Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt

Chapter 221: Completely Publicize The Gymnasium And Badges To The Public! The First Badge Collection

A seductive woman with long pink-purple hair had her hands on her hips and shook her hair:


A handsome and aggressive man with blue hair made a special attack gesture:



"We are Team Rocket traveling through the galaxy! A white tomorrow is waiting for us!!"

at the feet of the two.

It is a very special Pokémon "Meow" who can speak human words.


Xiao Zhi, who he plays, has question marks all over his head.

And the people nearby, including Xiaoxia.

It's all a flustered expression:

"Team Rocket..."

"It's Team Rocket's terrorist attack!"

In the live broadcast room of the stragglers.

Tivat audience collectively: ???


Did something go wrong?

Is it the wrong way to open it......

Are these two members of Team Rocket?

Why is it so full of joy and amusing atmosphere, without any sense of tension of a terrorist attack!

"I can't believe that these two...are members of the Rockets!"

"Who would believe it!"

"It's outrageous, the evil organization Team Rocket, in the game's promotional video, is simply full of characters."

"In the promotional video, since Team Rocket captures Dream and obtains Dream's gene, then reorganizes the beast's gene, and creates a man-made beast like "Super Dream"..."

"If we put it in Tivat, isn't that beyond the fools? We must know that the people can't create a real demon god!"

"But look at these two people, do they have the aura of an evil organization operative?"

Speechless opening lines.

It seems that it comes with a joyful and funny BGM.

Miaomiao, Musashi and Kojiro made their debut in front of the people of Tivat...

It's like being labeled as "funny"!

It's so classic.....

Fang Ye is also in the live broadcast room of Skirmishers.

There is no way.

Skirmishers are too capable.

In other words, skirmishers have neither a heart nor an organ such as a liver.

It is the life of a puppet, and it is no problem to stay in the game world all day long, even for hundreds of years, without sleeping or resting.

He was already ahead of the progress, but with such courage, the progress is far ahead of the entire network!

Fang Ye as "Gou Planner".

Of course, you have to pay attention to the game dynamics of "No. 1 Gaowan" in real time.

At the Fairy Center in Tokiwa City.

Not surprisingly!

Xiao Zhi, played by the skirmisher, finally made a funny trio with the Rockets, and they have a bad relationship ever since.

Musashi and Kojiro each released their Pokémon!

It's Arbor Snake, Gas Bomb!

Xiaoxia followed suit and threw the elf ball.

A horned goldfish thumped and struggled on the ground.

Xiaoxia was surprised when she saw this:

"Eh? Horned goldfish can't fight on land?"

Skirmishers continue:??

The audience was also full of black lines.

It turns out that this young lady is also a colored pencil.

But the war is about to break out.

Kojiro ordered:

"Gas bombs, use "poison gas"!"

chi chi---

Thick poisonous gas suddenly spread violently in the central hall of the elves.


"Hmm...this gas? Will it explode?"

Xiao Zhi, played by the skirmisher, is not at all like a trainer who just debuted at the age of 10, with a calm face and no nonsense.

He smelled the gas, his face changed slightly, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"very good----"

"The concentration will soon reach a critical point".!"

Skirmishers act as executive officers of the Fools.

It can be said that the experience of terrorist attacks should not be too rich. He has been hiding in Daoqi for hundreds of years, and he does not know how many conspiracies he has planned.

Don't think of him as a 10-year-old Xiaozhi!

Even with the poisonous gas of the gas bomb, a wave of Aber Snake was launched to cooperate with the attack.....

The stragglers have also predicted the movement trajectory of the Arbor Snake!

"Get out of the way."

He mercilessly pushed Xiaoxia who was in a daze.

chi chi!

Arbo Snake hid its whereabouts in the poisonous mist, but the poisonous needle easily locked them in the mist.

Poison needle failed!

When Xiaoxia's face turned pale.

The straggler suddenly turned his head to look at her. On the face of his ten-year-old boy "Xiao Zhi", there was an evil smile:

"If I were you, I would run away now.


"Will be a grand spark!"

After the straggler finished speaking, he immediately started and ran towards the emergency passage.

Affected by the poisonous gas, Xiaoxia choked to the point of tears, barely following behind the skirmishers.

At the mouth of the passage.

The skirmisher gave a cold order to Pikachu sitting on his shoulder:

"it's time."

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"


This skinny spirit, full of vigor, directly fired the electro-optical bottle at the hall shrouded in thick fog.

Open fire, meet extremely dense gas!


The flames that exploded in an instant flooded the emergency escape route.

This last scene.

The stragglers left without looking back.

It fell into the eyes of the Tivat audience in the live broadcast room.

Quite some real men never look back at the explosive masculine aura!

"We'll be back—"

The trio of Miaomiao, Musashi, and Kojiro were blown away by the explosion and turned into black dots in the air.

As for the outside, the stragglers and Xiaoxia who had successfully escaped looked up at the main building of the Elf Center whose roof had been lifted off by the explosion.

Xiaoxia and the trainers around her were dumbfounded.

Only the stragglers who instructed Pikachu to fire an "open flame" to blow up the gas were particularly cold and quiet.

In the studio.

The barrage is raging, and the Tivat audience who ate a wave of melons are excited:

"Hold the grass, 6666!"

"This plot, this development, the beginning and the end in just a few minutes, I would like to call it Instant Noodles!"


"Aren't these NPCs in the virtual elf world stupid? I think the funny style of passers-by and the cold style of stragglers playing the male lead are simply not the same channel!"

"That's right, are those two rocket team operators evil? In a closed space, let the gas bomb without leaving any room, and release the gas stored in the body? Wisdom extinguish․jpg!"

"This novice-level meal operation [I can describe it as blowing myself up!"

Fang Ye clicked his tongue.

Skirmishers are worthy of being "high play".

After the sparrow checkpoint.

Facing the Rockets trio for the first time.

Is it actually the perfect play of the S rating?

You know, in the original animation, it was Xiaozhi who blew up the entire elf center with the furious Pishen before resisting the Rockets' attack.

The response of the stragglers this time fits perfectly with the original work. Among the many customs clearance methods, the response is the closest to the "plot killing" of the original work.

After blowing up the elf center.

To the surprise of the Tivat audience.

Miss Junsha, who came later, not only did not torture the stragglers who bombed the street.

Instead, he highly praised the bravery of the stragglers who stood up to resist the terrorist attack of the Rockets.

Fang Ye smiled.

His plan is set up with "city favorability", or the prestige system of cities and regions.

Of course, it is hidden, and the player cannot view the specific value.

However, these changes are very intuitive.

Just like skirmishers.

After solving a terrorist attack by Team Rocket.

Miss Junsha is very fond of Xiaozhi played by him.

Many passers-by NPC trainers also whispered about him.

Later, the stragglers handed Pikachu to Miss Joey for treatment.

The service enthusiasm of Ms. Joy and Lucky Egg is also unprecedentedly high......

Leaving the treatment table, a passerby trainer took the initiative to find the stragglers:

"You are so powerful."

"Easy to kill the backbone of the Rockets."

"I think you will be able to successfully challenge the gymnasium in Viking City!"

"Get the Tokiba Badge!"


"Acquired new career information—challenge gyms and collect gym badges."

The stragglers only joined the group a few days ago.

As for gymnasium gymnasium badges, he has little knowledge of them due to limited information channels.

"Challenge gym?"

"Collect badges?"

The straggler whispered.

Xiaoxia was surprised at the side: "Don't you know?"

"Trainers need to use gym badges to prove their excellence."

"Just like."

"If you successfully challenge the 8 gymnasiums in the Kanto area, you will be eligible to participate in the Quartz Conference!"

When the stragglers were thinking.

A color SC barrage suddenly popped up in his live broadcast room.

"Fang Ye (Era Creator): Gym is the elite road that any trainer must embark on."

"Viridian Gym."

"Known as the most difficult gym in the Kanto area!"

"If you are a fledgling and successfully challenged the Changpan gymnasium, you must be the undisputed number one player on the entire network......

Fang Ye's barrage is purely out of spite.

Challenge the Viking Gym?

In the animated version, Zhiye finally challenged the Viking Gym after collecting the other 7 badges.

That was because the real owner of the Viking Pan Gym, Mr. Sakagi, was not there.

Musashi and Kojiro were entrusted to act as guest hosts temporarily, so that Zhiye won the eighth badge, which is suspected of serious release.


He planned and designed this cross-generation masterpiece for Gou.

Then brag about openness, freedom.

Naturally, players can skip the route of the original version of Xiaozhi, and choose to play the Viking Gym at the beginning of the game!

And I saw Fang Ye's aggressive rewards and barrage.

The stragglers felt some kind of ""God's gaze""!

He took a deep breath, answered Fang Ye's barrage, and said seriously:

"Is it Viridian Gym?"


"Since you have said so, Manager Fang Ye, I will be the first clearer of the Viking Gym in the entire network!"

Fang Ye looked at the live broadcast room, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and secretly said that he was very ambitious.

I just watch you Shilipo Sword God quietly.

How long do you have to stay in the Viridian Forest! How many levels have you reached!

And at the same time.

This is also an opportunity to thoroughly expose the gym and badge system!

"Fang Ye (creator of the era): I would like to inform everyone in the live broadcast room that the first gymnasium in the history of Teyvat will soon be completed in Liyue Port.

"Follow-up, Liyue is expected to roll out the gymnasium to towns of all sizes in the region within a month or two!"

"I announce that the 1st (Zhao Li's) Liyue Badge Collection Event will be officially held for a period of two months. …

"After the event time expires."

"The top ten trainers who have successfully collected the badges of all gymnasiums in the Qi Liyue area will receive a copy of the 'Future Promising Gift Box' specially customized by me!"

The big gift box that can be expected in the future.......

See the eye-catching color barrage from Fang Ye.

This moment.

I don't know how many Tivat people, swallowing their saliva wildly, never expected to get such explosive information while watching the live broadcast.

Especially, when Fang Ye reposted the content of "Future Promising Gift Box".

Everyone can't sit still!

"A SR Purple Miracle Egg (Guaranteed Royal Sanjia)"

"An evolutionary treasure (optional)"

"A wearable Pokémon equipment (SR)"

"Hold the grass?"

"This reward is no worse than the top ten in the Super Tournament!"

"Gym racing! Master is coming!"

"@Fang Ye store manager, as a member of Liyue, I am tearful and excited at the moment, let Master Ningguang and Master Keqing build all the gymnasiums in the area, I can't wait, let's get to know each of them!"

at the same time.

The news also spread to the whole network like a hurricane.

In group chat.

"Ajiu (Ruo Tuo Long Wang): Meow meow meow? @Kunjun[You actually became the gymnasium owner of Liyonggang?"

"Zhongli: Congratulations."

"Xiangling: (Paimeng Daobi.jpg), ah, this, a clone of Dragon King Ruo Tuo, has become the Gym Master of Liyue Port? Represents part of the glory of trainers in Liyue Port?]

(PS: ask for monthly tickets, flowers and full booking!).

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