Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt

Chapter 399: The Birth Of The Short Film Dream Of The Night! Not Enough Big Reunion, Family Carnival

"Laziness": If you use a skill, you will rest in the next round.


The scene fell silent.

Those who did not come to the scene, the people who followed in the group chat, saw the characteristic information posted by the store manager Fang Ye, and fell silent.

The straggler was surprised: "This next round will rest......"

Walnut pondered: "Emmm, in terms of the turn-based system of "Pokémon Legend", that is, if you use a skill, you must go and lie down in the next round?"

My heart was stunned:

"The game belongs to the game, this sentence, this feature, how will it unfold in reality?"

Goro hesitated and said:

"Probably, it's because it fell asleep right after the elf ball was released, laying down lazily, and the trainer can't do anything about it whether it listens to the command or not?"

The maid Noelle said in shock:

"The characteristics of Pokémon rarely have such a negative effect!"

"Because of the characteristic of "laziness". "

"No wonder Wang Mingming, who asked for leave, has 670 racial points, but he can't even be rated as a quasi-god!"

Noelle's words were the group chatter's regret for the leave king.

Lazy, lie flat.

No matter how strong the combat power is.

That's also very unstable.

It is also true to put it on the beast.

If super-powerful first-level gods such as Likongzuo and Wujitai had this "lazy" characteristic, then the overall combat power evaluation would be greatly reduced, and it would be impossible to evaluate a first-level god at all.

"Wendy: Tsk tsk, what a wonderful flower!"

"Nashida: With Bennett's 'traveling frog'-like Absolu, and the lazy character of this leave king, the world of elves is really full of wonders."

"Lei Movie: What is gained is what is lost, which is very reasonable."

"Zhongli: (sigh) 6"173" 70 race points, what a pity."

Fang Ye saw the people in Tewat, chatting about it.

All kinds of sighs and sighs can be heard endlessly.

He thought it was funny.

Asking for the name of a fake king is like thunder on Blue Star.

An extremely powerful elf with 670 race points, but lost to the lazy trait.

It’s okay in turn-based battles, only one move can be launched every 2 rounds, but it only limits the quick attack style of play.

It might not be possible to use the built-in 'rapid return' skill to quickly rotate and form tactics.

After a wave of explosive output, it will end.

But unfortunately, the leave king in the game cannot learn these skills.

But if in reality.

Some Tivat trainers bred a leave king, and learned the skills of those quick rotations.

It can greatly compensate for the instability of the leave king.

As for the picture book of the king of leave, Fang Ye also has it. Although no group members have been drawn for the time being, he is the store manager and elf promoter.

You can upload and share to group chats according to your mood in any illustrated book.

"Leave leave king, general type, afraid of trouble Pokémon

Trait: lazy

Racial value: 670

He usually lives lying down, and waits until the surrounding grass is eaten up before turning over and moving elsewhere.

Although it is the most foolish Pokémon in the world, it can exert amazing power by releasing the accumulated energy at once.


This is a picture book for display and popular science.

Once posted.

It made everyone in Tivat argue endlessly.

Hu Tao shouted: "Heaven! It can only be said that he was killed by the characteristic!"

Xinhai pondered: "Looking at the description in the illustrated book, it seems that the king of asking for leave is not useless. If I can guide him to release the ultimate blow of accumulated power, I think it will have the effect of destroying heaven and earth!"

Goro pinched his nose and said:

"But the problem is, this "lazy" feature, in reality, who would know what it looks like?"

"Take the "Ring Collision" competition just now!"

"Whoever dares to invite the leave king to participate, the leave king dares to sleep in front of the official live broadcast camera!"

"The trainer's instructions and the noise from the outside world may not affect the leave king at all!"

Many people nodded upon hearing this.

The sense of sight is too strong.

Let's take part in the competition? Just show it to the trainer!

Originally, the leave king was exposed by Fang Ye incidentally through the "Ring Bump", a sumo-like strongman match.

After realizing that Wang Wang is not a competitive player at all.

The momentum of the discussion immediately weakened a lot.

"Hu Tao: (kissed proudly) Qiang Qiang, come and congratulate the hall master! I have successfully won the championship of a sports event!"

"Dadalia: Hugh is crazy, let's see me win the 'Snowball Throwing' event!"

"Xiang Ling: (Bright debut.jpg) The cross-country relay competition is about to start~ I sent three speed elves to participate in this event, no one can beat me for the championship?"

First day of competition.

Finished off with a cross-country relay.

This project not only tests the speed, but also tests the endurance of Pokémon.

The race results are counted by the total number of laps, and the first to complete 12 laps will get the first place.

What is the concept of this 12 circles?

The length of a circle, the runway, starts from the bottom of Tianheng Mountain in the suburb of Lisha, to the gate of the mining area in the rock giant abyss, and then turns back from the remote mountain road south of Qingxu Pu.

All in all, as an owner of the Eye of God, it would be exhausting to sprint for such a circle. Fortunately, he is an elf, and his physique is scary.


The cross-country relay race ended.

Xiangling won the championship.

The championship commemorative photo she posted in the group.

Beside them are a few exhausted elves.

In the evening, Liyue's main store.

Wendy hiccupped, drunk, and Zhongli, Nasida, and Lei Movie finished the first day's victory celebration banquet and returned to the main store together.

Fang Ye quietly left in the middle of the banquet and returned to the main restaurant early.


The four officials found out that Fang Ye was cutting videos in the house, so they came up one after another.

In fact, the video was just edited and produced.

With his back to them, Fang Ye stretched.

I saw it on the laptop.

The video title has been edited

"Short Film: Night Dream"!

"You guys are here."

Fang Ye turned around and greeted the rulers, "It's a good time to come, please help me appreciate this short film and see if there are any problems."

After all, it does not wait for the rulers to respond.

Just tap the space lightly.

The video starts playing.

The BGM with Liyue's characteristics sounded.

The brightly lit night scene of Liyue Harbor appeared on the screen.

The lens zooms in.

To the streets decorated with lights.

Traveler Ying and Paimon are walking on the street...

The screen turns sharply!

Throwing towards the long stairs in Liyue Harbor.

Hu Tao, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Chongyun are good friends with smiles on their faces...


It is a picture of Gan Yu and Ke Qing handing out to children at the sea lantern festival pier.

Sisters Jean and Barbara just walked behind them.

On the bell tower, Beidou, Xiaogong, and Yae Shenzi are looking at the lights of Wanjia.

Downstairs, the Shinri brothers and sisters of the club are walking across the street.

Keli played with Qiqi.

Abedo followed the sound of frying fish to find someone.

Xumi profiteer Dolly is setting up a stall, and next to her is Mona who is running a water divination booth.

Sano, Kelai, and Tinari are in the bustling streets.

And in the elegant restaurant.

Wendy held up a Monde-style wine glass, yelled, and invited Zhongli, Naxida, and Lei Yingying, who were at the same table, to toast.

The other three rulers all had smiles on their faces and raised wine glasses representing different cultures.


Suddenly, the fireworks exploded.

Countless sky lanterns rose from Liyue Harbor.

It constitutes a dream-like grand scene of the Lantern Festival!

A character who has appeared before, or who has not.

No matter where they are in Liyue Port.

At this time, they all looked up at the fireworks exploding in the sky, and at the lanterns floating in the night sky.

One by one looked confused and shocked.

After watching "Short Film: Dream of the Ming Night".

Wendy woke up drunk, and said in a startled manner: "Hold the grass, yes, Manager Fang Ye, just now you took advantage of our celebration banquet [to capture all the shots of us gathering together in the hand forest and make it into a video?"

Zhong Li was also deeply moved by the atmosphere of everyone spending the Lantern Festival together in the short film:

"Such a grand event in the world is full of reunion and happiness."

Lei Movie narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled softly:

"Who said it wasn't?"

"Since my sister, Huzhai Palace and the others came back, I have lived every festival in a peaceful manner, and I don't have any regrets in my heart."

Hearing this, Zhong Li was startled, and then fell into a long silence.

How could everyone not know what Zhong Li thought of.


Fang Ye clicked to upload, and after the "Short Film: Dream of the Night" was released simultaneously on the entire elf network.

Stand up and stretch a long lazy waist.

"Aying, you reminded me."

"There are still shortcomings in this short video, sorry."

"Not enough family reunion."

"So, I'm busy again!"

Say it.

Fang Ye stretched out his hand to Dijun:

"Where is the salt crystal of Heulia, the demon god of salt? Zhongli, have you found it?"

Zhong Li took out a piece of salt crystal at the fastest speed in his life, and handed it to Fang Ye.

He knows clearly...

Manager Fang Ye asked for Heulia's salt crystal, what does it represent?

This is to reopen the space-time vortex, return to the past world line, and save Heulia, the demon god of salt!

Of course, not long ago, store manager Fang Ye revealed his intention to rescue the Demon God of Dust and the Demon God of Salt together.

Therefore, it is difficult for Zhongli to calm down.

Fang Ye summoned Dialga and Palkia, opened the space-time vortex and disappeared.

The four rulers witnessed Fang Ye once again harnessing the power of time and space to go away.

Zhong Li's mood is hard to calm down: "I hope...everything goes well!

Wendy patted him on the shoulder and winked:

"It's rare to see you so anxious."

Zhong Li said: "After all, it is my partner who established Liyue after all."

"Understood, fully understood!"

Wendy clicked her tongue:

"However, Heulia, the demon god of salt, has been rescued. I'm afraid that with the character of this demon god, he will be one of Fang Ye's canaries in the future."

Suddenly, Wendy felt a cold gaze.

He was silent.

They all want to give themselves a big mouth.

Holding the grass, I forgot that Balzeb was already the store manager's concubine, and said in front of her that the store manager's Crystal Palace would add another canary.

Aren't you provoking the sensitive nerves of General Thunder and Lightning?

At the same time, Fang Ye was accompanied by the twin dragons of time and space, traveling against the long river of time and space, and found the time point when the former dust demon god finally fell.

Return to Liyuan!

Here is the birthplace of Liyue.

This world line.

It is in the period of the Demon God War.

The emperor led the immortals to conquer outside.

Returning to the original emptiness, only those who are not strong in combat will stay behind.

One must know that there are many tyrannical demon gods on the land of Liyue.

In the end, in terms of combat power, they belonged to the bottom group among demon gods.



Among the demon gods, there are those with superior intelligence, those who are good at internal affairs and farming.

There are also muscular ones who only know endless fighting.

Zhongli belongs to the very small number of demon gods who have both force and wisdom.

However, in the end, it belongs to the demon god who only has wisdom but lacks force.


At this time, there is not only one demon god who stole the house.

They've obviously conspired.

Taking advantage of the emptiness of returning home to steal the house.


Wanton laughter resounded through this primitive human city.

This is a demon god with bat wings. Its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

Countless vampire mephits, descendants of this demon god, wreaked havoc among the human houses in Guiliyuan, harvesting the lives of the first Liyue people.

In the end, it was restrained by the other two demon gods.

She couldn't break free in the air.

Witnessing that the city of human civilization that she and Zhongli had exhausted their efforts and finally built was about to be destroyed in a short catastrophe.

After all shed tears of blood and hoarse voice:

"Zhongli and I signed a 1.5 contract to protect the people together!"

"Today I return to the people of Liji, and they all live and work in peace and contentment..."

"Those who destroy this industry——"

"I will fight with my life and blood!!"

The voice fell.

In the end burn power.

Immediately, Gui Liyuan blew up black dust all over the sky, and the rocks were smashed to pieces by the dust.

To restrain the two demon gods who died.

Seeing that he was going to explode himself in the end, he fled in a hurry.

Demon God's self-explosion is not a joke.

Although after all, the combat power is very low.

But the devil god is here.

If you can't kill them, you will be seriously injured.

"Old Bat, slip away.

"That's right, Guiliji is already in ruins, and Harentus is about to die."

"We should go!"

The two demon gods hurriedly greeted the bat demon god who was collecting the lives of the people in the harvest.

Just at this time.

Black dust filled the sky above Guiliyuan.

Suddenly, a darker and deeper hole opened.

A young man, with two strange lives, came out from the opening in the sky, overlooking Guiliyuan on the ground, Guiliji, which was about to become ruins.

He sighed softly:

"Fortunately, it's late, but it's not too late!"

The house-stealing demon god trio gathered together.

Qi Shua Shua was surprised.

"Who are you?!"

Guiliyuan's immortals and allies did not have this one.

Who came to the rescue at this time.

Moreover, this young man does not have the slightest aura of a demon god.

On the contrary, the two strange beings beside him had terrifying personalities and authority, which made the House Thief Demon Group tremble from the soul.


"Subspace Slash!".

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