of divine beasts.

Leaving aside Fang Ye's potential to reverse Kerriya's fortunes in the past.

Let’s talk about the mighty power built on his method!

Fools, the two of them.

Even the noble Queen of Winter...

Maybe it's impossible to resist!

Just at this time.

Ying champion's live broadcast room.

The captured "picture in picture", group chat interface, a system prompt pops up:

"Fang Ye (the group owner) started the group chat live broadcast, everyone quickly move the small benches and eat melons to watch~"

Ying immediately opened the live broadcast room.


She was shot in the live broadcast room of Tewat Cheers Station.

Taking pictures of the group chat broadcast room displayed on another device.

Various sand sculpture barrage across:

"Ah, this."

"Picture-in-picture, unlimited matryoshka?"

"Champion Ying is too good at broadcasting group chat live broadcasts, attracting a wave of popularity......"

"Hush! Brother Meng, give it to me!"

"If Ying finds out, turn the camera away and no one will have to see it!"

The faces of the fools and executive officers were all shocked.

After the group chat live broadcast is turned on.

The camera scanned the sisters Lei Dianzhen and Lei Movie one by one.

There are pictures to prove that the twin demon gods of the rice wife have indeed returned to life in a complete state!

There are also Fox Studio Palace, Yuyu Chiyo...

These two high-ranking rice wives who subsequently died due to disasters.

As a person of that era, the Commander "Harlequin" Piero is very familiar with it.

"These old people have also been resurrected."

"Harlequin" said in shock.


One of the reasons why Fang Ye started the live broadcast was that he didn't want to waste saliva and explain too many things.

The evidence of video images is more direct and powerful than countless explanatory words.

Secondly, the resurrected old people draw their first Pokémon and integrate into the age of elves. This is also quite precious video data.

Fang Ye wants to eat melons with everyone to witness.

"My real sister is last."

"In the flowers, you draw first."

Fang Ye made arrangements.

In the flowers.

This mysterious witch who has taken off her fox face mask was featured in close-up for a long time by the group live broadcast.

The bullet screen of the group chatter floats:

"Walnut: Onlookers, eating melons.jpg"

"Ye Lan: There is no information about this witch in my rice wife's information."

"Xiao Gong: In fact, I'm also dumbfounded."

"Kamisato Ayaka: Ah, @神里田人, is there such a maiden at Naruto Shrine? @八重神宫司 Explain it!"

I saw so many questionable messages in the group chat.

Hu Zhai Palace, who was curiously looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, looked interested:

"Are the flowers scattered?"

"She, uh... is my sister.

"You can understand that her fate was also saved by Lord Fang Ye..."

One step away from Huzhai Palace.

Huasanli has already lightly clicked the "Extract" option on his illustrated book.

"who I am?"

The loud electronic sound of the illustrated book resounded through the rest area of ​​the store.

""Flower Therapy Ring"!"

On the picture book screen in Huasan.

It is a strange-looking Pokémon, which is in the shape of a wreath as a whole.

At the scene, everyone gathered around curiously.

Hu Zhai Palace: "Wreath?"

Raiden was really surprised: "Pokémon can still grow like this?"

Akage, Miko and Miko Chiyo also commented one after another.

Fang Ye coughed, attracting the attention of everyone including the group members in the live broadcast room and countless viewers in Ying's live broadcast room.

"This garland is actually just a decorative embellishment, and Pokémon picks fresh flowers for decoration.

"Its body, here—"

Fang Ye's finger pointed at the wreath circle, a small hamster-sized fairy with a green body and an orange face.

"This little thing is its goblin body."

"Don't look at it as small."

"In fact, it is already a complete body, and there is no need to evolve."

"On this wreath, it is connected in series by its fairy vines. Those flowers will be activated after the bodily fluids are firmly attached to the vines."

"These activated petals, the aroma they emit, has the effect of healing!"

"Typically, flower therapy rings are used in Pokémon Centers and hospitals to help heal people and Pokémon with their aromas..."

Treat Pokémon!

Listening to Fang Ye's explanation, the house, including Huasanli, is full of women, and their eyes are brighter.

The high value of the team's auxiliary nurse + activated garland.

Proper appearance is responsible!

The key is.

It is also extremely comfortable to let the 'Flower Therapy Ring' be like a Pokémon wreath decoration, to be around or worn on your head without receiving the poke ball all day long.

"That's all!"

In Hua Sanli's big eyes, there was also a twinkle of surprise.

She was originally a strange obsessive existence born of "Shen Ying Da Xi".

He has a great spiritual obsession with the healing god Sakura.

Although the current form of existence has been fundamentally reversed, after the existence of real life.

However, Hua Sanli probably still has a certain preference for "treatment" and "healing".

Fang Ye also smiled: "Okay."

"Actually, I don't suggest you smoke another one."

"This 'Flower Therapy Ring' has a particularly high qualification of 4.2, and it will be the main force of your team after being cultivated."

Although there are only 485 racial values.

And cannot evolve again, mega-evolve or gigantic.

But the upper limit of qualification of this flower therapy ring is impressively the rank of Heavenly King, which is very rare.

match again

The mask in Huasan has great hopes of breaking through the limit and becoming a champion-level 'Flower Therapy Ring'!

At the champion stage, the racial value is low? Then just continue to feed treasures that increase individual attributes.

A championship main force is worth spending more resources on!

Fang Ye winked at Hua Sanli.

Huasanli is already an employee under his command, more like his own than his own.

But during the live broadcast, look, let’s do this:

"Chenghui, I will charge you 5 million moras."

Hua Sanli was stunned for a while.

It's still Huzhai Palace who understands people's hearts and has rich experience. The big sister Baihu knows what's going on, so she suppresses a smile:

"I'll help my sister check out later."

With this sentence, the process has passed, Fang Ye nodded, and brought out the flower therapy ring in the flower box from the cultivation room'.

This fairy-type Pokémon, which can fly by itself, follows Fang Ye.

It finally showed up.

After witnessing the "real thing", a group of women in the house were amazed.

In the group chat, everyone is also brushing the barrage:

"So cute~@^_^@)~"

"I declare that Pokémon with good looks will always have a place in my team!"

"Hehehe, looks are everything, right?"

(PS: ask for monthly tickets, flowers and full booking!).

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